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Kita Hajime
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Mastering Sage Mode

Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:03 pm
Kita sat in a cross legged meditation stance, channeling natural energy from the earth around him. Kita felt the thrum of its power inside him, the strange feeling it gave as it filled his being. Kita's mind drifted back to when he had acquired the Jugo liver, how it naturally seemed to ebb into his body. Now that it was gone, Kita had to do it the hard way, to coerce it into himself. It used to be so quick, so easy, so convenient. Now Kita struggled, needing to sit down and meditate to channel the nature chakra.

Kita opened his eyes. He had chosen a spot in a nearby park to meditate and channel the energy, and people were beginning to look at him rather strangely. Kita's face flushed, and he closed his eyes once again in order to shut out the sight of those around him. As Kita felt the grass and dirt beneath him, and the cold and moist wind of the Kirigakure air press against his skin, Kita was brought back to why he had come here in the first place.

The boy had learned of nature chakra long ago, after his fight with Yumeko. He had seen the power it could offer, though Kita had no idea how to harness it. The Jugo could clearly do it, but how could Kita? He had learned to gather it, though it was quite frankly useless to him for the longest time. That was until he met Taichi. When he learned of sage mode. A way for the average individual to utilize that power without sacrificing themselves, without needing to take the power of the Jugo. Though Kita just needed to learn how he did it.

The boy sat there and furrowed his brow, his face beginning to look strained as he struggled to force some kind of transformation, or something. He tensed for a moment, and a bead of sweat broke out on his forehead from the sheer concentration before giving up with a huff.

"Damn it. How on earth am I supposed to learn Sage Mode without an instructor?"

Word Count - 353
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:42 pm
"Sounds like you should just get an instructor?" It was a rare moment when our dear protagonist was able to sneak up on anyone or anything. In this case, it was sheer happenstance that had put her high above the genin hours before he'd made his trip into the park to try his own practice. Saya, Decked out in her standard outfit, with heavy woven leathers over a thing full length black and purple skirt, had just happened to be taking a nap in the tree about fifteen meters away from the spot Kita had started practicing the draw of Sage mode chakra. She laid back against a branch fairly high up, her small stature ensuring the branch had no struggles in holder her weight, with Ragnar curled up on her chest. 

"Time to do some work team." The statement would seem quite odd to any outside observers. THe otter's position was hidden within the folliage, and there didn't seem to be anyone else around.... Until four bodies dropped from various branches. Shifting her hips slidly she slid from her branch, catching the lowest on her way down to allow her momentum to flip her completely around the branch. She curled her head and legs in as she somersaulted over and over, finally landing feet on the ground. Beside her stood the Ai and Freyja puppets. 

"I SWEAR Sayatria. You have to tell me when you're going to do things like that! I'm not a young Otter anymore. I'm practically and elder, and my heart could go out at any time!" She rolled her eyes, Peeling the otter from her chest and setting him in his normal position. His clawed feet caught on the strap to the messenger bag at her side and one of the openings in the braided leather armor, allowing him to stand over her shoulder. Coming out of the tree meant it was training time. Training time could only mean one thing. His eyes closed as he easily drew in the chakra that had kept Kita struggling for so long, a constant stream of power pouring into Saya. 

"So. Whatcha workin on? Some big ninjutsu? A powerful fuin seal that could defend you against massive aoes? Maybe some....uh... " And that was it. That was her knowlege of ninja matters. There was puppetry of course, but she'd ruled that out given he didn't seem to have any puppets around. Maybe he was doing that thing Daiko did? The one that let him teleport. Probably not. It was most likely Ninjutsu. She could feel the energy around the pair. Focusing, she almost thought she could feel the power trying to slip into his body as she approached, but it was faint. Like he was struggling to understand the concept. 

"Sayatria Lenoria Senju, Chosen by Freyja, Child of the Otterbrook clan and Cosplay queen of Kirikagure at your service. This is Ragnar Otterbrook, my sister Ai, you may have seen her destroying in the recent tournament, and uh. The vissage of the goddess herself, Freyja. How can we be of service?" 

(TWC 512)
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:59 pm
Kita heard the sound of someone speaking somewhere out of sight. The young boy's brow furrowed as his head spun around, looking for who had spoken aloud. The pale boy rose from his meditative pose to his feet, turning around to face the general direction that the sound had come from.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

A few moments later, a strange figure jumped down from a nearby tree, giving a particularly impressive somersault from their position in the foilage to the ground below, sticking the landing perfectly. An otter clinging to her gave a complaint on her fancy gymnastics before the figure peeled it from her chest and placed it on her bag, where it seemed to concentrate on doing something.

Kita couldn't help but blink slowly, dumbfounded by the figure that had just leapt from the tree and asked what it was he was working on. Kita couldn't help but feel as though his assumption that the shinobi occupation drew the strangest crowd was more and more correct with each passing day. After she gave her greeting, Kita's hand reached up to absentmindedly scratch at the back of his neck.

"Well... yeah, I guess I'm trying to work on a big jutsu. Something that's supposed to make you pretty strong if you do it right. Sage mode they call it, but I just can't seem to get it down. You know of it?"

Kita looked at the figure with hopeful eyes, hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, this strange individual who hopped out of the trees happened to know a thing or two about the technique he was trying to learn.

Word Count - 273

Total Word Count - 626
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Ryo : 58600

Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Thu Dec 23, 2021 8:53 pm
The timing could not be more perfect. Precisely at the end of his question, Just as hope that she might be able to help the boy with a technique that would seem to be quite out of the small girl's realm of possibilities, power would begin to flow form her body. Dark black marks flowed across her skin, Tribal style tatoos that simply formed in a wave that began at her core and rolled out to the visible parts of her skin. The circles around her eyes darkened. A great ressonating energy poured form her skin with Sage mode fully active in response to the querry. She would form several seals, two hands moving in opposition to one another to cast her jutsu more effectively. She put two fingers to a point on her left wrist, and a black diamond shaped tatoo appeared with stylistic chains wrapping around the design, and then, as quickly as it happened, the technique ended and she would seem to return to normal. 

"Oh yea. I learned pure Sage mode forever ago! Whatcha need to know? Honestly it's pretty easy once you have the strength to actually use the jutsu. " There was a sound like the clearing of a throat from over her shoulder. Still focusing on drawing energy for the girl, The otter would begin to speak. 

"Sayatria unfortunately requires my aid to enter Sage mode. Ragnar Otterbrook of the stormrun lake Otterbrooks, at your service. Drawing in nature energy requires a calm focus on the outside. If your mind is  bouncing around like SOMEONES then you'll struggle. Basically, open your chakra points up to the world around you and allow the energy of the universe to absorb into your body. Then you simply need to release the chakra through your body, using it to amplify your power and boom. You have Sage mode." His eyes never opened, Speaking into the void where he assumed the genin they were teaching was. It was hard to tell really, given Saya's inability to stand still. Even with his body connected to hers in a way that would allow him to feel the subtle shifts of movement he wasn't a hundred percent that they were in fact still facing towards Kita. Thankfully they were in fact still facing directly towards Kita. 

"If you struggle with the drawing part theres a bunch of cool tricks. Like ragnar said, you can get a summon who is more in tune with Nature chakra to draw it for you. You can also use shadow clones or some variant in order to get a boost to your nature chakra real quick at the cost of a little bit of regular chakra. I like to use wood style clones cuz I can summon them and just meld them into a tree for protection. You could probably do the same with other elemental clones, but I dunno any other clone jutsu. Just shadow and wood style. Were there any particular questions you had that needed answers?" 

(TWC 1014

seal of absorbtion placed with 205 power)
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Fri Dec 24, 2021 4:42 am
Kita watched with wide eyes as the girl in front of him began to rapidly change in appearance. Black tribal markings exploded out somewhere within her body to encompass her visible skin, and the circles of her eyes went black. She quickly weaved signs with both of her hands and placed her fingers to her left wrist, burning a black diamond seal with chains wrapped around it into her wrist. It only lasted for a moment however, and she quickly returned to her previous appearance, the black markings disappearing from her body. As it faded away, Kita realized that he hadn't blinked in a while, and promptly restored his face to a resting position. He just couldn't believe it. Against all the odds, he had actually found someone able to use the technique he was hoping for.


She explained that she had learned to use... "pure" sage mode a long time ago, insisting that it was easy for those with the strength to use it. That part confused Kita a bit. The strength to use it. Kita flashed back to when he had first begun learning to harness nature chakra, pouring over old textbooks about the Jugo clan and their affinity with nature chakra, learning that it was indeed possible to draw in natural energy like they could. He had practiced in complete isolation at home, feeling something go wrong every so often, though he had managed to course correct. Though he could never draw in more than a minuscule amount without fearing for his safety. When he had acquired the Jugo organ he had managed to hold and store a great deal more of it, though he had lost the power long ago.

Kita was about to ask her how to draw in the quantity of energy needed, and how to utilize the form properly when he heard the sound of her otter speaking. He introduced himself as Ragnar Otterbrook, apparently one of the Stormrun Lake Otterbrooks. Kita had never heard of them before... though from what little he was aware, most summoning races came from some hidden location or another. He guessed that was likely the location they he had come from. He quickly explained the method to drawing in the nature energy, proposing that instead of trying to force it into your being, you needed to let it passively soak into your body. Kita nodded slightly, looking a bit unsure of himself. He was always nervous about absorbing too much of the stuff, and the easiest way to control it was by using brute force. Keeping most of it out, but allowing some of it in. Would letting it flow like that really be the safest option?

The girl gave more advice of her own, listing the various ways that you could draw more energy into your body, advice which Kita was grateful for, though it didn't particularly help his main problem. She mentioned something about wood clones, which Kita raised an eyebrow at. He vaguely remembered hearing something about wood release in that old story he'd read in "The Tales of Uzumaki Naruto," though he couldn't remember much about it. Ahh well. Kita nodded along, drinking in her words and assessing what she had said.

"These are definitely helpful tips, but do you have any tricks for getting the right amount of natural energy? I'm always nervous about getting too much, because I start to feel funny and I've heard bad things if you have too much at once. How do you keep yourself balanced? And what do you mean by releasing it through your body? Is there some tip or trick to it that you use? Just... envision it flooding through you?"

The boy did go ahead and perform the hand seals for his shadow clones though, conjuring two identical copies of himself two meters to his left and right. They silently sat down in a meditative position, and the original proceeded to cock his head at his new impromptu mentor. If there was any danger, best to let these clones handle it before the original got into trouble with it. After all, if the clones died they couldn't transfer enough energy back to him to put him in danger. Could they?

Word Count - 708

Total Word Count - 1334
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Fri Dec 24, 2021 10:31 pm
"Yea. I know. I'm pretty cool." She gave a nod, spinning on her heels once as the power of sage mode finally released from her form. There is a strange discord between Saya the genius and Saya the teen girl. The drastic shift in her form caused by the tatooing of sage mode gave her a much more mature look. There was something about incredible ninjutsu power that often shifted someone from cotton candy kid to fearsome presence. Asside from the battle garb worn by order of Ragnar and Freyja, chosen specifically so she could understand and immerse herself in the Norse culture of those who taught her, Without the presence of sage mode it would be very clear that she was well... A tiny girl! 

She actually stood in silence for several moments considering what he was asking. She hadn't actually ever.... Heard of or even considered negative effects that could be associated with nature chakra. Ragnar, still poised on Saya's shoulder cleared his throat at the question, glancing away awkwardly. They'd gone this far under the assumption that Ragnar had told her everything she needed to know. While that was true, there were a handful of things he didn't tell her specifically because it was a non factor. 

"Well. As far as I'm aware the right ammount of nature energy is all of it. I think it's really just a the more the merrier kind of situation? If I could draw the stuff myself i'd just like. take it in all the heckin time! It just feels nifty yanno?" Damn it. There was a small part of Ragnar that had hoped she would just let it go. maybe she could just say she didn't know and let him figure it out himself? What were the chances realistically that this boy turned himself to stone right?! No. Of course not. Saya was the type to help whenever possible so of COURSE she would offer her understanding of the situation for Kita. 

"That is uh. That is not quiiittteee correct? AHEM. So. There may be a level of nature chakra that sort of uh. Is too much and turns you just a little bit to stone. It's simply not a worry for Sayatria. Heres the way it works. When you first start learning to harness Nature energy there is a chance of drawing in too much. If you choose the animal path that often leads to you taking on the aspects of the animal mode that you've chosen. With pure Sage mode thats not so much of a factor. " Heres the part that gets a bit iffy. How could he explain the difference between someone proficient in nature chakra and those who could find danger? 

"I would draw it in sparingly if your body isn't used to it. Once you've gotten proficient with Nature chakra however that worry goes away. You'll only be able to draw a certain ammount at max. For Sayatria I simply only gave her what she needed until her body became proficient. Now that she's practiced, she can only hold so much. I would say the cap is somewhere around..... Six? Yes. Six nature chakras. that makes great sense." 

(TWC 1547)
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:13 am
Kita listened intently to the girl in front of him. Though his eyebrows raised in surprise when she mentioned that there was no 'correct' amount of nature chakra to draw. Kita hadn't been expecting that answer in all honesty. In his past experiments dabbling with Nature Chakra, he'd begun to feel strange after drawing in too much. Was that just nerves? Or maybe just a strange sensation that you developed when you had a lot of the energy under your belt? Maybe it was just a feeling you got used to over time then? But then why did all the old books he'd read warn him about drawing in too much natural energy? Kita figured maybe they were just mistaken then if he had received a glowing recommendation from this girl Sayatria to draw in as much as possible.

"I see. I'd thought that there was only a set amount you could take in before suffering from side effects, but if that isn't the case, I can just have the clones draw in as much as possible."

Though just as Kita turned his head to order the clones to draw in as much as humanly possible, the otter upon the girl's shoulders gave a small cough. He quickly began to explain a contradicting narrative, one that made a lot more sense than what the girl had told him. Those who drew in too much Nature Chakra at once would find themselves turning to stone. Kita gulped. Guess he should be grateful he didn't follow through with Sayatria's explanation. The otter continued to inform him that he should only draw in a certain amount if he wasn't used to having huge quantities in his body at once, stating that 'six' was the maximum one should draw in. Kita blinked once.

"Six? That... somehow both makes a lot of sense and none whatsoever at the same time."

Kita turned back to his clones.

"You heard him. No more than three each."

As Kita looked at their passive faces, a bead of sweat began to form on his brow. The more he thought about this, the less sure he became. He had been very confident that this was the way to go for a long time now, that learning sage mode would do wonders for his growth as a shinobi, though he was increasingly growing unsure. Turning to stone? He didn't want to spend the rest of eternity as a statue, that's for fact. He began to think back on his time in Hoshigakure, the seal he had gotten from Akabayashi. Maybe he could make do with that? It drew in Nature Chakra as well after all, and no risk of turning to stone either. Though... no. While it did indeed draw in nature chakra, and it was certainly a powerful tool in his repertoire, it didn't hold a candle to sage mode. Its power just didn't match up to what he'd seen from the other technique. Plus, the damage it did to his body and chakra system was immense. Better to learn it now under the care of an experienced instructor than sacrifice his chance. Kita gave a heavy sigh and turned back to the pair, a nervous smile set on his face. When he spoke, it was clear that there was a panicky tone to his voice.

"Okay... I think I know what you mean. I'll try to go for the full six since it isn't my body's first time holding the full amount. See I used to have a transplant from a clan that draws in natural energy without needing to focus on it, and it pretty much managed the process for me passively. I actually got in a lot of trouble because of it, because it turns out that the organ was illegal, so it got removed. I actually got two, an arm and a liver, but I didn't implant the arm. Snuck it out of the village believe it or not, so now it's my property. I don't want to use it though considering it's way too big for me, and I had a bad experience with the last one, and... I'm rambling aren't I?"

Kita's hand drifted up to the back of his neck, and he gave an apologetic, sheepish look to the pair. Kita turned back one final time to look at the clones. He reckoned they'd gathered enough nature energy for the process. He raised his hands to make the clone seal, dispelling the clones and returning their chakra to him. Immediately Kita knew that one of them had drawn too much. He sucked in air as the strange feeling returned to him, more powerful than ever. Kita looked down to his left hand, which seemed to be growing gray and stone like, and panic began to flood his mind.

"Oh no, oh no, that's not good!"

It began to slowly creep up his arm, causing the effect to snowball. As wild fear filled his eyes, Kita had an idea. He quickly activated the curse mark attached to the side of his neck. The first stage markings quickly wormed its way across his body, dispelling the weird feeling he had felt, allowing Kita to breath a sigh of relief. He remembered from Akabayashi's explanation that the mark would stave off petrification using his nature energy and the Jugo's natural biology. It only took a bit of a reach to assume it managed the boy's nature energy levels a little bit. Kita quickly dispelled the thing, leaving only the appropriate amount of energy in his body. Six he reckoned.

"I... I think I've got it. I think this is six."

As the mark retreated back to its position on his neck, Kita flexed his fingers. He tried to imagine what the girl had said, to emulate what she had done. Imagine it filling your being... Kita's mind struggled to wrap around the concept, yet he tried to push the natural energy into every part of his body. He tried to imagine it filling his being, that he was adopting the form that Sayatria took. Concentration was visible on Kita's face as he did, though he didn't seem to have the best results. His right eye adopted the dark circles Sayatria had shown earlier, though his left did not. Tribal markings similar to hers could be seen stretching across his right hand and up along the right side of his neck, though it was clear he hadn't fully grasped it. Furthermore, the markings he did show seemed warped, sloppy, not fully formed like hers were.

Kita struggled with it, though he thought he was starting to get the hang of this. He could feel himself getting just a little faster, a little stronger, even if it wasn't perfect.

"I... think I'm getting it. Is there any way to test this out?"

Kita looked back at them, his eyes flickering between Sayatria's, the otter's, and the two companions she had brought with her. Hard to believe they were all hanging out in that single tree together...

"If you have any more tips, I think I really could use them..."

Word Count - 1191

Total Word Count - 2525
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:31 pm
She was quick to correct his thought after it was spoken into being. Well. She WOULD have been quick to correct the thought, were she not almost immediately interupted by Ragnar pointing out the opposite of what she'd thought she knew. That was....less than ideal. Would she have taken training more seriously and been more careful had she known there could be deadly consequences to overdrawing Nature energy? Of course not. Would it have been a nice thing to note and then completely ignore until it actually became a problem?! Obviously. Had the situation actually come up, having the knowlege in the back of her mind could have saved her life, and were she being honest, she was pretty frusterated with Ragnar for not having brought it up so she could completely disregard the warning. 

"Yea. I figured you'd say that. Everyone who is practiced in the control of Nature chakra understands it. None of us are sure why. " He'd give it a minute, watching the clones try so hard to draw nature chakra before finally stepping in to point out the small issue with his plan. He wanted them to learn from experience, but nature chakra constipation was unfun generally. 

"It is uh. Important to note that A clone, while incredibly useful tools in drawing nature chakra, can only hold one uh. Nature chakras each. Again it doesn't make sense when you say it, but I believe you understand what i mean when I say one. " He poured one additional stack into Saya before he hopped off her back. Glancing about, he tried his best to find a really tall place with nothing but spiked spires. He'd read in the latest issue of "nature chakra daily" that putting a student on a big ole stone slab impossibly poised on the top of a spike way up in the air was the ideal method of teaching control over the sage mode required energy. He doubted it to be true, of course. It seemed more like a really cruel joke to pull on a student that could only end in pain for the teacher's enjoyment, but yanno. He hadn't had a good laugh in a while. Unfortunately there was no such situation in the training center. He made a mental note to lodge a complaint at a later date. 

:"Wait. Did you say that you have an arm thats too big for your body?! " Her face was a mixture of intrigue and disgust. She'd heard Pupnochio discussing potential body trades with Pino a few nights ago. Apparently there was some wierd voodoo involving removing your organs and adding someone elses. The whole thought made her tummy not feel right, but she wanted to help her friends. 

"I think I might know someone who would want a really big arm.... he's like four foot nothing and it would be HILARIOUS!" There was no mroe comment until he questioned her again. She'd given him plenty of time to try and draw nature energy, but the task of actually using it brought her back to action. 

"well. You could cast a jutsu and see how much more powerful it is? I'd clash with you but uh. Theres this wierd situation where like. Even though you have enough chakra you can't use a jutsu for a period of time after you stop using it. I'm trying to study the situation but it's not going great if I'm being honest..... any idea for what you want tips on? I have a TON of jutsu but I dunno what's your flavor!" 

(TWC 2141)
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:43 pm
Kita looked down at his hands and gave a soft flex of of fingers to test the new form. Sayaria gave a suggestion to test the power by using a jutsu. Good idea. Best to start small and work his way up though, as he didn't want to unleash a completely uncontrolled jutsu in the middle of the park. But what to use? How about a D ranked technique? After all, she was curious for a moment about the arm Kita had mentioned.

"Okay... a couple of jutsu then. Coming right up."

Kita brought his hands together for a jutsu, and slowly weaved the hand seals for storage displacement. It took some concentration to keep the sage mode working as he did it, but to his relief it was getting easier the longer that he user this technique. To his disappointment it didn't seem to come out and faster than normal, but Kita supposed that was alright. He was still getting user to the power after all. Immediately after the hand seals were completed, tiny blue light appeared in the air around his hands. They quickly zoomed towards his palm, coalescing and morphing into the rough outline of bundled package of some kind. As the object took shape, the light faded away, leaving Kita with a bundle of clothes looking almost identical to the kimono he wore now. Slowly Kita unwrapped it, revealing the arm to the pair.

"Your friend wants an arm huh? This is the one I was talking about. If he wants it, I'd be happy to sell it to him. Gotta recoup my losses on this thing after all."

It was indeed massive, clearly belonging to a man some considerable size larger than Kita, who looked like a dwarf in comparison. The sooner the boy could get rid of it, the better in his mind. Kita wrapped it once again in his old kimono weaved the signs once again, and the inverse process happened, dispersing the arm into several tiny balls of light, which promptly faded into nothingness as they floated from the great mass of cloth that formed it. It wasn't long before Kita was left alone with just himself and the one called Sayatria and her companions.

"That one wasn't too strong for me. Maybe another one would do me better."

Kita thought for a moment, before beginning a different type of jutsu. Space-Time wasn't really his specialty, so it made sense that it didn't grant him a great deal of power. Maybe something more his speed. Kita decided to go ahead and test out something he'd learned awhile ago. Chidori would be good. It was small and contained, so it wouldn't go everywhere should he lose control of it. Kita weaved a new set of hand seals, molding his chakra into a lightning configuration. There we go, this one was a lot easier than the last, though whether that was because he was experienced in the art of Ninjutsu or that he was figuring out how to use this form effectively was up for debate. The result was glorious. As Kita poured his chakra into it, he felt it swell in power, far beyond what he could manage before. Lightning crackled to life in his right palm, sending the sound of thousands of chirping birds into the air around him. Kita looked to his new teacher, a grin settled upon his face. Not perfect yet, but he was starting to get the hang of it. Kita quickly dispersed the technique, allowing it to fade away into nothingness. The markings surrounding his body were beginning to grow, little by little as he slowly wrapped his mind around Sage Mode.

"I think I'm starting to get the hang of it! That Chidori was a lot stronger than what I could do before! I don't think it's perfect just yet though. Do you know any good techniques I could test out with this form? I think I'd need something a bit more complicated to really put myself through the paces."

Word Count - 674

Total Word Count - 3199
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Mastering Sage Mode Empty Re: Mastering Sage Mode

Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:38 pm
"yes. Sage mode is an enhancing technique. It improves your capability in specific ways that have a direct effect on any jutsu you cast while within Sage mode! " She would watch as he weaved the signs. Then she would look on with confusion. Was he.... Yep. Sure was. When he cast storage dispacement, her face fell into her palm. There was a short list of jutsu she was aware of that wouldn't be helpful with Sage mode. He'd chosen one of them. THe moment the arm was unwrapped, Saya's nose crinkled visibly. She did try not to look so disgusted, but like. There was a human arm being held out to her. How was he so calm about this?!

"Right Right. Uh. You should.... You should put that away. I MEAN You should contact Pinochio. You should be able to find him at the Pinochio Pinochio school of the anything goes style of martial arts. It's at the corner of third and coleman street. Was there a coleman street? Saya, upon entering the village had immediately began naming all of the streets in Kiri. If that was done randomly based on her own thoughts, or it was a passive memorization based on having read signs she wasn't actually sure. 

"Actually. Yanno. I could call him if you want. See if he's interested in a random arm some genin got as a consolation for illegal body part trade? " When she said it like that, It sounded way worse than she'd intended, but what could you do right? That was exactly what happened. "Also try to use something with some oomph. Something you can tell would be moving faster or hitting stronger. A passive technique like Storage displacement probably isn't going to tell you if you're doing well or not. She thought for several moments about his next question. What jutsu could he use to definitely show the difference?

"Well. YOu know Chidori right. What about Nagashi or senbon? " She would form the seals slowly, giving him the time to see which of the jutsu she was using. 

Dragon. Boar. Bird. Ram. Monkey. 

Turning to the side to keep her student from the path of destruction, Saya would swing her arm. From the apendage, A rain of lightning needles would pour from her skin, shooting off towards the ground a short distance away. "Chidori Senbon. Easy variation on the mostly useless main technique chidori. It lets you release the power in a projectile form so you don't have to be super close. Great for anyone who isn't like. A tai or wep user cuz we don't really like to be too close. You know that one right? I feel like its a pretty common technique. You need it for this....

Ox. Rabbit. Monkey. Bird. Dragon. Tiger. Snake. Rat. 

As she finished her seals, she would move backward to ensure her student wasn't within ten meters. Immediately the chirping of birds would emphasize her technique's creation as a flow of solid lighting chakra sparked about her stretching out to its full range. 

(TWC 2650)
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