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Cleaning sand. Empty Cleaning sand.

Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:32 pm

When Nasu woke up he was excited for the day. He was going to be going out for a day of fun. He decided a good way to start was to get some food from the bakery. When he got there he ordered a croissant and it was good. The bread crumbled off the top into your mouth and when you took a bite you could feel the warmth of the dough. “This is going to be a good day.”

When Nasu was leaving he realized there was a lot of sand around at the front. Then when he went outside the store there was a lot of sand on the paths. Not just that but there was sand at the front of all the stores around. He saw a jounin walking by and asked if there was going to be a mission for cleaning the sand. The ninja said yes and asked if Nasu wanted the mission. Nasu took the mission and started to get to work. The first thing he did was look at all the stores that had sand and all the paths. Nasu then closed down all the paths to the stores that had sand. Then he asked all the store owners to leave so he could clean. All the store owners agreed and closed their stores early. Nasu then went to the closest bathhouse and asked them if he could borrow a broom. Nasu then took the broom and went to the first store to start sweeping. Nasu went from store to store just cleaning the front of them. He moved all the sand from the front of the stores to the paths. When Nasu finished he decided to take a break because it was really tiring. Nasu went down to the hot springs nearby and went to sit in there for a bit. He got out and got a glass of cold water and decided to keep on sweeping. Nasu then realized he had about a mile of path to sweep out. Nasu started sweeping but realized it was taking way too long. Nasu had no idea what to do. He thought about using his fire jutsu but didn't know if id really work. Nasu gave it a try and used his fireball jutsu on the sand. After he used it he couldn't see any sand so he activated his sharingan. When he used it he could see that it grinded down the sand but it wasn't gone. Although using the jutsu did work for a sense that nobody could see it Nasu wouldn't be able to use the jutsu enough to cover a whole mile. He started to wonder what to do but couldn't figure anything out. He decided sweeping was going to be the easiest way. It started to become dark when Nasu had finished sweeping half of the paths. Nasu decided to go home and finish cleaning tomorrow. When Nasu was laying in bed he was still trying to strategize. He couldn't think of a single way to get rid of sand faster. Nasu spent 1 hour trying to think but couldn't come up with anything. The next morning Nasu’s mom gave him some breakfast. While he was eating he asked his mom for some ideas of what to do. His mom said why not try using water.  Nasu then got a lot of water and I mean a lot. He took the water to the top of the path. Luckily for Nasu the rest of the path was all down hill. He then dumped the water and waited for it to drip to the bottom. It took some time but it eventually finished. Again Nasu activated his sharingan but the water did nothing. If anything it would have just made it harder. He was starting to get mad so went for a walk. Nasu took a walk along the back islands. He sat on a rock with his feet in the water. He watched as the waves rolled in and out. He watched as it did nothing to sand and thought he was just pretty stupid. Nasu knew if he just swept it'd still take him over 24 more hours. He couldn't think of one thing to do. Everything he tried didn't work and now he is just out of ideas. He started just skipping rocks out into the ocean. He was stuck. Fully out of ideas and still has to finish the mission. He wondered what the store owners were going to think. He knew he would have to go to all their houses and tell them the issue. Nasu then thought maybe he could get some help with cleaning. Even though it wouldn't do much it would still make it faster. He decided before he went back to take a quick walk on the beech. Because his feet had been in water the sand got all over his feet. It didn't bother Nasu though and he just kept walking. His thoughts started to wonder and he thought about what that social worker he once met said. She told him everything you do as a ninja can all be used as some sort of experience. “Could this be what she was talking about. Because if he could figure out how to do this that'd be useful.” He decided to go and talk to all the shop owners and tell them the issue. He went and cleaned off his feet in the water and then started going. At the first couple houses they were annoyed but didn't care in the end. At one point he stopped at the owner of a poetry store. They said that they could help him. It ends up they use a serum to make sure no sand gets stuck in the pottery. The owner helped Nasu make a giant batch and he dumped it down the hill. He used his sharingan when it was done and was surprised because it was spotless. Nasu thanked the owner. and the owner said back “if it's a ninja’s job to protect the village I might as well pitch in when I can help.” Nasu then got to finish his mission and go get his rewards. He went to sleep happy because he knew that people in the village are happy to help out ninja’s.   

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Cleaning sand. Empty Re: Cleaning sand.

Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:34 pm
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