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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:54 am
Mission specs:

The Land of Iron. The icy, snow-covered country wasn't exactly where Ichigo expected to find himself, nor where he'd be able to get comfortable. Although having the appearance of a mountain himself, the environment wasn't exactly the Drunk's cup of tea. Making his way through the forest, the crunching sound of snow underneath his feet, Ichigo was trying to find a certain hidden grove that was rumored to be located in the Land of Iron. News of stunningly beautiful animals spread like wildfire, which for some reason only inspired him to be the first one to arrive, hoping to be able to lay his eyes on whatever would be waiting for him at the grove.

Perhaps it was the snow causing the animals who usually reside in the forest to remain hidden, but so far there were none to be seen. Unless he'd count the flock of birds headed to warmer climes. "Lucky winged bastards" the man cursed, if only they would take him with them so he wouldn't have to spend his time feeling the snow making its way through the bottom of his shoes. "Great, wet feet. Just what I needed." Ichigo sighed, hoping the hidden grove would allow the Drunk to dry and warm himself up. 

Ichigo wasn't all too sure, but he could have sworn he heard the sound of fresh water nearby, indicating the shinobi was getting closer to the grove than he thought. Hurrying over, hoping that whatever was waiting for him was indeed worth his time.

(WC: 253)
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
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The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Thu Dec 03, 2020 7:31 am
Ryuzaki was sat at his dining table eating a bowl of porridge, it was piping hot, and had way more sugar in than necessary, this was a good start to a day. Ryu lifted his next spoonful of porridge to his mouth and suddenly had the feeling of vertigo before he could react he was falling backwards onto the snow-covered floor. "Damn not again," He said as he turned himself over and pushed himself up off the ground "This Hollykage guy is really starting to piss me off". Ryu held his hand out and prepared for the letter to pop into his hand after it did he read the contents to get acquainted with what he was going to have to do. Ryuzaki was dressed in his usual attire, a pair of ninja tabi that covered bandages that wound around his feet and up his legs until they went under a pair of long shorts that stopped just below the knee, and met a pair of compression shorts. Strapped around his left leg was a long weapon pouch that housed half his kunai and shuriken, on his back right hip he wore a cloth weapon pouch that housed the rest of his kunai, shuriken, explosive tags, smoke bombs, and military ration pills. A belt wound around his waist. Ryuzaki wore a black, short-sleeved t-shirt, from just below his shoulders more bandages wound around his arms and his hands, doubling as hand wrapping for close-quarters combat. Around his neck he wore a simple silver chain, hanging from it was a simple gold ring with the Nara clan symbol etched into it, the only sign that he ever belonged to the clan. 

Ryuzaki saw a man ahead of jogging towards an unseen objective, he took off after him, hoping it was his companion for the Hollykage's mission, in case he was wrong he stopped a good distance away and called out to the man "Are you here about the grove?".

WC: 330
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:12 pm
Within the territories of Sunagakure, the controlled climate was a vast difference from the unbearable heat of the surrounding desert. Yet, the definition of “controlled climate” the inhabitants had was still somewhat different from what Kaito might’ve wanted. Indeed, for someone used to the fluctuating conditions of the mountain, perhaps his entire gripe with the climate was the control of it. He didn’t want to go on an internal tirade about how ninja shouldn’t play god and control the world; after all, he himself could spawn a swamp underneath his enemies if he so chose, but to control one’s environment to this degree felt almost petty to him.

He didn’t have much time to reflect on the situation though, as he was suddenly surrounded by darkness; his eye still used to the brightness of the day of the sunny Sunagakure suddenly straining to try and see his surroundings. Afeared he might be under attack, his byakugan was flooded with chakra which expanded his line of sight for one hundred meters in all directions, the godly field of view that prevented him from being snuck upon. With the aid of the trusty Byakugan he realized he wasn’t under attack, just changed the scenario from the warm Sunagakure and into the frozen vista of the Land of Iron, with a note in his hand from the Hollykage regarding his newest assignment. Couldn’t be mad at the Hollykage. That’d be the same as… oh, wait, this reference is also about the Hollykage. Heh. Maybe next time he’d come up with a better reference.

In this climate, the Darkened Skies second generation armor proved a much better fit than for the heat of Wind Country. He pulled the armor’s hood over his red hair, adjusting it and letting it stream down the sides of his neck, marginally kept out of the way of his face by virtue of his headband and eyepatch strap.

He noted two figures in close proximity; one of them being a stranger, the other being the familiar face of Ichigo Sato. It was the first time he was paired up with someone he knew on the festive missions. He approached the duo, greeting them. “Ahoy, lads. How’s it going, Ichigo? You got that eye implanted yet?” He looked at the second ninja, a shot glass taller than the redhead, but unmistakably from the Kumogakure if the headband was anything to go by. “Oh, I don’t think I know you… Noboru Kaito, Deputy Kage, Jonin of the Kumogakure. Nice to meet you.” He would extend his hand as he spoke to shake with the man as he spoke his name, a sign of respect for a fellow villager.
WC: 447
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:57 pm
The sound of fresh water wasn't the only thing he could hear nearby when Ichigo suddenly heard footsteps approaching, followed by voices calling out to him, one familiar while the other was unbeknownst to the Drunk. Turning around to see who it was that either recognized him or simply wanted his attention, Ichigo noticed two individuals battling the snow as they were making their way over. The first person to speak up was someone he'd never seen before, but if his attire was anything to go by the man had to be a shinobi as well. "Ah yes, indeed. You guessed right, I'm headed towards the hidden grove." It seemed like there were more people attracted to the grove and whatever would be waiting for them at their location.

A smile formed around his face upon seeing the second individual who had joined their company. "Kaito, my friend. How've you been?" The snow made the red hair of his buddy stand out even more, no matter how hard he tried to cover it up. The Kumogakure Jounin inquired about the gift he gave to Ichigo not too long ago, a question the Drunk expected and saw coming. "Funny you should ask, I've been spending the last couple of days in the company of the surgeons at our hospital, absorbing all the information I need for the procedure. So next time we see each other might be a different Drunk standing in front of you." Deep down Ichigo knew he was ready to gain powers he'd otherwise never be able to attain. All in order to become an asset to Kumogakure.

Assuming the small talk wouldn't take longer than a few minutes, Ichigo suggested to check out what the grove was all about together. "Alright lads, what do you say we have a look what's awaiting us?" He'd wait for their response before starting to walk towards the grove in case one of them had anything else they wanted to add.

(WC: 330, TWC: 583)
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:45 am
The man Ryuzaki had approached turned to meet his inquiry, the first thing he noticed was the face tattoo, the second thing he noticed was the sheer size of the man. Then almost immediately another voice entered the meeting, he introduced himself as a join and more importantly the deputy kage of the same village as Ryu. At the mere mention of this he stiffened, his posture becoming more militaristic, the man showed respect to him, a genin, Ryu replied his hand meeting his seniors "Ryuzaki Nara, good to meet you, Sir". The other two seemed to know each other, he wondered if the larger man was also from the village. Ryu thought about inquiring what they were talking about, exchanging eyes, but he thought better of it. After the two had completed their conversation Ryuzaki also introduced himself to the larger man "I'm Ryuzaki Nara by the way". Ryuzaki fell I line behind the other two ninjas, wanting to now get on with the mission ahead. Ryu would make a note that he would seek out these ninjas later in the village, although he was sure the one named Noboru would have been at the summit. Of course, he had no knowledge that he would forget the memories of these series of missions given by the Hollykage.

WC: 218
TWC: 548
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:11 pm
Kaito smiled at the comment. “I’m happy to hear, better to get the best available before trying something like that. I’m lucky Lord Maximillian was around to help me with mine.” He smiled through the bitter cold air at the man he considered a friend, in spite of their short interactions. Perhaps it was the bond they shared in the lack of borne abilities, or that they met just before a fateful night when Kaito’s life changed. “Shame I won’t remember these news after we’re done here, but I hope to be just as happy when I return from my trip and hear about your progress.”

The younger lad tensed up after Kaito introduced himself, calling him sir. Kaito burst out laughing. “Oh, oh oh oh”, he started as he regained his composure, “that was unexpected, sorry. You caught me off guard with that. Nice to meet you, Ryuzaki… Nara… Are y’all the fat ones that punch shit really well?” Ryuzaki introduced himself to Ichigo, and Kaito watched. Ichigo suggested they move on, and Kaito held him up with a hand. “We could go out into this freezing cold and wander about freezing our dicks off, or… I can make our lives easier. None of you are gonna remember this either when we get back, so you might want to take a good look.”

Kaito reached into his eyepatch, and pulled the eyepatch back, along with the straps, revealing the lilac eye of Ghost Hyuuga to the two people next to him. “Behold”, he jested. Flooding the Byakugan with chakra, veins bulging around his eyes, his field of view expanded almost instantly to encompass every visible thing within one hundred meters. Confident the two ninja next to him would not betray his trust, he allowed his attention to wander the multitude of information presented to him. Nothing about a grove, and no gathering of animals that might make one take pause and admire them for their beauty. “Hm, nothing around. Gimme a second.” He refined the field of view, conscripting it to a smaller field, but over a much greater distance. Slowly, he observed everything his eye aimed at for one kilometer, shifting on his spot carefully so as to not rush over any place. Soon, he found shapes of animals that he might not believe if not seen with both his Byakugan and Sharingan. He raised his finger and pointed. “Seven to nine hundred meters forward, boys. Let’s go.” He adjusted his eyepatch back onto its place over his right eye, and took off.
WC: 425
TWC: 872
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:21 am
The man unbeknownst to him would introduce himself to Ichigo as Ryuzaki Nara. "As in those with the shadows?" The Drunk inquired about whether or not he was right to believe they were the ones proficient in Shadow Manipulation. Not that there were a lot of those in this snowy environment. "Nice to meet you Ryuzaki, you can call me Ichigo", not much use in adding his surname since he wasn't part of any prominent clan so even if the name Sato was mentioned, no one would knew what it meant. Just when the Drunk was about to get a move on he was stopped by his red haired friend. "Another surprise?" Not that he would mind as long as it would allow them to get out of this damned cold soon.

Ichigo almost forgot the part where none of them would remember any of the events that took place, a strange concept but one that allowed Kaito to carry out his next action. The Drunk paid close attention as his friend revealed a lilac eye hidden behind his eyepatch. "Is that .. the Byakugan? You never fail to surprise me Kaito". Perhaps the redhead had good reason to keep it a secret, maybe he wasn't proud of the way he was able to attain the eye as it went in a similar manner as how he got his hands on the Sharingan. But as he said, both Ichigo and Ryuzaki wouldn't remember what took place so there was no risk in showing them. Allowing his buddy to take the time and scan the area around them, the Drunk would wait until Kaito informed them about the location where they should be headed.

After focusing and some time had passed the red haired Jounin spoke up, pointing his finger in a 700 to 900 meters direction. "It better be no Yeti" Ichigo joked before getting ready to move as he followed behind Kaito, expecting Ryuzaki to be on the same page.

(WC: 330, TWC: 913)
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:47 am
Ryuzaki allowed his body to relax again, maybe he had been too formal, he was not used to being in the presence of the higher-ups of the village, however, the other two seemed to be friendly regardless of rank, Ryu once again found himself the outsider, the correct path alien to him in a social situation. "I do punch things rather well" he responded, his arm coming up and touching his stomach "I have been eating lots of festive treats lately, but I wouldn't call myself fat" The reference to his lost clan's close relationship with two other bloodlines within the ninja world a complete mystery to him, and the comedy attached to it even more so. Ryuzaki started to check his equipment at the notion of getting on with things, he would make sure he knew what he was able to call on if the situation turned to combat.

Ryuzaki then responded to the one who identified himself as Ichigo, this time the reference making more sense to him "Yes, for some reason the shadow tends to do my bidding" he said the first sign of a smile forming at the edge of his lips. The fact that he could control shadows had never really been explained to him, nor had he found any particular knowledge as to why he could do such things. Ryuzaki heard the word byakugan, but he did not know what it referred to, in the presence of these other ninjas, the fact that he had been raised in a remote location and only ever trained, as opposed to school, suggested that he had major gaps in his knowledge. Ryu made a note that this needed to change if only he would be able to remember once the mission was over.

Ryuzaki drew a tanto from his back and checked the blade, he then performed this again with the other once, satisfied he sheathed both and fell in line behind the other two ninjas. Onto the grove, they would go.

WC: 337
TWC: 885
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Thu Dec 17, 2020 4:30 pm
Kaito’s vision expanded far and wide, and when the boy behind them reached for the weapons at his belt, Kaito relaxed his body and prepared to open one or a few of his inner gates. However, Ryuu had just been checking his weapons. “Lad”, he started, without looking back as they pressed forward, “the next time you draw a weapon around me, you best kill someone with it, or I will.” He took a deep breath, allowing the minute adrenaline that coursed through him to be escorted out of his system, lest he become jumpy. However, their journey would soon be at an end. He raised a fist when they approached the location, turned around and pushed a straight index finger against his lips.

They moved silently, as though ninjas they were, and soon enough, they found themselves along the hidden grove, where groupings of trees allowed for the undergrowth to be protected from the cascading snow, providing nutrition for the animals that inhabited it. Kaito stood up straight, and disabled the byakugan’s chakra sight, instead taking in the view in with the natural light. “Gorgeous creatures, aren’t they?”
WC: 189
TWC: 1061
Claiming Chameleon Scales and Rabbit Fur
1061 towards Arms Duplication Technique
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday) Empty Re: The Iron Grove (Kumo Lads' Holiday)

Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:19 pm
Ichigo made notice of Ryuzaki bringing out his weapons as the Nara reached for the blades. "I don't think we'll need them" the Drunk replied with a smile. After all, the three of them simply had to find the hidden grove. It would surprise him if they'd run into anything else that would require them to engage in any fighting. But one could never be too certain with the Hollykage and everything he planned for the three shinobi. Ichigo continued to follow behind Kaito, trusting his red haired friend into leading them to their location. The Byakugan surely was a handy tool, it made the Drunk Doctor wonder if his soon to come Sharingan would be able to aid him similar to the lilac eye of his companion.

Applying the art of moving silently as they were once taught back at the Academy, regardless of the crunching sound of the white snow beneath their feet, the men made their way to the top, figuratively. After some minutes had passed they would finally find themselves arriving at the hidden grove. "Yes indeed, they truly are some stunning creatures".


(TWC: 1100)
- 1100 to finish adjusting to Sharingan (900 already trained here)
- 6 stats
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