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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Defend the Bath House Empty Defend the Bath House

Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:04 am

‘Another day, another Ryo.’ The exuberant kunoichi thought to herself while receiving the documents detailing her next mission. She opened the envelope and retrieved the papers from inside and proceeded to read through them meticulously. She had to reread the letter over twice so that she did not miss anything of importance. Once satisfied, she was relieved that she did not have to do anything crazy like carry a bunch of rocks around or anything involving hard labor for that matter. It was a simple guard duty mission and Fu was good at those. For the most part, nothing usually happens, and she would typically use the time to get a quick nap in.
Ready to start, Fu did an about-face and started heading in the direction specified in the mission documents. The location she would be guarding was a popular bathhouse and the owner was willing to pay her a pretty penny to protect it from his disgruntled family members. Fu never understood why someone would want to go into business with their family, but she figured the guy was either doing well and they wanted in on it, or he screwed someone over. Either way, the reason behind the job was less important than the payday, so she never asked questions.  
After a brief walk, Fu would arrive at what appeared to be the spot, as her quick examination of the place checked all the boxes. The bathhouse was unlike one she had ever seen before, the outside sporting a sleek black and white design, decorated with bamboo and the sound of running water. The place truly embodied peace and Fu was beginning to understand why someone would be pissed off over it. The details of the mission mentioned others- so Fu waited outside the bathhouse as a curtesy before proceeding. She was wearing a dark-blue cloak that was fitted with white embroidery, along with her black hunter suit underneath. On her hip was two katana’s, one with a black sheath and the other light blue. Fu also has tan skin, light blue hair that reaches down to her back, and large orange reddish eyes.  She waited patiently for the others as the owner of the establishment, or so she assumed, would peek his head out the front door ever few minutes as if they were waiting for someone.   

WC: 391
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 3200

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Mon Feb 15, 2021 11:49 am
Just like his last mission, Anzo found himself running slightly late. This time however, he bolted down the streets of Sunagakure making his way to the bath house, urgently aware that he couldn't stop any assassinating from happening while 5 minutes away. While he kept up his pace, weaving through the clumped villagers roaming around and with the wind battering his hair, he considered how this would definitely be the most important thing he'd done in the village since arriving. And likely the most dangerous. Eventually the bathhouse came into sight, tucked away and relatively isolated from most of the central bustle. He slowed to a stop, taking a moment to simultaneously wipe the sweat off his forehead and brush his hair out of his face with his forearm. He then walked the rest of the short way there, regaining his breath and deciding that it would appear marginally more professional to not sprint into the building. Nonetheless the signs of physical exertion were definitely there and Anzo wasn't fooling anyone. Just before he rounded the corner he took off his jacket to cool down, wrapping it around his waist to reveal his netted sleeves and jet-black vest which he unzipped to his collarbone. 

As he stepped towards the entrance, he was immediately caught in two gazes that had clearly been waiting; one was a blue haired kunoichi presumably part of the team and the other he recognised as the owner of the establishment from the mission brief. 

[So much for an inconspicuous entry], he thought to himself. But he took it in his stride and approached the onlookers, stopping to bow at the owner before turning to his teammate. He introduced himself in his standard fashion, extending his hand to her. He proceeded to look her up and down, lingering for a moment on the pair of katana on her hip before swiftly looking back up at her orange-reddish eyes as he spoke with a light smile.

'I'm Anzo. Nice to meet ya.'

[WC = 334]
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:04 pm
*Ring Ring*

That’s all Yori could hear as his alarm blasted him awake. It was around 8am when the alarm went off. He had a late night and wasent able to sleep much. He knew by the time he would wake up it would be somewhere in the afternoon, but that wasent acceptable today. Yori had a mission he wanted to accomplish today and he wasent going to let not getting enough sleep hold him back. He had immediately got up, shutting his alarm off in the process. He quickly got dress and was ready to head out the door. From the rush that Yori was in you would of thought something was wrong, he couldn’t help but have a frantic look on his face. The type of mission he would be going on wasent to high ranking one but he still thought being late was unacceptable. 

Yorigreeted everyone as he rushed to the board by the village gates. He made sure to greet everyone that did the same to him. Even though he was in a rush his father had installed manners in him, not allowing him to disrespect someone by not returning a greeting. On a normal day Yori would never be caught coming somewhere late and he wouldnt tolerate anyone making him wait , but he knew everyone was human and that somedays there had to be exceptions to the rules. Nobody was perfect and Yori wasent one to make it seem like he or anyone else is or was. As he arrived at the n locations he had seen that no one was there, it made him wander. Was he actually earlier that what he was suppose to be. He pulled out a copy of the mission details and was shocked. He didnt realize that they were going on such a high ranking mission. It made him feel stupid for mis reading the details the first time he looked at it. At the same time his excitement grew. As he walked around he had notice to ninja already in the area , hoping they were the ones he was suppose to be meeting up with he walked over.

"Yo , You guys here for that mission as well , if so the name is Yoriichi Uchiha", Yori said in a nice tone not wanting to come off as to aggressive. He didnt want his new team mates to think he was some short of ass hole.

Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:46 pm
Not too long after Fu had arrived at the bath house, another person showed up who did not appear to be a customer. Fu observed him upon his arrival, and he seemed to notice her as well. He was a boy with jet—black hair that was unkept. Around his waist was a jacket and adoring his torso was a vest that was zipped up to his collar bone, which was the same color as his hair. In a very formal fashion, the boy bowed to the shop owner, who was looking much more relaxed now that another bodyguard had arrived. The interaction was slightly amusing to Fu as she would never have thought to greet another that way. Based on both their actions, Fu assumed they knew each other, and that this boy was probably a shinobi of the village she was currently residing. Now that he had finished bowing to the owner, he would turn his attention to the blue-headed girl and approach her. As he neared, Fu would notice that he was only slightly taller than her. He held his hand out and introduced himself as “Anzo” while checking her out, his eyes lingering on her katanas. She complied with his formal greeting by shaking his hand and offering up her name, “Fu.” She would say. The girl was more eager to complete the mission than chatting.

Next up was another boy who appeared to be the same age and height as the first. He had a muscular build and a pale complexion. His hair was just as unkept, maybe even worse, than Anzo’s and she would notice the uninterested nature of his face which made her feel slightly bad about not engaging Anzo in conversation. He would address them, “Yo…”, Immediately his dictation reminded her of the character she had gambled with at a nearby bar, Katsuragi, who used similar slang. He inquired whether they were both there for the mission and then introduce himself as “Yoriichi Uchiha”.

Another Uchiha. Fu thought to herself. This was the second Uchiha that Fu had ever met, the first being that boy she met at the training grounds in Konoha. She wondered how he would feel if he found out that her right eye used to belong to a presumably deceased Uchiha. She didn’t dwell on the feeling long enough to draw any attention as she was sure she would not need to use it today- especially since there were three of them now.

Not a moment after the boy inquired if they were here for the same mission, the owner darted down the steps of the bath house towards the three shinobi that were now congregating in front of his business. Now apart of the congregation, he would look around nervously before getting even closer to them so that only the congregation could hear his words. “Took you all long enough… I could have died!” He would snarl. “Okay. I assume you read the details. Someone is planning on killing me and I need you guys to..” He cleared his throat and looked around nervously once more to ensure no one was listening. “You know, take them out. No assassin no more threat, then I don’t need you guys anymore. If you guys succeed my brother surely won’t try to mess with me again.” He now backed up, not giving them a chance to process and contest his potentially unethical request. With both hands, he would pat the backs of both the males in the group and turn back to the steps of the bath house. “Alright! Stay out here and I’ll be inside. I got a business to run ya’ know!” and with that, he strutted off to hide inside, leaving his mess to be handled by the three newly acquainted stranger. His request made no difference to Fu. If someone were attempting to attack, she would not falter when cutting them down. Only a fool would plan to do such a thing inside a major village anyways.

“I’ll take look out from atop of the building.” Fu would decide, not necessarily sure that a plan was needed in this certain situation. All they really needed to do was wait and the roof was a perfect place to do such a thing. Unless stopped, Fu would shunshin to the stop of the bath house roof and her redish-orange eyes would scan the surroundings attentively, waiting for someone to arrive to dispose of the fool they were protecting.

WC: 750
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 3200

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:09 pm
Anzo took note of the bluntness of her response with a slight shrug before turning to acknowledge the other boy. A figure emerged from the steps behind them. The trio congregated as the owner briefed them rather aggressively; then again, Anzo considered the fact that he were late for an assassination mission, allowing him to empathise a little with the owner's manner. 

As the man spoke Anzo mused on how it would be ideal to relax at this bathhouse after the mission was finished. He wondered whether he could try his luck and see if he could get in for free as some sort of extra payment from the owner. No harm in asking, he told himself, and made a mental note to try that when they had wrapped up here. The man had to be alive for this to happen though, and the fact that served as extra motivation to him was something he found amusing. By the time Anzo had snapped out of it, the client was retreating back into his establishment. 

Moments after letting her teammates know she would be taking the roof, the blue haired girl flickered away swiftly and Anzo found himself only being able to follow her movement with his eyes for a split second before she vanished. 

'It's good to meet ya too, Yoriichi,' he responded as he nudged his other teammate. 'I'll take the back entrance in a minute'.

Being his inquisitive self, Anzo was keen to first get a word out of the girl who was coming off as rather reserved to him. He momentarily forced his chakra into his soles, and leapt towards the edge of the roof above him. Once within reach he grabbed onto the end tiles and pulled himself up into the air, cushioning his landing by planting his right arm onto the surface. He straightened up and turned to face her from a few metres away. 

'You not the talking type?' he asked playfully. As he looked over at her he noticed she already seemed to be well focussed on scanning the area for any potential threats. Anzo opened his mouth as if he was about to say something else but stopped himself. He was well aware that his jesting nature could cause him trouble sometimes and he was sure at this point that he didn't want to find himself on the pointy end of her pair of katanas while doing a mission together. 

Stat Page : N/A
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:57 am
Moments after Yorii introduced himself he heard a loud bang come from the doors of the building they were infront of , with no surprise to Yori it was the person they were in charge of protecting. He would listen to the man make his statements before moving the man hand away as he attempted to touch Yori on the back, with e menacing look in his eyes he looked at the man, "Dont make the mistake of touching me again , you would have alot more to worry about than some petty assasign", he would say to the man. The young uchiha wasent a fan of random people touching him especially if it was another man. The man didnt pay much attention to Yori comments and made his way back inside the building and at that point the femal would say that she would watch from the roof and with no objection to that Yori watched her shunshin to the top of the roof. "She sems pretty interesting", He thought to himself. As he was about to get in lost in though he heard the other male start to speak , greeting yori. He smiled as he isten to the boy say that he would take the back door of the building, not having any objection to that request either he watched the boy make his way to the back of the building. 

That would leave Yori the entrance and probably the last place the enemy would attack. It would be dumb of him to just try and storm the entrance of the building not knowing who or what could be inside, but if the enemy was smart things would be getting interesting around here very soon.

Wc 285
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:47 am
Although they had established that she would take the roof and he’d take the back, the first boy she had meet decided it was a good idea to join the kunoichi on the roof. A rather foolish idea considering the assassin could sneak through the back door at any minute and cause them to fail their mission and lose out on their pay… which was the only reason why Fu was there in the first place. She was not a shinobi of this village and she truly didn’t care about the person she was protecting, what she cared about was the payday waiting for her at the end. She honestly wished that the assassin would show up so she could get it over with. Despite these realizations, Fu did feel slightly bad about her cold greeting earlier.
“Y-yeah sorry about that. I’m not usually like this. It’s just, the Chuunin exams are in a few weeks and it’s really all I’ve been thinking about.” She would admit to him, hoping that he would not take her confession as weakness. In fact, Fu was not scared, she was excited. She longed for glory and spent most of her downtime daydreaming with stars in her eyes.
A few moments later Fu got her wish. Screams could be heard, and people would begin running out of the front door of the establishment, some barely dressed due to the fact that it was a bathhouse. While the two had been talking, the assassin had snuck in through thee back of the establishment and now had the business owner hostage. The assassin was a young man, approximately 22 years of age, with shoulder length blue hair and evil eyebrows. He also has sharp eyes and a large mouth that came with an annoying voice. His body build was tall and slender, and he was wearing glasses on his head and a red turtleneck with a sports jacket over it.

Fu would smile at the boy, “Looks like it’s go time!” She seemed more excited than someone in this situation probably should have been. She jumped down from the top of the roof and landed gracefully on the floor. She wondered if the others would join her. Now at the entrance, Fu would kick in the front door causing it to completely come off its hinges and to fly across the room, eventually crashing into a wall. The door flew by the faces of the only two inside the establishment now besides her (and the others if they followed). Fu would quickly become aware of them, her eyes falling on a rather pitiful site. She laughed. The blue haired assassin was standing behind the bath house owner with a kunai to his throat.
“Stay back! Stay the Fuck back! You worthless shinobi scum.” He’d yell at her/them, apparently slightly startled by Fu’s handling of the front door.
“Let him go and we’ll go easy on you!” Fu would say, bartering with the killer. This caused him to make a ‘gulping’ sound. “I’m the one making demands here!” He’d rebuttal. “500,000 Ryo and this all goes away!”
Fu was now in tears. She was laughing so hard at his ridiculous demands that she could barely stand. Fu highly doubted the man they were supposed to be protecting was worth that much, nor did she have close to that amount and by the looks of the shop owner, neither did he. The shop owner looked terrified, his arms stiff in the air, making sure he didn’t make any sudden movements.

“What’s so funny?!” the blue hair man yelled in an angry tone at her. Fu had been laughing too hard, it was now up to one of the other two to save the shop owner as she could not take him seriously.
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 3200

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:11 pm
Anzo nodded. 'The chunin exams huh? I might see you there... maybe..', he trailed off as he dissolved into his thoughts as he was prone to doing. 

He was still pretty conflicted about whether to attend at all, put off as he recalled the level of skill certain other genin he had encountered during his time in Hoshigakure displayed. Skill that significantly exceeded his; a number were certainly leagues ahead and Anzo had a lot to work on. He didn't give her mention of the exams playing on her mind any second thought since in that regard he could definitely relate, although he glimpsed a slight zeal emerge in her manner as she spoke about them. This prompted him to muse over whether her thoughts arose from ambition unlike himself who was mainly concerned and curious. One thing he was sure about though was that it would be good to be back home in Hoshigakure again, even if for such a short period. 

He snapped back to it. Several cries pierced the relaxed atmosphere of the bathhouse. His eyes immediately flickered down to spot villagers fleeing through the front of the building. Fu spoke rather excitedly as she rushed to action and Anzo followed suit, sliding off the tiled roof to land a couple of metres from the entrance. He broke his fall with a roll and while he did a crash rang out as his teammate brute forced her way through the door. He got to his feet quickly and dashed to stand beside her, facing off with their target. 

Anzo furrowed his brows as the assassin spoke, making his ridiculous demand, and was quickly cut off by the sounds of Fu's hysterical laughter. He didn't even find it that funny himself but her laughter was rather infectious and he had to stifle a chuckle. He composed himself for a second then succumbed, bursting into momentary laughter before locking eyes with the owner who had gone from being terrified to absolutely fucking fuming watching them make such light of the situation. Anzo disengaged him, turning completely around to settle himself for a couple of seconds before spinning back around with a straight face. He then faced Fu.

'Cmon, we need to-'

He cut himself off realising she was a lost cause and was definitely not going to stop, seeing her in tears of laughter, and also had to get back to the task at hand before she made him lose it again. He didn't hesitate and immediately started to form a sequence of hand seals facing the assassin who had the owner at kunai-point. His cheeks then ballooned up as he held the final hand seal, tilting his head back and then jerking it forward as he let loose a pressurised jet of water from his mouth towards the pair. Anzo was well aware this would definitely knock over both the owner and the assassin as it blasted into them, but decided that was what he needed to do to separate them so they could then move to protect their client. He chose this jutsu knowing it could not cause any serious injury but made another mental note to apologise to him afterwards. He then realised this had definitely screwed his plan of asking for a free bath after the mission. 

[WC = 554]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:02 am
Fu stopped laughing right around the same time that Anzo had begun forming hand seals. It was not because the situation had become serious suddenly, but because she was interested to see what the boy, who caused them to be caught off guard, was capable of. By the time he finished his last hand seal, Fu had already placed her right hand on her katana’s hilt and unsheathed it, pointing it towards where she thought the assassin would end up based on whatever jutsu Anzo would launch at them. Anzo would now release a pressurized jet of water from his mouth towards the two. For a moment, she was worried that Anzo might kill them both, but she didn’t intervene. The water would collide with the two, causing water to splash in every direction. The assassin was knocked to his feet and the shop owner fell right on his face and continued to lay there. The assassin however, had now jumped to his feet in a fit of rage. His face was red, and he was ready to kill Anzo for what he had done. “You brat! I’m going to-“ Before he could finish a bright light would enter the man’s chest in the location where the human heart was typically located, and disappear just as fast as it arrived. Fu had utilized her sacred spear technique, an ability that momentarily lengthened and shortened her swords blade at blinding speeds. Only those with incredible instincts would be able to catch a glimps of this action and to the normal naked eye, the intruder would appear to suddenly drop to his knees for no reason at all. It wouldn’t be until the blood would begin flowing from the precise hole in the man’s chest for it to become apparent that he had been defeate
Fu slid her katana back into it’s wooden sheath and turned to smile at Anzo. “Nice job! I thought you were totally going to kill them both for a second there.” Fu was speaking to him as though the shop owner was not in the vicinity. He was now picking himself off the floor, and although he was alive he looked fairly angry at the condition of his shop due to Anzo’s water jutsu. His anger quickly subsided as the man Fu had struck down let out a final dying ‘moan’ that would cause him to jump I the air almost a foot. The man ran behind Anzo as fast as he could for protection and once he realized that the man was dead he would hug his savior. “Thank you brave sir!” the bath owner would say, not knowing that Fu was the one to finish him off. “I would have been dead without you! Free baths anytime you want!” he would squeal to Anzo in appreciation. Fu would use this opportunity to slip out of the bath house. Now that the job was done, there was no reason for her to stick around.

Wc: 497
Twc: 2,273

[Exit, Mission Complete]


6100 Ryo (6K Base + 100 Genin) = 46,200 New Total
Mission AP: 30 = 92 New Total
Max Stat Bonus AP: 44 = 218 New Total

1,750 Earth Shaker B Rank (Claim)
523 False Surrounding B Rank (1227/1500) (704 WC Previously Trained using WC Bank on Page 4 of Stat Page Here)
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Defend the Bath House Empty Re: Defend the Bath House

Mon Mar 01, 2021 9:48 pm
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