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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 700

Where There's Smoke [I.O., Missions] Empty Where There's Smoke [I.O., Missions]

Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:46 pm
Cog in the Wheel & Call the Fire Brigade!

Mission Specs:

Hazabani wasn’t the largest town in Valley Country, but credit where credit was due: it wasn’t a big one, either.

It was situated roughly between the capital and Shimon-ji, so it made sense for Ume and Akihiro to make a stop there temporarily. Plus, it was also the location where she and an unnamed wanderer had taken a mission to escort an old woman on her way to a relative’s wedding, along with a sizable dowry.

As a monk, she wasn’t fully aware of the going ons of the world outside the monastery, and evidently, that was her mistake. The town had come under control of the rare bandit lord near immediately after she had left a few days ago. She didn’t need enhanced senses to tell that something was burning, and putting two and two together led her believe that it was likely set by the conquering party.

Dark eyes narrowed behind wire frames, but the fear she felt was more intense than any rage that settled in her gut. What was the proper procedure for this? How could she stand by her beliefs of non violence when standing idly by would obviously result in a greater amount of suffering than interfering?

She swallowed heavily, turning to Akihiro out of the corner of her eye. “Let’s- we need to do something,” she said. A shrill screech pierced the tension in the air like a needle. The monk wouldn’t wait for a reply. “Try and stop it from spreading- I’ll see if there’s anyone inside!”

With that order, she jolted forwards at a speed implausible for a civilian or bandit, but near fatally slow by ninja standards. The building that had caught ablaze was a small two story wooden house with a thatch roof. It was going up like kindling, but nothing she knew could help. A prayer wouldn’t save a live. A meditation wouldn’t repair a home.

What was she supposed to do?

[WC: 324]
[Total WC: 324]
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Where There's Smoke [I.O., Missions] Empty Re: Where There's Smoke [I.O., Missions]

Fri Dec 10, 2021 1:44 pm
Jiro woke up this morning gasping for air from a dream he had. Well it was more like a nightmare. His family he used to have, his mother and father and the farm they use to have, the bison and deer they used to have, the small village he lived in for years and all the good times he had, suddenly all gone from a fire, killing his family and destroying his home. The pain he felt and the rage he felt for those who wronged him. He always had this dream and he didn't know why. He knew he couldn't have stopped what happened and it wasn't his fault but he always felt like he let his parents down. It haunted him, seeing their corpses. But he got his revenge for them and buried them. They should be resting peacefully. But it didn't help him sleep. Maybe that's why he cares more about people. His eyes looked around his little camp he made the night before. Cleaning up his fire he made and grabbing his things he started to walk. He left his small village behind as it was too painful to stay there. Like it or not he was free now though he never wished for it. But as his days went on he learned many things about himself. He knew his family used to be part of a clan called kabi, hence his last name. He knew nothing from them other than they left that family and it use to be a very important clan. He thought about going to find them out but that would mean looking for a place he never even heard of. For now he was more than happy to just travel and learn more about himself, doing small jobs for cash and teaching himself about life. He learned about how he could manipulate chakra just like the stories his parents told him and about the monks that live in the valley country. Yawning as he cleaned up his camp and dusted his hands, walking back to a village he knew was fairly close by, soon he saw smoke, could even smell it, as he turned he saw the village in view where the monk girl and the older lady met him, and now it was on fire. he swore to himself and ran as fast as he could to the village to try and help, it was when he saw the two story building he saw the monk girl again. "Hey monk girl, dont stand there, is anyone in the building, any animals?" he looked around as some people started to panic more. "everyone we need buckets of water as fast as we can we dont want the fire to spread" he sighed wishing he had something he could do more to help other then just starting to give orders.

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