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Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:25 pm
Holiday Missions Details:

The land of Iron was a bus with beautiful snow covered hills almost like a winder wonderland. It was serene, even to someone as wild as Raian was and he couldn't help but enjoy every moment he spent here as he traveled around searching for a rumored hidden location. Apparently, rumors of a stunningly beautiful oasis had been making its rounds in the markets and it had caught Raians attention. The animals were there were said to be rare and just as stunningly beautiful as the oasis itself. Thus while Raian wasn't a people person, animals were anothe story. He had always felt more like one them than he had with the rest of the human race anyways.

He had been traveling for sometime however and so far had failed to find even a trace of the rumored place. The hill he had been climbing, he had hoped would allow him to view the lands below from a higher place, but through the thick snow storm and the deep forests I was hard to see anything but more white. "Damn.. I'll be searching for an eternity at this rate I can't see anything through this bloody damn blizzard! Raian yelled in frustration to himself unkowingly provoking a large female bear with her cubs nearby that he had ignorantly failed to even notice. A mistake that would definitely bite him, maybe literally as the bear approached him mistaking him for a threat to her cubs. He turned just in time to face her as she reared up on her hind legs and standing almost 10 feet tall in total. Raians "connection" with nature wasn't going to help him much in this situation.

Raian rolled to the side as the female bear brought her razor steel like claws down the ground hard. A blow that could have easily tore Raian to ribbons had it connected. Once recovering a few meters away he looked the bear dead in the eyes and for the first time actually got to see it for what it was. A bear whose white coat was so clean and pure that it shine, one eye of purple the other an ocean blue. It was stunningly beautiful and had to be one of the animals he had heard about in the rumors that came from the grove. No wild animal from any normal place would look so perfect. His goal now was not to hurt the animal, now he needed to find a way to force to head back to the grove so he could follow it right to it.

[WC: 429]
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:53 pm
"You've seem to have landed yourself in quite a bind, Raian. And a bear, no less, mother of cubs. She's not going to just allow you to leave. Do you need for me to step in?" The deep demonic voice of Raian's companion would reach him from one of the near by stumps, well out of the threatening space of the bear. He sat with his right leg crossed over his left. His left arm folded as his right arm was folded to sit his chin lazily unto the bottom of his palm. His black attire swaying in the constant draft of the blizzarding winds. His demonic eyes peering over between the bear and the Devil.  

Truthfully, he wondered exactly how his friend would deal with such a situation. Or if he would find a reason not to shed blood. The demon was growing more curious as the temperature dropped within their bodies. He smiled as he momentarily glances over to the cubs that were looking on to their mother as if she was their protector. It was cute to him, if only they knew, if only they have realized that their protection was no longer protecting... she was pursuing a fight that she did not know better of.   

His lips were licked as he thought of a cruel way to blind side the bear, but he would not interfere just yet, not without the say so of his friend. 

[WC: 240]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 21100

Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Sun Dec 06, 2020 5:49 pm
As the majestic and stunningly terrifying creature stood up on it's hind legs for the second time, letting out another roar as it prepared to attack. Raian suddenly heard a voice, coming from a tree stump not too far away. It was Aoki, Raians demonic friend, asking if he needed assistance of all things. The voice had taken his attention off the bear for just a slight moment and yet in that short amount of time, he was harshly smacked with a large paw. The blow sent him flying backwards in the snow but luckily the sharp claws at the end had missed anything vital and only tore his clothes and the very upper layers of skin on his chest. Raian let out a sigh before turning to his demonic friend as the bear stood it's ground, not advancing yet for fear of straying too far from her cubs which were still a few meters behind her watching the battle. "I think I can handle a wild animal, besides look at it, that's no ordinary bear so I'm not trying to kill it. Guess you could say I got a soft spot for beasts." Raian said with a smile through sharpened teeth as he referenced the pearl white coat of the animal.

Raian then stepped forward again, cracking his neck and knuckles as he approached the animal which roared at him. Raian immediately stopped in his tracks, laughing in response to the animals attempt at intimidation. "So you want a screaming match? Well then.." Raian stopped mid sentence before inhaling sharply his chest visibly expanding before he screamed "FINE" activating his breath of the all Father technique at the same time as the scream to send a shockwaves out which knocked the bear clean over as well kicked up a massive dust cloud of snow with it's sheer force.

Once the dust cloud faded, the bear got to it's feat visible shook by what had just occured. It retreated back away from the devilish human back to its cubs before running off with them. Afterwards Raian would turn to his demonic friend if he was still sitting where he was before. "See I got this, now with any luck that bear will lead us to the ancient grove or oasis or whatever it is the slimy hood rats were gossiping about back at the markets. You heard about that too right I'm assuming?" Raian said as he scratched his head.

Jutsu used:

[Nature Energy Stacks 1 -> 2]
[WC: 403]
[TWC: 832]

Aokidanza likes this post

Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Sun Dec 06, 2020 10:43 pm
Upon hearing Raian's words, his decision to continue with the white bear left a satisfied smile on the face of the demon. Those golden eyes would narrow slightly at the situation. Mostly because of what was said... A devil with a soft spot for unique genetics in a animal? It was odd, yet manifested questions, or rather a question. One that he would ask once Raian had his fill of fun with the creature. Of course before all of that the Devil took a pretty clean shot to the chest. The blow sent him flying a few feet, at which caused the demon in black to smile and chuckle. "I wonder if that one hurt?"  

The bear still standing its ground, Raian regaining his would meet the raoring beast with a unique roar of his own. This caught Aokidanza by surprise. He never seen a technique like that, which made peaked his interest on the devil even further. He managed to knock the bear clean off her balance. One could not blame her for her followed actions. Any creature or possibly man would have done the same.  

The victorious Raian would find that the demon was still sitting on his stump, but now more intrigued with both feet planted into the snow and both hands together with fingers interlaced as his gaze was fixed on Raian. "Indeed, and it was quite a marvelous show. Bravo! Bravo! I'd say you've gotten my blood boiling to the point that I would like to dance next! But... we are here for a purpose and I'd like to see to it." Standing to his feet he would motion over to the Devil with a smile as big as ever. He was truly fascinated by this one, and what's more, tye answer to his next question would be what would either i increase his ecstacy or diminish it. Once he was within three feet of Raian he would tilt his head to the left. "I must ask... Raian, would you happen to embody the Jugo DNA?" His voice held an overwhelming sense of pleasure in his asking.  

He would then realize he completely disregarded the question that was asked to him. His head now upright and his hands at his side he would close his eyes. "As for your question, yes I have. There is to be an eden of an oasis somewhere within this land. Judging by that unique beast we have definitely happened upon the boundaries to this Grove. I'm curious as to what we might find there." He spoke, turning to see the bear and its cubs scurrying deeper into the forest. He would guesture with his eyes to the devil that they should donas he spoke and follow behind them. Thus he began to stride behind. Though he was still curious to the answer of his question.

[WC: 476]
[Total WC: 716]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:53 pm
"I'd like to dance next! But.. we are here for a purpose and I'd like to see to it." The demonic Aoki spoke fixated on Raian. In response Raian crossed his arms and let out a small chuckle, Yeah you got a point, tell ya what. You ever wanna get bloody just let me know, a fight with you would be just all sorts of fun!" All the sudden Raians excitement was cut short by his companions next line of speech. A question, about his possible lineage under the Jugo clan. Raian raised one hand to his chin, scratching at it slight as he tilted his head. "Ya know.. can't say I'm one hundred percent positive on that one. Father always used to just say our blood was inherited by a devil. That granted power in exchange for control, sound like the Jugo clan to you? Haven't met anyone like me just yet so call me crazy if its hard to believe there's a whole clan of people who are just like I am.

The though actually intrigued Raian immensely. Were there more out there that had similar powers as he and the rest of his kin had? What untold secrets were being kept hidden from him by the desolation's of history. An interesting subject he would definitely need to return to later on.

Continuing on a few moments later his companion would confirm that he had heard about the grove as well, motioning with his head for them to follow the bear. A clear indication his partner had caught onto the idea rather quickly. "Beats explaining everything that's for sure" Raian though to himself as he followed closely behind Aoki.

[Nature Energy Stacks 2->3]
[+10Ap due to Jugo (current ap 740)]
[WC: 281]
[TWC: 1113]
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:40 pm
The words of Raian would reach the ears of the Demon bestowing much satisfaction. It would seem that he was in agreement to the thought of fighting with the Senju. Aokidanza must admit, hearing him say what he did next would only further his intoxicating thoughts. Causing him to glance over with such intent that he could only hope to be done with this exploration so that the real fun could befall them. The man may have found someone more than an acquaintance... a brother in arms when it came to thinking of Raian. This would be a significant discovery for them both, seeing as Aokidanza had a vast difference in treatment for those he considered friends and family. The former easily manipulative and disposable. The latter, someone of growth and foundation that is at his highest level of respect and trust.  

It would also appear that Raian did not know much about himself either. He was quite unaware of his family history but... "Blood inherited by the devil? You father seemed like a philosophical man. And your mother a woman of fate and destiny. I would say that both of your parents held you in high regards, your worth at any rate. King of the Devil's blood... I like the sound of that. But to answer your question, it does sound like you do posses the DNA of Jugo... which holds you in a unique lighting. I'd like to test you once this is all over with. I'm sure that you would like to try your hand with me as well judging by your blood lust spiking moments ago." Aokidanza is highly perceptive and intelligent with an IQ of two hundred. His knowledge and understanding of most things come at a surprise even for him.  

The demon came to a stop, his eyes would focus on the bears and the scene before them. Such beautiful nature and display as he looked over the fluff and all that came with it. He would wonder. "Raian... what do you feel from this place?" Curious to learn just how intune to his blood he was by his response.

[WC: 356]
[Total WC: 1,072]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 21100

Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:17 am
Raian could help but let out a laugh as his partner had referred to his father as a "philosophical man". Raian had never heard of him spoken about in such a way, no, not even close. "You know you got a funny way of looking at things Mr. Senju. Father was not really into philosophy just being a spinless weakling right up until the end. Dear old mother actually loved me and the brothers though, in her own, special kind of way. Always used to say I inherited the true power of our blood, though I wouldn't exactly call myself a king. Raian spoke in response to you colleges previous remark.

Thinking more deeply into what his partner had said as they walked Raians was visible lost on thought has he spoke, eyes fixated on the sky. "Ya know not that you mention I do remember hearing about this Jugo clan before. Suppose they were a group of savages bent on nothing but murder, however information seems to be scarce on that subject." Raian simply smiled shaking his head as he finally gave up on his previous thoughts. "Oh well, not that it matters anyways." Raian thought to himself not really all that worried about whether he was part of the Jugo clan or not. His heritage to the clan would do very little to change how he acted or viewed the world so the information wasn't exactly important to him.

His partner then spoke of testing him however, and this pleased Raian, very much so. He wanted nothing more than to test himself against his demonic friend. The thought hadn't left his mind since they met in fact. His excitement was cut short however, as his partner was suddenly awestruck by the beauty of the land before them. "Raian... what do you feel from this place?" He heard his partner say as he looked out onto a beautiful scene of wildlife and nature. A small pond fed by a flawless waterfall. The water so crystal and clear that is appeared as if millions of tiny stars were shining within it.

Raian thought deeply about how to describe what he was seeing but, he almost couldn't form words. He felt, odd, almost as if his hardened heart had been softened by the very sight of what he was seeing. "Reminds me of home.." Raian said with an usually soft voice as for the first time in his life, happy memories, flooded in.

[Nature Energy Stacks 3->4]
[WC: 410]
[TWC: 1523]
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:28 pm
Processing the information given to him, Aokidanza noted everything that was worth storing. He oddly understood Raian's choice of words when describing his father, though to little extent. That even went for his mother as well. While Raian's parents showed weakness and love... Aokidanza's showed coddling and protection. He was born in the midst of war, raised and groomed by war, became the embodiment of war. His parents were slaughtered while protecting him. His father skewered in a gruesome way, while his mother was beaten, raped and then killed in the same manner. He was a lad well under double digits in age, yet he was overcome by rage and only remembered coming to soaked in a pond of blood that was not of his being.  

Too young and weak to understand what happened, or to bury his parents he had to leave them there. That was painful for him. The very thought of that day weigh heavy on his heart. "Father was... Father was a wise man, full of theories, ideals and even humor. He was a protector of mother and myself. He was selfless and caring, even giving his last to a complete stranger after dividing what he could of it between mother and I first. He always smiled and spoke of a peaceful time to come. Violence was never his area, but he managed whenever it appeared. A skilled chunin. Quite capable with a weapon of any kind. He never desired to teach me the way of the shinobi, back then I never understood why, but now... I see. 

Mother was as you said, caring and loving in her own way, more coddling than anything. She pampered me and kept the world from me, or in her words kept me from the world. I sneeze and she is there ready to help me blow my nose. I fall and she is there to pick me up. Before bed she would cuddle up next to me and read me stories, she even taught me how to read. She would say that this world is full of savages and only the most intelligent would be at the head of the table. Intelligence is just as important a skill as throwing a fist and kunai. She was oddly right. They both died protecting me... I watched them die before my eyes and from that sacrifice manifested what you see before you... a demon. I've watched many more that I've grown accustomed to part before me and I'm always the last one standing. These eyes were not always like this... my soul have been tainted by despair and I now am its host. My only goal is to spread it upon this hopeful world. By feeding them this curse within my I shall purify myself while purging them of their ways, thus that world of peace will be more than a thought of my late father. I will make it a reality."

His words were heavy, his voice did not crack or soften, but there was emotion there. It would be understood that he lost a lot and he was a product of his surroundings. Listening to the soft words of the Devil, Aokidanza glanced back to observe the facial expression of his friend. Seeing him lost in sweet memories was...refreshing... it was good to see that there was something that brought him happiness in this world of sin. But also, he was in fact sync to nature. Outstretched his arm. "Go, I'll follow your lead." Stepping aside for him. His hands rested at his sides as he too continued to take in the beauty of this land.  

Truly everything within this pure place was never once touched by man. Evident in the fact that nothing was pillaged or industrialized. Humans had a sick greed for unique things. The Senju would scan over the snow and the water. He would even look to the heavens to see that unique coloring. Mixtures of greens, purples, yellows and blues. This place was perhaps one of the most soothing places he's ever experienced. 

[WC: 680]
[Total WC: 1,752]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 21100

Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:45 pm
"Go... I'll follow your lead." The senju said as Raian began to walk slowly forward, giving no response as he slowly approached the small pool of perfectly clear water. He knelt down before It, and when he saw his reflection he nearly fell forward in surprise. It was him, but not him as he is now, a younger him. How he was as a child. at that same moment, the memories poured in, there was one in particular however that wouldn't leave his mind.

About fourteen years ago, back when all his kin were still alive, they had discovered a place similar to this one. A place that had seemed untouched by man with beautiful wildlife calling it home. They had decided to settle there at the time, the first real home on the ground Raian knew at the time. A small stream was fed by a miniscule waterfall, and it opened up to a small pond that was just perfect in everyway. Raian remembered playing in the water, as a small child, one of his only memories of ever getting to be on at all. For a group of who was viewed as they were, even they knew to enjoy the little things.

Raian quickly snapped out of it however, returning to his feet. The memory had been so vivid, like he had viewed it as the spectator of a movie. Turning to his right he looked over at a large tree, covered in snow in such a way that it seemed as if it was always meant to be there. Underneath it, lay the bear he and his partner had ran into earlier. However this time, she did not become hostile at Raians approach, even though he was a mere seven or so meters from here. She just lay motionless in place, beneath the tree with the cubs at her side. All their heads were raised, gazing at Raian with a look as if they had watched his memories with him.

He slowly turned back to the senju before finally breaking his silence. "This place.. it's special.. I can't quite explain it. Like we were supposed to come here.. don't know if that even makes sense."

Just as he finished speaking however Raian would feel a sharp pain in his head almost like someone had literally smashed his brain with a hammer. He grabbed his temples from each side with each hand and squeezed hard in an attempt to release the pain and pressure that felt as if it was building. "No.. not now.. I'm losing control of the power! But why? Why now?!" Raian though to himself as he quickly realized what was happening. His muscles at this point had clenched to an unimaginable degree, veins popping all over his body as he gritted his teeth to maintain sanity as long as he could.

"Quickly.. we need to get away from here or at least I do. I'm losing control of the devil.. can't hold much longer!" Raian shouted to the senju as he quickly sprinted past him trying to get as far away from the oasis as he could.

[Nature Energy stacks 4->5]
[WC: 523]
[TWC: 2046]
[Exit | Mission Complete upon full exit]

- 3000ryo
- 30Ap
- 20 Stats
- Chidori (2046/2500)
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Purest beauty [Holiday Mission] Empty Re: Purest beauty [Holiday Mission]

Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:30 pm
Aokidanza would stand in perfect silence and comfort as he observed Raian pressing forward. From his perspective the Jugo found tranquility as well as...something else. Upon him glancing into the water it was like time overwhelmed him. The air about him shifted. His sinister pressence was flickering. The brows of the demon would raise Slightly. "..." He did not voice his thoughts. Only surrendering this delicate moment over ti his ally. The expression on the face of tge Devil was not one that Aokidanza was expecting to find. Was he engulfed by sadness? Or was it something else, something more pure?  

Raian would voice his thoughts, thus he would voice his concerns. The demon glancing over to the bear and her cubs, then to the body of water he found himself in. Eventually returning his eyes over to the conflicted Devil. "There comes a time where the lack of understanding is obscured by a deeper mystery, one which holds a greater meaning beyond our current capabilities to fathom. There are meanings to everything, accidental and purposeful. I'm sure that this was meant solely for you. Do your best to retain what you've found here, for it will be key to a later development for you." The demon would say. His tone more empathetic than usual.  

Noting that Raian was being hindered by something that he could not see, his bolting pass him would only prove to him that there was more to him than meets the eye. "'Losing control of the devil'? Could he mean...?" His words would trail off as he would pick up his speed to follow behind. Looking back, he would mentally retain an image of this place...

[WC: 281]
[Total WC: 2,033]


Mission Claims - 

30 AP
Chameleon Scales

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20 Stats 
+3 Chakra and +17 Vigor 

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