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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:48 pm
New Moon Academy:

It was a beautiful, sunny morning in the village of Tsukigakure as Junko arose from her bed and began her routine. Though she had been staying at Akabayashi’s as of late, most of her time was still consumed by her work at the Kage Tower. Thankfully with the apartment above the office, Junko still had access to various necessities so being there wasn’t the worst. There were a few things on her to-do list for the day, however, the one she was most excited about was her visit to New Moon Academy. She had asked Takeshiyama to meet her there around noon as part of his “community service” to help teach a few classes as well. Admittedly she was excited to be out in the village once more and was eager to see her companions.

She had recently taken an interest in volunteering at the academy, and though she already had a packed schedule she persevered. Junko had a pretty good relationship with the principle and didn’t mind lending a hand when needed. She also enjoyed being there to help influence and aid the first generation of Tsukigakure Shinobi. Thankfully she was quite skilled in a variety of subjects, so she was easily able to fill in most gaps. With her business at the Kage Tower finished, she’d make her way to the apartment above and quickly get changed.

Since she wanted to look the part of a serious, respectable trainer, Junko would wear something a bit different from her normal attire. She’d start by pulling on a plain, but finely made, white dress. The front would stop just above her knees, however the back rested roughly around her ankles. A thick, crimson-red band wrapped snuggly around her waist and the front of the dress had been tucked into it, allowing her legs to be exposed. For pants, she pulled on a pair of black leggings afterward she’d then put on black combat boots that stopped halfway up her calf. Around her neck, a black choker could be seen with the Tsukigakure emblem adhered to it. Her thick, black hair would then be pulled into a high ponytail, though her bangs still dangled in her eyes slightly.

Once she was ready, Junko would find Nariko before then exiting the Kage Tower. As they walked through the streets, she’d attempt to keep up a pleasant conversation with her bodyguard, though it seemed as if she wasn’t a big talker. Occasionally Nariko would chime in and give some input, though she didn’t speak up much. Side by side, they’d make their way to the academy and enjoy the serenity of the village. Things had been pretty quiet since the problem at Darkside, and due to the diligence of the various shinobi, the underground organ trading had nearly come to a halt.

Soon the two of them would arrive, and as they approached the entrance they’d be greeted by her dear friend Shisou and her companion, Kenta. Junko would attempt to greet her with a hug, though if she denied she’d simply give her a respectful bow. After introducing them to Nariko, Junko would ask how things had been. Though before much could be said their attention would suddenly be pulled to the sky above them. Dark portals suddenly opened up above the interdiction seals, and from them, Junko watched in horror as hordes began to spew forth from the openings. As they began to fall from the sky, another portal would catch them once inside the seal and deposit them within the village at various locations.

As she whistled a string of hand seals, Junko would pull a senbon from her boot and stab it into her hand. Facing her hand palm down, blood rapidly began to drip to the ground in front of her. Once there was a sufficient amount, two copies of her would quickly spring into existence. Shifting her attention to Nariko, who had been silently standing there awaiting orders, Junko began to speak up, addressing those around her. Her voice lacked its usual charm and relaxed cadence, though now it carried the serious demeanor of a leader taking charge.

”Nariko, you’re charged with getting the portals on the ground closed and kill absolutely everything in your way. Junko’s, help the students evacuate to the bunker under the building and return here once they escape through the attaching tunnel. Shisou, it might be for the best if you head to the opposite side of the building and try to protect the flank. I’ll remain here and cover the entrance, should you get overwhelmed, return to me.”

As soon as the command was fired off to Nariko, she would immediately hop into action. Lightning would crackle around her body as she activated her Ushitora Enhancement and quickly she’d dart down one of the various streets that that seemingly had been afflicted. It was easy to find where the portals had been summoned since chaos erupted around them, so soon she found herself toe to toe with the invaders. She’d snarl slightly as she looked at the various mutated animals in front of her. Different jungle animals seemingly had various limbs and body parts added to “enhance” their abilities. Regardless, Nariko had been given a task and they were simply in her way.

As the horde began to rush towards her, their approach was a bit too slow for her taste. Pulling her arm back, she activated World in Sleeves causing a large chunk of the horde to pulled towards her. Once a large chunk had gotten within range, she’d extend her arm forward rapidly, causing a cone of lightning to shoot forward from her knuckles. Jumping from one body to the next, the lightning quickly dropped a large chunk of her opponents. She’d laugh manically for a moment as she watched their bodies fall to the ground, though quickly she’d rush towards the remaining enemies.

Junko would watch as Nariko ran off though she continued to give out her commands to the clones and Shisou. As she spoke, she’d do a string of hand seals, and upon completion, a sphere of water began to rise from the pond in front of the building. Long, malleable spikes then shot out from the surface of the bubble, threatening to attack any who came within range. Once given their orders, the clones would move from the entrance and quickly assist the staff with ushering the children to the bunker under the facility. Lastly, she’d give her suggestion to Shisou and her companion, though if presented with a different plan. Junko would happily comply.

With the plan set in motion, all she could do was wait for their approach. She admittedly felt eager for the fight but couldn’t help but feel a bit solemn about the potential lives lost. Her heart nearly beat out of her chest as she awaited the swarm that was now rushing towards the academy.

WC: 1158
Stat Page : Project Attributes

Mission Record : Project Log
Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 1000

Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Wed Aug 14, 2024 12:18 am
Music to get Surrounded by :

Shisou had been in her office for most of the previous night filling out paperwork with Kenta, waking up pretty early in the morning she was greeted by the familiar voice of Kenta, he patted her shoulders lightly smiling brightly “It’s time for the visit from Junko I heard you were expecting her? Didn’t know you actually left this place, never see you leave anyways.” Kenta would laugh lightly the sound echoing around the room as the sleeping woman got up and stretched out her arms. “Yes, we have a visit from the kage so I expect you to act more professionally. These matters are important after all.” Shisou would adjust her blindfold before getting cleaned up and dressed in her usual attire and putting on her black gloves to leave the room with the help of Kenta.

Entering the halls Shisou was greeted with the overwhelming sound of the students passing back and forth she would focus her efforts on getting to the front of the school, from the side of her Kenta would speak up saying, “You know, you should really stand to be more relaxed regardless Shisou it’s just a visit. Besides you always act like there’s danger nearby need to chill.” Shisou wouldn’t give much of a response to this; she would simply shake her head as she continued moving forward, guided by Kenta to the front of the school. At the front of the school Shisou was momentarily surprised as she felt herself being elbowed as Kenta whispered, “Miss.Kage has shown up and is bowing you should probably follow suit” in response Shisou would bow before hearing Junko ask about how things had been and Kanta noted the other girl that was there with Junko.

The talk had lasted little time before the four of them were interrupted, to Shisou it felt like a major disturbance, the noises weren’t familiar and the ground seemed to be shaking lightly. She would focus her senses as the noises intensified but it wasn’t long before the noises were supplemented with the sounds of the people close to her acting in turn as Junko would speak up ordering everyone to go to their places in turn. Shisou would nod her head while Kenta would exclaim beside her, “Well I guess if we have to! Gotta keep these things busy, can do that much at least.”

Head full of sounds and adrenaline the pair followed their task, Shisou being guided towards the back of the school, regardless of the circumstances one thing was sure this was not a simple attack. Shisou felt the forces of the wind around her as she felt the distinct slashing of claws she raised her sword to block just in time as she was sent backwards, Kenta just catching her, “Not the best way to land Ma’am” shrugging it off Shisou would enter a lower stance focused on defending the side of the building they were on, the distinct sound of screaming coming from all around them rather from the enemy or allies it was uncertain, finally Shisou would open her mouth “Kenta, how many are at the rear and surrounding?” in response Kenta simply stated, “Right now it looks to be growing and growing, so the numbers are unclear their speed is something else. I can't get a land quite on the number it could be just one guy being very fast or innumerable foes”.

The pair would maneuver as best as they could to the rear doors, the impacts of blades against claw becoming louder and louder as each strike got them closer, once to the back doors they stood strong as the encroaching creatures attempted to pass. Each one seemed to just get faster as the creatures numbers grew, the two of them quickly found themselves being overwhelmed as they continued to hold hard waiting for whatever plan it was that Junko had come up with.

WC: 654

Junko Tsukiko likes this post

Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 893900

Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Wed Aug 14, 2024 2:47 pm
After a deep inhale from his freshly rolled up bundle of joy, which produced some of the most lovely aromas he had ever smelled due to the terpenes, exhales a thick pasty cloud of smoke as if he was a dragon. It slowly seeped from his barely pursed lips, revealing his blood red eyes as he peered out into the distance from his balcony. The sun hung towards his left, but he himself hid from the harmful rays as his form was slouched in his comfortable hanmock in the corner. The MaDKaT from Tanzaku Town made a pur like sound as he allowed the effects from the strain to takeover, his mind and body as docile as any cat that would lounge the day away in endless bliss. However, one question that could prove to be problematic did arise from his soothing trance, a question that inevitably arose for all in his situation. What was he going to have for breakfast, and where was he gonna get it?

Contemplating on this life or death crisis, the sky above lit up like christmas. It was as if a second sun was given birth from the sky, though a tad less illuminating then the original. Katsuragi slowly elevated his eyes towards what he could guess to be a rift peering into another interdimentional plane. His mind ran wild with theories, slowly compliling on top of each other, along with his jaw slowly dropping upon wittnessing what he was seeing! Before the pre roll could hit the ground as it fell from his lips, the rift expelled demons upon demons of bringers of destruction and doom. He didn’t see them cause any damage just yet, for they didn’t the ground just ye-

His thoughts disturbed upon seeing the demons destroy everything on site. Even the tenants startibg hollering and cry upon seeing the hell beings go to work on the village. “Uuuuuuuuugh”, he moaned and groaned. His formed, acting as if it had a mind of its own, slouched right back down into the hanmock. He was going nowhere it seemed. He was stuck, and he wanted no part in this when clearly it was a hero’s job to deal with these invaders. However, his state of mind was eventually blown due to the screaming and crying of the villagers.

Too bad he wasnt in Tanzaku Town, a place ran by gangsters, mobsters, and the Hashimoto Yakuza. Most of the citizens would have grabbed their weapons and go to work. Through sheet will power, and a now forced civic sense of duty to serve the great village of Tsuki, he arises a hero from his slumber and retreats back into his apartment. He shuts the sliding glass door carefully and locks it before exiting his place and appearing outside infront of the apartment building. He of course put out his pre roll and stuffs it in his pocket. It couldnt let such a fine strain herbs go to waste.

Katsuragi's attire consists of a Yakuta black leather jacket, altered to that of a vest. The inner workings still functional with no hindrance. Underneath his vest, he wears a navy blue hoodie. His belt is black leather, designer's choice, with an overlapping LV emblem as a buckle. Attached to the right side of his belt, a knife holster to which Bushranger(An ANT knife) rested in. The locking strapped to keep it in the holster was buttoned in, although easily retrievable with a willful draw.

His shoes were bright in color, the Dreadful Oni SBs. His pouches are covered by his hoodie, but are still accessible with ease. His pants being that of a fresh pair of black stretch jeans with ankle zippers located on the lower inside section of the pants. His hair, still vivid, was a solid dark purple. His hair in contrast with his pale skin, however, his arms torso and hands bore a mural of mostly assorted prison tattoos; all black ink in color. His most notable tattoo, aside from his spiderweb tattoos that indicate that he has served time in Pelican Island, was his Jashinist Symbol that is stamped on the right side of his neck. He himself stood at a height of 6'2 feet with a thin frame. His other tools and such were also assorted evenly along his attire, given no hint to their whereabouts yet allowed him easy access with a little bit of technique due to his skill with the hidden arms technique.

He finds himself seemingly cornered by what looked like wild mutated furred animals of all shapes and sizes. A wonderful platter of “get fucked” animals ready to pouce on the MaDKat. Well, not today…

He closes his eyes, gathering what was left of his coherent senses. The first two inner gates within open, unleshing a wave of energy that surged throughout his body. He could feel the horde of animals closing in on his position. The ground rumbled with each blood thirst step of the mutants. Before thry could close in the gap, Katauragi reveals his now sharp narrow eyes, and charges towards them with an electrifying aura. Upon clashing with them at lightning speed, the loud boom noise went off as if he was a 50 caliber freshly shot from its jacket. The mob disbursts from Katsuragi in all direction as he was the epicenter. His eyes swung from left to right, up and down, taking in all the details before his bullet time phase ended. With the aid of his Byakugan, he goes to work effortlessly on the rest of the rift raft.

He swings a left hook towards the jaw of the once on coming mutant, sending it flying towards the apartment building. It crashed right into the brick wall, leaving a comical imprint of its form, for it was now down for the count. A slightly larger, and more pissed off mutant, charges at Katsuragi with the intent to grapple. Katsuragi, raises his left knee upwards without extending his leg. He manipulates the air beneath his foot to use it as a platform to elevate himself into the air and deliver a swift kick towards the neck of the large mutant. Once again, it was as if a gunshot went off. Continuing his momentum, he proceeds forward towards the rest of the semi recovering mutants and kicks them while they are down. Katsuragi was from the streets of Tanzaku Town, aint rules in fighting… especially in Quarter Town.

Finally, there was one more left, more stubborn than any he had faced before. He clentches his fist, ready to charge at the mutant. The mutant animal digs into the ground with it’s back right hind leg repeatedly. He exhaled heavily right before charging towards the MaDKat. “Ooooh Really?!”, Katauragi taunted. He charges towards the beast with great strides, trackstar style. He screams before colliding into the beast. The force behind Katsuragi’s attack allowed him to carry the beast and him as well high into the air. The ringout transition carried them to the next stage of the fight; the New Moon Academy.

The air rushing against their form was loud and disorienting, they were high above the village. “Whoa, I could see the beach from here, and what’s with all that lighting down there. Wha- Hold on… is that MAI?! What the fuck is she doing her- OH SHIIIIT!”, Katsuragi yelled as the academy building got closer and closer. “WEeeeeeee!!”, the mutated animal yelled as it took realized the ground was getting kinda close. Katsuragi instinctively clutches tighter onto the beast, and held it close to his form. “ Upt!!!”, he grunted as he used it to absorbed the impact of the collision.


The beast, nearly turned to paste, was plastered all over the wall. Katsuragi, alive and sound; not to mention all in one piece, manages to save himself the trouble of getting hurt. But the fight wasn’t over, and more was to come. He stands near the crash site groaning a tad bit, looming over all that there was to see. Chaos, bloodshed, and most all, deceit…*glances towards Mai*, 15 meters away.
TWC/ 1,352

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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Wed Aug 14, 2024 3:51 pm
It is perhaps one of the great ironies of life, that upon our darkest days of tragedy, they begin much like any other day. We awake, and greet the day with the same enthusiasm or lack there of that we would any other day. Many men and women have died on days that started as any other, no concept of horrors that awaited them foreshadowed in their normal affairs. The greatest horror any of us may face is not that such dark things await our lives, but rather they lurk beneath the bright sun, to strike when our resolve is weakened by prosperity. A soldier may begin to envision his death as his friends lie in the mud and blood about the trenches, and so the gruesome reality of war begins to ebb and become a place of normalcy…..this can not be said for those about the town who attended their daily tasks. It wasn’t with the build up of war and tragedy, but the suddenness of the storm that fell upon the people of Tsukigakure…..none more so ill prepared than those whose days where just normal….until they weren’t…..

When Kaito the Oni looked back upon that day, he wished he could have made it seem as though the tragedy was coming. As though a scent of ozone sparked his attention to portals above, a tingle down one’s spine to alert them to coming dangers…..alas these things are often no more than fiction. Any man alive has been afflicted by his own hubris that they alone would have seen the concealed knife approach their back, with time to disarm and quip….yet these fools who see themselves as the protagonists of the story of life, are just that….fools.

The rikishi 30 minutes before the forthcoming plague of violence, found himself entertaining the most normal of days. The kind of day you know that happens, because how could it not have, but if someone asked you to recall what you had been doing, you’d simply draw a blank. As each moment and task was enshrouded in the common mundane as though to camouflage its own existence against any form of recollection. When he was asked later what he’d been doing that day, he’d have no answer, no reason to be where he had been other than there must have been one. He’d been near the academy, had there been a job to do? An errand to run? In truth he could not remember, the things he saw after things he wished he could forget….yet it is rare that life truly allows us such privledges.

He’d heard the screams, a cacophony of wails and terror that cut all the more deep for the quite that had been upon the street a moment before. It had been confusing at first, an accident perhaps, a children’s game…..truly discerning realities in the moment always were more difficult than anyone cared to admit. He’d exited the little shop, or had it been a booth….even now he could not remember. The truth merely that he exited upon an assault upon the village, and one that he had not been ready for. The creatures had already hit the ground by the time he knew what was occurring, and though a hiss within his mind warned him of forthcoming danger, it was the warm feeling of blood freshly flowing that finally broke his shock…..or perhaps it was what started if.

Looking down, a sting like that if an insect slowly removed itself from his abdomen, an impossible length seemed to leave his body….so much more than should have fit….surely…..his eyes followed the tail to an abomination, part wolf, part stinging insect its jaws quivered in what must have been a laugh. As the sting fully left, a fresh fish of warmth was felt, a strength he hadn’t known was keeping him standing seemed to leave his knees, and a chill like that of a fever crept from the wound.

“We are in trouble….” It was a melancholic sound, not like that of his typical companion. Though as Takeshiyama’s eyes took in the whole seen, he felt that both tone and observation were an understatement. More creatures appeared, as less and less people seemed to move about, replaced by red stains upon the streets.

“I think… might be….right…”. He’d say in a soft whisper, his voice with a faint quiver.

TWC - 729

Junko Tsukiko likes this post

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:00 am
As chaos erupted around her, Junko remained level-headed and attempted not to panic. Knowing that most people looked to the leader to keep things under control, she tried to keep herself from spiraling. She needed to focus and keep her mind clear in order to protect those around her. Activating her Ketsuryugan, Junko’s eyes would briefly dart to the area surrounding her. Gazing through the school she could see her clones, along with the other staff, ushering the kids to the escape tunnel. Past that, she could see both Shisou and Kenta beginning to get swarmed, but seemingly the two were able to keep up with the horde.

Turning her attention back to the village, various screams and shouts could be heard as her people began to suffer. Though they had a lot of shinobi within the walls, most of them held no formal alliance with the village so she was worried they wouldn’t lend their aid. She could see and hear various techniques going off throughout the village, so she hoped at least some of them decided to help. Regardless, she’d need to remove those anxious thoughts and tend to the issue at hand.

While she contemplated her next move, her train of thought would be interrupted by a figure rocketing into the air near them. At first, she assumed it to be some sort of ariel attack, though as it started to plummet near her she’d recognize one of the figures. Of course, it had to Katsuragi, why would her luck permit her to continue her facade with him? She cherished their interactions and knew they would change going forward. He was now going to be there to witness things she wished to hide from the public, she could only hope he didn’t despise her after this.

With a loud crashing sound, he and his target would land about 15 meters from her. As they made eye contact, he would notice a brief look of empathy before then speaking up in a confident but somewhat shaken tone.

”Kats, you’re a sight for sore eyes. Are you alright, do you need any healing? I have the principal guarding the other side of the school, if you wouldn’t mind going to the northern end and protecting that area I-”

Feeling her control over the water sphere she summoned, Junko would turn her attention to where she had placed it. Her face would contort in disgust as she looked upon the mutated woman standing where the technique once was. Mangey, patchy fur could be seen speckling the woman's body. Long, black claws jetted out from her fingertips, seemingly sharpened to a point. Though she had the face of a woman, dark grey fur covered the entirety of it, along with two dog-like ears on top of her head. To Junko, it looked like Kurogane had infused this poor woman with all the “worst” parts of dogs.

Calling out, she’d speak directly to Junko, not paying much mind to Katsuragi, though remained alert to her surroundings.

”Lady Tsukiko, I’ve been looking absolutely everywhere for you. Master Kurogane has requested that I bring you to him, he’s been told your blood is quite potent after all. So why don’t you be a good little leader and come with us so we can stop this slaughter.”

Holding her head high, Junko was seemingly unfazed by the mutant's words. She knew Kurogane had been trying to get his hands on her blood techniques for some time, so this wasn’t a surprise to her. Also, even if Junko went with her, she knew that the assault on the village would continue. With a bit of a smirk, she’d respond. Her voice was confident and lacked any amount of fear as she spoke up. Though normally there was a bit of warmness in her voice, his time there was nothing but venom.

”You’re supposed to be what? His loyal little lap dog, his bitch? Sent to play fetch while he hides away in the ruins? Junko would chuckle lightly, at first. Though soon she slipped into a bit of hysteria as the mask began to slip. ”You absolute idiot. Your master sent his pet to her death. I can't wait to sift through all the information you have in your tiny little brain, then perhaps I’ll feed your corpse to my pet afterward.”

As she spoke she could feel her heart beginning to pound, the sounds of chaos surrounding her were silenced now by the whispers in her mind. She could feel Jashins influence creeping into her mind, attempting to take hold of what control she still held. Perhaps, just this once, she could allow herself to give in to the temptation. Before Junko could move to engage, another one of the portals suddenly appeared behind the woman. Bursting through the opening, a large flock of what looked to be mutated, large parrots. She had seen the species before, but now they seemingly had become disfigured.

In a moment they were surrounding Junko, digging their talons into her flesh. She reveled in the pain for only a second before she felt the mass lift her off her feet. Though she could have immediately stopped them from taking her, the only technique that came to mind was something that potentially would have greatly wounded Katsuragi. She hoped he would be alright, and as she got pulled into the sky above. She’d call out to him one last time.

”Kats! Don’t let her get into the school! Please, whatever you do, I need you to stop her-”

Now out of earshot, Junko began chuckling to herself slightly. The feeling of their sharp talons sinking into her skin did nothing but only throw her farther into hysteria. She assumed they planned to simply drop her, but she wouldn’t allow them to get away that easily. They just made her job simpler by removing her from her allies. Once she was roughly 80 meters in the air, she could feel some of them releasing their grip on her. Knowing now was the time to act, Junko would fully allow her mind to succumb to Jashins wishes.

Activating Blood Dragon Compression, a crimson-red aura began to surround her body as she felt the chakra rushing through her veins. In an instant, a red mist, along with a thunderous shockwave exploded over the village in a sphere with roughly a 70-meter diameter. Around her, the creatures exploded into nothing but crimson haze. The opaque, dark red mist would linger in the air as she felt herself now going into a free fall. Those looking at the sky at that moment would notice Junko, completely covered in head-toe plummeting to the village.

Her eyes would dart around the village, and using her Ketsuryugan she’d quickly scan the area, looking for Nariko. She had last seen a rather large-looking lighting bolt from the direction she had headed off to, and Junko couldn’t hear screams coming from there anymore. Though she knew she’d be able to save herself if need be, she didn’t want to quite use everything in one go. Thankfully it seemed like Nariko had noticed her, Junko watched as she climbed one of the nearby buildings, activated a technique, and began running on the air to catch her.

After one hell of a catch on Nariko’s part, Junko landed safely in her arms. Though it wasn’t an optimal position, she now carried Junko over her shoulder, fireman style. Just before the two of them reached the ground, she’d activate another technique, making them as light as air and allowing them to land safely in the pond in front of the school. Before her feet touched the ground, she’d inform Junko that she was able to close one of the portals, but there were still more out there. Nariko would kneel as she landed, placing Junko on her feet before releasing her and standing.

The two of them would take in their surroundings and remain on alert for the remaining hordes.

WC: 1352
Total WC: 2510

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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
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Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:14 pm
I never wanted this..... Those words cycled through his mind over and over again.  There is a distinct differentiation between the sport of combat, and the cruel reality of violence.  Those who have not truly experienced one or the other often times are never able to tell read the nuances between the two.  The respect and peace within the exercise of combat, and the inhumanity of true violence upon another person.  Takeshiyama had experienced both in his life, though one far more than the other.  He was no true soldier, no warrior destined for glory in the mud and blood upon the grand theater of violence that is war.  No, he was a sportsman, a combatant within the dohyo showing respect to his opponents, respect for the tradition.... there was no respect here.  Worse, had he been capable of stepping aside...then there would simply be nothing here at all.  

His breath felt shaky...which was better than what he felt on nearly all other parts of his body.  The last few moments had been a blur, how much time had truly passed?  He wasn't sure.  His mind drifted from chaotic to scenes of his home as his consciousness drifted in and out.  His mind shielding him from what he saw, for that which his heart desired.   One moment his hand upon the throat of true abominations, the next he found himself throwing salt purifying his hands.  A sharp needle like sensation in his forearm would awaken him back as Wiggly-Woo fought to keep the man grounded with the only way he knew how, pain.  The world...that was all it was here....and there was yet more to come.  

In the aftermath...should there be one....he would not be able to tell what had occurred.  The creature that had stung him, slit through his stomach had died first, but after that....a blur.  The reality was though the people on the streets would never forget what Kaito the Oni had done, and it would be from their lips his story was told, not his own.  In the end, several portals had been closed, not with skill and grace, but grit and strength.  Many villagers did not survive, and yet many more did.  His path was erratic, the poison clouding his mind, and only raw instinct keeping him on his feet.  

His path had led him south of where the Kage of the village had made her stand.  No creatures came from that direction, as no creature could have, it was only Kaito that would make his way through, he alone standing....if just barely.  It was his snake that told him of the falling woman, of a daring catch.  It was the snake now that guided him on, had he been alone there was no chance he would have made it...Whether this was a blessing, or a curse remained to be seen.  

His path would eventually lead him to stand not far from Junko and whatever compatriots had managed to make their way around her.  As for he, it was not that beasts did not seek to intercept his path, it was simply the inevitability that he would come to rest at this spot.  The leader of abominations Infront of him, his companions to his left, an eerie calm and quite at his back, a hesitation at his right as more creatures pawed at the ground nervous to approach.  

His voice was loud, like that of rock tumbling down a mountain.  It shook as well and not just with volume, but with pain, and as his companions took in the site of him, it would not be hard to tell why.  Shoes and shirt gone, the ravages behind him taking them.  His hair wild and loose, only one horn where previously there had been two.  Beneath the ruination of said horn, no eye filled the socket, merely blood and darkness.  His left arm was severed just beneath the elbow, Wiggly-Woo wrapped sight around his bicep forming a living tourniquet as coagulated blood still sought to ooze from the mess of a wound.  it was no clear cut, but jagged remains of flesh, the marks of fangs.  His body was covered in slashes and burns, a large burn mark across his stomach where he had been able to cauterize the most dangerous wound, though the poison he had not been able to stop.  His remaining eye even at a distance seemed hazy as though he could not see, and in truth that wasn't far from the reality of his situation.  It was his companion that was acting as his eyes, it was the snake that could sense its surrounding better than many a shinobi that had guided and told him of dangers and allies in his vicinity.  The snake knew that perhaps the Kage could help, but it had not known that this was also the place of greatest danger.  

"This is why...I didn't join......a....fucking.... village."  Kaito the Oni said, and despite the wounds of battle he still stood.  He may have fought a third of the invasion, or more, or less he wouldn't ever really know, those around him, saved by him, they would have to tell that part of the story.  For now, he had but one thought, because any more than that and he would likely break.  "Shall I kill that beast for you Junko...then, can I be left alone...."

TWC - 1626

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Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:17 pm
Honing in on the familiar face, the bandit’s gaze remained vigilant as Mai spoke to him shortly after. He never would have guessed he would see her here, actually, nobody would have guessed things would turn out like this.

His ears perk up upon hearing the chance to refill his prescription. Due to his current state, and the state of the village, he could really some good ole bennies(Benzendrine), to boost up his awareness. The thought painted a good little picture within his mind. Crushing a hand full of tablets in his mouth, gleefully absorbing it’s awesome powers. He stood there with a satisfied face, until the two were interrupted once more. It would seem the alpha would make it’s grand appearance to the stage.

It was mangey, thought the MaDKat, as he observed the creature slinking on to the scene. “What is that? It’s like the rest of the monsters. But it walk and Tal-“, his observation interrupted upon confusion. Who was it talking to? His face shuffled back and forth between the two parties, trying to make sense of it all. Oh, and to add on to the mix, his stomach began to rumble. He forget he couldnt get a chance to eat, before the village invasion. These times were trying; but as a outsider with restricted access, everyday was a day full of overbearing nonsense and strict rules that inhibit good living.

Suddenly, a loud rip would tear a hole into another dinension, much like the ones that transported the strange dog like creatures. The portal right behind the target of the bitch who wished to take Tsukiko back to her master, whoever that was…

Katauragi, ready to charge in to not only save mai, but to get more pills, was stopped by a pack of hungry foaming at the mouth mutts that wish to tear him to pieces. They also stepped out from the portal. “Jashinst Priest…, these bitches don’t quit.”, he said while dragging his right foot behind him and raising his fist up eye level to get into a fighter’s stance.

“Kat!!”, Katsuragi, along with the rest of the hounds that sought after his blood, slowly arc their heads up to the sky towards the cry for help. The find Mai, now being carried off by a… flock of demon birds? “Wait… You’re, Tsukiko? The doctor, waitress, resirt owner/ village leader?!”

*Katsuragi will remember that*

The dogs lock eyes with Katsuragi at the same time he looked back at them. They were ready to tear him to pieces. “Shit…”, he grunted as he watched them slowly hone in his location. It was as if someone rang the dinner bell. Out of the pack, two charges towards him. They flashed their razor sharp teeth, ready to bite down on the MaDKat with canine instinct. They had it out for him, on instinct alone. Katsuragi, ready to atrike by bringing around his right leg once more, slams it into the ground to send the advancing dogs who were roughly 5 meters away into the area. His technique was limited to a six meter radius, enough to catch the mutts in his technique. The dogs were sent flying high into the sky, katsuragi then brought his right leg down. He would have used it as an anchor to activate his iron leg dragon technique, but the other mutts managed to close in the gap. It would seem that the weed he smoked earlier, finally began to take its toll.

“Woah!!!”, he said as he stopped and took off running to avoid getting bit. The dogs, as well as the dogs who were recently in the air were now on Katsuragi’s ass in hot pursuit. He leaves the scene, allowing the other to carry out Tsukiko’s wish to protect the school.

The foot steps could be heard coming from the alley a few, kilometers away as Katsuragi banks a sharp right turn, to avoid the deadly take down from one of the dogs. The dog shoots right pass him upon the turn, “Whew! That was close…”

“Hey! Stop right there!”, said Tsuki’s finest. A group of uniformed jackbooted Shinobi of the moon, stood in Katsuragi’s way! They were armed with whips, pikes, sticks, and practically anything they could use to combat this otherworldly threat. He hits the breaks and swings around to get direct eye contact with the now halted pack of blood thirsty dogs.

“Jesus! Sensei, they look worse than the other dogs we fought. I mean, look at the…”his attention glanced over Katsuragi too, due to the scent his body was laced with due to his morning ritual.

“Calm yourself, GENIN! Remember your training!”, the shinobi in command said. However, upon regurgitating his scripted response… the group of genin and Katsuragi, looked back towards the sensei. Their faces full of doubt as they couldn’t believe what he had just said. Nobody trains for a mass interdimensional invasion. Atleast, in the dimension.

“Ugh… OK! So we don’t have the exact protocals to handle this interdimensional inva- you know it.. I’m the one that is in charge here! I don’t need to explain shit, I did my time! Teams A and B form up on me!!!

“Yes, SIR!”, the teams shuffle around the command shinobi to form a wall. The dogs were not getting past them, they’d die before letting that happen. Katsuragi sighs as he regained his focus and will to fight. This was going to be a long day, he thought. After a brief moment of silence, Katsuragi and the gang charge towards the dogs, as too did the dogs charge towards their dinner. Each side hollaring and screaming louder and louder like V8 engines as they got closer. The clash was loud, and echoed throughout the sector.

“Insert distinctive noises of metal slashing into flesh, and teeth tearing into skin.“

A whip could be heard, cutting through the mutts with ease as they launch back to avoid the loud cracking nature of the tool of submission. “Whoah… lemme get that. I could use that”, Katsuragi said as he witnessed its awesome power. He couldn’t explain it, but he just loved the idea of using a whip and beaten people… and interdimensional beings to death with it. His mind went right back to the tall mangey dog figure he saw a while ago. You know, the one Mai told Katauragi to stop from entering into the academy? He reaches over towards the shinobi in an attempted to take it from him.

“Bro, chill! If you want one so bad, just join the shinobi academy. They come with the suit, and one of these bad boys”, he shows off token pinned to his chest which appears to bare the symbol of a rabbit. “Damn…”, said Katsuragi. A loud crack from another whip was made, “What are you doing, Genin! Stop all that talking and get back to wor- Arrghhhh!!”, one of the demon dogs manged to get a hold of the commanding shinobi. The dog bites down. Hard on his forearm, dragging him arcoss the dirt floor like a ragdoll.

“Gawd dammit HELP ME! That’s an order Genin!!”, he groans and shuffles his feet in pain as the dog went to work on em. The dog dragging him a foot at a time with each tug, leaving a fresh trail of blood in its wake.

“Captain Shujimi!!!”, the group of genin yelled as they ran towards their now downed captain with heavy, hesistant feet to offer support. Nobody likes being yelled at it seems. The good news was that particular dog was the last one left from the pack.

“Yaaarraaaah *crack*”, Katsuragi yeller as he zipper pass the genin and whipped the dog off the captain with superior speed. “ *insert deep giggle* this thing is amazing! The power!”, his eyes widen upon glaring down at his hands, whips akimbo!!!!

“Did, did you take those whips from the fallen shinobi? Dude, you’re a fucki-“

“Hey, lookit that”, the group along with Katsuragi swing their attention towards one of the genin’s growing concerns. The demon dog, pissed off to no end, was seen shuffling its paws and arms. It was making strange formations.
“Hey um, What’s it doin?”, Katsuragi said

“Beats me…just put it down already” the brooding raven haired genin said.

“It must be epileptic…“ the energic blonde haired genin said

“Aww, poor baby…” the pink haired kunochi said

“What the fuck, Kunochi?!! Tourniquet Me! Oof”, cried the stressed out white haired shinobi in command. He felt a bit weary as he began to get a little light headed.

Along with all the rest of the shinobi giving their various inputs, Katsuragi chimes in. “Yeah, we need to get him back to the academy, he’s down for the count. And we need to it before that demon bitch breaks in.”, Katsuragi motioned. Mai’s voice kept playing in the back of his mind, to no end as if he has a conscience. “Yeah, you’re right about that, he is out. You could fill us in on the there.”, the masked purple haired kunochi said as he taps Katsuragi on the back of his neck.

Katsuragi narrows his eyes, staring instensely towards the purple haired kunochi. “Hmmmm, you sound familiar(aggressive loud tone), have we meet?”

Suddenly, a very large thick cloud of white smoke erupts from behind the group, disrupting the plan.

A large canine figure, towering in at 30 meters, stares back at the group, or more importantly, Katsuragi. The genin mutter talks of defeat, until one of them points out the key detail in this whole ordeal.  “Hey! That thing is looking at him, I think he wants him!”, the all perk up and swing their attention towards Katsuragi, clearing the path of the beast to reveal a straight shot towards him. The beast growls while lowering his head towards the ground, narrowing its eyes with fleeful blood lust intent.

“Oh man…”, the sound of foot steps fade off into the distance, as well as the voices of team of genin and their hurt leader.

“See you back at the academy!”
“Remember your training!!!”

“Assholes!!!”, Yelled Katsuragi.
TWC: 3,043

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Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:36 pm
With Junko and Kats both away from the entrance, the portal that had opened up behind the mutt woman continued to spew various mutants forward. Various animals that could be found within the Forest of Spirits seemingly had been corrupted by Kurogane, and now were doing his bidding. Unstopped at the entrance, they began to flood the school. Windows shattered, doors were torn down, and giant holes now speckled the outside of the building. Thankfully due to the diligence of her clones and the teachers, the kids were successfully ushered into the bunker below the school.

Her clones decided to stay behind in order to provide an extra bit of cover should they need it to evacuate. As the horde began to swarm and thrash through the empty classrooms, the two clones took a moment to calm themselves before springing into action. Running through the halls, both of them would carve through the various mutated animals. Unfortunately, Junko was no professional in hand-to-hand combat, so they quickly found themselves overwhelmed. The first of the clones to be struck down exploded into a bloody mist that seemingly infected the creatures it came in contact with. The remaining one soon was swarmed and met the same fate as the first.

It was around then when Junko and Nariko landed in the pond, as her clones dispersed, she felt herself regaining a bit of the strength they siphoned away from her. As they fell she noticed a familiar form, Takeshiyama, making his way to the academy. Once her feet touched the ground she’d rush to his side with Nariko behind her, though she’d stop roughly 10 meters from him as he began to speak. She could feel the agony in his voice and she wished to help take away his pain. Junko knew he was only like this because he defended her village, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty for putting him in this position. She wanted nothing more than to break down and apologize to him as she tended to his wounds, but she knew that it wasn’t the time for such things.

Before she could speak, the bitch would appear before them once more with a smug look on her face. She looked to be carrying a saddle bag with a few different kinds of paperwork stuffed within it, presumably information that Kurogane requested she get. Whatever grasp Junko had on her sanity was slipping from her fingertips. However, she knew that the bitch was simply trying to bait her into doing something impulsive. Looking to Takeshiyama as he proposed that he should take her out, Junko would speak up as she moved to close the distance between the two of them.

”Nariko, force her to use the rest of her teleports, surely she must be running low on the ability to do so. Switch out with Takeshiyama once he’s ready and clear out the school afterward.”

Lightning continued to crackle around the feet of the horned woman as she gave Junko a nod before rushing off towards the mutt of a woman. Now standing close enough to touch him, she’d speak in a concerned tone.

”My dear friend, please let me ease your pain. I can make you numb to your agonoy for a few minutes, so you’ll need to make the time count. This will make you a bit loopy as well, but I trust that it’ll help you. I’ll also begin the healing process, I’m limited with what I can do now, but once we’re done here I’ll get you fixed up.”

If he agreed, Junko would begin by performing a string of hand seals and simultaneously whistling a different string of hand seals. Once completed, her hands would glow a translucent, light blue as she moved to touch him. A calming, numbing sensation would then begin to move through his body as the Chakra Anesthesia worked its magic. Though any superficial wound he had began to stitch closed, his more severe injuries remained. She could have done more for him at that moment, but she didn’t want to use everything in her arsenal just yet in case she found herself in a tough spot later on. For now, removing his agony and lessening the injuries on his body was enough.

Removing her hand from him, she’d take a step back before looking toward Nariko who had seemingly followed her instructions. The bitch looked to be a bit frantic as she attempted to keep pace with the stoic, horned woman who was trying to remove her head from her shoulders. Looking to Takeshiyama once more, she’d speak up one last time.

”Kill her, and we can consider your “community service” completed. Should you wish to be alone afterward, that’s fine, though I request that you allow me to check up on you from time to time. We are friends after all, right?”

Junko would offer him a light smile, though if he could see her clearly he’d be able to notice she was internally unraveling. Should he agree and leap into action, Nariko would happily swap out with him before rushing into the academy. From inside its halls, painful yips could be heard from the mutated beasts as she began to tear through them. Junko would remain in her position, watching the exchange between Takeshiyama and the mutt. She would ensure that she remained out of the way, though she continued to examine their surroundings in hopes of seeing where Kats had run off too.

Though she wasn’t too close with him, and he wasn’t a member of her village she still felt the need to protect him if she could.

WC: 953
Total WC: 3463
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Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK) Empty Re: Who Let The Dogs Out (P, IO, NK)

Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:53 pm
He'd barely gotten he words out before the monstrous woman moved forward.  The wolves' eyes all for Junko, the bags it held full on display.  Even without knowing what was going on, such things where not lost on him.  In that moment he had made several decisions, some of which he let his snake know as he thought of them.  These thoughts where met with distress, disdain, and outrage, and yet his mind was steady.....Or as steady as it could be with the blood loss.  Yes, there was no doubt Junko could do something to help him....yes there was no doubt it would heal him, it would make him stronger for the fight...but what there was doubt for was what would happen in that meantime.  Takeshiyama did not know the extent of Junko's true capabilities, nor did he know of the other Ushitora's abilities, but he knew he had a bias against his own people.  A slight sigh left his mouth, and as Junko spoke, a series of actions would begin to take place that could not be stopped.  She wanted to help, but there wasn't time.....that was running out.

As Junko approached him and she whispered her commands at the other Oni, Kaito's body would seem to swell.  The air around him distorted at the radiating energy, the kinetic forces waiting to be unleashed.  He felt the 7th gate open, and as it did a sense of both calm and pain flew through his body.  His muscles swelled, his vascular system straining to keep up with the onslaught of energy, as it was already pushed nearing his limits.  The areas where he had cauterized his own wounds tore back open, not as they had been upon first being wounded, but cracks in the skin causing the wounds to ooze once more.  

She had begun her movement towards him as she spoke.  Calling out the name of her bodyguard, which caused the she-wolf to naturally look in that direction.  A good bodyguard, one that acted when bid and did not wait.  It was this opening that allowed him to act unimpeded.  A crack like thunder erupted as he moved, the action taking him away before Junko's request to heal him could be uttered, and only her words of attack heard.  Yet in her mind a voice would speak to her, and squeeze at her arm would let her know Wiggly-woo had moved from his master to her.  "He issssss a sshow of.."  It would say, though full of melancholy.  

The thunder charge had him moving at a speed he'd rarely moved.  It was only a couple of steps, but it was what he needed.  As he moved forward and knelt he'd rise back up with an upward swing of a discarded blade from one of the other fighters against the mutants.  He'd swing it full into the air, a vacuum of wind and energy roiling out from it as the blade itself seemed to disintegrate under the force.  Though the power of the Last Resort was invisible, what he sought to do was not.  The creatures unlucky enough to still be spilling from the abyssal maul evaporated under the technique, its path defined and steady as it crashed against the portal.  It was likely this that drew the eyes of creatures and boss alike to him, and then to the sky as the portal folded in on itself, and winked out of existence....there would be no more reinforcements.

His vision quickly changed from his target in the sky to the hairy front of the she-wolf when she teleported in front of him, his action gaining her full attention.  He made no such block to stop her as her right hand moved in a body blow, the tips of her nails digging into the flesh of his stomach.  Her fingers piercing through, he felt himself stiffen and flex, as his one good arm reached out not to strike, but to hold.  It wrapped around her waist, and pulled her in closer to him, her attack by proxy tearing even more through his insides.  His scream at this would be heard by any and all those around, a scream of not only desperation, but rage....but also of will.  

His hand wrapped tight around her, his full strength at the limits of what a body was capable of, and even then perhaps more he charged with her forward away from his compatriots.  As he did the sound of thunder would again be heard from his charge, but also a flash of lightning.  The disrupt ability of the blue Oni would erupt over the area, blinding any around him (Just story but 150 str check for blind).  He wasn't bound to the performance of old to perform the technique, but it seemed birthed through his own determination to keep the woman close, and disoriented.  

The charge would continue, their bodies crashing through stalls, buildings, whatever was so unlucky as to get in their way.  His eyes were closed, his focus only on the pain, as it was the only thing that kept him conscious.  Before he bid Wiggly-Woo to go, he'd asked a simple question, how far did he need to run...his eyes opening and seeing he was at that point....a small smile would break upon his lips, before the world went very bright, before going completely dark.


To those watching, and to those that followed they would see the large man holding onto the bestial woman.  Her claws and teeth tearing into his flesh as she fought to be released before they arrived at what could have only been a pre-determined location. 

 The onlookers could have sworn they saw a smile though the distance did them no justice in the retelling of the story.  Still it had been a moment before an eruption of flame seemed to engulf both the Rikishi and the general of Kurogane.  The blast leveling the buildings and strands of glass where once there had been sand in different areas.  The heat had been so intense the buildings on the outskirts of the blast may have survived but the windows melted to their sills.  

In the center, should one go and check, the burnt body of a large man, and the bones of a larger wolf.  

Jutsu used just for flavor
7th gate, eruptiondisruptLast Resort

TWC - 2673
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