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BEAST mode (IO)

Nova Tsuba
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:05 pm
Akako had noticed the exercising lady with her byakugan earlier, but she was hoping that she would stay out of it. Unfortunately that didn’t seem to be the case anymore. As Akako ran backwards she saw with her byakugan that the woman started to make hand seals, a warning that Akako wasn’t going to risk ignoring. Akako was already preparing for her next move, but didn’t enact it until she saw the chains of chakra slowly shoot towards her. They were expading forwards and outwards in the shape of a cone, so Akako decided they probably couldn’t be freely manipulated. So when she was 2.5 meters away from the newcomer, Akako leapt straight into the air, her speed fast enough to completely avoid the chains. While she did so she started simultaneously preparing seals with both her hands and her feet. 

Enyo seemed to be determined to do her next moves, regardless of the fact that she had avoided the chains and was now in the air. So when Enyo started glowing and slammed her hand against the earth, shattering the ground, Akako was sure as hell glad that she was safe in the air. But what she wasn’t glad about was that she was forced to fight another person she didn’t want to. She didn’t even have anything against this woman. But it would seem the mini earthquake wasn’t all the woman had in her arsenal. After the woman punched the ground, Akako watched her immediately lift her fist up and hurl a ball of crackling energy at her.

Akako immediately channeled air chakra into her hands and pushed in front of her, sending her straight backwards, away from Enyo, and out of the ruined earth. At the same time she used body flicker, causing her speed to increase even more. As she traveled the 5.5 meters away from the cracked earth, Akako made sure she was safe with her byakugan, and determined she was for the time being. Akako was pretty sure she was moving away fast enough that the woman couldn’t do anything, and she was also moving fast enough that the chunin wouldn’t be able to get in range with his whip in time.As soon as she was outside the crater Akako’s slowed down and dropped to the ground, not turning towards her first two opponents who were running towards her, but instead simply tracking their positions with her byakugan. 

The man seemed to stop when he was within 10 meters of her but the other girl didn’t. She was moving faster than the whip so she would reach Akako before Anapheil’s attack. As Nova charged, Akako showed no outward signs that she recognized her presence so Nova would have no reason to stop her attack. But it was a ruse. As soon as Nova started her throat chop, Akako would spin around and lift her upper arm enough to intercept the blow before it hit her neck. It was still painful but it didn’t knock her out. It was even less painful because while she was turning she was also channeling chakra into her palm and shooting her hand forwards into Nova’s chest, aiming to knock her out. If the blow was successful she would think for a split second before deciding to leave her unconscious, deciding there was no reason the girl had to die. If it wasn’t successful, she would spew a 5 meter diameter fireball out of her mouth, directly into the girl. Either way she would keep a close eye on the other two fighters to make sure they didn’t try anything on her.
jutsu/ap used:
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:44 pm
Nimble... however.” Was all that Enyo would think as the events played out as followed, eyes locked on the woman. The young woman made what appeared to be an attempt to dodge, or avoid the invisible aura once she was within 2.5 meters of Enyo. The woman would jump, but what was odd to Enyo was that she only jumped 2 meters into the air which was only 6 feet. That was only 5 inches above the head of Enyo herself and the origination of the aura came from the Goddess face in a radius of 3 meters in the formation of a cone thus still being capable of catching the woman where she leapt. If the woman were to have jumped up 10 or 15 meters, or even her total meters of jumping distance which was 42.5 meters with her speed she would have been more than capable of avoiding the aura. But this was not the case this time around. She would be wrapped and weighed down with the bindings of the invisible chained of iron thallus hold her in place with the power of 25. Immediately she would descend towards the ground and as she did so at the natural law of gravity command she would come to the ground at twice the speed she leapt.

In that time the moment her foot made contact with the earth surface so too did the fist of Enyo which dominated the very earth to cause it to rise and fall. The sheer force was enough to  send the paralyzed woman into the air by 16 meters from where she stood at a power and speed of 83, while at the same time reducing her speed by 50 down to 30. The woman was now lingering in the air.

The puncturing chakra fist sized ball would strike into the torso of the woman. At a power and speed of 145 with health to match it would deliver damage of equal measure to the woman with relative ease. This will be a punishment for the woman jumping around an experience fighter, such as Enyo. The impact would rip through the girls shirt, front and back as it reached its mark before maximum range. The impact was enough to wind her complete due to her being left open in such a way that Enyo couldn’t help to to chalk it up to the suddenly pressure of another adversary, or the clear emotional haze she was in...

It was then something...something happened in Enyo. She saw something, she saw a glimpse of the woman’s past, her history, her bond with that boar that was laid dead on the ground meters away from her. Enyo could see the rage and sadness that was filling the woman and swaying her actions as if they were her very own.  In turn, the woman would see into the past of Enyo. She would see the flames of a home raging. The view of a beam on fire collapsed on top of her. In the near distance a family of corpses and a rushing anger and betrayal in the heart of Enyo. 

The glimpse would be instantaneous. Enyo noted the rushing of Anaphiel and Nova in the process of it all, she was known to keep an eye i. Everyone and thing around her. For equal measure the moment the attack landed Enyo would weave a set of seals. Using the woman’s Byakugan against her. It’s 360 degree vision was constantly seeing everything around it. And so it will see her and because of it. The genjutsu will take effect at a power of 30 and completely paralyzing the woman as she was within the air. Completely stiffening her as well as Enyo in place, due to the mechanics of the Genjutsu. The woman would have already been left opened to the upcoming assault of the others, due to everything else she wanted to do being voided after not understanding her own techs, but this was Enyo’s way of adding insult to injury. She would allow the woman to see the attack come at her and do nothing about it. A sinister smile would form on the face of the Goddess as she holds the Gen in place as the woman came to a slow descend. 

Enyo would maintain her awareness. 

[WC: 723]
[Total WC: 1,959]

Hit is being claimed because of Akako’s lack of description of how high she jumped. 

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Wed Jun 30, 2021 12:16 am
The fight was over before it had truly begun. Gushiken had ended the fight rather quickly with a fist through the girl’s chest. Just to be on the safe side, his whip would still lash out, hitting and wrapping around her, while avoiding getting Gushiken trapped in the process. That’s the way it goes sometimes. It was a shame really, Anaphiel had no idea what had caused her to attack them like that. Perhaps it had to do with the boar, but that seemed unlikely to him. Either way, when the shockwave had run its course, Anaphiel would approach Enyo and the girl, cautiously and senses tuned in to ensure that she was indeed taken out, but he was still ready to react if she still had the means to try something. Once he got within regular speaking distance, the Hidemori Chuunin would say “Hello Gushiken, your assistance in dealing with this troublemaker is appreciated.

WC: 155
TWC: 2639

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
-10 AP Water Release: Water Whip upkeep

416/896 AP remaining

Claiming hit with Water Whip (power 65 + Binding)
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:10 pm
It had all happened too fast for the inexperienced Genin to react to.

One second, she and her chunin partner had been fighting a boar, a fairly standard mission. The next a young girl had appeared from the bushes and had immediately opened with launching some fireballs at them. That was fine, Nova had been in weirder fights. Just as she'd mentally declared to herself that they would be capturing this girl alive, another stranger had appeared. The newcomer had reacted quickly and efficiently, proving to be far more effective at dealing with the adversary than Nova and her partner had been. Too effective.

Nova watched with a blank expression as the young girl dropped to the floor, likely lifeless from the combined attacks of Enyo and Anaphiel. Her face was stoic, not revealing any of the swirling emotions going through her mind. The only tell about her true emotions were the laboured breaths as her body entered something akin to fight-or-flight mode. The girl couldn't have been older than 15... Slowly, her gaze settled on the woman who had caused this and she saw red. All of the emotions that were swirling in her chest bubbled to the surface. Slowly, like water simmering in a pan.

Eyes firmly locked on Enyo, Nova walked forwards. At first glance, she could have even seemed calm, going to congratulate a partner for the successful kill. However, someone acquainted with taijutsu would see that Nova's entire body was tense and on the verge of lashing out. The trembling of her closed right fist increased as she got within striking distance of the woman and by now it would be clear to anyone that she was on the brink of attacking. She held back, however. Sending the woman the most hate-filled, volatile glare known to man Nova would speak slowly.

"Why would you do that?" Nova said in a deceptively calm tone of voice. By now, the whole world had faded from her senses. It was just her and Enyo, Anaphiel's presence was barely registering in her mind. She was beyond angry and was only managing to hold herself back because the death of the young girl hadn't quite settled in yet. Some higher, rational part of her brain was fighting to keep Nova from attacking as doing so in the presence of a chunin was a terrible idea. That part of her brain was slowly losing ground, however.

WC: 405
TWC: 2794
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:04 pm
Like that, it was all over with. The girl, that happened to be a member of the Hyuuga clan was dead at the feet of Enyo. The Goddess, frowned upon how easy it was for her to catch the girl off guard the way that she did. Truly a waste of potential, but mostly a waste of wits. She attacked those of her village and lost herself within her vortex of emotion which lead to this swift defeat. Her body was brutalized from the attacks that Enyo released on her, mangled even. The woman would sigh and shake her head. Crouching to take up her training bag and towel as if she was done with another session. 

She was approached by Anaphiel, he praised her assistance in the matter. In return, Enyo gave him a scolding glare. She felt that something of this level of difficulty should have been more than simple to deal with by someone of his level of rank. Yet, this was another point to add to her skepticism of his worth towards the village. “Save your thanks, Anaphiel. She was distracted, clearly relied too heavily on her eyes abilities. That, and she didn’t want to fight me, her emotions and rage swelled towards you two. I’m guessing that boar meant more to her than you realized.” Her words hinted to her access of Ninshu, to learn something that was not yet spoken to her in such minor detail only pointed to such. 

But there was another problem before her, or before them. The woman named, Nova approached the Goddess and her body roared with conflict at the brim. A subtle smile emerged on the face of Enyo, her bag and towel fell to the ground once more as she motioned to meet with the woman - minding her step to prevent tripping over the corpse. She practically screamed an question at Enyo, but in response she was glared at almost similar to how she would at a child throwing a tantrum. “Why? Because you couldn’t. It’s not a matter of if you could and you weren’t trying to, you simply lack the ability, or will to do so. That’s why. I’m not so naive as to second guess my decisions. It’s either they die, or I die. Simple.” Enyo wasn’t one to play around with an adversary that she was unfamiliar with. That’s a rookie mistake that she wasn’t obsessed with making. She couldn’t say the same about these two, especially when they clearly had the means to dispatch the opponent. 

However, there was still a pressing matter to address. Enyo didn’t very much like being questioned by Nova, not in the manner that she did without some form of backing. Her body language spoke that she was ready to lash out, and Enyo felt that she deserved to see that lashing for herself. The cloak of chakra would maintain its swirl around the woman as she tilted her head to the side, standing o lay 5 meters away from the woman. “weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. That’s the door that you’re knocking on.” He words struck like daggers towards Nova. Keeping her well within her sight as she maintained a sense of where Anaphiel was.

Mission Completed 

[WC: 542]
[Total WC: 2,501]

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:42 pm
The look that he was getting from Enyo was surprising, all things considered. He returned her glare and words with a raised eyebrow. The attitude she was giving him was unnecessary, but he didn’t particularly care. The two fights in a row had taken a toll on him and he would definitely need to get some rest. However that thought process had to be delayed slightly, with Nova questioning the need for the girl to die. “She was a threat and she needed to be taken down. The likelihood that she would keep fighting regardless of being subdued was high, so it was better in this case to prevent that from happening. Sadly it’s a part of shinobi life, Nova, and it’s something that you will have to come to terms with if that’s an issue for you.” He paused for a moment, looking at her. “Not every situation will turn out like this one, but there will be times where you will need to take a life when you would prefer otherwise, either to protect yourself, a teammate, or the village.” He looked between the pair of women in front of him. “And fighting each other won’t do anyone any good, especially not with the anger in your heart. We are all Kumo nin and I would prefer you not attempt to air any grievances you have at this time, at least not until you’ve had a chance to cool down.” He would then attempt to direct Nova away from Enyo and out of the Training Grounds. “I’ll see you later, Gushiken,” the Hidemori Chuunin would say to her as they left.

Should Nova attempt to resist his attempt to escort her out of the training ground, he will perform the handseals needed for temporary paralysis one-handed while standing right beside her. Should that kick in, he would then pick her up, and carry her out of the Training Grounds.

[EXIT with Nova, unless interrupted] (will post claims later)

WC: 321
TWC: 2960

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
-10 AP Temporary Paralysis activation

401/896 AP remaining

Temp Paralysis stats:
Speed: 45
Power: 45
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:08 pm
Regardless of the act of killing a young girl, Nova could tell that she and this 'Gushiken' would never get along in the best of circumstances. Something about people like her rubbed her the wrong way; people who thought they were better than her purely because they saw her as some brainless thug. As the woman explained to her the reasons for her actions, Nova would quietly seeth as anger boiled inside of her. The act of punching the woman in the face became more and more tangible in her thoughts as the woman carried on speaking. When she approached, Nova would stop as well, the tiny rational part of her brain knowing that it wouldn't be able to hold her back from punching if she got any closer.

"You talk like killing a teenager was the only way this mission could have gone, Gushiken," She spat the last word, her blue eyes seemed to flash an angry red for a second as she moved her head, "Do you honestly think that a kid would have been able to pose a threat to any of us? That our lives were in danger? Killing is the coward's way out. If anything, you're the weak one."

Nova clenched her fist hard enough for her nails to draw blood out of her palm as she locked eyes with Enyo, the pain managing to draw her out of the angry haze and calm her down somewhat. "One week. Meet me on these training grounds in one week and we can deal with this like real Kumogakure ninja. If you don't show up you'll only be proving to yourself how much of a coward you are."

After saying this, Nova would then see Anaphiel begin to speak. She turned her seething gaze to him, barely even listening to a single word he was saying. When he approached her to escort her, Nova would step back and say, "Fuck off, I can leave on my own. We're done here."

With that said, Nova would then turn around and stomp off back towards her apartment.

[Exit unless interupted]

WC: 353
TWC: 3147


  • 1 C-Rank and 1 D-Rank Hunter completed
  • 8200 Ryo (C-Rank mission + D-Rank hunter with doubled rewards)
  • 102 AP (40 mission AP + 62 trained)
  • 2000 words for Monstrous Strength
  • 1100 words into Chakra Barrier Seal
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Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sun Jul 04, 2021 1:45 am
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:41 am
Enyo stood and listened to the words that were spewed at her from the mouth of Nova. She spoke from a depth of pure emotion, nothing more and nothing less. Enyo, understood the frustration that came from her, but that wasn’t enough to make her regret her decision. It wasn’t in her nature to fill sympathy for the lives of outsiders. She wasn’t going to start now, either. Nova was showing signs of a hopeless passive aggressor. Which was odd considering her style was anything but passive, or gentle for that matter. “Very well, you have a deal. I’ll meet you here in one week. We will settle our differences in combat. Despite your childlike tantrums, you have heart. But your limited in your approach to the world of a shinobi. I’ll teach you the error of your thinking then.” 

The goddess couldn’t help but to noticed that anti-conflict nature that Anaphiel possessed. It wasn’t something that she was use to in the land of Kumo. Everyone knew that the law of the land encourages conflict to be settled with fist, so why was he acting so passive about the entire thing. This called for a skeptical glare from her to him. He was acting quite strange for her own liking. She wouldn’t bother wasting her breath on something so light. 

She would return to her belonging, picking them up and departing from the training grounds. She looked forward to trading fists with Nova, she seemed like a world of fun. Just how much could she be pushed to break that level of thinking. That box will be her end someday. 

[WC: 271]
[Total WC: 2,772]

Mission Claims:
8,200 Ryu 
20 AP

Character Claims: 
27 AP
27 Stats 
Vigor: 31 -> 48
Chakra: 15
Speed: 65
Strength: 65 -> 75

Jutsu Claim:
Dark River Breaking Seal 1K
Genjutsu Release 250 for Handsealless mastery
[V7] Gigavolt 1.5K Power Mastery 

Dropping remaining 22 words. 
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:44 am
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