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Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Today at 1:02 pm
Loud shuffling footsteps, accompanied by slower heavier ones, could be heard from the corner of the block as it finally burst into rubble. Katsuragi was being chased by the rather large hellhound who seemed to be holding a grudge from Katsuragi’s past actions. To why was the rabid hellhound singling out Katsuragi, cause fuck em that why/

He huffed and puffed till finally, remembering he held two tuski issued whips akimbo, decided to use them to help get away from the surprisingly quick mutt. “Damn! This mutt is quick!!! *insert loud cracking of the whip* Yeaaaaaah!!!!”, the end of the whip latched on to any piece of the buildings he could use to lift him up off the street. Gargoyle statues, random scaffolds, you name it. He could feel the freedom brush against his form as he hoistes himself into the air. The hellhound whines a bit as he notices the MaDKat gain a bit of distance; “HAha, Not Toda-“, he hears what seemed like feedback coming from a mic.

“What the, what was that?”, he swings his head side to side towards both flanks to see if someone else was around. He was still getting use to his byakugan, despite it granting him total 360 vision; old habits die hard. He continues to swing from building to building with great speed as he finally get the message.

“Oh good, you’re still alive. We thought the hellhound ate you. Listen, the kage and the rest of the actual shinobi of the moon are busy dealing with the conflict near the academy. We need you to deal with that hellhound.”

“Yeah…”, he looks back to see the hellhound still giving chase. He didn’t have a choice in the matter. This thing saw meat; and Katsuragi was on the menu.

Arrrap!! The hellhound yelled as it tripped over low thick hanging rebar cables from damage caused earlier. It fell face first into the ground. Katsuragi ises his whip to seing himself ontop of a building, taking in the sight of the hellhound tangled up in the mess of cables. “Haha, ya stupid mutt. What where ya goin! Aye wait hold on…”, he takes a moment before speaking.

“How are you speaking to me?”

Flashback Activated:

“What the fuck, Kunochi?!! Tourniquet Me! Oof”, cried the stressed out white haired shinobi in command. He felt a bit weary as he began to get a little light headed.

Along with all the rest of the shinobi giving their various inputs, Katsuragi chimes in. “Yeah, we need to get him back to the academy, he’s down for the count. And we need to it before that demon bitch breaks in.”, Katsuragi motioned. Mai’s voice kept playing in the back of his mind, to no end as if he has a conscience. “Yeah, you’re right about that, he is out. You could fill us in on the there.”, the masked purple haired kunochi said as he taps Katsuragi on the back of his neck.

Back to present time:

“Yeah…, you’re very questionable person. The kage wanted is to keep eye on you. So I tagged you with one of my telecommunication seal”

“Tele, communo what? Bitch you tagged me with a seal without my consent?! That should be illegal.

*Katsuragi looks at the reader of the topic*

“Hmm, this gives me an idea. Katsuragi, when the hellhound recovers, give chase again. Im sending shinobi to aid you.”

“How? How do know that?”, he searches the sky to check for ravens or any other surveillance entities nearby. I can also see what you see, thanks to the seal. Hurry up, it’s getting up!”, Katsuragi whips his whip once again and swings on by the hellhound.

The hellhound, whips his own head towards to swinging Katsuragi to take a chomp out of him. “Yaheeeeeeeeeeeeee! That was close!!!!”, Katsuragi yelled as the chomp narrowly missing him by a thread.

“Ok Katsuragi, we’re setting up another trap for the hellhound, take him to 4th and Osaka!”

“Right!, where’s that again?”, Katsuragi asked while looking for street signs that havent been knocked down by the damage causes by the invasion.

“Streets run north and south, avenues run east and west… Figure it out!”

Moments later, a billboard with propaganda relating to Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions, was seen destroyed by Katsuragi and the hellhound; because who wouldnt want to buy general items, designer weapons, palm readings and puppets at a very reasonable price?

Orbital Oddities Palm Predictions

OOC: Can I have my money now, Saturn?

“Ha! 2nd and… Ohara? What the fuc- oh here we go”, he takes a slight swing towards the left and ends up on Osaka. His minds eyes of Kagura was active, so all he had to do was find a large group of shinobi near his location…, just like the kunochi said. Nearing the trap, Katsuragi swings right above it, leading the hellhound striaght into the cables to which it falls forward. A loud crash was heard, the hellhound revealed to be impaled by by spiked wooden spears as the dust resided. The shinobi cheered at the great victory. A victory earned through teamwork, concise coordination, and falling back in their training.

“Hey! Where’s he going?”, one of the tuski shinobi yelled as he saw Katsuragi make a break for it at break neck speed. “Good, good job Katsuragi? Where are you going?”, the kunochi questioned. But the other line was dead, all she could see was Katauragi running towards an unknown target, turning corners and jumping over fallen debris. Till finally, the kunochi, still sharing tapped into katsuragi’s vision, notices a purple hair individual coming up real close.

She sudden gasp, soon realizing that the individual was undoubtedly her. He she cuts the feed immediately, her last image being that of Katsuragi raising his now empty hands attempting to pounce on her.

It was too late, Katsuragi slams his body onto her, holding her down against the ground. He was back near the academy unscathed and safe for now, and he has demands. “Hey! Asshole, get this seal up off of me. Or i’ll..!”

“Aaahh, you’re hurting me!!” The kunochi yelled

The sound of swords removed from their sheaths, bolts drawn back in crossbows, kunai drawn from their pouches, and many other assorted weapons, rang through the air. Katsuragi was surrounded by the few tsuki shinobi that were well able to do their never ending job.

“Katsuragi, step away from the kunochi, or we will take action!!“,

“Uh guys, there’s still things around here that need killing”, a lone tsuki shinobi was seen pointing behind him at not only the oncoming hellhounds, but also everything that was left in it’s wake.

Katsuragi gets up off of the kunochi and springs to battle. He’ll have to deal with the kunochi later, there was still much work to be done.

After much explosions and rifts tearing through the island, he finds himself stumbling upon a rather large man surrounded by bones in a very rather large crater. His form navigated through the terrain while taking note of the individual in a black dress standing at the edge of the crater with his sensory jutsu activated. Although the area was somewhat hot, he coated his feet with chakra to avoid direct contact. It served well to protect his shoes from gettng damaged. If unabated, he stood 5 meters away from the body, as he takes in the situation. “Must’ve fell from the sky, from the portal… landed here and got burnt, dun killed someone *glances towards the humaniod looking bones*, and is now trying to recover…”, he slowly drawns his bushranger combat knife from his sheath with his right hand. The ringing echoed throughout the crater as a hero was soon about to be born.

“It’s time to save the day… Mai better hook me up after this.”, he said while eyeing the badly injured would be foe.
TWC/ 4,301

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