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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Bath house  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bath house

Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:34 am
After a good look at the house Nasu saw a way in. "Gonk, I'm going to go through that vent on the outside right there. It should be easy accesses if you want to come as well." So Nasu went to the house not looking back to see if Gonk was coming or not. Nasu went to the vent and used his Kunai to get it off. It took some pressure but then the vent just snapped. Nasu then with no hesitation went right in. Nasu decided to then activate his Sharingan to see where people were in the house. Nasu could see on eman and expected it to be the boss. Assuming Gonk was behind him he said he knew where the man was. If Gonk wasn't with him Nasu would proceed alone without sharing the information. Nasu then crawled through all the vents and got to right above an office. Nasu could see a man sitting in a chair and pushed down the vent to get to him. Nasu then threw a punch right at the man. He couldn't use jutsu because he didn't want to hurt him too much. There was no response to the punch though. It was also kind of weird that this man was wearing a hood that covers his face. Nasu pulled down the hood and saw that it was just a chakra infused dummy with an explosion tag on it. After Nasu pulled the hood down an alarm went off that Nasu predicted would be for the brother to know when to detonate. Nasu then ran as fast as he could and jumped out of a window to land in water. It was a big fall but at least he didn't die. Gonk and Nasu then met up after the explosions and talked about the  man. "I think he might be going straight for the bath house. you left a clone there right Gonk."

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Bath house  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bath house

Mon Mar 01, 2021 9:18 pm
Gonk nodded when Nasu told him about his plan, but Gonk decided it would be better if he took a different route in.
“I’ll head in a different way,” Gonk told Nasu before they both left. Gonk quickly ran to the front door and tried the handle.
“Damn it’s locked,” Gonk thought as he jiggled the doorknob. However, something as trivial as a locked door wouldn’t stop Gonk, and he simply punched a hole through the door and unlocked it. He then carefully removed his arm from the door and twisted the doorknob once again, this time actually opening the door. Gonk quietly slipped in, attempting to be stealthy even though his door punching maneuver probably would have alerted the whole house. As he slipped through the halls he noticed something.
“There’s nobody in here,” Gonk noted as he stalked through the halls, checking every room as he went by. It was completely silent except for some clattering in the vents which Gonk assumed to be Nasu.
“Either there’s nobody home, or they caught wind of us and are hiding,” Gonk thought as he approached what appeared to be a study. Unlike most of the other rooms, the door was closed, and there seemed to be a figure inside. Right as Gonk was about to open the door, another figure dropped down from the ceiling and made to punch the man. Assuming it was Nasu, Gonk opened the door only to see Nasu jumping out of a window. Confused, Gonk walked over to the man, only to receive an explosion before even making it half way over. 

Gonk lowered his arm from his face and surveyed the damages. His scales had protected him from getting hurt, but the room was pretty much destroyed. Gonk walked over to the window and saw Nasu swimming back to shore. Gonk then walked out of the house and met up with Nasu at the door. Gonk nodded once Nasu finished talking and said “Yeah, but we should still hurry just in case my clone isn’t able to take them down.” Gonk then turned and started running at full speed to the bath house. Up ahead of them, the owner’s brother ran with two bodyguards at his side. They were moving more slowly than the two ninja, but still arrived at the bath house before them. When they arrived, the bodyguards immediately kicked down the front door and walked into the building, with the brother following at their heels. Hearing the commotion, Gonk’s clone ran out into the hallway to face the two thugs. The clone carefully studied the situation, it was a 2v1, so if the clone got engaged with either one of them, the other could take out the owner. The clone decided the best move was to simply prevent the men from advancing. So the clone quickly performed hand seals and spat out a bunch of water, which rapidly formed into a wall. This wall completely blocked off the hallway, making it impossible for the two to get to the owner without breaking through the wall. The two men eyed the wall carefully and slowly approached it. One of them tried to punch through it to no avail. They were still eyeing the wall and trying to think of a way through it when Gonk and Nasu arrived at the bath house.
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Bath house  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bath house

Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:46 am
Gonk's clone came in handy because the body guards came to the bath house. When me and Gonk arrived we could see three people just inside the bath house. And then we saw a water wall. This was perfect though because now the two bodyguard's were trapped. Nasu and Gonk both started studding them looking to see whatever they could. Nasu was using his sharingan and was tracing their chakra as well. "Gonk neither of them have to much chakra this shouldn't be to hard." Both of the guys had long droopy hair so we couldn't actually see if they were shinobi. We could see some sort of glint coming off their forehead which was probably a headband. Me and Gonk just looked at each other and just decided let's just get this over with. I start to make some hand signs but then one of the body guards made some faster. Suddenly this mud wall came up in front of us. I guess one of them knows earth style. I use my sharingan again through the wall. "hahaha that guy used up almost all his chakra in that one block. Lets just break through the roof and end this." Nasu jumps right up to the roof and if Gonk follows, asks him to break through if not Nasu will spend a minute breaking through the roof. When the roof is broken right above where they are Nasu starts to make hand signs again. Nasu doesn't have many attacks to do so he just uses his great fireball jutsu. It was either that or phoenix flower. One of them dogged out and the other ended up just being a clone. "Gonk the other guy is right over there. I think you'll have more fun with him because he still had a good amount of chakra left." Nasu then takes on the one in front of him. 

While Nasu was talking to Gonk the man ran at him prepared to strike Nasu in the back. Issue for the guy because Nasu has his katana sitting along his back going to a bit of an angle to his right shoulder. When the man tries to attack with his own katana Nasu just pulls his out just a tiny bit to block and then pulls it the rest of the way and hits the man in the gut with the bottom of the sword. The man stumbles backward a bit and then tries the same attack again. Nasu then again blocked the attack and hit the guy in the gut with the bottom of the sword. Nasu was hoping that something more interesting would happen. This man had no experience at all. Nasu barely had any himself but still this was easy. Nasu kept on basically bullying this man and it was honestly pretty funny. Over 5 minutes this man finally tried a new tactic but this time Nasu slashed his katana and made the sword fly out of his hands. The man with no other weapons jumps back and starts to make hand signs. “That's not a good idea. I'd suggest you just accept defeat.” The man doesn't listen and tries to use a jutsu. Mud started coming out of his mouth but then stopped. He didn't have enough chakra to keep on going and still had leftovers of mud in his throat. The man then died partially by suffocation from the mud but also zeroed out his chakra. Nasu went to go check if he had a headband on after he died. It ended up he did have a headband. It didn't belong to a village though. It had a symbol on it that Nasu had seen before. It was the same symbol placed around the brother’s house. This made Nasu very interested. 

Either way Nasu had stuff to do and went to go find the brother. He knew Gonk wouldn't need help or want it by that matter. Plus Nasu didn't even know if Gonk had finished yet. Nasu went to find that Gonks wall from earlier was gone and so was the brother that was in there. Nasu then heard a crack of glass and saw blood coming out of the owner's office. Nasu yells for Gonk to go get a medical team when he is finished. Nasu ran into the room to his surprise to see it was the brother on the floor. The owner attacked him after seeing him come into the office with a kunai. The brother was doing fine though. He lost a little blood but with a medical team he would be patched up in no time. Nasu waited for Gonk to get back to ask some questions about what happened and to finish up the mission.   

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Bath house  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bath house

Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:41 am
Gonk quickly sized up the situation as soon as he arrived at the bath house. His clone has blocked the brother and two thugs from getting to the owner by using a water wall. Although he couldn’t be sure, Gonk suspected the brother only had two bodyguards, so it should be fairly easy to take him down. Gonk nodded when he heard Nasu’s assessment of their chakra levels. It seemed that the brother didn’t even have enough money to hire competent thugs. Oh well, while it wouldn’t be as fun, it would be easier to take them down. Suddenly, both Nasu and one of the bodyguards started performing hand seals, with the enemy fishishing faster. A large amount of mud spewed out of his mouth, forming into a wall that blocked the entrance. Gonk listened to Nasu once again, then jumped onto the roof landing directly above the enemies. Gonk then proceeded to punch the roof as instructed, the sheer power behind the blow making a five meter wide whole in the roof. Gonk then stepped back as Nasu shot his fireball jutsu into the hallway. Unfortunately it didn’t get either of them, but that fact didn’t concern Gonk. He was already jumping down to engage one of them before Nasu even spoke. Gonk threw a punch aimed at their stomach, but the ninja was able to divert the blow enough so it only grazed his side. However, it still did some serious damage as the thug was now bleeding from a whole in his side. Despite this the opponent still was able to form hand seals and he slammed his hands into the ground, causing the ground to start splitting and being torn up in front of him. Gonk shifted into a blocking stance and just stood unmoving as the earth tore up around him. Gonk was unharmed by the attack, however the wall wasn’t so lucky and was broken. The man was panting at this point, apparently nearing his limit. Gonk walked over and pulled out his katana, preparing to end the man’s life. However, it appeared he still had a bit of fight left in him as he tried to thrust the kunai into Gonk’s chest. Gonk laughed as the kunai broke against his scales.
“Nice try,” Gonk said as he thrust his blade into the man’s chest. The man coughed up a bit of blood, then fell backwards off the blade, and laid dead on the floor. Gonk then glanced over to his clone and the owner to see if they were doing alright, only to find them gone from their previous location. Gonk quickly looked around and saw some blood seeping out of a doorway. It appeared Nasu had discovered the same thing at the same time, as he was also heading over to the doorway. They both entered the room to find the brother on the floor, with the owner standing over him with a kunai.
“Let’s put that down,” Gonk said as he swiftly walked over to the owner and took the kunai out of his hand. He then glanced down at the owner, who was clutching and a wound in his arm.
“Oh quit being melodramatic, you’re fine,” Gonk told him as he hauled him up. “You’re also under arrest, let’s go.” As Gonk pushed the brother out of the room, he turned to Nasu and said, “I can handle him from here, why don’t you help the owner.” Gonk then left the building and started walking the man to the hospital to get patched up before he was locked away. As this was happening, Gonk realized something.
“What happened to my clone,” Gonk asked him, puzzled. “How were you able to take him down?”
“It was simple,” the brother sneered, clearly enjoying the opportunity to show off. “Your scales cover almost all of your body, but the one thing they don’t cover is your eyes. I managed to stab the clone in the eye and poof, he disappeared. It was quite easy for a mastermind like me!”
“Yeah sure, a mastermind,” Gonk replied sarcastically as they neared the hospital. “Well thanks for pointing out a weakness I have.” Gonk pushed open the door to the hospital and walked over to the receptionist at the front desk. 
“This man needs some medical attention, however, he’s a criminal so he might try to escape,” Gonk told the woman.
“Alright,” she replied, “I’ll have some medical ninja look at him in a bit.”
“Thank you,” Gonk said before taking a seat in the lobby, and starting to work on his mission report. After awhile a medical ninja and an anbu walked into the room. 
“Are you Gonk?” The anbu asked Gonk, as he approached.
“Yeah, are you here to deal with him?” Gonk asked, gesturing to the brother.
“Yes, I will take care of him from here,” the anbu said as he lifted the brother up.
“Alright, here’s the mission report,” Gonk said as he handed him a piece of paper, before standing up and leaving.
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Bath house  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bath house

Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:25 pm
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Bath house  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bath house

Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:16 pm
Nasu then watched as Gonk took away the brother and said he will deal with him. Nasu was glad because he was tired. The bath house hadn't taken much damage so though he would take another soak soon. First thing Gonk had to do though was help the owner. Even after Gonk took the kunai away the man hadn't moved his hands from where he was holding it. The man hadn't even moved a muscle. Nasu managed to get the man into a seat and give him a glass of water. The man was trembling while drinking. Nasu could tell he was going to be scarred for life. Nasu started to go back from his fighting mood to his regular kind mood and then started to talk to the man. “Do you have any questions.” The owner didn't answer and Nasu wasn't going to push it. He decided to let the man be for a bit and go take a quick soak. Nasu went and sat in the hot spring and god did it feel good. After a mission nothing is better than a nice hot spring. Nasu did get a couple of bruises from the explosion earlier and this was perfect for them. Nasu then got out and went to check on the man. He saw him starting to leave the building. Nasu decided to follow behind him. Nasu trailed him all the way to the hospital. The man went into the lobby and he bumped into Gonk. Gonk was confused but then Nasu got down to explain everything to him. Nasu then decided to take the man to some sort of therapy. He wasn't very happy after hearing that his brother was already taken. Nasu then signed his mission report and handed it in.

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Bath house  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bath house

Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:10 am
Approved Nasu
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