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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training  Empty Training

Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:30 am
Genjutsu, his clan was famous for it. So naturally Takezo would have to master it eventually as well. 'An Uchiha who cannot perform genjutsu is useless, but even worse is an Uchiha who cannot defend against it' these thoughts were crossing Takezo's mind as he entered the training arena. "I'd better figure it out then!" he laughed while dropping his bag an running to a spot he percieve as a little more private. 'Alright so where to even begin' Takezo thought while gathering his chakra. His father had never taken the time to show him anything and unlike Taijutsu this was not a technique he could learn by merely observing. Takezo gathers up as much chakra as he can muster. 'ok so now what??' he thinks growing more frustrated. Realsing all of his chakra at once, Takezo sighs "Without someone to direct me this is pointless..." sweat trickles down his forehead, he wipes it off with the back of his hand. "But i cant give up" he encourages himself.

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Training  Empty Re: Training

Thu Sep 09, 2021 1:31 am
Daiko begins to wander around the village, looking for something to do. He hasn't really been up to much lately and he decided that it would be best to go and get some training under his belt. He hadn't seen any of his friends in quite some time, though he assumed that they were all individually busy with their own things. It was no matter. Walking into the training grounds, Daiko looks around the area to see who might be there to train with. He didn't see any faces that he recognized, though he did see a younger-looking guy who seemed excited to do some training. Maybe he would be able to teach him a thing or two. Daiko saw the young man, and waved to him. "Yo, I haven't seen you around here before. You new to the village, or did you just recently graduate from the academy?" Daiko recalled seeing almost all of the genin of the village, along with some jounin, gathered in this very area not too long ago. This boy was not one of the ones that he had seen. Of course, there was always the possibility that he had just not shown up. Daiko would wait for a response. 

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

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Thu Sep 09, 2021 1:54 am
Just as Takezo was beginning to charge up his chakra once again he heard a voice calling out to him. Looking up to see a young ninja whom he had never seen before waving and greeting him. Takezo did not recognize him but immiediately recongnized him as a superior shinobi. "Hello sir, I am Takezo Uchiha" He said while bowing his head. "I have just recently graduated from the academy. But perhaps i should have paid a bit more attention, because im really struggling to get this Genjutsu realse down" he chuckled. Now standing up straight with a big smile on his face " Whats your name?" Takezo asks.


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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

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Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:10 am
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Training  Empty Re: Training

Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:15 am
Daiko nodded his head. Ah yes. Genjutsu release. Daiko remembered when he had first learned it. It was the type of technique that one could not go very long without. Not only was it a very simple technique to learn, it was even easier to teach. Not only did Daiko know the technique by hand, but he was also capable enough to teach the young man how to master said technique. Looking at the little guy, Daiko nodded. "Yeah, that's no problem. Here. I'll show you what to do." Daiko showed the young man the tiger hand seal. "It's as simple as that. All you need to do is to do the Tiger hand seal. After that, you want to focus on surging your chakra through your body. It overloads your chakra points for a moment, essentially letting you break free of the malignant chakra that's putting you under said genjutsu." Daiko nodded his head. "If you get really good at it, you can reach the point where you don't even need to do the hand seal in order to gather the chakra required to actually break free of the genjutsu. I would strongly recommend that." Daiko nodded his head, gazing around the arena. "If someone were to, let's say, put you into a genjutsu where you wouldn't be able to move, how would you be able to bring your hands together to form the seal?" Daiko would leave him with that question, and see what he had to say.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

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Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:58 am
The Tiger seal of course! Takezo thought. He had remembered now watching older classmen make this hand sign in training at the academy before, but he had never paid enough attention to connect it with a genjutsu release technique. The days of day dreaming in the academy were over now and Takezo was determined to pay attention to the shinobi before him. Noticing that he skipped the introductions it was clear to Takezo that this shinobi was one whose time ought not to be wasted. He replies "I've got the chakra surging down, and thanks to you, i now know the proper hand sign" taking a pause to think hard about the answer to the question presented.."I have no idea, I suppose id be in real trouble then" Takezo laughs.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training  Empty Re: Training

Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:21 am
After replying Takezo felt himself start to get embarressed immediately and decided to try an make up for his lack of knowledge, by demonstrating what he had just learned. Leaping a few feet back, he firmly establishes his stance in the ground and begins preparing to charge up his chakra once more. He was hopeful that he would not let his new acquaintance down. Now forming the correct Tiger hand seal he began. Takezo could feel the chakra in his stomach building up like water simmering in a pot until finally rising to a boil 'ive got to focus on surging it through my whole body.. almost there' Takezo thought while rising up more and more of his chakra focusing on sending it all throughout his various chakra points. 'Just need a bit more, come on.. i cant let this guy down' when suddenly, for a split second, in what felt sort of like a hiccup, Takezo had overloaded his chakra network effectively performing the genjutsu release. A big grin began to form on his face. Maybe this would be the jutsu to finally impress his father he thought to himself. Releasing the hand seal, he stared wided eyed at the shinobi before him. "You werent kidding it really was that simple" Takezo chuckled. Trying his best to contain his excitement over learning the jutsu. "Thank you for showing me that sir, maybe you could show me how to do it without the hand seal too?" He nervously asked. He places his hands in his pockets, looks up at the sky and begins to slighlty kick at the dust "And while we're at it.. There was a couple of other things i was hoping you could show me too" Now looking focused and directly at the young shinobi. "Space/Time art mass pull, breath seal and summoning jutsu can you teach me these? Im a little embarressed i dont know them already but i dont exactly have a good training partner at the moment. I'll also need to learn fuinjutsu breaking if im to defend myself and the village, if you could please teach me these things i would be forever grateful" he bows his head while asking an waits for a response. Takezo knew that If he could learn these new jutsu he would have a shot at defending himself and his village in the harsh shinobi world and possibly even earn the respect of his peers in the process.

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