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Guard Duty: Village Gates (Daytime) Empty Guard Duty: Village Gates (Daytime)

Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:36 pm
Mission Name: Guard Duty: Village Gates (Daytime)
Rank: C
Type: Guard 
Character Requirements: A member of the team must have completed Guard Duty: Initiation
Mission Location: Village
Word Count Requirements: 2,000
Challenges: -
Repeatable? yes
NPC? no
Reward: 2000 Ryo, 5AP, 2 Kunai
As a guard, one of the most important positions that you can be assigned to is at the gates. For the most part, nobody comes in or out of the village without your permission, and it is your duty to remain vigilant for your entire shift for the safety of the village. 
For this mission you are assigned guard duty at the village gates during the day shift. Merchants, citizens, and the like will need your permission to enter into the village. The day shift is busy but quite normal since most bamboozlers will try to infiltrate when it's night time. Regardless, the village will give you two kunai to defend yourself if need be, along with the normal ryo reward.  You may have an adversary during this mission but their stats/abilities are a non-factor. 
He woke up as the warm bright suns rays of light embraced the inside of his house covering every inch of it. As the darkness fled the sun entered with a nice yellow hue that helped Suimin jolt out of bed. He gets up to use the bathroom and hops in the shower he takes a nice long bath in warm water and just sits there for a while enjoying the feeling of warmth that came from his bath and wrapped his body and a soothing embrace. He often forgot how enjoyable it was to live alone which is one of the reasons why he didn’t enjoy the company of others. In his eyes it was beautiful he just wished he was glad he got to enjoy this kind of thing almost everyday. After an hour he began to clean his body and hair and he then realised he was running low on shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. “Again? Well I’ll buy more sooner or later.” After he’s done he starts to brush his teeth making sure to get every spot in his mouth and gets dressed wearing the same thing he wears everyday. His black pants and long sleeved shirt with his sleeveless grey keikogi on top. He then put on his socks, boots, mask, gloves, and his Kumo forehead protector. He gets the milk, and orange juice from his fridge and cereal that rested on top of his fridge. He sets it all out on the table and before he prepares his breakfast. 
He decides to make a quick trip to the Kumo shopping mall to pick up a few things before departing to the Raikage’s office and getting a Mission. On his way there he couldn’t help but notice the way the nice cold brisk morning air felt against his skin as he just took a nice warm shower. It felt amazing, a truly spectacular feeling that he wished he could experience more. After getting some of the supplies he would need he heads home and proceeds with his morning routine. After finishing his breakfast he grabs the rest of his things for the day and proceeds to head out but not without saying goodbye. He turns to the photo he has of his brother he keeps by the door and says “Hey I won’t be gone for a long time. I’ll be alright, I shouldn’t get hurt or go too far. So there is no need to come with me. I'll be back before you know it alright. Love you.” 
He then heads out of his house making sure to lock his door behind him. He doesn’t have much of value but he doesn’t want to risk anything he does own getting stolen. He begins to head out to the Raikage’s Office to get a Mission for the day. Once he arrives at the Raikage’s office he takes a look at the mission board there's quite a few here wow. He sees an interesting one and while reading the name of the mission file he begins to think. How peculiar he began to ponder. “More guard duty? Why a Genin?” He then read it over briefly and thought to himself. The village gates? No way. How very interesting. That sounds like my kind of job.” He took the mission and then the man in his office called “Next!” “Oh right. Here this is the mission I plan on doing today.” “Okay let's see here. Ah right this one. Approved.” After getting approved for this mission Suimin then heads out of the Raikage’s office with the mission file in hand. 
He starts walking towards the village gates. He starts walking for about a few minutes. He continues there walking platform to platform. After he arrives at the village gates he relieves the other guards of their duties. “Hey I’m Uchiha Suimin I’m here to do the guard duty for the day.” “Oh great, we're tired, well here's the Kunai. Just stop people and search their things before they enter.” “You got it.” He stood there waiting for the day to move on. After a few minutes of standing there a merchant showed up. Suimin stopped him to search his caravan. “Excuse me sir I’m going to have to stop you and search your caravan.” “Okay take your time.” Suimin started to search the caravan and it was some basic souvenirs, ninja tools, jewelry, and novelties. “Okay well you're good to go.” Suimin waved his hand giving him the okay to go; he noticed that while he was searching a line formed. 
“Oh my. Next!” Suimin called out as they opened the gates for the first man and his caravan. The net caravan pulled up to the gate. “Alright I’m going to be searching your caravan. “Okay just don’t steal anything.” “Don’t worry I won't, I just hear for inspection.” He began to lift the tarp that covered the back of his caravan. He began searching and he noticed this man had a lot of ninja tools he probably pillaged off the corpses of fallen shinobi. He continued searching through the man’s caravan, nothing but ninja tools to sell. “Clear!” He said as he waived his hands to get the other guards to open the gate. “Next!” Another man pulled up to the gate on a horse with a bag. “Sir I’m going to have to stop you. I need to search your bag before you can get past these gates.” The man responds quickly. “No need. I just have ninja tools in here.” “That's fine but i’m still going to need to search your bag.” “I said it’s fine now let me through.” “Unfortunately I can’t do that until I search your bag Sir.” “Just let me go there is no need to search my bag.” “I’m just trying to do my job. There is no need for all this hostility. Look there's a line forming so if it's just ninja tools let me search it and then you can go.” “I don’t want to.” “Well then turn around and head back because I can’t let you in.” “No let me In!” “Sir don’t make me force you to turn around.” He says this as he activates his sharingan. “I hate you Uchiha. Fine, take my  bag.” The man threw his bag at Suimin. Suimin searched it and discovered that he did indeed have ninja tools but he also had explosive tags. “Sorry sir but I can’t let you in with these either  keep them or you leave.” “Why not?” “I would have to take out the explosive tags that can cause a lot of damage to the village.” “Fine take them I didn’t need them anyway.” Suimin took out the explosive tages and continued searching the rest was ninja tools. He gave the explosive tags to the guards. “Clear!” He said as they let him through. 
“Next!” The next person pulled up to the gate with their caravan. “Sir I’m going to have to stop you. I need to search your bag before you can get past these gates.” “Go ahead.” He looked under the tarp that wrapped the back of the caravan and it was boxes of food. “Rations for the village?” Suimin thought to himself. “Clear!” He said waving his hands to the other guards. “You're good to go sir.” 
“Next!” The next person pulled up to the gate with their caravan. “Sir I’m going to have to stop you. I need to search your bag before you can get past these gates.” “Go ahead.” He looked under the tarp that wrapped the back of the caravan and it was armor. “Armor for the village?” Suimin thought to himself. “Clear!” He said waving his hands to the other guards. “You're good to go sir.” 
“Next!” The next person pulled up to the gate with their caravan. “Sir I’m going to have to stop you. I need to search your bag before you can get past these gates.” “Go ahead.” He looked under the tarp that wrapped the back of the caravan and it was boxes of Headbands. “Headbands for the village?” Suimin thought to himself. “Clear!” He said waving his hands to the other guards. “You're good to go sir.” 
“Next!” The next person pulled up to the gate with their caravan waiting. “Ma’am I’m going to have to stop you. I need to search your bag before you can get past these gates.” It was a woman this time interesting.“Go ahead.” Suimin looked under the tarp that wrapped the back of the caravan and it was boxes of food. “Rations for the village?” Suimin thought to himself. “Clear!” He said waving his hands to the other guards. “You're good to go sir.” 
“Next!” A man pulled up to the gate and he looked quite suspicious. Suimin couldn’t just go based on looks, he needed some sort of evidence. “SirI’m going to have to stop you. I need to search your bag before you can get past these gates.” “Of course do your job.” Suimin approaches the back of the caravan when he freezes as his heart begins to beat faster. “Sir are you moving animals?” “No sir.” Suimin could’ve sworn he saw something move in under the tarp. He activates his sharingan once more in response to this. He approaches the tarp with caution. He slowly lifted the tarp doubting what he saw, thinking it could've been a part of his imagination. As he lifted it he jumped back as three thugs jumped out. He looked at one of them and used Demonic Illusion: Mirage Crow. One of them a kunai and launched it at him he used body flicker to dodge. “Look at these eyes you won’t win.” They continued their assault, throwing Kunai at the young Uchiha. He then used Snake Horse Ram and activated Lightning Pulse as his hand pulsed with red lightning as he charged the second assailant he then delivered a swift kick to the third. 
 “Next!” Another man pulled up to the gate on a horse with a bag. “Sir I’m going to have to stop you. I need to search your bag before you can get past these gates.” The man responds quickly. “No need. I just have ninja tools in here.” “That's fine but i’m still going to need to search your bag.” “I said it’s fine now let me through.” “Unfortunately I can’t do that until I search your bag Sir.” “Just let me go there is no need to search my bag.” “I’m just trying to do my job. There is no need for all this hostility. Look there's a line forming so if it's just ninja tools let me search it and then you can go.” “I don’t want to.” “Well then turn around and head back because I can’t let you in.” “No let me In!” “Sir don’t make me force you to turn around.” He says this as he activates his sharingan. “I hate guards. Fine, take my  bag.” The man threw his bag at Suimin. Suimin found nothing but ninja tools. “You can go.” “Clear!”

The line was finally gone Suimin stood there waiting for the next guards to come or another caravan or person. Suimin was looking around examining the trees for anything else suspicious or anyone else trying to sneak past. He stood there waiting while the sun was starting to fall. He continued waiting and no one else came. After waiting for a while the next guards came to relieve him of his duty. “Oh you're here great! I’m tired.” Suimin gave them the mission file to prove that he completed the mission. He headed back inside the gates. He went platform to platform going towards the raikage’s office. He was walking down a cobblestone pathway heading to the office. He was looking over his mission and the signature he had gotten from the guards. He headed back to the raikage's office and turned in the mission.

TWC: 2002
1500 WC to Space Time Art: Devouring Sphere
500 WC Rashomon
2000 WC to Speed
2000 Ryo
20 AP
2 Kunai

Last edited by Sleep on Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:12 am; edited 2 times in total
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Guard Duty: Village Gates (Daytime) Empty Re: Guard Duty: Village Gates (Daytime)

Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:36 pm
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