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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:45 am

"What do you think about the Mizukage?

She says it so casually, but it's something she could only ever consider asking outside of the village. The mining town bustles around them, and both Shoko and Koutaku have shed their share of sweat in the past few days. One of Island Country's mineral-rich island has become a common destination for weaponry students of Kirigakure to learn how to work with the materials they depend on, turning the shinobi forces into an interconnected cottage industry of weapons artisans. There are many talented and respected civilian or retired weaponsmiths about, but shinobi tend to be so particular that it has been quite common for them to take care of their own arsenals.

Shoko just wants to scrape the money together to equip herself for the tournament. She's cutting it real close - both of them are. They'll be home in time, though.

The pair sit just off the main street, having just visited a food cart for their lunch before they have to head back to the furnace. Shoko wolfs down takoyaki while they talk, her political question having been between bites, overcompensating by showing just how casual she is. Clearly something has been on her mind. 

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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:44 am
Wiping sweat and grime from his brow from the tough day of work so far, Koutaku sighs at the fact that he's just gotten dirtier from trying to clean off. Slightly annoyed, he hears her question as he uses a thin film of chakra to remove the grease and other detritus from his face and hands before picking up his food--some kind of spicy noodle dish--and maneuvering some into his mouth. Chewing with deliberate slowness, the young man considers her query, not at all bothered by its political nature or the fact that asking such a thing might be taboo elsewhere. The idea doesn't even seem to quite occur to him, as preoccupied as he is. Finishing his first bite, Koutaku hazards a reply.

“Strict, a good leader, but maybe too concerned with his own goals? I haven’t met the man in any real capacity thought so it’s hard to say. Why, what’s on your mind?”

There’s no judgment in his voice, just idle curiosity. He seems utterly unbothered by the fact that she’s asking a question that would be...highly inappropriate in some circles.


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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:34 pm
Shoko chews on the question, eyebrows knitting beneath the thin layer of grime. She reaches to the back of her head and tugs, letting her hair down for the moment from its tight bun - it's starting to give her a headache. It'll have to go back up in half an hour, but c'est la vie.

"My parents are weird about it," she says, considering her words carefully even in this relaxed environment. "Since the Second took over. I don't really get it." She takes another bite of her food. "Something like how he's soft and only cares about money..."

It occurs to Shoko that this is a totally opposite read to Koutaku's, and it shows in her tone.

"I kind of like how the village is now. It reminds me of Tengakure." It's a little funny how the First had turned the village into an illustration of the past, leaving behind the futuristic skyscrapers of its predecessor, and now Kirigakure is slowly turning into a similar gleaming icon of glass and steel. "So it's... nostalgic, I guess? I found Kiri a bit scary when I first got there. But I was just little..."

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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:40 pm
Koutaku shrugs slightly, eating while Shoko talks. He can’t help but notice that she seems confused about the outlook of her parents, and perhaps frustrated as well? It was hard to say, but he could understand that feeling--though for different reasons entirely. Finishing some more of his food, Koutaku chimed in.

“It’s probably a matter of tradition if I had to guess. People tend to get really...wrapped up in that sort of thing, especially if they grew up with the world a certain way, and then it changed on them.”
Pausing a moment and taking a long pull from the broth of his noodle dish, Koutaku set it down and wiped at his mouth and face with a stained cloth, before continuing. “My grandparents are a little like that. Maybe less rigid than your parents sound, but they have their moments. Sometimes I can just tell that they grew up in a very different world than the one we’re living in now. It’s a weird feeling.”

He smiled a bit, feeling like they were sharing something, that perhaps there was something of a connection now that they’d spent more time together. “What’s this about Tengakure though? What was it like there?” Curiosity brimmed in his eyes, an endless fervor that she’d surely seen more than once at this point.


Last edited by Koutaku on Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:57 am; edited 3 times in total
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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:59 pm
"The buildings were all huge. Everything was electric," she said. "It was cool. Really loud and busy. I don't know if that really makes it a change? It's just going back to how things were, you know?"

She keeps finding other ninja wowed by Kirigakure's advances, but from her perspective, it's all a return to normal. Sure, Kirigakure was fine in the past few years, but it was so odd to be taught of their obvious superiority when everything seemed to be going... backwards. Especially hearing that from her parents, but they said simplicity and being proud of your past was better than all that fuss.

She really can't think of a village more enamoured with its own past than Konohagakure, and look where that's gotten them.

This town is a bit similar, at least in the elements of being loud and busy. People crowd through the streets, shouting and dust filling the air as they go about their days.

"That reminds me I need to decide what kind of armour to get before the tournament... I don't know if I should go for a bodysuit or one of the modular sets."

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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:53 am
Everything was electric...huh,” he said it as if the idea was strange to him. While the shinobi world had modernized considerably, Koutaku didn’t think about that sort of thing terribly much and the set up of the Iouchiryo home in Kirigakure was such that he just somehow never noticed the implementation of electricity there. He knew that the energy source helped greatly in terms of infrastructure, but it was hard to imagine a place entirely run by it. It sounded impressive if he was being honest, perhaps even daunting or exciting, but also…cold. Koutaku couldn’t imagine a world without hearth fires and woodlands, or at least tropics in the case of Kiri. They were comfortable and warm, inviting, in a way that no electric light source could ever be.

“I can understand that, my parents are...something of traditionalists, or at least they like to keep electricity and modern conveniences sort of hidden, I guess? I’d never thought about it till now. Weird….” He trailed off, still in thought, the gears turning as he processed that he’d just never considered this sort of thing before. It was strange to notice such a huge blindspot in his worldview, to know that he’d been looking at things through blinders or with polarized glasses such that he couldn’t see every hue.

Then again, maybe he’d been ignoring the signs all along? Was he in denial? No, that wouldn’t make sense, it was just mind-shatteringly strange to him that he hadn’t considered such an important set of real-world variables. Then again, perhaps it made sense after a fashion. He’d been shielded from much of it in his family life, shaped by their ideologies and world views without ever being aware of it. Beyond that, the shinobi trade was such a strangely anachronistic thing in their age if he thought about it. They could surely harness chakra and more mundane--but surely equally useful--science and technology to greater effect than just...metal tools and chakra-resistant armor.

Why didn’t they though? Maybe Goro had been more right than he’d thought. Maybe there was some inherent difficulty in developing technology that worked seamlessly with chakra, or that functioned better than simply training hard for years. Shrugging the idea off, Koutaku became aware of things again just as Shoko started talking about the tournament and armors. If he was being honest, he didn’t have many thoughts on the latter, though the former had been on his mind quite a bit. He’d been training a lot since signing up, knowing that he’d likely need every minute of that practice if he wanted to prevail.

Meeting Shoko’s gaze briefly before casting his attention elsewhere, Koutaku replied. “I’m really not well-versed in armor...unfortunately. Besides, I really don’t have the ryo to spare for it what with all the various tools and implements I have to maintain.” He sighed a bit at the thought of all that maintenance.

“Still, if I had to choose something for you,” he said, pausing as his brow screwed up in thought. A gruff man walked by carrying some scrap metal. He gave them a nod, but Koutaku didn’t respond in kind--he was simply too lost in thought to do so. Then, snapping his fingers, the young Iouchiryo turned and smiled at her.

“I’d personally choose a bodysuit. Lighter, easier to move in. Doesn’t get in the way. Of course...if you’re looking for something stronger and you want more utility, well I’ve got another suggestion.” Smirking slightly, Koutaku leaned towards her a bit and spoke in a conspiratorial tone--lowering his voice somewhat as he did, despite the din of their surroundings.

“Get something with lots of prongs and bits poking off of it. Maybe something modular would do it. can use Sokumen Henkou(Aspect Alteration) on the armor or its components to allow you to block or otherwise harry an opponent once you’re close. You might be surprised at how useful the tactic could be if you’re clever--and I know you are.” That said he pulled away and looked down at his now cold noodles.

Shrugging a bit and laughing at himself, Koutaku began scooping up more of the noodles and broth. It seemed he was intent to finish his food and get back to work. Not because she was poor company, mind you, but because he was beyond excited to get materials that he could use for his equipment. The maintenance might have been a pain, but some small part of him secretly loved it too. It made him feel closer to his tools, it made them feel like an extension of him.

With that thought finishing, he scarfed down the rest of his noodles, lifted his bowl and drank the remaining broth, and then pushed to his feet, wiping his face with the back of his hand. Eyes bright, he grinned at Shoko “Let’s see who can get their reward first! A bit of competition, a game, always makes work more fun I find.”

He then turned, braced, and dashed to the next station, easily avoiding the rest of the workers as he returned to his duties.


Last edited by Koutaku on Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:07 am
"Yeah - pretty much everything," she says. "The buildings were all pitch-black, with seals on them that turned the sunlight to chakra. It was amazing. Then... we all had to leave, so we could come here, and after that the rumor was that it was all destroyed. I wanna go back someday to see for myself."

Shoko prods at her lunch, pensive. Could it really be true, that such a huge city was brought down, just like that? They say it was only one person. It seems incredible that one person could by themselves bring down what so many hands had built up. That's kind of how it is in this world, though... it's why ninja try to get so powerful. The selfish ones, who don't have anything to protect. Shoko looks sideways to see what Koutaku's thinking about - he seems a little lost in thought on the subject of so much being electrified. 

Where is he from, anyway? She hasn't asked yet, but now doesn't seem quite the best time. Lots of the time people just say 'Kiri', which doesn't feel quite right to her - from what she understands, Shima was really different, and the line of cultural continuity seems stronger from Tenga. Maybe if she'd never left this island she's always consider it the same place, even as times change...

"My parents say it's better if things are a little inconvenient. It keeps you sharp and honest," she says. "I guess it's like that for little conveniences, too? Like learning to cook instead of using a microwave all the time. So maybe your grandparents think the same way."

That's a bit of a hypocrisy on her parents' end. Their schedule is very demanding, so the microwave gets plenty of use. She catches his eye, and he immediately looks away again, Shoko blinking in surprise. 

"That's why we're here!" she says, laughing at his proclamation of not having enough ryo. "I need to show you the snakes I got taught to summon when we're not so busy." She may have spent all of her time trying to befriend a secret weapon to pull out in the tournament. Unfortunately, Mi demands a lot of chakra, so if she brought her out just to impress Koutaku... well, there'd be a good chance she wouldn't make it through the rest of the mission. She waves in acknowledgement of the man walking past, giving him a polite smile and little incline of the head. Despite the grime, her Kirigakure headband still gleams in the dim sunlight.'d be kind of cool, though. Shoko wonders if snakes could be taught how to mine. Mi probably wouldn't go along with it. It'd taken a lot of convincing to get the proud snake to even consider helping her out in the tournament. 

'You want me to fight children, Shoko?' They're other ninja, Mi! I'm getting all this training done at the last minute, they'll probably be way stronger, and have way bigger summons! It's not unfair or anything!

Shoko realizes she got sidetracked and said a complete non-sequitur. "...they've got a cool sword they'll trade to me if I can earn the cash for it. What do you think snakes even spend money on?"

She considers his advice on armors, nodding along. A bodysuit, huh...? They look a bit embarrassing when you just look at them on the mannequins, but she can wear her usual clothes on top. But then, if she actually gets hit by a big attack, wouldn't her normal mission gear just burn off? In front of all those people? That would kind of suck.

"I like staying fast, but I don't like the idea that I'd just have this one flimsy layer that's actually protective! Um, the bodysuit probably would work well, though," she pouts at first, but quickly backtracks to pay some credence to his opinion. Why would she ask if she was just going to shoot him down, right...? "It's like... all or nothing. The modular armors look so bulky...

At his aside suggestion, she snorts, raising her eyebrows at him. "Hey, are you gonna give me another secret weapon? Watch that I don't use it against you!" she says, betraying no opinion on his suggestion as she works through the possibilities in her mind. "I guess you'd be expecting it if you saw it then, huh..."

Shoko watches him finish up and immediately stand. Immediately, she wraps on the remainder of her food to follow. She's a tiny bit annoyed that it'll get cold waiting in her bag, but it'll be nice to have a snack for later, and courtesy (and simple insecurity on her part) demands that they stick together on the mission and she not be an inconvenience. No need to keep him waiting because she's a slow eater.

"Oh, sure!" she replies, halfway through wiping her mouth when he takes off. She doesn't have a clear idea of what the next step is, but she'll try her best!

They've spent a busy morning with the mining and the ore, all the dust and dirt. Now comes turning that ore into steel. The clanging of metal and the shouts of workers ring all around as they do their best to help out, directed with a steady hand by one of the supervisors experienced with handling the young ninja tourists. Shoko marvels at the intense heat of the molten metal, feeling a twinge in her eyes - oh, shit, is she about to awaken her Sharingan from witnessing the marvels of metallurgy?

She sneezes. Oh, no, the air's just kind of funky in here...


TWC 1522

Flipping a lucky coin, calling Heads for beating Koutaku at the steel-collecting challenge.

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mission rewards (4,000 + 100 ryo, 20AP, 1x High-Grade Steel)
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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:07 am
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Where There's Smoke [Mission] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [Mission]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:45 am
Chuckling to himself as he recalls her mention of why they’re here, Koutaku gets back to work, carrying ore, picking away at the mine, transporting tools and materials. Through it all he’s a blur of motion and activity, moving here and there at tremendous speed. It was a wonder he didn’t get tired, but hey he’d been building up his stamina for a while now--since he’d was just a young child really. Sometimes the artisans would let him watch during brief breaks where he’d finished his tasks and for these, he’d pay close attention as ore was refined into various substances. Iron, Copper, Bronze, Brass, steel, it was all fascinating and the practice reminded him of the Chemist. He didn’t let his thoughts distract him though, instead letting them run in tangent with his more active attention so that in the back of his mind another dialogue was running.

The Chemist, Goro, was a fascinating man--moreso a scientist than a shinobi--Koutaku had a certain admiration for another so utterly enamored with their craft. That admiration extended to people like these blacksmiths and miners. They were diligent, focused, and incredibly skilled. All their talents may have been mundane and practical, but he knew that some of these men and women likely had sharper minds than many shinobi. The thought made him smirk slightly as he watched another smith plunge some iron into water, cooling it with a tremendous eruption of steam.

Backing away slightly he took care not to get any on his face, knowing that even the vapor was hot enough to burn. It felt like the air was too if he was being honest. The whole place--what with the many many furnaces, all the moving bodies, and cooling metal--was like an oven of its own. It smelled of earth, metallic hints, burning coal, and sweat...yet he didn’t mind the odor. There was something about it that almost excited him. Part of him thought on that, considering why it might make him feel such a way.

He realized then that it was a reflection of what it all represented. Effort and industry. The hard work of a craftsman and the incredible creations they could make in the process of their workings. He found himself lightly running two fingers over the flat of a kunai’s blade in his pouch, suddenly aware that all his weapons and tools had been made by people like these. Loving crafted and sold off for a profit. It made him smile, his amusement boiling away under the influence of more honest joy and adulation.

Getting moving again, Koutaku let one of the smiths guide his hand as he worked some ore, melting it by pumping the bellows, as they held it inside the huge forge. Occasionally they’d switch places and he’d get to really understand how hot and sweaty this work could be. It gave him a new appreciation for the craft, he’d remember it from now on. He’d definitely be visiting again.

Eventually, the regular stone melted away leaving them with an incredible product, pure iron. Of course, the smith said they weren’t finished and began to instruct him--seeing his clear interest in the craft--in how to refine it further, adding carbon shavings to the mixture in a mold, and then folding and mixing them between bouts in the heat of the forge to bond the substances together. Eventually, the result was a glowing red hot bar of steel. Beaming down at the collection, the smith shot him a smile and gestured to one even as she dipped it in several different buckets of water until it was gleaming silver and had fully cooled.

“For all your work, that one’s for you,” she said with a companionable smile. Koutaku took the bar into his hands almost reverently, bowed to the smith, and let the steel slip into his extradimensional space.

“I’ll see you again, Akane-san.” The woman laughed, slapped him on the back thunderously and then turned back to her work. As Koutaku began to make his way out of the area, he heard her voice call back to him.

“I look forwards to it!”

Grinning to himself, he met up with Shoko, who had easily won their contest as he’d gotten far too caught up in watching at times--and getting more in-depth instruction. The two walked away with ryo in their pockets and a bar of steel for whatever use they could imagine. All-in-all, it had been a profitable day, and a good one as well, fun even--in Koutaku’s strange opinion.


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Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:52 pm
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