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Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Collecting a Sample [I/O] Empty Collecting a Sample [I/O]

Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:04 am
Keita was currently in the hospital, acting as one of the lead doctors there, but helping out with a study. A lot of people had been informed that there would be large compensation put out for people willing to donate their organs for science, if they had some sort of unique bloodline. Keita was researching why no foreign cells would bond with his dna, and would die on contact, facing massive backlash by his body's antibodies. He had seen how much power his kage and friend Kizmaru had gathered by using the transplants from other powerful shinobi, but for some reason it simply did not work for him, and he wanted to find the reason why, and this caused him to take a massive study into the dna of different people, if they were willing, and figure out what made the particular cells that he had different from the cells of another, and where they were similar. This would allow him to further his own desire for power so that he could properly assist his kage in the defense of the village, and hopefully train up another generation of powerful people that would take their place, especially because there were a lot of knives pointed at their back in the dark. 

Soon, Keita would stop studying some of the extra cells he had scraped off of himself in a petri dish, as an assistant came over and started whispering in his ear, telling him that there was a volunteer here looking for cash, and it was confirmed that they had some sort of mutant gene in their bloodline that made them be a part of a clan. Keita told her to go out and send them in, as he put away the petri dish and changed into a new pair of sterile gloves, as he was going to have to do some surgery in a moment. Luckily for him, he had a wonderfully sterile work surface. 
WC: 326
Kiyomi Yuki
Kiyomi Yuki
Stat Page : Kiyomi's Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Ice
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

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Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:43 pm
She didn't know why, but she had grown feeble and weaker, not good enough to be a ninja anymore. Something like getting sick shouldn't take a ninja out of commission but her sickness was chakra deep and it was starting to affect her for the worse. No one could pin what was causing it or how to fix it but they came to the conclusion that it wasn't contagious but she could no longer use jutsu that required chakra or she would get even sicker and potentially die. Being useless to a village that gave her the person that made her the happiest wasn't ideal for Kiyomi. She would only be able to serve the man she loved in a different capacity, one her parents had set her up for before. Sighing as she fiddled with a lock of her hair, she found a way that she would hopefully be able to contribute to her village.

A study had been advertised for people with bloodlines, they would be compensated for donating their organs. For Kiyomi this was a win all around. Even though she didn't need the money she would still be able to help the village by doing this. On top of that, she didn't truly need some of her organs as she was basically going to be regulated to the role of housewife and civilian for the rest of her life. In the end, her mother really did win on that but it wasn't a thought she would continue to dwell on as she was called into a room where she would come face to face with a white-haired man. " Hello, I'm Kiyomi Yuki...I'm here about the study, but of course, you knew that..." Her voice held a somber tone. She stood in this pristine office wearing dark baggy clothes the hide her full figure but realized how dumb that even was when she walked out of the house. Waiting for his instruction or introduction she would stay quiet until he asked a question.
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Collecting a Sample [I/O] Empty Re: Collecting a Sample [I/O]

Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:03 pm
“Oh Shit.” thought Keita as the woman who walked into the operating room was revealed to be the Mizukage’s wife. He had no idea that she was one of the volunteers, and Kizmaru did not tell him either, so this was something that was a bit insane to him. Still, if she was doing this, Kizmaru would definitely be aware of it, and if not, it was a simple procedure to return the bloodline related organ, so he took a deep breath and got back to the matter at hand. Keita would greet her respectfully and make sure that she knew what was going to happen. 

“Hello miss Yuki, I was slightly surprised you were the one that was going to assist me, but I will tell you how it is going to go regardless.” Keita said, starting to talk to her about the procedure and what was going to happen. It was a pretty simple surgery for a body part that the body could function perfectly well with only one of, which was the kidney, so she would simply have to have some dietary restrictions for a bit, which he had already listed in a pamphlet that he would give her when the surgery was complete. 

“So, the operation is simple, which involved a small ut in your side to remove your kidney. After that, the area will simply be healed up and you can walk out of here in a few minutes, unless you would like to go under for your surgery, in which case I’ll administer some sleeping gas to you and when you wake up, it will be over.” Keita would go into further detail, before waiting to see what she would choose. Regardless of what she chose, he would prep himself for the surgery, and all she had to do was lift her shirt a bit, and he would put a small plastic cover on her so that the shirt would not get any blood on it, although he was an accomplished surgeon, he would still take precautions. 

This was especially the case when it came to the kage’s wife, and so he made sure he was being on his best behavior in front of her and accommodating her in any way he could. It was a pretty quick surgery once it was actually taking place, the swift cuts of his chakra chains removing the organ almost instantly as he then used his mystical palm technique to close the wound and regenerate any damage. It seemed as good as new, and after studying the organ a bit, there would be a replacement for her if she wanted it. 
WC: 443
Total WC: 769
Claiming Yuki Kidney
Using 769 words towards Lightning Clone with discount 769/1875
Kiyomi Yuki
Kiyomi Yuki
Stat Page : Kiyomi's Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Ice
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

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Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:37 pm
She was hardly listening. Not because she didn't care but because she was tired, she just wanted to take a nap. Her eyes wandered around the room and she had to admit she felt safe here. It was very clean and well managed. Though should she really had expected anything less from Kiri's medical facilities? Ever since Kizmaru took over Kiri only got better in nearly every sense. Since she wanted this to be over with quickly she laid on the bed that was in the room. Her refusal to be put to sleep fed into the fact that she really wanted to go back home after this. Smiling through the procedure she was surprised how quickly it was completed. Her hand ran through the place where she had gotten cut open but it was like nothing ever cut her in the first place. She was pleased but also interested in how immaculate she was healed up. Through the whole thing, she wondered if she would be able to just live with one kidney for the rest of her life. Shrugging the thought off she got herself together to go home, thanking Keita for being quick and gentle with her.

wc: 535

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Last edited by Kiyomi Yuki on Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Collecting a Sample [I/O] Empty Re: Collecting a Sample [I/O]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:47 pm
Approved @ Keita
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