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Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:48 pm
Enrai walked into the hospital once more, asking the same nurse that he had seen twice before already, and this was now a third time. The woman would normally not remember Enrai, but this time it seemed that she did, mostly because Enrai had been there three times this week now, but this time he had a small chest with him. Enrai had no idea what sort of cool things the doctor that he had met had on him, but he assumed that they were going to be expensive, considering he only gave the man a discount because of how bad the organ actually was, but the organ was still five thousand ryo. The woman greeted him kindly and simply told him that the man was here and could be communicated with by knockingh, which was the usual. 

Enrai quickly walked over there, making sure not to run in the hospital, but did a strange and happy power walk thing, before heading to the correct door, knocking on it before quickly sitting down on a nearby chair that seemed to be bolted to the wall for a small waiting area type deal. Enrai then sat with a grin on his face and the small chest filled with ryo on his lap. 
WC: 211
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Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:54 pm
Kenshin would, as per usual, be jotting notes down in his well kept yet slightly worn leather bound notebook when he heard the knock. 

“Enter” He would call as he closed the book and turned to face the door. 

Assuming Enrai entered, Kenshin would raise a light brow at the literal chest of Ryo

“Welcome back to my humble shop Enrai. What can I do for you today?” The man would ask with a light smirk
Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:05 pm
"Hello again Doctor Kenshin, I came in here wondering if there was anything that you had to help my ninjutsu. After a bit of training with this strange organ you gave me, I’ve decided that I don’t really want it anymore, as it no longer fits with who I am becoming as a shinobi. I’ve got a much better idea I’ve brewed up in this ole noggin of mine, and so I was hoping that you had something that could help me when I’ve gained all of the basic elemental affinities. Oh, and I know I returned a heart for this organ, but would you mind another exchange? This is the last time I’ll exchange something, I promise. Oh, and this is my budget.” Enrai would say, placing the chest on the desk before opening it, showing all of the ryo notes. “This is twenty five thousand ryo, plus the exchange if I can get anything for this Meijin organ, if you take store credit.” Enrai would say fairly jokingly, wondering if the fellow Tau would be willing to compromise a bit.
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Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:08 pm
Kenshin would listen to the mans request with a small smile, although his brow would twitch minutely as he heard the request for the exchange. This would be the last time he allowed this.

“Well… I have quite a few that fit the criteria you’ve asked for. Senju, which would give you more potent chakra and access to the advanced element Wood Release, Jugo, which would give you access to a potent energy known as Nature Energy that you can use to enhance yourself and your techniques. And many more. Senju and Jugo are top of the line, and are my most popular. Either of them would serve you very well.” 
Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:28 pm
Enrai thought about what Kenshin as saying, thinking about what exactly the two were. Wood sounded amazing, but there was still something about the Jugo that intrigued him, and that was that he did not really know what it did. What were nature stacks and how did one use them, he had no idea. The allure of the unknown overtook Enrai, and since he was a really impulsive person that almost never thought about things that he was interested in, he decided that he was going to just buy the jugo dna because he did not know what it did and was curious. Sadly he had already promised this man that he was going to not exchange anymore, and so he was going to be stuck with this one, which seemed fine to him. Enrai had all of these thoughts, but thinking about this and making the decision was essentially instant to the outside world, and so it was only a second or two of thought before Enrai immediately answered. "I'd like the Jugo one please. How much is it? I assume twenty five thousand or less right?" Enrai would ask after solidifying his choice on what he wanted. He knew that the man would perform some form of surgery, so he just sat patiently after pushing the chest full of ryo towards him. 

He wondered what Nature chakra actually was and how to use it, but he was not going to ask this person what that was, it was just a bit more of a mystery to him, and he loved messing with new things and 'solving' them. His entire life was like a puzzle, and he was trying to find the right pieces that completed it, and in his case, he chose transplanting organs from other clans to try to complete himself. It was a bit of a macabre way of thinking about these types of things, but that like of thinking never really came up with Enrai.
WC: 330
(WC of previous post because I forgot: 183)
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Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:16 am
The Raggedy Man would grin widely as Enrai confirmed that he was interested in the Jugo transplant, as he suspected the man would. Either choice would be good, but he suspected this one would appeal to him more.

“I charge 25,000 for the Jugo, so you are in luck my friend. You know the drill, just lie down on one of the draining tables and I’ll replace the kidney.”

Assuming Enrai did as he asked Kenshin would replace the Meijin organ he had given him with the right kidney of Jugoian. With that done Kenshin would heal the damage, and retrieve the fire heart of Symmetra to hand to Enrai.

“And there we have it, transplants complete. A pleasure as always Enrai.”
Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:34 am
Enrai was ecstatic when the man Kenshin was so swift with everything, easily taking care of everything really quickly, as the man was a very good surgeon. Enrai simply lied down on the table as he was instructed and was quickly operated on, and because he was a Tau, no anesthetic was needed, which made the whole process that much faster. He wondered how long operations on normal people took, and was seeing a slight silver lining to becoming a strange man made of threads. After the operation was successful, it seemed that his previous kidney was out, and that the disease that was a part of that kidney was gone as well, as he could feel the connection between himself and the other elements contained in his auxiliary hearts as well, all of a sudden. He breathed a sigh of relief, and hoped that the new kidney would accept him as easily as the previous one. 

As he was sitting there and feeling the new kidney, the man brought out another organ, which was the heart that he had traded back to the man previously. It was a strange series of events, but it made Enrai chuckle and he thought that maybe he should lay off of how impulsive he was previously, just for a while at least, when he looked at the heart in the man’s hand. The man was offering the heart to him, and so he took it, apparently the man was perfectly fine with trading back organs, well at least when Enrai promised it would be the last time for an exchange. He thought that there was no reason to exchange his new organ, so there was nothing left for him to do here. “Thanks a bunch Doctor Kenshin, I’ll come back to you if I have the money for that Senju dna, as it seems like something I would definitely be interested in, just not quite yet. Have a nice day sir.” Enrai would  give a light bow to the man as the fire heart finished settling in to his body, and he could feel the wonderful pumping of four separate elements weaving through his body. 
WC: 362
TWC: 1086
Making claims after Coin Flip for transplant

Last edited by Enrai on Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:34 am
The member 'Enrai' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:39 am
Nice, here's exit claims
Claiming Jugo right kidney - transplant success
Claiming Symmetra's Fire Heart
Using 1086 words towards Natural Berserker - 1086/1500 with discount
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Ryo : 0

Buying Something Else [Kenshin] Empty Re: Buying Something Else [Kenshin]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:30 pm
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