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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:10 pm
The spiraling blue orb of chakra would make contact with Guren's abdomen just as he had planned but not before the blood users chakra would begin to change slightly once more. Zaine looked on with his reddened eyes, the tomoe spinning as he registered what was taking place and to his surprise, just before making contact with the rasengan his opponent weaved handsigns together quickly- building up a dense chakra that when utilized from within, manifested as an additive one inch layer of chakra to his already bulky chakra armor. The force of his rasengan making initial contact would bring the young Uchiha to a halt, stopping his momentum all at once as he watched the chakra orb in his hand dwindle in size until it eventually dissipated. Gathering that his jutsu was cancelled out by this addition to Guren's chakra armor, the young shinobi would take this moment to really study his new captains appearance and take in what had just occurred. Standing now a meter away and seeing the proud and powerful stance his team leader took served as reinforcement to what Zaine had realized much earlier on in their bout- he was sure now more than ever that Guren Chinoike was not just deserving of being his captain but a mentor as well. He would listen as his leader spoke to him proudly, his words providing a sense of accomplishment while also revealing that he had much to learn. 

Looking behind him once prompted by Guren Zaine couldnt help but chuckle- he was at a loss trying to piece together mid flight why his opponent had been building up a large amount of earthen chakra but it was now very clear. Noting the brown pool of chakra that seemed to stretch beneath the surface of the ground for multiple meters he would turn back to face his captain before speaking, "To think that your chakra could be built up from 5 meters away and funneled into the earth itself, I would consider that to be quite the handy ability." He sighed as he looked down slightly and clenched his fists tightly realizing the limits of his own powers despite their synergistic nature and cursed the fact that he was not yet at a point where he wielded such versatility. In the span of a few maneuvers Guren had showcased 3 specialties and four differing chakra natures- all while making the former seem effortless. Looking back up at Guren he would maintain his sharingan, understanding that training had only just begun. "I see why they would choose you to lead our team. You have a trick for just about any situation. But one of my questions still remains.. why did you think it would be a good idea for me to be trained specifically?" Hoping that he would get an answer that would lead him to greater heights, Zaine listened intently.

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[WC= 483]
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:14 pm
(Short post, sorry bro. Just didn't wanna keep you waiting)

As the dust settled, Guren and Zaine had both remained a meter apart from each other. The smell of wind swept earth had filled the air around the men as the rasengan was reduced into nothing. All that had remained at this point was the mutual respect that the men had for each other. Clearly, Guren could see a glimpse of the talent his comrade upheld. Although he attempted several attacks that Guren evaded, Guren was more so impressed by Zaine's ability to use the tools in his arsenal to depart from harm's way. From Zaine's demeanor, it seemed like he too had a more defined respect for his teammate. Whether it was Guren's tactical or physical ability did not matter, what only mattered was that the team synergy was formulating. And the gears within Guren's brain had already began to turn. 

Right as Zaine inquired about Guren's interest in today's training session, a foretelling smile crept upon Guren's face. "It's funny you asked that..." Guren said while clearing his throat and then starting to walk over towards the earth swamp that continued to rage on. He stopped just a meter away from its boundaries, and peered downwards at it. Presuming Zaine followed him, Guren continued. "This. I believe that with your style of combat, earth release would compliment you tremendously. Within that spar we just had there were numerous times when using the defensive nature of Doton would benefit you. From the pillar, to catch yourself early from your leap, and more. I think with your clever mind, you would find ways you could use it offensively too. And assuming you are interested, I might have a secondary proposition that could intrigue you as well. But I have talked enough. What do you think about learning a new elementary nature?" Guren asked while posturing himself to be right across Zaine, eye to eye. 

(WC = 314. Total: 4351)
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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Mon Sep 28, 2020 10:16 pm
As Guren spoke again following the end of their battle he would motion past the young Uchiha signifying that he wished for him to follow him in the direction of the earthen swamp he had previously discharged. His sharingan remained active as he peered into its depth just as his new captain was before heearing him speak once more, this time explaining in more detail that he had analyzed Zaine's fighting style and that he picked up on the fact that he was more of an evade and avoid combatant who like to emphasize on counterattacks utilizing his visual prowess and agility. This offer however was unique in that Guren proposed to allow him to learn the element of Earth! The possibilities now began to get away from the young Uchiha as he thought about the sheer utility of the element and what this could mean for his new style of combat he had been developing. The answer to this was simple and once his new captain halted his speech- Zaine picked up the conversation immediately "It would be an honor to learn such an ability from you. Your assessment of my fighting style is right on the money and although I never thought about earth as an option, I have always believed it to be the most versatile element for strategy." Zaine would look Guren in the eyes as he placed his left fist firmly in the palm of his right hand, brought the two hands to his chest and bowed to him in respect. This was customary amongst shinobi traditionally and Zaine held to this tradition ever since being taught by his father and watching the many shinobi that he respects participate in this behavior- he would expect someone of Guren's status to return the pleasantry before their interaction continued, as he learned more about him. 

One thing was still to be determined however. What was this secondary proposition that Guren mentioned and how would it relate to this situation? He believed that with the blood users guidance and help, his abilities would take the next step in their natural evolution but at a much greater pace and couldnt help but wonder if this proposition fixed to amplify this even more. Returning to a straightened position, arms by his side- Zaine would speak once more "If this secondary proposition can assist me in anyway I would like to hear more about it and follow the steps necessary. I have my reasons..but I need to get stronger Guren. Not just for me, but for the village and all those within it. From this moment on you arent just my team leader." smirking as he said this, having just challenged the Chinoike to verify his credibility- he couldnt help but see a bit of irony in the entire situation. "Rather, youll be overseeing my development, as a sensei." He felt proud to say these words to Guren and believed that above all else this would allow him to build himself up while also coming to understand the man before him better. There were still so many questions that he had regarding his clan and the abilities that he held in regards to it- then of course there was the matter of his eyes both having differing activation states, which he could barely wrap his mind around in the first place. He was intent on learning the full abilities of this shinobi and from their interactions, Guren appeared to be an open book. How much had he held back? Or did he push himself further than he had previously expected to? These questions echoed through is mind as he awaited his reply and hear more of what his new teacher would have in mind. 

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  • Putting 4,000 WC towards learning Earth element from Guren at discounted WC price 50% [4,000/4,000]
  • Putting 5,000 WC towards untraining strength for 25 and retraining 20 stats to speed and 5 to vigor

Mizuki Ohta
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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:03 pm
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:44 am
As the two stared at the swamp Guren created, it was evident to him that Zaine was really relishing his words and the sight before his eyes. Guren looked over at his teammate and watched as his sharingan scanned over the jutsu. The intensity of his eyes as well as the body language that Zaine upheld while Guren spoke clearly indicated that he was seriously considering the proposition while simultaneously assessing the chakra breakdown of the technique. Intelligent. Very Intelligent. It was evident to Guren that Zaine was a fast learner, utilizing many of his senses to already study the earth elemental nature before his very eyes. Sure he would have to do some training of the element as he learned more, but it would seem as if Zaine already digested the foundations of the technique. 

Guren smiled and opened his mouth to let out, "Splendid. But make no mistake. You are not learning from me, you are learning with me. I understand I may have been appointed as the captain of our team, but realize that there are many things for us to learn from each other. There are many weaknesses I have that your strengths will cover. And vice versa I am sure. As a team, we need to study each other carefully and learn how to complement each other. By doing that we will function better than a well oiled machine." Guren had no intentions of setting any type of misconception that he was better than Zaine because of his rank within the team. Truthfully Guren wanted to empower Zaine and encourage him to know that he is extremely capable and the two should think of themselves as comrades. The captain - subordinate relationship was just on paper. Either man was fully capable of teaching the other. And Guren fully intended to pick Zaine's brain on some techniques that he wielded than Guren might also be able to learn. 

Upon finishing his sentiment, Zaine issued a formal bow of respect to Guren. Guren did the same almost in sync with Zaine. The two were acknowledging the abilities of each other and accepting the other for their prowess. And it felt natural. Not once during any of the interactions the two men had did Guren feel any type of foreignness. This was quite the surprise as well considering how Guren didn't normally form real, lasting bonds. But perhaps this was the start of one. The only other person he felt that natural chemistry click with in Sunagakure, and the world, was Mizuki. But he thought this also was a product of their similar lineage. Nevertheless Guren embraced the newfound bond he formed with Zaine. The bow was just a confirmation of it. 

As the two reverted back to their normal posture, Zaine inquired more on the second proposition. Stating that he wanted to get stronger, even going as far as referring to Guren as his new sensei. This came even after Guren made a mention of the two being equals. But still, he embraced it. The words flowed so naturally out of Zaine's mouth that it sounded as if he was speaking directly from the heart. Guren paused for a moment to take in this feeling before speaking. "Zaine, truly I would be honored. But only if this is something you truly want. I do not wish for us to have the sensei-pupil relationship if it is something that you don't think you would benefit from....But with that being said, I do thing there are things I can help you refine and develop. We share commonalities in our dojutsu, genjutsu, ninjutsu, and soon our elements as well. There is some overlap. But I can also help you outside of that realm too." Guren began. Following his last word he paused long enough for Zaine to respond. 

Guren's reply would depend on Zaine's but he would make sure he would incorporate the proposition into it as well. "Now...regarding the proposition. I will put it to you straight. I have recently spent time submerging myself into the iryojutsu field. I have acquiring some...corpses, which house a plethora of potential for DNA swapping. The two bodies I have of are Terumi and Jugo lineage. I am telling you this because I trust you, and if it interests you I think you could benefit from acquiring some of this DNA in the form of a transplant." Guren let the air settle after initiating this conversation, as it was not one for the weak of heart. It was different, yet it was all so common in Sunagakure. Nevertheless, it was still likely unexpected for Zaine. Thus Guren would fully understand if his new pupil wouldn't jump at the offer. In the meanwhile Guren folded his arms across his chest and stared lightly at Zaine in anticipation of his response. 

(WC=806. Total: 5157)
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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:56 am
Honored by the humble nature of his team captain he couldnt help but smile again as he reflected on his reactions- Guren was proving himself more and more to be not only a fitting leader but a trustworthy friend and a great candidate for a mentor. With the formalities finally out of the way, it was time that the two of them got down to what was planned for the future- this of course began with the declaration of Guren as his new mentor, to which the Chinoike accepted wearily almost as if he felt it was an honor beyond his deserving. Zaine couldnt help but let out a laugh as he replied to him "Trust me I would not have said it if it wasnt what I truly wanted. I have good reason to want to learn more from you. In the span of our small bout you displayed multiple abilities that I hadnt even witnessed before. Our commonalities as you accurately put it, make you the perfect shinobi for this proposition. So lets call it a deal." Smiling, he would listen on as Guren began to tell him about his secondary proposition and what it entailed- it appeared that he was speaking on an art that he always thought of as taboo, DNA transplantation. He had never given the idea any thought, having been raised by two parents that shunned the idea as completely unnatural- however hearing his new mentor speak about it in such a way made him the slightest bit less tense towards the subject.

He would ponder the offer weighing the the possibilities of what might occur if he were to go through with it, "He doesnt seem to think a procedure like this is too big of a deal.. he is pretty laid back in general but still, I wonder if thats the origin behind his differing eyes." He would continue to think it over before speaking to Guren once more, "Would we be able to talk this matter over while you show me the resources involved? I at the very least want to learn more about this from you." He would await a reply from him as he contemplated what the procedure would entail. 
(Sorry for the shorter post bro)

Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:36 pm
(Sorry for the delay king. Much love to ya bro bro and I appreciate your patience) 

Guren nodded at the trust that Zaine had in him. It was truly admirable. In all honesty the Chinoike was shocked at how quickly the two meshed together. It really seemed almost effortless after getting that initial spar out the way. But that was the nature of being a shinobi. Sometimes it was just much easier to learn another by fighting together, even if it was against one another. Smiling, Guren carried on the introduction to the procedure taking note of the body language of his peer. As he explained, he detected a bit of uneasy with Zaine, but it seemed outweighed by his own interest. This was essentially confirmed when Zaine inquired about seeing the merchandise himself. This pleased Guren, evident by the subtle smile he bore. 

"Yeah, that'll work out perfectly. Follow me and we can head to my apartment," Guren offered while turning around in place and starting off. He assumed Zaine would follow. If so the two would start out from the rocky terrain, onwards towards the exit/entrance of the training grounds. As they walked Guren really took in his surroundings and relished at the creative craftmanship executed to erect so many unique training grounds. "You know, I really should spend some more time here...seems like I just don't have the time nowadays" he said faintly under his breath without breaking his stride, almost as if thinking it aloud. Whether this begun a conversation with Zaine or not was fine, truly it was just an honest reflect on Guren's busy nature. 

Soon the two would exit the training ground facility and be making their way down the pathway adjacent to the Grove. Ironically enough this place was where Guren acquired the hosts of the DNA he possessed. Was a pity on how it went down, yet an indication of how life was full circle. Even in death a shinobi's bodies are recycled to prolong the life of another. Vicious yet so true. As they passed by, Guren turned his attention to Zaine while continuing his pace and playfully asked "Have you ever spent time and enjoyed the Grove? It really is a place of peace...not surprisingly a frequent stop of tourists. Might even find yourself a lil' boo thang here..." He laughed momentarily, and awaited Zaine's rebuttal. 

Within minutes of continuing their walk, they would reach the apartment complex which housed buildings that overlooked the Grove and the nearby town central. Guren paused for a moment before turning to Zaine, now bearing a semi-serious, semi-smug expression on his face. "Before we reach my place, are you sure this is something you're interested in? If not, now would be the time to let me know. No pressure though" Guren lightly concluded. He waited for Zaine to respond, to confirm that he was indeed intrigued by the transplant market. If not, no harm no shame. If so, then Guren would nod and lead Zaine over in the direction of his apartment building. 

(WC = 494. Total: 5651)
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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:36 pm
He nodded in excitement at the prospect of gaining further power and he could say without a doubt that he trusted the man before him to guide him in the right direction- this would be a necessary process to undergo if he wished to ascend to a level where he could protect those he cared about without worry so it wasnt a hard decision to make. "I'll be right behind you, lead the way. Im not in a huge rush anyways." He would say as he began to follow behind Guren, noting how he carried himself with such confidence- their spar ended abruptly but to be honest he wasnt sure that if it had carried on any further he would have been in the best situation. It was clear that Guren held much power and he was under no pressure to walk around flaunting it- this only added to the newfound admiration that Zaine had for his new teacher. They would begin to pass by the other training fields as Guren spoke, commenting in a low tone that it doesnt seem as though he has the time to commit to training and how he admired the work put into the training fields around them- this low tone used by him served as a que to Zaine to act as though he hadnt heard it as he might have been speaking low to keep it to himself, though the young Uchiha was more than able to relate and agreed with his opinion of the differing training fields.

As the two passed the grove a smile would come across his face as he now had somewhat of a personal attachment to the area- he would look on admiring the view before hearing a question posed by his Chinoike companion. He ascertained as to whether Zaine had been to the grove or spent much time there along with hinting that its a lively place for dating- he would smirk as he thought about the best way to respond to the man as he had quite a.. lengthy story about his relation to the grove "Well, lets just say that the water portion of the grove was something that was newly added by myself and Raleth and while I havent had much time to go on any dates there or even just go for a walk, I spent a fair amount of time helping to rebuild it after its.. remodeling" He would say in slight embarrassment at what his life long friend had done to the grove in a friendly sparring match, "As for ladies.. ive actually got my eye on one currently but, theres not much to be done in that department currently so its the waiting game for now. You know how it is,  you probably cant keep em off you." He said laughing a bit as he followed in step behind him.

Finally approaching the building that could be none other than Guren's apartment he would stop and turn to Zaine before they would continue in- he posed another question though this one carried a more serious tone. The question was in regards to his sureness to go through with the procedure and respectfully the man offered one final out to turn away and refuse it. "Ive come this far, trust me this is something that I need to do. I have my reasons and I plan to share them with you once this is all said and done if thats alright with you but if thats the only question you have, im more than ready for whatever youve got in store, I trust you." He said as he awaited Guren's response. Assuming he heard this answer and chose to invite Zaine in, he would follow and follow his instructions from there, unaware of what exactly would be asked of him. 

Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:39 pm
Guren enjoyed the laugh he shared with Zaine, as it felt as if it had been too long since he was able to do that with anyone. When the two paused their walk to ascertain Zaine's willingness to proceed, what he said had truly intrigued Guren. Resultantly Guren raised a single eyebrow, folded his arm, and shifted his weight on his back right foot. Although interested in what his colleague's intentions might be, he refrained from prying any further. He was sure that if the time came for Guren to be made aware of his motives, Zaine would tell him. But there was a time and place for everything, and right now the focus was on the transplants themselves. Guren warmly smiled at Zaine, followed by a nod of confirmation. "Good answer."

With that Guren turned in place and started down the adjacent concrete sidewalk towards the direction of a multistory building. Upon reaching it, he lifted his dominant hand and firmly gripped the handle. Swinging the door open, he proceeded inside while holding the door open for Zaine. When both were inside, Guren maneuvered over to the stairwell and began to ascend upwards. After reaching the very top floor, Guren again pushed the exit door open and held it for Zaine to make his way through. Directly across the hall was the door to Guren's apartment. He subtly reached into the time pouch strapped to his thigh and retrieved the key. Bringing it up to the handle he unlocked the apartment, pushed the door open and proceeded inside. This time he wouldn't hold the door open. Not intentionally, but just out of excitement to show Zaine's his findings.

Inside of Guren's apartment, Zaine would see an organized and tidy living space. The living room was equipped with a couch and several lounge chairs, all surrounding a single coffee table. In the corners of the rooms were plants grown from Guren's jutsu, which were suspended above end tables. The window in the room provided an excellent capture of the Grove, Town Square, and Training Grounds nearby. One could even clearly see the Spire from here. Guren's kitchen was ordinary to say the least, equipped with the exact same stock appliances and decorations that Zaine likely had in his own unit. 

Throughout the rest of the apartment were other items and trinkets that were reflective of Guren's personality: books, paintings, decorations, and other things of that nature. One unique aspect of Guren's apartment was the fact that it had two rooms. His bedroom was closed off. Nothing he particularly wished to openly display, as he kept most of his prized possessions here. However the room down the hallway was where the magic would happen today. "Well here we are. I guess there's no need for pleasantries and we might as well skip right to elephant in the room" Guren said with a slight chuckle while progressing down the hallway. He opened the door and within the room was one long surgical tables at its center. Around the perimeter of it was shelving, cabinetry, and a desk. It was almost like a mix between a laboratory, an office, and an operating room. 

He walked over to the desk, san in its rolling chair, and rotated in place to be angled just perpendicular to the desk. Leaning forward in place, he stretched his right hand out towards the cooler sitting next to the desk. Upon opening it he retrieved two jars: one labeled "Jugo" and the other labeled "Terumi". Bearing both jars in hand, he stood from his seat and placed both jars on the operating table in front of Zaine. When Zaine's eyes would fall upon the jars he would see they were exceptionally chilled yet not frozen. But a closer look would recognize that each jar contained a single organ, a kidney to be specific. Now there were other organs of use in the coolers, however these were just the first samples Guren had grabbed. Additionally he still had the entire corpses of the fallen men stored elsewhere. 

"Let me ask you something Zaine. Do either of these Clan names sound familiar to you?" Guren asked while pointing his finger to the tags labeled on the jars. He would patiently await Zaine's response and also monitor his body langauge. It was likely that Zaine saw this whole room as a bit off, but also recall that Guren had been practicing iryojutsu. Thus, it was a sense. To Guren, this was all normal. And quite interesting. His studies had taught him a lot and gifted him many new abilities. Now he just wanted to share the fruits of his effort with someone. 

(WC = 781. TC = 6432)

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Further Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Further Training

Fri Dec 11, 2020 11:18 pm
(Hey bro for the purpose of storyline im gonna timeline this after a few things have taken place if thats cool)

The location of the young Jounin's apartment's was quite impressive, it was centered in one of the most active parts of the village but the amount of provacy he was granted was fantastic- thought of moving to this side of town now that he was a bit more established crossed his mind as he was given essentially a tour of the residence. The time for admiration and studying of the decor had only just begun as Guren opened a door revealing the contents behind it of which they had come back to his home for- in this room was a long operation table along with shelves a plenty. It seemed that the man did a majority of his work in this area and that he was starting to tinker with the idea of performing procedures in the way that he offered to Zaine- this notion while making him slightly more nervous also served to peak his interest beyond what it previously had been. "So this will be an opportunity for him to gain experience in his craft as I grow stronger.. so its a win win for Sunagakure. Yeah, just think about it like that.." He would think to himself as he walked in and did his best to get comfortable- he would maintain a standing position as he looked around the room until his attention was called to what Guren had pulled from a cooler he had sitting in front of his desk and out from it he pulled two jars from it labeled "Terumi" and "Jugo". These were two names that he was familiar with and to be honest he was much more familiar with the Jugo after his meeting with the Kazekage- he would take immediate note of that jar and from the moment it was pulled out, his vision would not shift from it.

"Im quite familiar with the Jugo after being taught of their capabilities and a bit of their clan history. Honestly it seems like good fortune that of the bloodlines existing in this world, that would be the one that you have in your possession. Of these two if it would be within your power I think Jugo would be the best suited for my efforts. What do you think about that?" He would ask, now looking his new captain in the eyes, he would surely be shocked at the change in demeanor towards the notion of surgical bolstering but he wasn't aware of the changes the young Uchiha had gone through recently- if he had Guren's blessings then he would ascertain as to what would be next in the process and if there was anything specific that he would need to do moving forward. 

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