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Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:53 pm
Bloodworks: Pitdog:

Raleth rests his back on the cool, baked clay wall, sitting on a simple stone bench, wearing a sleeveless gi emblazoned with the blooming flower of the Sarutobi . He bandages his hands in fighting wraps, reciting a calming battle mantra in his mind. Around him walk fighters off all shapes and sizes, each with an intense energy in their eyes. Even though they mill about one another, make conversation and jokes, the energy can only be described as volatile. Each warrior in front of Raleth knows the man next to them may be their death, or their salvation. The sounds of metal being hammered, the feel of the roaring crowds above, and and the thick smell of blood brings Raleth to his past. To an exam of blood in the village of the mist.

Behind his eyes, he recalls the horrors he witnessed in the Blood Games. The cruel machinations, the utter disreagrd of humanity, and the amount of death he waded through. And, as he recalls this, an uncomfortable excitement takes over him. He will never admit it outloud, but he is glad to be back in death matches. As he finishes his wraps, a gruff voice breaks through his internal mantra.

"Hey, mutt, you're up!," says the rough-faced battle master, Owyn as he steps to the sitting Sarutobi. "Alright, so you're opponent is a notable warrior from the Yellow Team, a shinobi with a trick up theirsleeve. So, when you go out there make sure to bleed a lot, the crowd loves a good show!"

The well wishes of the battlemaster are heard, Raleth Sarutobi nods and stands up, towering 5 inches over Owyn. He walks away without a word, toward the antechamber of the bloodworks, where the Warrior's Fountain resides. A huge and blood stained basin holds crystal clear water, a promise of refreshment of comfort to those who survive, or a hopless goal for the weak. Raleth walks pasts it, and walks up the steps leading to the entrance of the combat arena.

The crowds roar thunders overhead, the very walls shake with excitement. As Raleth gets closer, the sound of snarling barks intermingle with the chanting cheers. When he reaches the locked gate, he sees the fine sand arena, and the immense Colosseum that is the BloodWorks. Between the bars, Raleth can see many citizens of Suna almost foaming at the mouth with anticipation for spectacle. Near the sides of the arena, locked in cages, starved dogs bark and snarl, at eachother and whomever else would come close. Across from him, in the south entrance, Raleth can make out the silhouette of a figure, his soon to be opponent. From a distance, Raleth nods: showing martial respect. The gates slide open, and Raleth walks toward the center, stopping half way. He waits for the signal before he attacks, expecting his opponent to do the same in respect for the rules of the Bloodworks. But, Raleth knows the such things are trivial in the face of death, and as such keeps his body active to react to any situation.

[Requesting D Rank NPC]

WC = 513 x 2 (event bonus) = 1026

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:52 pm
The Fire Rises:

"How amusing..." A chuckle reverberated through the damp and stygian hallway that connected the arena entrance to the outside entrance. Today was a pretty eventful one for the young vicenarian. Being recently promoted as a Genin of Sungakure yet just two weeks ago he was a Missing Ninja living contract by contract, Yoshizou wanted ways to make fast money and word around the block said that fighting for one's life in the Bloodworks Arena could get you a great amount of cash. It was a gambit, of course, but most of Yoshizou's life was fighting against the fear of death and always prevailing, so using his god-given talent in combat then applying it into the arena was like a no-brainer to him. Slinging on an opaque, short-sleeved, black shirt with some jeans and pockets, the man signed up for the Bloodworks Arena and was promptly escorted to be part of that day's "Yellow Team." A tacky name, but what could you do? After a few minutes of waiting in the Yellow Team lounge, Yoshizou's name was called and he was paired up against a man called Raleth Sarutobi. Striding through the hallway after muttering his two words, he followed the bright light of the arena.

The arena was massive, encompassing about 200m in radius and 100m in height. Yoshizou had entered from the western entrance, so he'd assume that his opponent would enter the opposing eastern entrance. His opponent, Raleth, seemed to already be at the center of the arena, 100 meters away from the striding Jugo. The man would continue to walk across the sandy yet sturdy arena, being parallel to Raleth's position, stopping at 15 meters away from the Sarutobi. The distance was enough to be in an offensive yet defensive position. The man's hands would droop down to his pants, ready to perform a handseal, draw a weapon from his pocket, or raise his hands to perform Taijutsu. In any way, he would be ready to react to anything Raleth would perform. As Yoshizou reached 15 meters from Raleth and finished walking, he would simply grunt in affirmation,

"Let's have a good battle."

(1/6 Nature Stack Acquired)

WC: 354 (2X WC Bonus is 708 WC)
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:40 pm
Inhaling deeply through his nose, Raleth Sarutobi responds to the red haired Yoshizou, his voice booming over the roaring crowd

In the next instant, the broad Sarutobi forms the Ram sign, and, in a blur of 90 speed, moves to a spot 6 meters behind his opponents right shoulder, traveling to a blind spot based on Yoshizou's current position. With fluid movements, Raleth grabs a kunai from his weapon pouch and ducks low,  throwing the kunai at 102 speed and dashing toward Yoshizou at 50 speed. He aims for his opponent's midsection, his core, in an attempt to prevent any continuous string of handseals.

If his opponent were to do anything but deal with the kunai, either dodge or block it, the small blade would tear into his core, causing some damage to his internal organs because of the strength behind the thrown kunai. And, with the prowess of a taijutsu master, Raleth would follow up his projectile attack.

Based on his opponents position after the kunai is thrown, Raleth would run up to Yoshizou and attempt to deliver a swift and seamless open palm strike at 75 strength into his opponent's core, the same spot his kunai would have struck if it hit its mark. If successful, the attack would cause massive internal hemorrhaging, and force the air to be forced out of his opponent's lungs, winding Yoshizou and opening up his opponent for another assault: which would be a swift downward two-handed hammer swing to his opponent's cranium with both hands. If it connects, Yoshizou's skull would shatter on impact, lacerating the redhaired shinobi's brain with bits of his own skull, more than likely killing him.

Raleth, while moving to strike his opponent, does not underestimate Yoshizou. At all times, he keeps his joints active, so at any point he can attempt to deal with any reactionary attacks from the red-haired shinobi.

WC = 316 x 2 (event bonus) = 632
AP = 590/600

Stats n Jutsu:
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:00 pm
The crowd would grow louder, louder, and even more loud with every increasing moment, the raven-haired man faced his opponent: Raleth Sarutobi. The beating orb of inferno above the Bloodworks Arena, coupled with the jeers of the audience made would make Yoshizou even more psyched to engage in a bloodlusted battle against the man that was standing 15 meters in front of him. After the raven-haired man spoke his few words -being a man of very few words, a sharp yet deep resounding inhale would immediately echo throughout the area the two were in. The inhale came from Raleth as if the Sarutobi was ritually preparing himself for combat, so Yoshizou would too, sharpening his eyes to react to any stimuli. Subsequently, the opponent would roar his single word with great intensity, shouting over the seemingly impossible yells-to surpass the crowd that proliferated the Bloodworks Arena, shutting them up immediately. "Then let's tango..." Yoshizou solemnly thought, fully bracing himself for the incoming bloodshed. He was defeated, brutalized, and utterly demolished a handful of times in his life but today was not going to be one where the Jugo would die. 

Suddenly, his opponent would form the Ram hand seal at high speeds, Yoshizou estimating that the man was probably faster than him due to the sheer speed of the seal weaving. Immediately after, the Sarutobi would attempt to dash in a curve-like faction at a fast blur of speed to maneuver 6 meters behind Yoshizou's right shoulder, endeavoring to attack the Jugo in his blind spot. However, despite Raleth being faster than the raven-haired man, his movements weren't untraceable, in fact, they were very noticeable. Coupled with the amount of distance needed to actually get 6 meters behind Yoshizou's right shoulder, being about 22 meters of movement, it would be mere child's play for the Jugo to effectively counter the movement. As soon as Raleth would be in mid-dash, about to get behind Yoshizou, the Jugo would simply turn his body around 180 degrees at maximum speed in order for his opponent to not reach the blind spot. As Raleth finished his high-speed movement, the two would be facing each other, having 6 meters of distance between each. The Sarutobi would then proceed to duck low whilst simultaneously reaching for a Kunai from his weapon pouch. Yoshizou would pick onto what his opponent would probably do as a byproduct of Raleth ducking low, so the Jugo would attempt to counter said movement. As soon as Raleth began to duck low and reached for a Kunai, Yoshizou would simultaneously weave two handseals in rapid succession and at full speed to match the sudden movement. The two handseals would be Horse and Tiger.

Kneading chakra in his stomach while inhaling from his nostrils ever so slightly, Yoshizou proceeded to exhale a thin stream of fire 6 inches wide from his mouth at alarming speeds, only traveling for an inch before detaching to a giant sphere of flames, 2.5 meters in radius, traveling towards Raleth at the same speed, effectively interrupting the Kunai throw and future actions. Should the Sarutobi still desire to throw the Kunai at Yoshizou, the flames would serve as a great defense, turning the Kunai to ash upon contact due to its durability not being able to combat the fireball. Additionally, should Raleth still desired to perform any combat maneuvers towards Yoshizou, the flames would shield the Jugo from the wrath of his opponent, turning Raleth into a fresh serving of burnt human nuggets upon contact. Ultimately, the Sarutobi needed to decide quickly what he needed to do since there were only 6 meters between the two, lest he suffered the wrath of the flames that would kill him instantly. 

Yoshizou would be prepared for any tricks Raleth had upon his sleeve, remaining vigilant towards any stimuli.

WC: 737
TWC: 1445

Boring AP Stuff:
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Fri Sep 04, 2020 12:40 pm
Damn, I've gotten rusty.

The thought rings in the jounin's mind as he completes his body flicker, ducks low, reaches for his kunai, his eyes wide as he stares at an opponent facing him and weaving handsigns. The crowd's thunderous roar dulls, the desert wind stills; in the moment between seconds, when the mind quickens and adrenaline rushes, the aged shinobi is brought back to the battlefields of his past, to the Chuunin Exams in the Hidden Mist. 

To call it a gauntlet would be insulting, it was more than a trial, it was hell. Death loomed in every corner and crevice, those who had hope died right away. And, in this crucible, a dark passion flared within the young shinobi and an instinct honed itself as he survived every encounter in the Blood Games. Faced with the familiar face of death, the aged jounin keeps calm, and analyzes his situation.

His weight is shifted forward, his momentum directs him towards the jugo: trying to adjust the direction could slow him down, and leave him open. He's crouched low, with his right hand free, and the fingers of his left hand curled around his kunai. His opponent has weaves the Horse and Tiger handseals, Raleth counts himself lucky as he recognizes the signs for a jutsu in his own arsenal. As his opponent inhales sharply through his nose, the Sarutobi acts on a killer's instinct.

The crowd's roar booms with bloodlust, the desert wind rushes outside the Bloodworks, the Yoshizou completes his jutsu. A thin fire streams from his mouth, and explodes into a great flaming sphere, five meters in diameter. Serving as an impressive shield against any front facing attacks, it travels toward the Sarutobi. And, as the great fireball leaves the jugo, a startling sight would greet Yoshizou Kanemoto.

Approximately 8 meters away from the jugo, backdropped by a puff of white smoke, Raleth Sarutobi would be seen 7 meters in the air, having used his momentum to propel himself above and over the fireball. His eyes would be cold, his face, stone, and, as he holds the kunai he pulled out earlier between his fingers, his hands would be formed into the Clone handseal. And, at a distance and angle similar to the one in the air, two Raleth Sarutobi's would be seen, traveling forward, with both of their hands in the shape of the Clone handseal, with the one flanking the genin's left holding a kunai. 

Such a move would seem imporbable, but, the genin underestimated the speed of Raleth Sarutobi, or morelikely, overestimated the speed of his jutsu: as Raleth was quicker than the ninjutsu Kanemoto used. Having seen Yoshizou complete the handsigns for the Great Fireball jutsu when Raleth reached into his weapon pouch, Raleth's reaction was instant: forming the clone handseal at a speed faster than the genin's formation of his ninjutsu after already being prepared to pull out his kunai. And, since Raleth's intention had been to rush forward, a sudden jump and leap would cause no loss in momentum, and, since Raleth himself can leap quite a distance, clearing the 5 meter in diameter fireball by two meters would be a childish feat for the Sarutobi. And, as if luck smiled harshly on Raleth's opponent, the great fireball would obscure the jounin from the Jugo, for at least a moment: breaking line of sight. As it stands, Yoshizou Kanemoto would have no way of discerning which shadow clone would be the real Raleth Sarutobi. 

In the next instant, the Raleth Sarutobi's in the air and to the Jugo's left would throw their Kunai at more than double the speed of both the genin and the ninjutsu: aiming for just under Kanemoto's neck and his lung. If they connected, the Jugo would die: the strength behind the thrown projectile would puncture his lung and lacerate his throat: mosty likely causing him to bleed out and suffocate. At the same time, the Raleth Sarutobi flanking Yoshizou's right would begin forming handseals, preparing an unknown jutsu. 

If the kunai did not connect, the Raleth in the air and to the Jugo's left would rush the genin, keeping their forward momentum. The on in the air would land in front of the genin, most likely getting their before the one that flanked Kanemoto's left. This Raleth would wrap both his arms around the Genin at 50 speed, and crush the Jugo between his arms with 75 strength: enough to  break Yoshizou in half, literally.

WC = 761

Actual f@!#ing math:
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:19 pm
Has been well over 72 hours since my opponents last post, claiming the hit and victory for the mission
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:37 pm
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A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Sun Sep 20, 2020 1:20 pm
The last moments of Yoshizou Kanemoto's life was quick, but not painless. Fractures spread like fire over his ribs, sparking pain that electrifies his body: causing him to scream in pain and gush with blood, silencing the crowd with a symphony of snapping life. Bones break, ribs around punctured, organs are pressed, squished, and mashed. A sickening crrrk accompanies the dying breath of the Jugo, his corpse falls limp to the ground: bent in half. The crowd's eyes fall on the immense, white-ash-haired Sarutobi, his front covered in gore and blood. Some shudder as he walks back to the entrance he came in, others whisper about what they think they see. Though the bout was exciting, the ending was sudden, and without ceremony. A small round of applause ripples, before exploding into a wave of cheers as another match in the Bloodworks concludes.

Raleth walks down the stairs, to where the Warrior's Fountain resides. He dips his hands into its cool waters, and brings it up to his face: washing himself clean from the fight he just had. He stares at himself, the expression that shocked all spreads over his face as he thinks on his fight with Yoshizou Kanemoto.


[WC = 201]

Total Thread WC = 2620
WC Bank = 2419 + 2620 = 5039

Exit Claims
Claiming all Mission Rewards
Unlearning Fuuinjutsu Specialty - 2000 Words
Learning Iryojutsu Specialty - 2000 Words

Reaming WC = 1039

Last edited by Raleth on Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:50 am; edited 2 times in total
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Sun Sep 20, 2020 6:01 pm
You can't keep adding words to word bank - you must use the words from this topic in your exit claims please
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 19000

A Mutt Named Sarutobi Empty Re: A Mutt Named Sarutobi

Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:50 am
Updated Claims
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