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Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Stormy Training Empty Stormy Training

Sat Oct 09, 2021 4:17 pm
It was a cloudy day out in Haven country, which is sort of ironic given that Emi was going to the training ground today to learn an element that could potentially change he game for her. She had already been working on understanding exactly how the element works, the only thing left to do was to put it to practice and start trying to meld her Lightning and Water chakras together. It certainly would be a tall task for the genin, but if there was anyone that was up for the challenge it was this golden eyed kunoichi.
”One of the more important things for me to do when I start this training is to understand how lightning and water will come together. Just doing a little light reading on the subject isn’t going to make me an expert.”
Emi rather enjoyed talking to herself when she was about to embark on a deep training exercise. It made her feel as if she understood things better, she wasn’t really sure if it actually did but felt like it did so never really cared what others thought about it. As the young genin would make her way to the training grounds from her house – she would start to feel a few drops of rain joining her. ”This is nice, it hasn’t rained in quite a while… “
Emi could see the entrance to the training grounds now, well one of them, and had a smile appear on her face as she darted across the entrance barrier just as quick as she could. She had the perfect spot to go to for this particular session. It was the same area that her and Captain Akaboshi had trained for her water release element – the young genin felt a sort of calmness and acceptance at that spot, you could probably call it confidence and that may be more accurate. As Emi slowed her roll on her approach to the landing mark, she began to take out her journal that she had written several notes in regarding Storm Release.
”I think what I would like to do is work on controlling and feeling each element in my hands at the same time. See if I can truly grasp how they would mold together and what the look of that would be like. If I can get that down – I think I have a really good chance at succeeding with this”. Emi’s eyes showed a determination like no other and she placed her buttocks on the ground and began to meditate near the water. She would cross her legs and lay the back of her hands on the inside of her knees.
”In… and out. In… and out.” This was Emi’s thoughts as you could see her chest balloon up with air and then release it quietly and slowly. She did this so that she could focus on the two chakra’s that she was attempting to bring together. In one hand, she would allow herself to feel her water release nature, imagining a fierce but gentle river like façade that would eventually cover her hand. Emi could feel the water rising up to her, almost as if it was her second nature… The young genin let a slight grin appear on her face as her hand felt completely covered in water, though she wasn’t sure how she could combine this with her lightning release.
Emi took another deep breath, this time attempting to focus her lightning chakra in her right hand. Once she was able to complete this, she would then begin to attempt to mold the two chakra’s together, that way she could really get an idea of what the physical adaptation would be. As she let out the deep breath she could begin to hear crackling.. not like the Chidori technique that she had heard, but crackling that would signal that she was manifesting her lightning chakra into her right hand. The last thing she would need to do is to combine them together.
”Let’s see what we can do here”
Emi pulled her hands together trying to remain calm and see exactly what would happen. As her two palms inched closer and closer together, the lightning was cracking into the water on her left hand – disrupting it completely and not showing any sort of new physical nature. The kunoichi would aim her focus towards the center of her palm, trying to keep the water from completely disrupting and in a split second she saw it, though it was just a little glimpse before it slightly exploded and caused a teeny weeny burn on Emi’s hand.
”Ahh, ouch!” The young genin would let out as she looked at the center of her left palm. She pushed it into the water she was sitting next in hopes that would provide a little bit of relief, which it did. Emi was so happy though, this slight little burn was nothing compared to the joy that she felt being able to recognize what the Storm release looked like. If you needed an apt description of it… it was almost like a blue shining laser beam that could flow effortlessly like water. ”Amazing….”
”Actually, I think this will be good for today. I have already been out here quite awhile in this rain and there’s some other things I would like to help mom do around the house.” Emi pulled her hand out of the water and had a slight little burn mark on it.. potentially leaving a scar there, which she did not like. Her left arm was already scarred up enough due to past dealings and she really didn’t want another one, though if this was the price she had to pay for storm release, she would pay it.
It was a new day here in Hoshigakure, though it didn’t really seem all that different to Emi. To her, it was just another day, another day to get stronger, another day to work on her craft, and another day to help anyone in need if they needed it. The kunoichi whose hair shined black and golden eyes complimented her pale beautiful skin, grabbed her journal and katana and headed out the door.
Emi was heading back towards the training ground today so she could finish what she had started just days before, making sure she learns storm release element that she was so excited about. As she ran through the village, Emi held her left palm up and noticed the burn mark was still there from training the other day, she used her right hand to rub it gently, grimacing just a bit as it was still a bit tender. Emi had decided that she was going to try a different technique today to continue her training – hopefully it wouldn’t scar her in the same manner if there was a slight explosion from the chakras mixing.
It wouldn’t take her long to get to the training grounds and of course, Emi would head directly to the same spot she was in just the other day, near the water. The method that she would like to use however would be a little different, specifically the way she concentrated he water chakra into her left hand. ”I think if I concentrate the chakra similar to how Captain Akaboshi taught me, it could be a little easier to mold the two together”. As these words escaped her gentle lips, Emi would take her seat in a meditation form, allowing the back of her hands to once again rest on the inside of her knees.
Calm but deep breaths over took Emi as she closed her eyes, listening to the wind as it whipped around the training ground, and imagined the flow of the water rising to her palm. [i]”Fierce… but gentle, Captain Akaboshi would say”. Like a tiny twister, the water would form in Emi’s hand, letting her turn her focus towards manifesting her lightning release chakra. Seconds later you could hear the chirping the lightning forming around her hand, similar to what a Chidori would do, just not nearly as powerful or large. As the young genin took a deep breath, she pulled her hands together imagining that laser beam image that had a flow as graceful as water.
”Wait… there’s no explosion?” The young girl looked down at her hands as she opened her eyes and spotted a tiny beam… that had the same twisting motions that the water had when it sat in her palm. Emi could feel the heat that it radiated, but her hand wasn’t burning at all. She had succeeded in learning the storm release element and lept from her butt onto her feet with joy. What she would do now is to practice meditating and imagining herself molding that storm release chakra and also, learning a new technique. There had been a particular jutsu that Emi was eyeing when she was able to utilize Storm Release, allowing her to shoot beams of electricity that could be controlled by her.
”I think I will spend a little more time here in the training grounds. Learning some new jutsu really could be helpful and I might as well do something with Storm Release since I learned it”. Emi let out a small chuckle, it was just difficult for her to contain her happiness and honestly, she didn’t want to.

WC – 1565: 15 Stat points - 5 to Strength and 10 to Vigor| Claiming for Storm Release
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Stormy Training Empty Re: Stormy Training

Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:37 pm
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