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Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Clan Specialty : Ninjustu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 6404

No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost] Empty No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost]

Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:06 pm
*The Voice*: "You've made it this far...don't you think it's a little too late to turn back? Don't tell me you came all this way for nothing."

Taking his first step off of the boat the young boy known as Wan Senju took his first breath in the Land of Fire. The atmosphere seemed much different than the one in Wind Country, particularly the climate, but altogether this was an experience the young prodigy had never been gifted. The pier was much more market-oriented than the one in Wind, Wan finding various vendors of apparel and food the moment he stepped foot of the boat that brought him there. Looking over into the waters he peered deep into his reflection, seeming mesmerized as he began to hear the voice that talked to him.

"Have you ever even considered the consequences of failure?"

"No..." he would think, shocked by hearing a question that seemed to know who he was far too well. He had never contemplated the act of failing, he wanted to be a winner, and thoughts like that were something he felt could not exist alongside each other. It was more-so a wake-up call than anything, shedding an eye-opener on the young boy as he finally begins to understand that every action has a chance to cause failure, something he'd need to take into account more than he previously did. Suddenly another strange presence overlapped him, well, to be honest, it was very familiar. He just didn't expect to feel what he was feeling, and that was the Chakra of Ghost seeming to grow more potent by the second. Was Ghost on his way to him? Did he also catch a boat ride to Fire Country? It wouldn't be the wildest of scenarios, given that the two of them were discussing coming here before Wan made his hasty exit. Standing fully upright, he glanced across the sea in the direction of Wind Country, steadily feeling the chakra signature of his brother grow stronger and stronger. He decided that taking a moment to rest at the docks wouldn't hurt, since if Ghost was on his way here the least he could do is meet him. He probably owed an explanation of why he left so urgently.

So far the lifestyle in Fire Country seemed entirely different than that of Wind Country. Although serving its purpose as a pier/market the area seemed rather...dead. As in not as many people were around, at least not enough to have as much stuff as there was. More goods and water were surrounding Wan than there were people, only about 2 dozen civilians he could count as he waited on a bench next to where his boat had docked. Ever-so often he'd gaze back across the water, keeping his eye out as he waited to see a boat come across the horizon, taking time to talk to the locals as they wander his origins by his attire. He does his best to give very little information on who he was and why he was there, making sure his chakra wasn't emitting at it's fullest potential, just enough for one to assume that he was an academy-level genin. His age helped with this as well. He hoped that Ghost would arrive soon so that the both of them could begin this new journey in Fire Country together, and as they talked about visit Konohagakure to see about continuing their plans they had previously set forth.

[WC: 579]
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost] Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost]

Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:53 pm
Finally he would make it to the borders of fire country. It looked oddly sane. Maybe because the nation was more law and order than chaos. How crazy was that. Ghost would soon walk up to the side of the boat as he looked on. He would take a quick view of the place. Not many people here so that let him know it got dead hours. This was good because he hate making a scene. Ghost would look on as his small boat landed by the dock. The only thing was he got on this boat only a fee hours ago as he walked most of the way. But still he was ok. Soon he would start to feel normal chakra levels but one would stand out." He should be here or at least close by. Best i get going to the leaf village. Wan could be in danger if he go at it along." Ghost would think this to himself.

As his black threads came about he would look up at the sun. As he started his walk to the place of fire. Ironically he didnt know which way. But he was going to find it one way or another. However ad he was walking he would stop as he notice somebody sitting down. He would take a closer look as he got closer. He would see that it was his Brother. Who seem to be in a days. Ghost looked on as a playful frown came across his face. He would walk over to him as ninja like. Looking down at him he would ball his fist up. Then proceed to give him a nuggy." So what Wan you was going to take down the kage of konoha on your own. I swear you senji are as crazy as a Tau. I am helping rather you like it or not got that. On top of that why did you leave me hanging huh? I was waiting on you like a jack ass looking like a jackass. So i hope you got a good excuse if not. These black threads of mines will be going in your ears oh crazy brother of mines." He would look on at him as he said that He truly did want to know why Wan left out of the blue like that. Ghost would start to laugh as he normally do indeed.
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Clan Specialty : Ninjustu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 6404

No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost] Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost]

Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:05 pm
With his feet gently rested in the water, kicking the small waves between his toes back and forth Wan would gently wait on the side of the docks as he continued to feel the chakra of Ghost grow stronger. He was definitely on his way there, and within no time Wan would look over the horizon and notice another boat sailing in. He decided to just sit there and wait for Ghost to find him since it was obvious that Ghost would be rather curious about his whereabouts anyways and the reasoning on why he left in such a hurry. After waiting a few more minutes he could tell that Ghost was behind him some distance, as the Senju was beginning to be able to pinpoint chakra signatures with preciseness. Suddenly he could feel someone grab him by his neck, proceeding to ruffle his hair with a fist in what some would call a 'Nuggy'. "So what, Wan? You were going to go take down a Kage all on your own?" were the words he would hear, words that provided comfort as always to the young boy. It was indeed the voice of his brother Ghost, Wan looking up from the corner of his eyes at the Tau before he was released from the Nuggy position. Standing up from where he sat he produced a gentle smile with added laughter, playfully punching Ghost in the shoulder as a way of greeting him after his journey from Wind Country as well. He rustled his hand through his hair as he began to turn a little pale from the question, Ghost being right since Wan was going to go take on Konohagakure alone. "I mean, In all honestly, if something were to go wrong it would be best if it just happened to one of us. I'm glad you came through, Ghost, you've always been someone I could count on for any and everything."

It would make sense for the two to catch up on their plans and everything while they were there. They were finally in Fire Country, about to take what would be the biggest step of their lives currently. Challenging a village in attempts to assume leadership? Just the two of them? Not even at the peak of their potential, either, but alas the two of them have long realized that they needed to begin exerting tests of strength to accurately determine their current status of power. Ghost would call Wan crazy from time to time, saying that it was an attribute of the Senju clan. "You're one to talk about crazy, Mr. 1000-year-old monster!" he'd joke, talking about how long the Tau is known to live fore and their rather natural crazy behavior. Maybe that's what made the two such a strong duo, the fact that they had so much in common yet so much diversity between the two of them. Ghost made it clear that he was going to be apart of this whether Wan wanted him to help or not, and eventually through forth the question on why Wan left in such a hurry with no explanation. The Senju froze at first, not quite sure how to answer it, since telling someone a voice talked to him sounded as crazy as it was, to begin with. But it was the truth! Wan himself didn't fully know who or what was 'guiding' him, it all seemed to just be his conscience making sure he took with the plans he initially had. "I..." he would say, taking another moment to pause before speaking. Then the voice called out to him again.

"Nobody will believe you. I'm nothing more than an auditory representation of your will. Do you truly believe I've come to cause you harm?"

He stared with a blank look on his face, captivated by the words coming from his head. So the voice was just...Wan making sure he follows through with himself? It was all so confusing, something the Senju didn't quite understand and didn't expect anyone else to, just as the voice had said. He looked to Ghost and then realized that this wouldn't be the weirdest encounter for them, especially given the type of person Ghost is, a powerful monster. "I keep...hearing this voice that tells me I have to do things alone. She, or...It always seems to know what I have planned and says that they have my best interest at heart and can help me grow beyond what I currently am. They told me if I wanted to prove something then do it alone, so I was going to do it alone." Hopefully, so far that was enough of an explanation for Ghost, the past not being the Future since Wan now realized that he could very well do it on his own if he so chooses. He doesn't have to, though, and that's what he forgot. "As far-fetched as it might sound, I feel as if this voice was trying to hinder me away from what I truly wanted. My village. And I cannot have my village without people there to both lead it alongside and people there to reside. There would be no point in having a village if I am the only one there, and no point in having a village if my people are not able to truly experience the life that I envision for them." He looks up into the sky, the rain slowly beginning to trickle down on the face of the Senju as he remembers the dream he had as a Kage. How he envisioned a place such as Sunagakure, one that was virtually open for all without the need to be constricted to when and how you could leave. A Place in which the village was led by a powerful being, one in which the populace of said village could feel safe within their walls to a point that the power and authority of their ruler cause them to want to achieve a greater level of power in their self. He watched as visions of a powerful shinobi force were formed in his name, the village able to stand on their own even during times of his absence. One in which the children could play and train safely with a 100% passing rate in the academy. He watched as his village made technological advances in their industry, growing economically to a rate in which their income alone rivals the collective sum of the other hidden villages easily. Tourist attractions, private militias, foreign colonies. Sending small teams of shinobi out into the world with a generous sum of Ryo to begin a new village for the sake of keeping his legacy alive.

He could see it all forming.
The voice called out to him again.

"You are only a few steps away from weaving your fate into reality. Press on, the descendant of Six Path."

With hearing those words, he was quickly brought back to reality. He peered into the eyes of Ghost, unsure to tell him what he had just heard, but then realized it was already something Ghost had known. This wasn't only the Fate of Wan, the Fate of Ghost as well. They were a duo, and the two of them together could issue a new vision for the world. "I think we've spent enough time catching up. We made it here, so let's do as we planned. It's now or never, Ghost, and if we don't take the initiative to bring about change then somebody else will. I think it's time we pay our visit to Konohagakure, don't you think?" Hopefully, Ghost would be on the same page as his brother, and if all went well the two of them would travel together through the land of Fire, making there way to Konohagakure no Sato.

[WC: 1,304]
TOTAL WC: 1,883
•Claiming 1,125wc towards Shadow Clone (25% Max Stat Discount applied. Original cost was 1,500) (1,125/1,125)
•Claiming 758wc towards Swamp of the Underworld
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost] Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost]

Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:31 pm
Ghost would look on as he would hear every thing Wan had to say. Thinking to himself about a voice he once heard. How odd was it for him to keep such things from him. However everyone has their own monsters to deal with. But still Ghost wad a bit at odds as to what this voice was. It could be two things and he needed to know which one. Looking on at him Ghost would give him a smile ad he started to talk to Wan." Listen my grandmama once told me a story of how my clan came to be. Dispite what people might think about us. Only a Tau would know that very history. She said the founding member of the Tau once faced off against a man so strong. That he was consider to be a monster know his might was a myth to say the least my dear brother and one day my founding father. Discovered a way to cheat death using certain justu this man had created. But even so with all that might he was still not able to kill him. Ever since thing a strange voice would mess with him you know."

Ghost would look up as it started to rain. He would hold his hand out as he continued." Brother what I am trying to say is. We all know that my founding father was a real deal as i am here. But was this man he could not beat was so strong. Was he even real i believe so. Granted he help create my clan." Looking on he would smile as He said he was ready to take on the leaf village. This was it this was now. Now was the time to be heroes. Their village and power was all that was needed. The Hokage Wan Senju or whoever took on that role and Ghost the fire lord. This was going to be one hell of a day. Ghost would say as he started to go deep in thought. Who would have thought that the two of them would be here like this. Oh right they did to invade out of the blue is epic indeed. Ghost would smile as he got himself ready to turn up for the big fight tonight. He would look on as he said that to himself. Smiling as he black threads came out to play.

Wc 802


Adding 8 stats to strenght

And the 800 Wc to

Brining total Wc to 1400/1500
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost] Empty Re: No Rest For The Wicked... [I/O, Ghost]

Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:08 pm
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