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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
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Ryo : 38000

Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:01 pm
Yaijōrama had many thoughts going through his mind as he felt Maro's chin. The first one being shock - as the heal of his sandal connected with the titan boy's shin. Yaijōrama had suddenly realized the type of fighter Maro was. His chin felt like a solid slab of stone. The second thought was a sudden realization as to the type of fighter Maro really was. He was a brute, someone willing to take an attack face on and counter attack not any sooner after.

When Maro was moved some by the force of his kick, he took that as some acknowledgement that he felt the kick. ;; If he didn't feel th - ;; While he thought these things, he went to pull his back quickly so once the towering teen went to grab his foot he'd be just too late, with his foot just out of reach, landing back on the ground - Yaijōrama went to dance around Maro. Attempting to quickly send his right fist jabbing into the right side of Maro's body, followed by another quickly coming in from Yaijōrama's left hand. Both jabs came swiftly and just as quick as they came, Yaijōrama attempted to disengage some at a distance.

Yaijōrama remembered what his father always said when you're fighting someone stronger than you, try to use speed. Yaijōrama was more of a fast person anyway. He was shorter than most and while that was often a downside in close quarters combat, that could also be a good thing if you are fast enough... At least that's what Yaijōrama told himself. He wanted to keep two arms lengths apart, waiting for Maro to make his move.

WC: 281 - 2571 Total
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Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:25 pm
Maro's finger's slipped over Yaijōrama's foot, barely missing the grab that would've likely ended the fight quickly. His body straightened once more into it's neutral position, head pivoting and watching the small boy as he seemed to dance and slip around him like smoke. All that energy, going to waste. Maro's heel dug into the earth, sharply and quickly turning him to face Yaijōrama's direction, stepping forward to begin to rapidly approach him in a brisk walking pace, but with such long legs that a single stride covered several feet. In that same moment, the opposing boy moved forward with his two jabs.

     - 'Thud!'

Quick like lightning the punches were, connecting into Maro's ribs with no reaction from him, not so much as a grunt, his hand already in the motion of lashing out to catch Yaijōrama's manbun in a vice grip, holding the boy in place for a moment as his right hand rocketed forward to slam a haymaker into the Senju boy's face, enough to topple him if he wasn't being held up. Even if Yaijōrama managed to slip away from the powerful blow, and even if he didn't, Maro brought up a powerful leg, aiming to slam it right into his midsection to send him far and away, making considerable distance between the two should it hit.

Now that Yaijōrama had gotten the first few hits in, Maro was on the advance, portraying himself as an impenetrable golem, unstoppable in his momentum and unable to feel pain. Even after the skirmish played out and distance was made one way or another, Maro continued to advance with long strides.

WC: 273 - 3163
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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
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Ryo : 38000

Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:16 pm
Maro's body was just like that of stone... Hard, unmoving, and non-reacting. Even with the two quick hits towards Maro's exposed ribcage Maro didn't seem to take any real damage from it. He was clearly out of his depth and while he was faster than Maro, that much he could tell - the speed difference wasn't enough for him to be overall safe in these close of quarters without any weapon to help him keep his advantage. While his confidence was wanning seeing Maro's reaction, his confidence shattered with the following actions.

Yaijōrama's head was yanked forward, causing his body to go with it. The pain moved through his head, his hair it had been grabbed and as he went to try and pull back - Maro's fist collided with his face. Sending his head moving backwards from the force of it. The throbbing headache that formed instantly wasn't even able to be fully processed as the sheering pain of his stomach roared to life. Air escaped his lungs instantly, his words lost in his throat as he went tumbling across the ground. The band that held his hair up had snapped from the force of the grab and the abrupt launch that followed after.

Yaijōrama went to stand up as fast as he could, bruising forming around his midsection almost instantly from the force of the kick. ;; I wasn't expecting that... My stomach feels like its going to collapse on itself. ;; Yaijōrama groaned these thoughts in his head as his body came to a full stand. Though he went to bring his hands back up, this time waiting for Maro to approach. Yaijōrama was standing just in front of the tree and had been launched about 5 meters from Maro leaving some distance.

Yaijōrama watched as his opponent drew ever closer but he didn't want to strike first. He was interested on what Maro would do, hoping there would be something he could capitalize on.

WC: 328 - 2899 Total
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Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:27 am
Maro's head cocked to the side as he approached in a brisk walk, the head tilt displaying almost a certain sort of curiosity, and inquisitive stare into Yaijōrama's very being. He didn't even seem like any of the hits he'd taken so far had affected him at all, still stoic and unchanging, a hulking predator rapidly advancing. But the large teen paused  midway, his head pivoting upwards towards the tree branches and leaves, as if admiring the nature. Maro was always a watcher of sorts. He watched, birds, people, nature.. Didn't really matter. His emotionless visage and his partially hidden face gave it an air of mystery as to what exactly he was staring at.

This time, however, there was no doubt his eyes lingered on the trees. And his arm extended, gripping onto one of the branches within reach, and with a twist of his wrist and a yank, the branch snapped loudly, like thunder, coming down into his clenched palm. Black eyes slowly focused on Yaijōrama once more as Maro adjusted the branch into both hands. His advance began once more, the distance between them shortening rapidly. 5 meters became 4 became 3 became two, became- the branch swung for Yaijōrama's midsection without remorse, aiming to beat him into the ground with efficient cruelty and barbarism.

WC: 218 - 3386
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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:31 am
Yaijōrama hand's were in front of his face, with each fist closed. He wanted to be able to react and counter quickly if Maro rushed him suddenly. His eyes watched Maro's movements and noticed the lack thereof. Not to say Maro wasn't doing anything, it just wasn't much for a couple of seconds. ;; What's he doing...? ;; The question ran through Yaijōrama's mind - his question was quickly answered as Maro's gazed fixated on a branch above. 

Yaijōrama didn't know how strong Maro was. With how things were shaping up, he could be as strong as a work horse or just a normal bigger than average kid. Either way he had to take the chance - once Maro started to raise his hand to grab the branch, Yaijōrama dug his feet into the ground. But once he was about half way, Yaijōrama went to sprint towards him to close the five meter distance at forty speed. 

The trees that Yaijōrama grew were fresh and full of life, fueled by the powerful vitality of Yaijōrama himself. The thick oak trees produced extremely thick oak branches at thirty Health. Maro was able to grab the branch but it didn't break fully under the boy's strength. However it did crack the branch harshly, requiring just another pull to break it. At the same time Yaijōrama went to bring the back of his right hand into Maro's chest. His movements were ever graceful, as he went to pursue the onslaught to the giants body. Quickly he pulled his right hand back to cover his guard, follow up the initial attack with a quickly left upper cut towards the jawn as Yaijōrama began to move spinning on his back heal to then jump into the uppercut. If all of this were to connect, Maro would be sent stumbling backwards with hopefully a sign of harm.

WC: 309 - 3208 Total
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Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:13 am
Maro's eyes lowered back down, focusing on Yaijōrama as he closed the distance between them. The smaller boy's hand struck off of Maro's chest with a thick thudding sound, but even still, Maro seemed to take no damage from the blow. It might even have begun to seem a little hopeless, as if Yaijōrama couldn't possibly do damage to the older boy at all. But, of course, Yaijōrama wasn't so easily dissuaded.

He should've been.

The branch broke from the tree as Maro gave it another tug, eyes carefully watching Yaijōrama as the smaller teen leapt up into an uppercut. At this point, he'd crossed 15 feet and done another attack, giving the oversized goliath plenty of time to prepare himself for the onslaught. As the fist came towards his jaw, his head seemed to tilt slightly, almost in question, body shifting an inch or so. The attack skimmed right past his face, just missing him in the last moment as time seemed to slow.

Yaijōrama was in the air ahead of him. He'd just missed his latest attack. Maro's turn.

At 25 speed, his hand shot out to catch Yaijōrama by the neck, his other arm swinging the branch at Yaijōrama's free hand to knock it aside and prevent it from stopping him. His head straightened, staring into Yaijōrama's eyes, merely holding him for several seconds should the grab succeed.

WC: 232 - 3618
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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
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Ryo : 38000

Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:26 pm
Yaijōrama realized a bit too late that his hit didn't phase Maro, just like it hadn't phased Maro the last three or four times he landed a blow on the gigantic teen. However this time he was caught in what could be the most unfavorable positions that any combatant could find themselves in. Close combat, feet off the ground, and guard wide open... A recipe for a brutal end of most people's lives. However this was Maro, a friend of Yaijōrama's and at least he could put to rest the notion that this was his end. 

The crack of the branch cut through the melodic sounds of nature, sending a chill down Yaijōrama's spine. He needed to think fast, react fast or else he was done for here. Although that wouldn't be as when Yaijōrama's hand was knocked to the side by Maro's weapon - Yaijōrama was grabbed by the neck. His eyes grew wide with fear as he stared through Maro's messy hair and into his eyes. Yaijōrama's own hands went to reach for Maro's grip, attempting to pry Maro's large hand from around his neck. 

Either way, whatever Maro did he could tell this was the end of their bout with Maro being the clear and obvious victor. 

WC: 210 - 3418 Total

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Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:39 pm
Dark eyes stared into Yaijōrama's eyes, his head tilting as he stood there, holding his younger friend by his throat. The sweater he wore audibly shifted as he raised his free arm, the branch dropping to the ground with a slight cracking sound. His hand reached out slowly towards Yaijōrama's face. This was the end. Maro was going to kill Yaijōrama. He was going to grip his face like the basketball and crush his skull. He was going to break his neck. He was going to choke him into the grave!

His hand came down onto Yaijōrama's crown, where it sat, still, for a moment. Playing with his food, surely, before killing him. Each of the five digits raised slowly, before coming back down, as Maro carefully pat Yaijōrama's head and ruffled his hair in a playful manner. And then he released him, letting the younger teen drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes. A sack of mashed potatoes. A sack of mashed potatoes with a concussion and internal bleeding. A sack of mashed potatoes that just got beat so badly he finally had some color on his skin- in the form of bruises. A sack of mashed potatoes that got beaten like a politician's wife.

But these two were friends. Maro stared down at his ally, before extending a large hand, the very same that had just ruffled his hair, to help him up and onto his feet. It was training, that's all it was. Now Yaijōrama would surely push himself into overdrive and start advancing and training with more fervor than before. Weakness was a motivator for strength. Maro had been weak once. He still was. But he wasn't the weakest, and that's all that mattered. No one wanted to be at the bottom of the pyramid.
WC: 301 - 3919

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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
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Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Mon Nov 22, 2021 5:55 pm
Prey... That's what Yaijōrama was at this moment and Maro was the predator. He had captured him, caught him in the most vulnerable position. Sweat covered the boy from head to toe throughout their fight, mainly from the adrenaline and activity but now it was coming about due to fear. The silence felt like it lasted forever with Yaijōrama's dark brown eyes locked onto Maro's. 

When Maro's hand fell onto Yaijōrama's head the boy closed his eyes shut, bracing himself for what was to come next. Would Maro grab his hair and throw him around? Yank his head back to punch him in the face? Maybe he'd simply toss Yaijōrama into the dirt face first, return the nature boy back to the Earth. Thankfully neither happened and instead Yaijōrama was dropped to the ground. His body hit the ground like a heavy sack, his legs buckling under his body and his hands resting on the rough soil mixed with the vibrant green grass. He stared at the ground, his eyes wide and tears brimming around the edges. 

Fear encompassed his mind, taken over fully any emotion that was there. He had come very close to being severely harmed. If it had been almost anyone else, that surely would've spelled his end but thankfully it was just Maro. He lifted his right hand up and brushed away the brimming tears before looking up towards Maro. His hand was outstretched and while Maro had his usual expressionless demeanor about him, a small smile grew on Yaijōrama's face from the gesture. He reached back up to grab a hold of Maro's hand and went to pull himself up, which was quickly followed by a groan. Had bruising across his mid section and even some bruising developing on his face but he was satisfied. He lost and that was that but this only gave him more reason to get strong. How could be protect anyone if he couldn't even protect himself right? 

"Come on. My Dad said he'd have some stew waiting for us when we got back. I don't know about you but I'm hungry." Yaijōrama went to drop his hand after pulling himself up. "You did really good, Maro. The way you just ate my punches and kicks, terrifying stuff. AND the way you broke that branch with just one hand, it didn't even look like it was hard for you." Yaijōrama gave Maro a closed eyed smile, he meant every word and wanted to encourage Maro as well. They both had to get strong, everyone close to Yaijōrama had potential and he could see it... 

They'd just have to reach their potential together.

WC: 482 - 3900 Total
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Friends On The Grounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Friends On The Grounds

Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:51 pm
Fear was something Maro was familiar with, the way that a predatory wolf was familiar with the sheep that it stalked. It would see the sheep; it would watch it. It would yearn for it. It would devour it. Feast upon it, surround itself in the sheep's viscera and gore in its frenzied feeding. The wolf was not a sheep, but it was familiar to the dog's hungry eyes. Fear was like that, to Maro. It had never been something he defined himself with. He was not the sheep. Despite this, he still became intimate with the feeling. He saw it, in other people. In the crying toddler who couldn't understand what they were seeing in the dark.

In the confused elder who saw a strange boy standing amidst their crops. Maro felt its aura, smelt the rancid stench of its influence, in each of the Genin who looked his way. It was like a disease, and Maro was its symptom-free carrier. A plague-bearer, spreading disease to all that they touch. So, in this way, fear was familiar to him. Familiar like a neighbor. He knew the way it looked; the shaky stillness of tensed muscles, the dilation of pupils and widening of eyelids. The way breath caught in the throat like strangulation from afar. He knew the way this neighbor smelled from when they lingered too close; like the thin perspiration of nervous sweat, and if he were lucky, the copper of blood drawn. Fear was Maro's neighbor, familiar and nearby, but never inside his own home, and he never inside the other's.

Maro had never felt fear, not in the way that it manifested in his peers. Not in the way that it displayed itself in Yaijōrama. In that way, he was curious. He wanted to know what the neighbor's house looked like, on the inside. He wanted to know what it felt like to live inside. Fear was the neighbor who locked her doors to him, who would show herself to him, but would always stay just out of reach. He wanted to know her, and no matter how much he watched her from the confines of his own yard, she'd never be his to befriend. To invite inside for tea.

He wanted to be afraid. He stalked Fear, he followed her, he devoured her like the sheep in the pen she was, he knew her well enough to know how to manifest her in others, but he would never experience her in her full capacity. As fear itself. He seemed destined to be forced to settle with the simple luxury of seeing her in the homes of others. The way Yaijōrama's palms were clammy, the way his eyes gave a thousand-yard stare into the ground when he was dropped, tears brimmed up upon the eyelids. This wasn't fun for Maro. He would never let others openly mistake his scientific curiosity for a lack of empathy. He cared for those he cared for. He cared for Yaijōrama. But to truly understand something, you must observe it, and observe it furthermore still. You must test its limits, to know it in its foundations.

This was why he had purposely instilled such fear in his closest friend, so that he may better understand it; and as his hand enveloped the younger boy's own, and helped him up onto his feet, he did indeed comprehend the purpose of fear better. Maro could observe the emotion in Yaijōrama's eyes. Motivation.

Fear was a motivator. In this way, Maro was developing his friend in a way that he was certain only Yaijōrama himself could appreciate. The sheep would not have been devoured had it properly feared the wolf. But this sheep, it gets a second chance, and with that terror in its little bleating heart, Maro knew, Yaijōrama would not underestimate his first true enemy. -

The mention of stew snapped the large teenager from his internal monologue. His stomach rumbled, tumbled, growled, and hissed at the mention of food. There was no getting around it, being so large had its downsides- or it's benefits, depending on who you ask. He was starving, always, and his chops wettened at the mention of grub for him to consume. Rough hands gently pat the younger of the two on the shoulder as they headed off towards the farm.

Yaijōrama would get strong. He had potential, and Maro could see it. He just had to help him reach that potential.

WC: 745 - 4664

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