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Kyoki Shokukou
Kyoki Shokukou
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Guard Duty Empty Guard Duty

Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:16 pm

In a world that is basked with rich life and in a village with endless possibilities and good career choices. Theres always something proning in the fresh soil, created by a higher being. Today the clouds were crying and Kyoki happened to be covered in wet clothes, as she's about to take on a job. A guard duty job. "This is your first time, yea?"  Told on a raspy voice that belonged to an elderly man and about three times the size of a small fry, standing before her. "Quite so!"  Kyoki confirmed in her usual cheery voice, much to the mans suprised. "Never met your kind before. Most kids around your age, would moun and grovel when it comes to something like this."  A smile approached his smi-wrinkled face. Despite his age, he's still able to move around, just as much as the younger generation. "Hahaha! You kids are something else, ya know" The two walked side by side, along an elongated path. The rain collided with the hat, the man had worn. Built out of bamboo sticks. The sound of rain kept Kyoki from feeling bored and felt some enjoyment out of it. The steps that their foot had taken was, accompanied by the sound of a gentle splash. Fellow villagers of kumogakure would bow their heads whenever, they cross paths with Kyoki and Gen'ei. The two would do the same. Kyoki hadnt worn anything to protect herself from potentially getting sick, but it wasnt cold outside either. It was the right temperature, but the next day will be hotter than before, thanks to the humidity. "Out on an evening patrol?" A villager walking by, wondering what the two were doing. "Yup! Gotta make sure nothing suspicious is going on, no run away criminals coming around--exacting out revenge"  
 Kyoki had emphasized on the revenge part. It made her sound like she was reciting a line from a movie, with the voice of the villain. 

WC: 326
Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

Guard Duty Empty Re: Guard Duty

Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:09 pm
Rain feel from the sky as Thor made his way through the village. It had been a long day for the jounin, he had been up since the early hours of the mourning. Thor had been wanting to work on a new jutsu he had been trying for a while now, but to no avail he still wasent able to successfully complete the new jutsu. Normally things like that came easy for him but learning a S rank jutsu isnt like learning something of lower rank. Thor knew Only time will tell if he will be able to complete it soon, he hope not to much time though. Earlier while he was in between training and getting something to eat, he thought it would be best to stop by the mission board and see if they had anything interesting up for grabs. No surprise to Thor that there was a mission up requesting people for guard duty. It had been a while since he had to protect someone so the opportunity didnt seem like a bad one to take on. Thor still had time before he had to start his mission , so he decided it was best to head home and change before he meet up with the client. In no time at all Thor was able to get home and hop in the shower. He hope that the mission would bring some kind of excitement to the already dull and boring day he was having. 

Thor quickly showered before getting dressed and heading out of his home. He had never been to friendly with the people living around him except for a certain couple, and they were the only exception for non obvious reason. As Thor stepped back into the rain , he made his way to where he was suppose to be meeting the person he was tasked with guarding. Even though the mission was below him in rank, it would do just enough to give him a little extra money that he would need soon. There is something he wants to buy , but dosent want to do alot of hard work to get it yet. Upon his arrival , he was surprised to see a young konuichi talking with the client. After a second or two of thinking he realized that she must be completing this mission with him. Thor approached them both " You must be the genin thats teaming up with me on this mission , The name is Thor Senju", Thor said looking at the young lady. He then turned his attention to the client," Lets get you out of this rain and inside sir", Thor said as he gestured towards the building. He was ready to get this mission started and finished. 

Kyoki Shokukou
Kyoki Shokukou
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Guard Duty Empty Re: Guard Duty

Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:18 pm
The  young shinobi took a sharp glance at the stranger who addresses himself, as Thor. The rain would continue to drown the girls garbs, as she continued to stay outside. "What a strange name to call yourself..." Kyoki questioned the quality of that name. It proved to be difficult for her to roll his name off of her tongue, without butchering it. "Haha, sorry if i happened to mess up your name--I'll probably think of a nickname for you." Kyoki thought up a way to work around his name, as she couldnt bring herself to remember it. Kyoki wanted to conjure up a proper nickname for her newly acquainted partner. She rarely bestowed nicknames on people. It was the first time, when a name proved to be too much of a drag to say. Her laziness would show, as she would find an easier way to remember Thor. However, to do that. Kyoki needed to find some sort of unique feature that allowed Thor to stand out, in her memory. Thanks to their fated meeting, the pair needed to get to know each other. That was Kyoki's goal for the day.

"Say...You seem a bit experienced" Kyoki directed her comment towards Thor. She felt curious to know about his current status as a Shinobi. I assume jobs like this, doesnt require guys like him. Should he take this as a compliment, it would mean that she had seen Thor as someone who could do this job without breaking a sweat. However, it wasnt indefinite, as she doesnt know his exact rank or where Thor stood in the Shinobi world. Kyoki decided to size him up a bit, despite knowing the obvious height differences.

WC: 283
Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

Guard Duty Empty Re: Guard Duty

Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:11 am
Thor and the client was about to make their way towards the Inn when Kyoki started speaking to him.He wasent interested in this girl in the slightest. She hadnt shown anything that would get Thors attention besides accompany him on the mission, but he didnt want to waste an opportunity to get to know some of the young genin in the village. Letting out a small sigh, Thor decided it would be best to talk with her, he thought that maybe she could be of more interest later on if anything was to happen. He looked over at the young girl and smiled, hoping to answer all of her question to the best of his abilities. " I didnt have a choice on the name that was giving to me, but if you mess it up thats fine'' Thor said answering the first of statements. He didnt really care about her messing up his name , as long as she didnt call him the name of another man then it would be okay with him. Thor wandered if the client had any problem waiting outside in the rain while they converse ,  but then again Thor didnt really care how the man felt, as long as he was alive and able to pay. Thor himself didnt mind the rain , it was some of the only time when his blood lust would ever be quelled.  

A slight chuckle came from Thor when she spoke about how over qualified he , and she was in fact right about that. Thor didnt care though , he felt as though sometimes going on super dangerous mission were a little to much. Some days he just wanted something simple and easy, risking his life for the village wasent something he was big on. He wanted to die by something he caused,not something that he got involved in because of the vilage. "Yeah sorta, some days i just dont feel like doing high ranking missions." Thor said in response. He was finally done responding to her statements and had a couple questions of his own he would like to ask. "Tell me about yourself, hopefully you something interesting to tell me", Thor said with a smirk. He wanted to know about her history , the things she have done and the missions she had been on. "We should hurry this up though, we need to get him inside and safe. Its to out in the open right here", Thor said as he looked over at the clien, but still talking to Kyoki.
Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

Guard Duty Empty Re: Guard Duty

Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:08 am
Thor didnt wait for Kyoki to respond , instead he took the client inside the building to assure his safety. He hoped that Kyoki would catch up and help defend the guy if anything was to go astray , but at the same time Thor didnt mind having all the fun to himself. It had been a while since he could let loose and if something was to happen it would be the perfect opportunity for him to do so. As Thor took the man inside the building they ingaged in some small talk about the man life and why its in danger. To Thor surprise this man was pretty open about what he does for a living and didnt hold back on certain details. It made the conversation a very interesting one and one Thor would never forget. As time went on nothing happened , not even a mouse showed its face tonight. The fact that it was so boring slightly annoyed Thor but as long as he got his pay now that it was over it was all worth it. Thor wasent sure what Kyoki was doing but hoped she had more fun that he did, but atleast he got to hear a good story while he did his work.

Claims:5+ stats, 2k ryo, 1087 into Mayfly (2546/5000) rest Here
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Guard Duty Empty Re: Guard Duty

Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:29 pm
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