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Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian) Empty Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian)

Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:58 pm
Mission Summary:

Mission Summary #2:

Mission Summary #3:

Its been quite some time, four days since Souji was given an assignment. Though this lack of work did not affect him, he grew tired of all the low level missions that he was given, even more tired of the lack of respect that came with them from the clients. This was addressed during his last mission with his friend, Sebastian. He found his voice and ability to identify that differences was not a strong aversion, but rather a delight. With this, he grew closer to Sebastian, strengthening their friendship to a more able-bodied degree.  

Within his home, in his room, upon his bed; the Hyuuga layer shirtless. Hands underneath his head, fingers interlaced and his eyes fixed on the ceiling. His thoughts were constantly in motion, leaving little time for rest. His left arm, once riddled with scars of a variety, now covered with black chakra ink that is made up of Kanji and unique patterns. Upon his forearm was a symbol of the Sarutobi clan with a name in harsh Kanji that he was unaware of. Not sure of how it got there or who it was, but he had made a pact with someone of the Sarutobi clan, and he couldn't remember which person it was. Thinking further, he only knew of Raleth, but he did not remember meeting with the ashen-haired man alone for a pact to be made.   

Sighing, he would release any thoughts of this from his mental. He decided not to press the matter, should the time come that his curiosity gets the better of him, he would simply summon the person before him.  


The sound of a visitor at the front door. Souji would shift his eyes over to his bedroom door for a moment. Sitting up he would reach over to the foot of his bed to pick up his black shirt. Placing it on, standing to his feet thus motion to and out his room door. Stepping into the hallway he would stride toward the front door. There he would open it, as he expected it was another shinobi. They handed him a scroll. "Another mission, huh?" He asked, with a look of uninterest. The Chunin at his door nodded. "That is correct. However, Lady Kazekage specifically chosen you and Sebastian for this particular mission. He should be receiving his as we speak. As for the mission, it is a conjunction of three. Within you will find the delicate content of your task. Congratulations on achieve such a high appointment." Said the chunin. Souji would merely nod at his praise. Flickering away the chunin was now gone.  

The door would close and Souji would make his way over to the couch. Sitting he would break the wax seal of the scroll and scan over the words that pertained to him. His eyes would widen as he discovered what that chunin meant. "What's this...? Two D rank mission coupled with a C rank? Perhaps...this is not going to be a waste of my time after all. Mizuki-san, you know how to come in clutch moments." He would slide the scroll into his weapon pouch located at his lower back. Standing he would motion to the front door with, there he would slide his shinobi boots on and grab his black jacket.  

Now out of the house, Souji would find that he was meant with a cool sensation as the dome over the village kept him and the others at a safe and liveable condition. Walking through the streets of the Village he would find a path that allowed for a shorter route to his destination. Cutting through alleys and behind certain shops he found that after a fee months he could successfully navigate through the village. Memorizing key points with ease. Once he was at the village gates, he would pass the guard tower to see if Han was in there. Indeed he was, but the old man seemed to be preoccupied with something that seemed important. Souji contemplated if that meant anything to himself and if he should still disturb the grouch. With a light scuff he would turn and motion towards tge boarders of the land. He will return later to have his fun with the old man.  

Along his travels towards the boarder, Souji would wonder what Sebastian was doing - "I'd be surprised if he's already there... he's been very punctual as of late and thats a great deal of effort for him. Makes me wonder what he does on his freetime to be so...early." Suddenly the thought of Sebastian staring at himself in a mirror shirtless speaking as if he was talking to a female or two about how good he looked crossed his mind. Immediately sending an uneasiness throughout his body and causing him to become nauseous. He regretted even thinking about the guy at this point.  

The heat outside of the Village was as bothersome as ever. Souji absolutely hated the intense heat of the sun, perhaps it was because his primary affinity is water and heat is a direct opposite of him. Begs the thought. However, perhaps he was growing use to it - the heat, for he barely broke a sweat this time out of the Village. It was as if he spent time within a colder realm to subconsciously learn to appreciate the heat.  

His eyes, lilac in color, would notice a few ships and carriers. Immediately he figured that this was where his mission began. Coming jnti ten feet of the event of unloading and loading onto the carriers, three in total, he would look around for someone who happen to be in charge. To his surprise there was no one just standing around. From the large ships at the borderline to the loaders, he did not see a single soul idly standing by. "Ugh! Huh? Hey. You there, kid with the sash!" A raspy voice reached out to him. Souji, glancing over to the far left would see a sturdy man in a loose white shirt and blue pants helping a few guys load a larger crate onto the back of a carrier wagon. Narrowing his eyes, he would begin to motion over towards the man, stoping five feet away from him. "Yeah? What do you want?" He asked, cautiously. The man would wipe the sweat from his forehead and brows before smiling heavily at him. "You're a shinobi of the sand, right? Judging by your attire and the symbol on your sash i would have to say that you are. My name is Daichi Hibaru. The client that requested help for all of this." He would explain. This made things more clear as to why he was calling out to him, and also further surprise him as to understand why he couldn't find the client. He was actually...helpful. "Very perceptive of you, though anyone would have made that connection. So, you're helping with the loading and unloading? That's unlike most clients. What gives?" His question sat on the ears of the man and was met with a hardy laugh. He suddenly reminded him of that white haired Sarutobi. "I always lend a hand to my men. What sort of leader would I be if I only ever gave orders? That's not a real man. True leaders actually lead from the front, in tge midst of the work, not from the back with a cracking whip. Besides, you gain more respect this way, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But, I can't talk much right now, so you just stand over there and keep an eye out... uh, yeah there is another one around her somewhere... big guy, scary to look at. But I just find that to be character traits of a genuine guy. I think he's with my assistant somewhere. They should turn up soon enough. "  

Souji was now confused. "W-wait a minute... don't you want me to lend a hand? And Ogre is hear?" He asked. The man looked puzzled by the question...almost as if it was foreign. "What do you mean? You are lending a hand. You're on guard duty aren't you? So I prefer for you to keep an eye out and worry about that. This stuff is lightwork for us. I respect what you shinobi do. I rather not waste your time by steering you away from your primary task. And...uh, Ogre? That's his name? Seems to fit, but i thought his name was Sebastian... no matter. I gotta get back to assisting my guys. We should be done in a few minutes, hour tops." The man would rush off to help two other workers struggling with a crate. Souji would pause as he took in all that was said. He would close his eyes and motion over to an open spot to get a full view of the workers and the open ground.  

He would wonder exactly how long it would take for Sebastian to show up with this assistant of Daichi. What's more... Sebastian beat him to yet another mission. At this point it was like playing tag when it came to them two. The Hyuuga would lightly smile as he proceeded to carefully look over everyone and everything. This was his first time on guard duty and he didn't want to screw things up, especially if this was specifically chosen for him by his Mizuki.  

[WC: 1,577]
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 517000

Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian) Empty Re: Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian)

Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:06 pm
Stat page:

Days went by and time would pass in the village of Sunagakure, home of Sebastian Mikaelson. Life in the Land of Wind happened at a rather high pace, or at least that's how it felt to the man covered in scars and stitches. Ever since he arrived and joined this new place the Tau made sure to keep himself busy to avoid getting into any unnecessary trouble. If anything, the man simply didn't want his past to catch up with him or repeat some of the mistakes he made earlier during that time. It would be an exaggeration to say he was a changed man, but signs of improvement were noticeable and that was all that mattered. 

In order to keep his mind of some of the darker things, Sebastian mostly spent his time going on missions. Nothing new, especially when the majority of his life existed of him finding jobs to do, some more questionable than the other. Of course he wasn't exactly proud of some of the things he's done, but all of them were necessary for his survival. Not that he wanted to be seen as some dramaqueen looking for pity or sympathy, if that's what he wanted the misfit wouldn't have hidden his past for anyone he came to meet so far in Sunagakure. No longer the dark demon he once was, although the darkness inside kept lurking and never went away. Always looking for a moment where it could take over.

Those voices in his head were also part of the reason why he preferred to keep to himself and the people he had an actual conversation with could be counted on one hand alone. One of those he tolerated was Souji the kid. The kid wasn't his last name, just how Sebastian liked to call his friend. Spending all that time with the young Hyuuga allowed the Tau to discover a new side to him, one that didn't take everything so seriously and focused more on having fun. He felt more human, less monster. When others would see the two of them together they'd probably find it hard to believe they made for a great team. After all, Sebastian and Souji were quite the pair.

It was at that time where he found himself reminiscing about the past couple of months when Sebastian suddenly heard knocking on his front door. Wondering who it could be the Tau hurried over before opening the door to reveal whoever required his attention. A Sunagakure shinobi standing in front of him with a scroll in his hands, indicating it was yet another mission. Not wasting any words the misfit simply accepted the scroll before watching the messenger leave. "Hm, this means they're pretty happy with me right?" Or at least that was the conclusion he came with. Why else would the higher ups continue to hand him missions in the name of Sunagakure? If he was doing a crappy job he doubted someone would still give him anything to do. 

He'd open up the scroll, revealing its content before starting to read the specifications inside. Upon seeing who he got paired with a grin started to form on his face. "Looks like the Deadly Duo are about to kick ass again", safe to say he just came up with that nickname on the spot. Finishing the rest of the report Sebastian found out this time would be something entirely different since there were three missions in one. "Two D-Rank and one C-Rank mission coupled together, interesting" were his first thoughts. Since there wasn't really anything else he had planned, Sebastian grabbed his hoodie and set out for the location described in the mission report.

After a couple of minutes walking he would finally arrive where he was expected. It didn't take long for him to be welcomed by an unfamiliar face, one that would introduce himself to be the assistant of the person who hired Sebastian for the mission. Once their small talk was over, the Tau followed the man as he planned on showing him around in case it would come in handy later on. About fifteen minutes had passed when he finally memorized every crook and nanny there were around the place when he finally noticed his partner standing a bit further from his position. "Soujiiiiiii, over here! Come to Ogre buddy". Sebastian thanked the assistant for keeping him company and then joined his friend to discuss the mission.

(WC: 743)
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian) Empty Re: Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian)

Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:09 am
It didn't take long, perhaps several minutes or so before the Hyuuga heard the calling of his friend and comrade, Sebastian. Cutting his eyes over in his immediate direction. Noticing the assistant that he was with also. The teen would begin his pace over towards the Tau. Once within two feet of the towering Ogre he would extend his right fist out to him for a fist bump. Retracting it and placing it into the depths of his pockets. "You managed to beat me here, I'm sort of proud of you, Ogre. Haha. Keep it up, you're making a good impression." He would state. Looking over to the workers and their efforts to unload and load their cargo. "Looks like we are finally being acknowledged for our efforts. Never seen a mission like this one, three in one? What about you?" He inquired.  

It was a unique collaboration of task and one that would without a doubt benefit the two in the long run, whether they know this or not. What was lingering heavily on the mental of the Hyuuga was the guarding part. It was a lot of cargo, three wagons. Which ultimately meant that he would have to insure their flank while Sebastian managed the helm. "The first half of this mission should be pretty easy, that's getting them and their shipment to the village safely. That shouldn't take long, I'll secure the rear while you take the top... ugh, and don't turn that into some disgusting reference, I know you well enough to understand it just crossed your mind." Glaring at Sebastian with narrowed eyes. As the two continued to exchange tactics a whole hour would have e passed.  

"Alright, we're all set! Let us know how you want to go about this and we can get a move on." The man said, looking to both of them for direction. Souji turned his attention over to him and informed him of the plan that was discussed between the two shinobi. The man gave a thumbs up and herd his men in to follow suit. That being said, Souji would give Sebastian a nod to take his position at the head of the wagons while he took his at the rear. Motioning and getting into position Souji would close his eyes, feeding massive amounts of his chakra into them, swelling of his veins around his temples and eyes would announce that his Byakugan was activated. Pearlescent eyes were revealed as they opened. He would manage to see any and everything within one hundred meters of himself at a three hundred sixty degrees radius.  

One of the workers noticed his subtle change in appearance, catching a chill as those very eyes gazed at him. Feeling naked before them he would turn his attention away from them. Souji noticed that, found it to bother him little, but being liked was of little concern to the genin. He had a job to do and he was not going to fail at it. What only took a few moments solo, turned into a bit of a tedious task. The caravans moved at a much slower pace due to all of he weight they were carrying. Luckily for the genin, he ate well in advance before setting out to his mission, he also stored away a few refreshments should he need them, or Sebastian. After two hours of traveling the group would reach the clefts of the Village. Han came out to inspect the caravans and allow passage. In the midst of this, as Souji glanced to the left he would notice something, a, group. But they were way out of reach of them to be considered a threat. In fact, they were even facing their way..  

As the caravans motioned into the entrance of the village, Souji would give Han a nod, the old grump paying his respects back while also wearing a surprising expression on his face...perhaps he too was taken back by Souji's professional behavior. As the mission lead them through the village streets, the teen would notice that they were happening upon a warehouse. At which point the caravans would break off and head into a separate direction to reach an unloading dock. Souji motioning over to Sebastian he would pat him on the back, why? They managed to successfully fulfill their first part of the mission. Turning his gaze over to their client would only resonate with him that the second phase was about to begin. "Appreciate you two escorting me and my team to the village and here. It means a lot. Usually we run the risk of being stopped and sometimes attacked. Just a few weeks ago we lost two guys. They...they were good men, I must admit. At any rate, we need for you to guard the warehouse until seven in the morning. Right now it is....uh, OK its nine forty seven. Thats only ten hours. I'm sure you two can managed that. Your in the village after all so I doubt anything will happen here....oh and I need one of you to take photos of the equipment on the inside for advertisement. Its already set up, this warehouse is also a shop for bulk sales. So, its pretty useful if you ask me. Well, I'm off, I'll be back in the morning. Thanks again." Pulling a camera from his person, the man would look at the boy who was glaring pretty heavily at him when he pulled it out. He decided to turn his attention to the Tau and gave him the camera. Waved as he departed from them.  

Souji would look over to Sebastian and sigh. "Let's get this over with... I have something important to do tomorrow.. I rather be ready for it. You go and have fun with your new toy and I'll guard. I'll call if I need a hand." He would say, heading to a spot that would be inconspicuous for him to notice and survey anything suspicious. As the time passed the tee. Would do rounds around the exterior of the premises. His Byakugan active and his guard up. He wanted to make sure that nothing was to escape of slip pass him. There are visitors in the village and he rather not take them lightly.  

Hours would pass, night fall would ebb and day rising would split the skies. By this time Sebastian should have been able to do his photo work to a degree that would baffle tge Hyuuga, the Tau has always been extra. Should he come out he would notice that the boy was standing with his hands in his pockets watching as the client was returning and approaching. Souji would look back to the warehouse and call out to his friend to come. "Looks like all is done. No troubles I hope! Well, thank you for all your help, you two did a wonderful job. Oh and I will take the camera. And here is your payments." Souji would collect his half and watch as Sebastian would possibly hand over the camera. Yawning the teen realized that he needed to get some rest. "Damn, I guess I'm more tired than I expected. Ogre, mind taking care if the paperwork at the mission board?" He would assume that he had no problem doing that. Smirking and delivering a light jab at his shoulder he would behind to head off in the direction of his home. 

[WC: 1,247]
[Total WC: 2,824]

Mission claims -
4,000 ryo
+300 ryo D rank bonus
1 Kunai
3 Shuriken 
11 AP

Character claims -
56 AP
2,000 wc to learn Chakra Sensory v7
Using 824 wc towards learning Water Clone v7 - [824/1000]
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 517000

Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian) Empty Re: Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian)

Thu May 13, 2021 11:26 am
Sebastian was thrilled to see that his friend seemed to be in a good mood after being paired with the Tau for the day. The two of them had already successfully completed a handful of missions together so he expected today would be no different. The Hyuuga Prodigy and the Ogre, a tale of Sunagakure's upcoming heroes. Of course he decided to keep that thought to himself in order not to embarass Souji. "Well, if I ever want to be accepted by the people of this village it's important to start and make good impressions" Sebastian would reply with a soft smile, accepting his friend's fist bump. During a couple of their earlier missions it had been quite obvious a big part of the civilians still needed some time before they would come able to accept him as part of the community. 

If the Tau was being completely honest, even he would have to admit it didn't really come as a surprise. The way his life was lived up til now, the things of his past that were at times still haunting him and keeping him awake at night. Not to mention the way he looked, all of those were a combination of things that caused the people of Sunagakure having trouble to see Sebastian as the man he was trying to become, not the monster he used to be. Or at least that was his current thought process, one he got brought back from by Souji's question. "Hm? No, I don't think I have. At least not together like this. Usually these type of tasks are separated and requested individually. Perhaps we should take it as a test, to see if we are able to complete them without any trouble". The Tau then simply cracked the muscles of his neck, preparing for the job at hand.

Going over the report one more time Sebastian listened attentively to Souji as the young Hyuuga repeated what the first mission was all about. Apparently they simply had to guard a shipment, considering the safety within and around the village not exactly something they should worry about. "Sounds easy enough". The Tau started to laugh upon hearing Souji's innocence. "What do you mean? You can't blame a man for wanting to be on top", with a slap on his friend's shoulder he then readied himself as he headed over to take his position after their contractor agreed to their plan. Once they were given the go ahead and a thumbs up Sebastian placed himself at the head of the wagons while Souji walked at the rear. "Alright, we're good to go". And with that their first mission could finally begin.

Moving at a somewhat steady, close to slow place, their journey seemed to be going without any trouble. The wagons both shinobi needed to protect were pretty loaded due to the weight they were carrying, causing them to move leisurely. Not that the Tau would complain, the risk of running into danger was almost non-existent and most importantly, he was getting paid. After all, you can take the man out of the mercenary but you can't take the mercenary out of the man. Or however that saying was meant to go. About two hours had passed when the caravan would finally arrive at the clefts of the village. Upon their arrival they were greeted by Han, the gate guard who showed them in. With a friendly nod Sebastian would pass and be one of the first to set foot back into Sunagakure after being away from the village for about three hours.

Once inside the village again the only thing left in order to be officially done with the mission was to lead them through the village streets until making their final stop at a warehouse. Stretching his muscles and taking a sip from a bottle of water Sebastian noticed Souji had joined them up front. "Yep, one down, two more to go" he replied with a grin on his face. Although the first out of the three missions went rather smoothly, the Tau hoped the other ones wouldn't take as long as that one did. Even though it would be nothing more than normal to spend almost half a day completing such a task, he simply wanted to get it over with. He could feel the foul chakra of the Natural Berserker trying to take over and if there was anything to avoid, it would be losing control and running rampage while on official business. At least at home he could let loose until calming down again.

However, just as he was thinking about finishing up soon their contractor explained phase two of the mission, where they had to continue guarding the wagons for another .. ten hours. Awesome. Because who doesn't love standing still for that amount of time? Unfortunately there was nothing Sebastian could do about bad news like that, he was still going to get paid so all he had to do was suck it up. Luckily for him there also was a more amusing part to it. "Pictures you say? Soujiiiiiiii". He remembered a similar scenario during one of their previous missions where they had a lot of fun. Well, where Sebastian had fun. His young Hyuuga friend hated being taken pictures of, something the Tau used to tease him even more. "Say cheese buddy". The two of them decided Sebastian would take on the task of photographing the equipment while Souji would continue keeping guard.

With camera in hand the Tau started to take pictures of every piece of equipment each and every single one of the caravans were holding. There would be a big variety of things, items he'd never seen before or didn't know what the hell they were. But oh well, as long as it was getting him paid. Sebastian then entered the shop, taking several photos of the exterior, interior, and whatever else he thought would bring customers in. Not that was anything he knew a thing about. The Tau would probably be the last person you'd ask stuff about these kind of things. Once finished, he then simply handed the photos over to the shop owner hoping to get a nice reward. 

Leaving the shop Sebastian would look for his buddy, wondering how his guard duty went. Not aware of how much time had passed he noticed how night had started to fall over the village. The Sunagakure Berserker could notice the young Hyuuga standing with his hands in his pockets, their client arriving almost at the same time. "I don't know about you but this has been quite the day" Seb would say to his friend. He listened to the contractor explaining how happy he was with the work the two of them put in, giving them their reward after the camera was returned to him. "I took a couple of good ones" the Tau said with a big smirk on his face. Collecting his payment Sebastian agreed to be the one filling out today's mission report. "Don't worry about it, I'll handle it this time. It'll be nice to clear my head on my way over. It has been a long day after all". With a smile and a wave the two Genin would part ways, the Hyuuga on his way home while the Ogre would head to the office to handle the paperwork. 

Once he was finished with all of that Sebastian finally arrived at his home as well with his pockets full of money. Mission successful.


(TWC: 2000)
- 1000/1000 Hiding Like a Mole
- 1000/1000 Wild Water Wave
- removing 10 stats in Chakra and putting them to Vigor
- 40 AP, using max stats
- Mission Rewards (8000 + 300 Genin bonus ryo, 40 AP)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian) Empty Re: Guard Duty Never Been So Tedious! (Sebastian)

Thu May 13, 2021 12:44 pm
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