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Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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No Rest For The Wicked: Volume 2 Empty No Rest For The Wicked: Volume 2

Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:29 pm
Wicked Intentions::

Kirigak-, Neo-Kirigakure no Sato. One of the last Legacy Villages throughout the world, home to countless Shinobi who have proven feats that have lasted the gears of time. It was as vast and boundless as one could assume, any piece of literature paying homage to the lands surrounded by Mist. Beauty aside, foreign territory shares a common trait amongst all who find their footing within its grasp: You won't ever really know where you are. 

'Tired' was a repeated symptom for Wan Senju, the Deserter of the World finding himself roaming throughout the various islands that made up the border of Water Country. His home was indeed inside this very realm, and as such he would constantly be flooded with memories of the past. Some things remain the same, although the majority will change as life will forever continue its forwarding motion of continuance, regardless of how long The Wayfarer was hiding away. A few days earlier Wan had escaped from a Prison located on a remote Island nearby. Much distance had been covered since then, although fatigue would never have a true moment of recovery since he was constantly on the move. Minor breaks here and there- occasional fox-holes to hastily eat foraged food. Whenever he would come across small outposts he would do his best to blend in, sometimes using his Transformation Technique to disguise himself as an earlier remembered 'Commoner' before he would be within view of anyone to see. Not being discovered right now was everything to him, it was the key to allowing him enough time to regain his strength. 

The Mist was always abundant in the Land of Water, thicker in some places than it were in others, but always plentiful. During the day he would constantly shift his location, moving within the secrecy of locals or having to stick to treetops and canopies for a more covert travel. He was rarely given the time to change his clothes, but there was enough water around him to afford him multiple bathes per day. Food was a common lack of the young man, his foraging skills having improved due to not having bowls of ramen readily available. If needed he would eat the occasional cricket, but nothing else would draw his interest as he would only eat them for decent protein intake. His hydration seemed to be fine since most of the vegetation itself contained high concentrations of water. He tried not to drink too much of it to monitor his salt intake: Hyper-tension wasn't just a Jutsu guys, it's a real ailment in the Shinobi world. His health was important, knowing how a well-honed body and mind would ultimately affect the potency of any Ninja. During his abandoning, he spent very little time physically practicing what he knew because there were so many other unanswered questions revolving around. He had awakened a new power, granted by the Uchiha blood that was now etched into his genetic code. Gifted to I'm by Kenshin and unlocked fully by following the guidelines with Fu, he had managed to awaken what was known to few at the time as the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Wan pictures the darkened hotel room of Suna that very night, the weight of a sleeping Fu within his arms as the both of them slept heavily within a cushioned chair. "Fu." he would smile, a name and face he had not known for quite some time. 

Following his chain of memories would sometimes cause him to end up in areas he was not destined for. During the nights, he rested. As best he could he would find the most secluded areas he could and camp out there, sometimes digging small dens in which he could crawl and catch some 'Z's'. Most of the time the nights were peaceful, sounds of vibrant wildlife croaking in the distance while moonlight would gently dim his area of rest for the remaining hours. It was during this time he was offered the most time for Self-Reflection, taking upon various forms of meditation as he recollected within him everything he knew. "It's's all still there." he would softly utter, not molding but simply feeling the flow of Chakra that lay within him. Everything that once felt foreign has now been made domestic. It dawned on him that he carried not one, not two, but three Bloodlines within his body, along with a Dojutsu that was known to be reversed amongst the Gods. "An abomination is a better term." he'd think, a much more fitting title to the complex most might entitle him to. "I have strayed from mercy let alone obtaining blessing. I have a path to walk, I must achieve everything I want." Pictures of manifesting his Village someday would sprout within his head, words shared between him and Mizuki during the summit would echo loudly as he remembers the bonds he forged with such powerful entities. These were the same beings that inspired him to become more. To do more. "I was always there for the young and old..." He would remember his 100-year-old Tau friend, Solomon Ghost, who was reported M.I.A Following an attack on Konoha during his reign as Hokage. That was when he first lost Hope. Dr. Bright's blossoming blossoming and talented Shinobi whose medical prowess did not get its chance to sprout, since they were later struck down during an expedition to Sunagakure. "I've sheltered both the innocent..." his mental voice would paint, illusions of the 3 Genin being attacked by a powerful Rogue Ninja during their training within the Forests of Konoha. Had it not been for Wan hastily dispatching Karruchi, a Hyuuga ROOT operative of Konoha during his election, they would have surely met their fate while he was still been at The Summit. "...and the guilty." Velvetine- a mysterious Kunnochi from unknown lands. Her arrival to Konohagakure came briefly after Wan's, and the nature of her past was as dark and brutal as the chakra she carried. All of the recently named people played a major role in helping him assume the title of Hokage. His mood would shift passive-aggressively, a small frown forming on his face as both hands find their way to his knees, changing slightly the position of his lotus pose. "I've sailed the waters by boat. Traversed the deserts on foot;" his eulogy would continue. "I've been in hospitals...", remembering the behemoth of a hospital hosted in the now-destroyed Sunagakure, the very one in which he first met The Ragdoll himself, the First Kazekage, Kenshin. "...The forest...and now even a Prison.", such as the one in which he escaped located in the same country as he is now. "For most in this life of Ninshu, death is a release, and for some of us it is nothing more than an Abomination.

"Yet, here I stand, having so far conquered them all."

Not once since his departure from Sunagakure has he had the chance to revive his sanity. The dark ages of the past are long gone, however, it was common here that there was always trouble brewing somewhere. Whatever powers held control today are most likely formidable rulers, capable of mustering up both manpower and wealth to keep their respected nations sated. Politics never joyed the Senju, and as such he'd roll over for the night in his dugout and rest, waking multiple times throughout his slumber. Waking was a routine for a long time now, 6 A.M every morning, regardless of how long he slept. Depending on how dirty his clothes were we would sometimes wash them in small puddles of water saddled throughout the Island. Didn't need much of it, and what he did have was lightweight material, fitting semi-perfect from the years of wear and tear. He had grown to learn a couple of edible fruits and berries, and light cups of water throughout the day kept him rather energized. Never once did he stop to rest within any area for more than 2 minutes, always narrowing his path to find the quickest way through wherever he needed to go. The presence of Neo-Kiri authorities was strong everywhere, patrols coming in and out whichever way you went. Wan never took a chance to move when they were close, he would always find somewhere to hunker and buckle down. He could've held a Transformation all day, but that would also drain his reserves the same amount. Because of this, it was safer to just wait things out, or if far enough from any sight, turn around and backtrack some. Today was one of those days. Or at least, that's what it should have been.

"Hey, cutie!

Looking over his shoulder startled, Wan could see the nefarious wench who blurted the flirt. The feeling of his stomach dropping hit him, and a small wave of sickness almost made him want to gag. Watching as a young woman paced forward he'd turn to match her direction and wait, raising his hand open and palmed to their eye level as a sign of 'Stop'. "I'm not from here, go away." A simple ask was given and that was enough for Wan to justify walking away. Now in a small trough, Wan would continue to leave the zone, however, this damsel-in-distress didn't seem to be buying what Wan was selling. She followed right behind him, matching every step he took with accuracy. "Don't be like that, dear! You look like you're all by yourself, not from this part of the Mist no doubt. How about 4,000 Ryo to keep you 'protected'." A seller of Organs, she was. Far from the type of medical practices Kenshin and Dr. Bright would perform, but alas any good operation carried with it bad rates of purchase. Wan would stop to face this greedy, bold woman and once again gesture for her to stop. Dressed in a rather common outfit she adorned small pockets on each side of her pants. It was in poor condition, almost as bad as Wan's current gear. Her hair had flow and was slightly messy, with minor split-end failures. Pockets appeared to be holding items but were not large enough to justify anything extremely dangerous. At first glance, she did not appear to be the type of woman her words would claim. The pale skin was enough to let him know she was Native to this country since those who have lived in it since birth usually get this pigment from the Mist itself. The possible Kunnochi looked to be around Wan's age, all facts leading him to think she was yet another missing ninja from the Mist, a main indicator being the now spotted headband around her waist. It bore the mark of The Mist Village with a line across its frame.

A devious smile shown across the woman's face. 

'You want me to leave? 4,000 Ryo and I'll go the other direction! Nice price for a one-night stand, don'tcha think?!'
"Can't be, not dressed like that. What even invokes you to try that type of lifestyle?"

 Standing 5 meters from Wan she'd shift her stance with haste, cocking her left arm back to deliver a swift blow to the head of the Senju. Having been focused in on her, Wan would first take note of her smile, something that's always an indicator of something about to be said or done. Bracing for both words and actions he'd shift his body to the side, facing the left of the path he was trying to retreat on. During those seconds the woman would begin her attack on him, not sensing any chakra Wan would hold his left arm out and lock it into place, forming a fist in his hand. The woman's hit would connect with force, but to the Senju, this felt like nothing more than a tug on the shirt. The bandit would take her right hand and grab his extended arm, grabbing and throwing it downwards in an attempt to trip the Senju. Wan would pivot his body after the pull, the ball of his foot locking into the dirt to stabilize the move she just pulled on him. A kick was flung towards his head, this move having been a response to how well Wan was countering her blows, the two of them now engaged in a show of martial prowess. Having only to duck slightly lower Wan would follow that with a small step back, pulling his body back centered. Still suppressing and refusing to use any chakra he would continue his fight against this robber of men. She would try to deliver a low blow to the groin, but by this point, she was out-leagued in this battle. Catching her foot before it would make contact with his body he would flip her on her back, standing over her he would deliver a single punch to her face, knocking her unconscious. It was over before it began, and could have been avoided if she knew who she would be up against. Wan would give her one last look, the entire encounter taking less than 30 seconds to transpire. "Still under 2 minutes." he would think, the Senju checking his surroundings before retreating into the marshes, heading back into the wild in his current journey of lost destiny. 


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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

No Rest For The Wicked: Volume 2 Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked: Volume 2

Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:36 pm
Wan Senju wrote:
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