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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 56000

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:03 am
Takashi had heard rumours throughout Kirigakure of a strange girl shouting about performing organ transplants for a fee, and though she’d initially paid them no mind, recent events had led to her possession of two organs that could bestow upon her additional power. She’d heard of ninjas wanting to claim access to the genetics of other clans through the implantation of organs and found herself strangely drawn to the idea of being able to utilise the gifts of certain other clans. The mysteries of chakra were still yet fecund and ripe for exploration--and if adjusting one’s body could allow one to further plumb the depths of those mysteries without changing the core essence of who one was…  Well. That would be something that Takashi could not pass up the opportunity to explore, already drunk on the level of progress that she’d made in such a short period of time.

It had taken no small amount of sleuthing for Takashi to follow the precarious trail of rumours this girl--whose name Takashi now knew to be Dana Senju--and the trail led, apparently, to the local hospital. For a second Takashi briefly considered whether or not her several hour-long session interviewing random citizens of Kirigakure had been worth it, given how obvious the location had been in hindsight. She narrowed her eyes briefly before shrugging her shoulders and making her way through the double doors to the hospital. She looked around briefly for any signage that might identify precisely where it was she ought to go, but she quickly thought better of the idea and walked up to the receptionist’s desk with a friendly smile on her face.

“Excuse me, I wonder if you can point me in the direction of Dana Senju? I’d like to discuss something with her.” she asked, patiently waiting with her hands clasped together in front of her while the receptionist checked some details and gave Takashi a vague set of places she might be if she was in the hospital at the moment. Takashi followed the directions as best as she could, taking a few moments to finally end up somewhere that the kunoichi might be.

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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Ryo : 12020

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:37 pm
A look of apprehension would appear on the receptionist's face at the mention of Dana's name. She hadn't personally met the Senju girl yet, but she'd heard rumours amongst the other hospital staff that the white-haired girl had simply busted into the hospital, declared herself the surgeon of the Mizukage and a Chuunin of Kirgakure, and taken over one of their many surgery theatres. They had received confirmation that everything the girl had said was true, so they were powerless to remove her from the premesis. It wasn't like they had a dire need of all the surgery theatres at the moment, what with the village being in a time of peace and all.

"Of course," the receptionist said with an obviously forced grin, "She's just down the hall to the right."

If Takashi followed the receptionist's directions, she would find herself arriving at a rather unassuming door. It looked like any other door in the hospital, only, there was a sign hung above it. The sign, obviously having been written with a elegant hand, simply had the word "Dana Senju's totally awesome organ implant clinic". If Takashi were to then open the door, she'd find a rather sparse looking surgery room, where pretty much everything had been taken out save for a few knives and the actual operating table. Sat to the side with a notebook on her lap, was the one and only Dana Senju. Wearing a labcoat, fake glasses and hair tied up in a ponytail, she was actually looking rather professional for once.

WC: 260
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 56000

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Sat Nov 06, 2021 11:47 am
Takashi gratefully thanked the receptionist for her efforts, her own smile somewhat warped by the sense of forced unease she could palpably feel around the woman the second she’d mentioned the name Dana Senju. She was unsure what could possibly give her such a reason for such tension, but she had come this far and was quite certain that the reality of the situation would be… well, perhaps not good, but within acceptable margins. The various shinobi around town were, after all, particularly strange--herself included. Having a genetic birthright that granted one bodily modifications of any variety was enough to perturb common folk, and being able to spin silk like a spider usually reminded people of their fears more than it gave them joy to behold the act of creation--either way, Takashi was quite certain that this Dana Senju could not possibly be as unhinged as the receptionist’s impression gave her.

She knocked on the wooden door and waited a moment for the customary “come in!”, opening the door as she did so to neatly step inside. She immediately gave a quick bow and introduced herself as Yuganori Takashi, and thanked Dana for the time taken out of her… well, looking around Takashi noted that the room was actually rather sparsely furnished. Perhaps her day was not as busy as she’d have initially assumed, given the intensity of the rumours that’d led her here in the first place.

“I heard that you’re in the business of selling organs belonging to certain clans and transplanting them in order to grant people new abilities? Do you also implant organs people already have?” she asked, performing a quick handseal and summoning forth a silken scroll with a large fuinjutsu sprawled across it. She laid it down neatly on the operating table, scarcely waiting for a reply from Dana, and summoned forth the preserved organs that she’d obtained from mysterious bags by her bedside when she’d woken up. Ordinarily this would have been more concerning, but rumours of multiple people experiencing the same event had cropped up plentifully around Kirigakure and her natural inclination towards suspicion was temporarily dulled by the strangely intoxicating idea of new power.

Assuming that Dana answered in the affirmative, Takashi would then go on to ask:

“How much do you charge?” she asked, a gentle smile on her face as she took a moment to admire the Senju girl before her. She was, truly, absolutely beautiful--such things were not uncommon in the ninja world, but it did bring a little flush of colour to her cheeks as she considered the stature of the woman before her.

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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Sat Nov 06, 2021 11:29 pm
Hurrah, a customer!

Dana stood up as a rather tall girl entered through the door after Dana gave the go-ahead, a big welcoming grin on her face. The girl introduced herself politely as Yuganori Takashi and took a bow, something Dana quirked a quick eyebrow at. She was never treated like this! People were usually either rude to her or matched her chaotic nature when saying hello. This was a new experience for her. So, doing it slowly so as to not show how excited she was to finally be getting a customer, Dana took a bow after Takashi stood up straight. "The name's Dana Senju, pleasure to meet ye." she said in her customary accent that was pretty unique to the Elemental Nations. So unique that Dana had never met a single person with the same as her.

It appeared that Takashi wanted to get right into things. That was great! Dana didn't too well at actually, like, selling her services to people. They often just got freaked out and ran away. Someone coming to her with what they already wanted was absolutely perfect. Wait, had this girl also woken up with organs underneath her pillow? That seemed to be the main reason people were coming to her nowadays. Seriously, if more people randomly found organs in bags Dana's financial situation would be much, much more stable. Though now she was a Chuunin things were looking up. "I do!" She answered affirmatively.

"Hmmm, I usually charge 5000 Ryo but I've been thinking of lowering my price to 3000, soooo... I'll do 3000 Ryo per organ, for a total of 6000. That sound good to ye?" Dana asked obviously, a wide grin on her face.

WC: 289
TWC: 549
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 56000

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:01 pm
The first thought that crossed Takashi’s mind was the peculiarity of Dana’s accent, but she found herself warming to it quite quickly despite its thickness. It didn’t match her elfin appearance at all, but the contrast of the two things only accentuated their beauty in Takashi’s mind--she was, after all, a walking contradiction herself in many ways. She opened her mouth as if to speak in reply, but words failed her for a second and she blushed furiously for a moment before sheepishly looking away, fiddling with the scroll she’d laid out on the tables and picking the bags containing the organs up as she listened to the rest of what Dana had to say. Once she’d finished Takashi had finally calmed herself down enough to speak, but she immediately blurted something out that immediately returned the scarlet to her cheeks:

“I have to say, you are an extraordinary beauty… I just have to make something for you, a kimono… or perhaps a yukata, you seem like you’re too free-spirited to be bound up in a kimono! F-forgive me, I just… when inspiration strikes I can’t help myself.”

There was a wild intensity to her eyes as she focused on Dana, seemingly responding to her innately chaotic nature in a way that was equally chaotic but in an oddly complimentary way. She clapped her hands together and began to knead the chakra within her silk glands, pulling forth sheets of fabric as if from thin air as she looked up and down Dana’s person to figure out her measurements and making slight adjustments along the way. She performed an additional quick series of one-handed handseals to summon forth an ornate wooden box containing a vast array of vials containing luridly vibrant colours, picking several greens and earth tones out as she applied them to the silk she was still spinning in a mad frenzy. It took only a few moments for her to have produced an entirely complete garment as if from thin air, and as she began applying the various dyes she’d picked out to the fabric with the aid of chakra flowing through the individual fibres she remembered that she had to actually respond to Dana’s offer!

“Oh, and 3,000 Ryo per organ sounds fantastic! I’ve got… an Uzumaki organ and a Senju organ that I’d like transplanted.” she smiled, the words spilling out of her mouth as she continued her work with the garment she was creating. She ran her hands over a couple of the seams, flowing chakra through them to adjust them slightly and neatening up several of the felling stitches that she’d made before she presented the garment to Dana with a bright smile on her face and the same vermilion flush to her as before. She’d not had enough time to really work on the details of the colouring so it had been left somewhat plain, but vague impressions of verdant leaves and shapes that could well be ascribed to various types of flora were present throughout the yukata, blending together to allude to a forest scene. She thought for a moment about apologising for the suddenness of what she’d done, but something about Dana’s presence told Takashi that she wouldn’t mind it for one moment.

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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Tue Nov 09, 2021 10:57 pm
"Why, thank ye!" Dana said brightly, tilting her head and smiling widely at the tall girl in front of her. The girl seemed to be stumbling over her words a bit so Dana remained quiet with a gentle encouraging smile whilst she waited. Truth be told, Dana didn't really know what either of the things Takashi was talking about were - she'd never been the type for formal wear - but having new clothes to wear was always a lovely thing to have! Her usual ecclectic wardrobe had become a bit drab as of late, but only because nothing had been added to it for a while. It was still filled with more colours and strange dresses than any normal person would ever conceivably have.

Her green eyes shone with interest as she watched Takashi get to work on creating a Yukata for her out of thin air. It truly was a sight to behold; was it a bloodline like Dana's own Wood Release, perhaps? Regardless, Dana was a little jealous. She had to toil away with various fabrics and machines to create all of her clothes, and none of them was as intricate as this! If Dana wasn't strapped for cash at the moment, she might have just accepted Takashi's garment as payment.

Wait, Takashi had a Senju organ? Had Dana been organ harvested in her sleep or something? Cautiously, Dana poked at her stomach. Nope, everything seemed to be in the right place there. Was there another Senju in Kiri giving out organs? Or was this another case of someone waking up with random organs in their house again? Either way, this was something Dana would have to look into during her spare time. No one could be allowed to move on to her business ends like this! At least whoever gave Takashi the organ didn't seem to be able to transplant it, so half of Dana's business was still going to be making money.

Dana accepted the Yukata gracefully and looked at it with a slight longing expression on her face. It definitely looked a lot nicer than the cheap fake labcoat she was wearing, but she couldn't wear it right now for two reasons. One, she had nowhere to get changed. Two, she didn't want to ruin it during the surgery.

"It's wonderful," Dana said with an encouraging grin, "Ye do great work."

After taking one more happy look at her newest gift, Dana placed it on a nearby clean surface top and began to prepare her operating tools. All she really needed was a scalpel since ninja magic helped with the rest, but it didn't hurt to be too prepared. Especially since this was Dana's first paying customer in a long time! Putting her hair into a tight bun and taking off her fake glasses, Dana gestured towards the operating table in the center of the room.

"Shall we get this started, then?" She asked kindly.

WC: 489
TWC: 1038
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 56000

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:30 pm
Takashi waited for Dana’s reaction expectantly, though the redness had since faded from her face with the exertion of effort required to create such a garment in the period of time it’d taken. Her small, polite smile widened into an enormous grin as she saw Dana’s reaction to it, and she gave another little bow as Dana complimented her work. Takashi had no small amount of pride in the quality of her work, as she’d manifested her clan’s bloodline more strongly than most (as had her sister) and had been disciplined into putting almost her entire life’s efforts into the practice of creating fine garments. If her ancestors could see her now, so strong in their gift and yet about to introduce the gifts of others into her body, she wondered what exactly they would think of her. She wondered if they’d be proud of her for seeking the power of others to improve her innate gifts, if they’d see a kindred spirit in corruption and vice… but nowhere in the clan’s doctrine had there ever been any mention of exclusivity. If transplants hadn’t existed in the days of yore they’d have no reason to provide any guidance about what an upstanding Yuganori should do in situations like this one, so she reasoned to herself that it was up to her to decide for herself. Was there power in purity? Perhaps--but this new power, she reasoned, was only in service to her existing gifts. She would not take the names of the Senju or the Uzumaki, and so why should she concern herself with the petty and dogmatic limitations of tradition?

She shook herself from the reverie of her thoughts and replied to Dana’s query with an affirmative nod, quickly forming a few handseals to return her wooden chest of dyes from whence it came and waiting for Dana to prepare the operating table with the necessary sterilisation. She took her place on it and performed another series of handseals with one hand, sending her own yukata to her wardrobe and summoning a simple silk nightgown in its place. Though it wasn’t traditional hospital wear it did serve an almost identical function, so she assumed that it’d be perfectly alright one way or the other. She also summoned two pouches, one with a stylised kanji for 5,000 sewn into it and another smaller pouch with 1,000.

“Here you are! I’ve never had surgery before, so I’m not exactly sure what happens next with the anaesthesia and whatnot… Just let me know what you need me to do and I’ll do it. See you on the other side!”

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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Ryo : 12020

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:27 pm
Okay, it looked like it was time to get to work!

Dana eyed the girl laying on her table as she washed her hands and put on the sterile surgical gloves. She didn't technically need to do either of these things - bullshit ninja magic being what it was - but it would probably help her customer feel more comfortable with the procedure. The problem was, Dana didn't actually really, um, have a way to put her patient to sleep for the time being. Oh, she could completely nullify the pain with the Chakra Anesthesia jutsu she'd learned a while back. The problem was that Takashi would be awake for the whole procedure. That would probably be a bit traumatic for some people. The last two people she'd done surgeries for that hadn't been a problem - that being, Murata and Daiko - but this one might be.

"Okay, so, ye may want to put these on." Dana reached into a cupboard to her right and pulled out a blindfold and some high-grade earmuffs, "Ye'll technically be awake for this procedure so if ye don't wanna see anything, use those." She would then hand them over to Takashi, and see what the girl would do. If she put them on, that was fine. If she decided she wanted to see it, whether morbid curiosity or something else, that was also fine. Dana was an expert in going with the flow.

After Takashi made her decision for how she wanted to procede, whatever it may have been, Dana's right hand would reach for her scapel as he left went through several handseals. Her left hand glowed blue, and she placed it on Takashi's torso. Instantly, the younger girl would feel a sense of numbness spread out from the point of contact. If she'd had any aches or pains before, they'd all disappear instantly like that. Moving quickly, Dana then brought the two kidneys closer and made the first incision into Takashi's torso. From there, it was a simple job of taking out Takashi's previous kidneys and putting the two new ones in. It was, of course, a little bit more complicated than that. However, Dana completely lost concentration half way through and ended up operating purely on instinct. It all went well, though - no backwards kidneys this time - and the whole procedure was done in about 15 minutes.

Finishing up healing everything with Mystical Palm, Dana checked over everything one more time and then let out a small breath. If Takashi had opted to cover her eyes and ears first, Dana would tap her on the shoulder to get her attention first. If not, she'd begin speaking.

"There we go! Both organs transplanted!" Dana said with a gentle smile, putting Takashi's two old organs onto the scroll that she'd brought the new ones in, "Everything feel okay?"

WC: 472
TWC: 1514

OOC: Transplanted one Uzumaki and one Senju organ into Takashi using Chakra Anesthesia and Mystical Palm
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 56000

Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:12 pm
Takashi looked at the proffered blindfold and earmuffs and chuckled slightly under her breath, politely raising her hands and shaking her head to indicate that she did not wish to take advantage of the items.

“Oh, it’s alright--if I’m going to be awake and there won’t be any pain then I don’t see any reason I shouldn’t at least have a look! The way the body works is quite fascinating, don’t you think? I’m not sure when I’ll get to experience something like this again, so it’d be silly of me to pass up the opportunity! My sister always says that experience is the seed that produces the fruit of wisdom, after all.” Takashi replied, her attitude towards being imminently cut open surprisingly nonchalant. She’d seen emergency surgeries provided by ninja before, though not all of them had had the benefit of being performed with anaesthesia like this one was about to--Amegakure had been a dangerous place, and many of the families there were far too poor to be able to afford anything even remotely close to the standards of this hospital. Some part of her could hear the screams even now, but it all seemed oddly distant and hazy--as if separated from the land of reality by a veil of dreams. She thought no more of it before Dana began the procedure in earnest, quietly noting the strangeness of suddenly having no sensation within her torso and cataloguing the experience in her mind as a curiosity to revisit when meditating later on in the day.

Takashi didn’t speak for the duration of the procedure, clearly able to see Dana’s particular proclivity towards her consciousness inhabiting her body rather than her conscious mind. She could see the familiar patterns of instinct on Dana’s face, and the thought of it brought her a reasonable measure of comfort--in order to do something like that one must have genuine practical experience, and that helped reinforce the thin veneer of respectability as a surgeon that Takashi was still somewhat under the impression Dana had. After the bulk of the surgery had finished Takashi finally felt it appropriate to address Dana again, lightly drumming her fingers rhythmically against the table that she was currently laid on.

“Everything is fine, thank you--medical ninjutsu really is something quite special, isn’t it? It’s almost a shame that I don’t have a particular interest in practicing it! I assume that I won’t need any additional time to heal or recuperate beyond what you’ve managed to do already?” she asked, though the question was mostly just a matter of Takashi musing out loud to herself than anything she seriously expected to be answered--she felt absolutely fine, after all, but it was a matter of due diligence to at least ask.

“This is probably a little weird of me to ask right now, but screw it--I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the Yuganori clan, but we weave and sell fine silk garments. If you’d like to do a little modelling for some of my pieces I’d love to invite you over, and you can keep anything that we make for you! We also operate a… wellness centre, I suppose you’d call it--if you’d like a massage, some aromatherapy, perhaps some combat meditation and a tea ceremony we’d be happy to oblige?” she asked, this time managing to restrain herself from blushing bright red. Though she couldn’t deny some sort of attraction towards Dana’s person, her reasons were mostly pure--as a creative individual, Takashi had learned early on to follow her muse wherever it led without hesitation or question. If Dana could inspire her to make new garments as she had earlier, well, it would be a terrible shame to not take advantage of that resource and potentially also make a new friend simultaneously, wouldn’t it?

A little tingle in her lower back suddenly drew Takashi’s attention, though it was not unpleasant in any way--more like a sudden surge of vitality as chakra and blood circulated through her newfound organs to bring them to life once more. As their vital essences awoke they began to mix with Takashi’s own, and a curious sense of power began to swell within her. She turned her ability to sense chakra inwards to focus more intently on the new organs and performed a couple of one-handed seals to mould the chakra within herself without a particular aim, simply getting used to the new sensation of how it felt and what benefits it could provide for her. The Uzumaki organ, on her left side, was not responding quite as well as she initially hoped but the Senju organ on her right seemed to immediately resonate with some sort of kinship, perhaps because it was a Senju that had performed the surgery? Takashi couldn’t be certain at that moment, but it did feel like her chakra control had received a significant boost in efficacy already… Perhaps there were more secrets to unlock within this new power, but for now she simply let it rest as a matter of course and turned her attention fully back to Dana, awaiting a response to her earlier question with the same gentle smile as usual.

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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana] Empty Re: Suspiciously Serendipitous Surgery [Dana]

Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:25 pm
Dana didn't blink when Takashi requested to remain undeafened and unblinded, simply accepting the girl's request with a small smile. After all, Dana would've done the same. She normally wouldn't have even considered that seeing yourself might be traumatizing to other people until recently when she'd tried to prank her friend Niko by stabbing herself. At least she was finally learning what was, and wasn't, acceptable when talking to people. Pinochio, her small friend who used to be a puppet until recently when he turned into a human somehow, had also taught her some valuable lessons about communicating with people.

"Yup! Yer fine!" Dana gave a small thumbs-up as she removed her surgical gloves and gave her hands another quick wash. That surgery had been a quick and easy success, which meant Dana was 3/3 on successful transplants so far; she'd have to make a note of it somewhere on her sign outside so people knew how reliable she was. Ooh, maybe she could also add a note that her first transplant was on the Mizukage. A small smile crept onto her face when he back was turned washing her hands, memories of the first transplant entering her mind. Truly, she was quite surprised that she hadn't gotten in trouble for, uh, putting the Mizukage's kidney in the wrong way yet. The fallout whenever someone noticed was sure to be quite amusing, to say the least.

Finally finished with washing her hands, Dana turned around to listen to Takashi's offer. Had she heard of a Yuganori clan? Dana subtly chewed her tongue in thought. It certainly sounded familiar, but that was about the extent of her knowledge. Dana wasn't very knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the village since she tended to live in her own little world. She hadn't even known that her last name belonged to an ancient and powerful clan until fairly recently. It was worrying how much reading she did, whilst simultaneously being so clueless about the world around her.

Always one for trying out new things, Dana's face split into a beaming smile when Takashi finished speaking. She'd never really done any of those things, so she was interested to see what they entailed. Modeling was just wearing clothes, wasn't it? Dana was good at that, she wore lots of different clothes all the time.

"I'd love to!" She said, radiantly, "I don't really know what any of those things are but I guess that's what life's all about, hm?" She posed the question, but it was directed more to herself. Dana's life philosophy had always been to roll with the punches and, by extension, to try and experience as much of what life had to offer as she could. This was the perfect opportunity to learn more about the village, and potentially make a new friend doing so.

WC: 460
TWC: 1974
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