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A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Aryll Hyuuga
Jun Fuji
Anaphiel Hidemori
Hikari Namikaze
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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:49 am
(I didn't send out official Invites on this thread, but you know who you are if you are invited to this thread. If you have a doubt, feel free to send me a PM or find me on the CB and you should be good to come on.
Also, If you do decide to join, if you could do be a big favor and add a TLDR, I would be very appreciative. As much as I love reading your post, I sometimes get really busy, and just skim over post before responding to it.)

Hikari Namikaze was alone in her room at about three o'clock in the morning reading up on a new book disusing the possibly theories behind space time.... and more importantly, the possibility of alternate dimensions and pocket dimensions. When the Jounin had started to read this, it was more as a joke... or a personal dream of hers. The possibility of making her own world that was just hers.... it seemed to good to be true. However.... apparently shinobi of the past have not only attempted this, but apparently had succeed in this! An entire reality, mended into what ever way Hikari had wanted.... it seemed.... unfathomable.  But sure enough.... all of the tools Hikari needed to do this was in her own hands. It.... Was just a dream come true.

Anyways, after a couple of hours of reading the big, thick heavy textbook, the sun started to come up and light started to fall into the young woman’s room, lighting it up. The Jounin would close the book and get ready for the day. She would clean up, put her basic makeup on, go and make her breakfast, and would sit down to eat it. She made her favorate breakfast to try to calm herself down from the excitement of the discovery she was so close on breaking through on. The breakfast consisted of Bacon (Because becoming a God meant you should eat the food of the gods.) and Pancakes (Because Pancakes). The young woman would sit down and eat, continuing to read as she did. When she wrapped up her meal, she would start to pack up to head out somewhere. She had been couped up reading all day yesterday at the Archives, and then her home. The Jounin would want to go outside in order to continue her reading while catching some sun. (Hikari's skin had turned pretty pale due to all of the constant days indoors doing research.) and the best place for that would most likely be the training ground, as it was usually not that populated. The chest nut haired girl would go back to her room and grab her sword, the one winged angel, and put it on her left hip. This way, it would be easy to draw it with her right hand, her non dominant hand, so she could use it to block incoming attacks if needed, leaving her left dominant arm free to have the ability to form hand signs as she is able to do that with a single hand. The would put that on, and procced to head out towards the training field, it was quite and no one would bother her while she was out there. As she went to leave the house, the girl stated to think that she might have a change of heart about this. In the Village of Hoshigakure, there were civilians that loved to harass shinobi.... heck, a few of them felt like it was an act of god to bully down some of the younger ones. She might still not be known as a shinobi due to the fact that she had been keeping a low profile about her involvement with the defenders of the village in the public eyes. With that thought in mind, Hikari went back to her room and would change out of her attire, dropping her sword, and weapons, and replace her outfit with a simple white sundress and sandals. With that, she would smile, but just to be safe would grab a kunai holder and a kunai, and put it on under her skirt, that way, it would be easy to get to quickly if she needed it.

As Hikari made her way through the village, she would look around at all of the religious people and monks and priest, glad that most of them didn’t know she was a shinobi. She never wore her headband in a place where people could see it, that way, random people wouldn’t come up to her and harass her about being an evil demonic magic user. It seemed unrealisitic, but it was a common occurrence in the village. Heck, Hikari at one point heard of a civilian blaming a shinobi of casting mind control and forcing him to do a bunch of crimes in Hoshi. The accusation made almost no sense, but it was actually taken seriously for a while.  In the village hidden among the stars, there was a church that was basically the center of the government here. In the churches religion, Shinobi are basicly demons that should be crucified and executed. However, due to their lack of a proper army or defensive force, and their location, the village was a prime target for bandits and missing ninja’s to come in and rob the civilians blind. That being said, the village higher ups were forced to basically accept shinobi aid when it came to them, however, that wasn’t a choice that the majority of the population agreed with. In fact many of them wanted to rebel against this, but deep down, they all knew that if they kicked the ninja protectors out of the land, that it would mean the death of them. As such, the civilian population really had no choice but to accept the help that he so called black magic user's provided, but that by no means meant that they enjoyed. As stated before most of them would bully or just generally harass them whenever they had the opportunity. However, the Fuinjutsu expert of Hoshigakure had gone out of her way to hide the fact that she was a shinobi from most people…. So only a few people outside the shinobi community knew that she was one. Because of this, civilians didn’t bother her to much (Atleast, they didn't because she was a shinobi. A few crude men would try t hit on her from time to time due to a ...... well... contest... that a crazed Loli Jounin made Hikari enter and basically rigged the competition so that Hikari would win. This contest will not be named... but if... to break the fourth wall... a player wanted to go on Hikari's stat page and look through her history, it should be pretty obvious what event this was) On top of that, the Akari grew up outside of the shinobi system, so she knew how to react and talk to common folk. Just to be safe though, Hikari kept her chakra surpresed pretty much all of the time when she wasn’t using her jutsu.

After a bit of time, Hikari would find her way to the village training grounds. Looking down at it, the chestnut haired girl would find a clearing underneath a tree, and would make her way over to it, and lay back on the tree, opening her book and would start to read.

[TLDR: Hikari is reading a book about space time theories by a tree in the training ground. She sits there in civilian clothes and chakra suppressed, so it would b e hard to determine her as a shinobi, but a few of you already know her as one.]

WC: 1285
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:31 am
It was just another day for Kotetsu. He has hard at work for several days on a bunch of different techniques. Everything he did so far, and what he will do was in the way of making himself stronger. He was not strong enough to defend Konoha when it was attacked. He's not strong enough to really help here either. But Kotetsu would be damned before he stopped getting stronger. He needed to get there quickly, because you never know who will come knocking, or when that will be. Today's training day was no different from the rest. He had yet to master water style, so that meant no Ice style yet either. 'One thing at a time...' He thinks to himself as he gets ready to make is way over to the training grounds. His parents have already left for the day, gone on missions most likely. That's one other thing Kotetsu has to work on. Going on missions.  Other than training himself physically and spiritually, he needs money to equip himself properly. Sure he could likely summon up weapons with Ice jutsu at some point. But having mundane weapons and other equipment would still be vital. And those won't use chakra either. That was the primary benefit, at least in Kotetsu's eyes. For now though, training first. That doesn't cost ryo after all. Missions he can do when he's trained up to his satisfaction, unless someone takes him along on a mission. Since he has not received any mission orders at this time, more training for him!

And a training he will go. He really needs to learn some offensive techniques. The fact that he hasn't yet really isn't doing him or Cole any favours in their sparring with Valen-Sensei. No matter how hard he tries, he just doesn't seem to get close enough to land a hit on his cloak, let alone Valen himself. The sword he leaves out is always tempting to try to use, but Kotetsu is not a Kenjutsu master...yet. The weapon would not help him at all in these fights. It would more likely handicap him more than he already was in those fights. With that in mind, Kotetsu did see a couple scrolls for techniques that looked like they would be useful to have. Not just for fighting Valen-Sensei, but for when he goes on other missions, or when sparring someone else. They were wind style jutsu, which worked for Kotetsu since that was the one chakra nature he had mastered so far. The Recurve Bow and Wind Arrow jutsu seemed like a good combination to start with, so that's what he would do today. It would also give him a good starting point when he starts working on his own idea for weaponry-style jutsu. He places the two scrolls in one of his tool pouches and makes his way towards the training ground for another day of training.

Upon arriving at the training grounds Kotetsu takes a look around. It's virtually deserted, with the exception of one person. A young lady was sitting under a tree, reading a book it looks like. She was pale, like Kotetsu. 'For a sunny place, there sure was a lot of pale people here...' He thinks to himself. She had long brown hair, looked almost chestnut brown. He couldn't really tell from the distance he was at, and the angle that she was reading her book, but it looked like she wasn't wearing makeup. She wore a white sundress and had sandals on her feet. Kotetsu didn't realise for almost a minute that he was staring at this woman, almost unable to get over how pretty she was. 'W...what am I doing...' He thinks to himself, blushing a little at the realisation that she could very well have noticed him staring. 'I hope she didn't notice that. Good grief that would be embarrassing...' Shaking his head a little he made his way over to a section of the training ground that had some targets set up. He would pull out the two scrolls and unroll them, reading them over as he studies the different components of the jutsu. Memorising the hand signs and other details necessary to make these work. It would be a little more complicated since he's basically creating these items out of wind chakra. A tall order indeed, but one that was certainly doable. Every so often though, his concentration would break as his thoughts would drift over to the other visitor in the training grounds. 'I wonder why she chose here to read a book...No, supposed to be training, not wool-gathering...Get it together Kotetsu...'

WC: 777
[TLDR: Kotetsu walked into the training ground, stared at Hikari for a minute, then walked over to some targets and is getting ready try to summon a bow and arrow to shoot at the targets.]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:31 am
As the maiden was sitting down reading, out of the corner of her hazel eyes, she noticed that a young boy was watching her. Judging by his headband, Hikari was able to identify the boy as a hoshi shinobi. Judging by his lack of jacket, Hikari could only presume that he was a genin. It broke the girl's heart that she saw the boy was so young, prehaps even younger then Miyamoto and Sanae, two of the youngest ninja's she had ever met before. It broke the girl's heart to see shinobi being forced to train from such a young age. However.... knowing how war was, it only made sense though to start training at a young age. That way, when the children grew up, and went of to war, they had a better chance of surviving.

Still, it seemd just so inhumane to make children train at such a young age.

However, Hikari wasn't hogokage, nor did she have any desires to become said Kage, so she wasn't really in a position to do anything about it.

The Maiden would go back to reading for a little bit, before looking back up and seeing the boy was attempting to make a bow and arrow out of the wind. A fairly basic jutsu that Hikari knew how to do fairly easily. However... the girl wouldn't immediately offer assistance, she would wait a little bit of time to see how the boy fared with the technique before offering her advice.

WC: 250

[TLDR: Hikari is just going to watch and see if you know how to do the jutsu before stepping in.
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:27 am
The Wind Arrow technique was simple enough. As it was an E-rank technique it should be no problem for Kotetsu to learn and make use of. The Recurve Bow technique would be a little bit harder, but not outside his area of expertise either. What he'd really like to do though, is combine what he's been learning in terms of water style, with this wind style arrow and bow combo, to make Ice arrows. Those would definitely be deadlier. The only problem though is that he has not quite mastered water style yet, so Ice style would likely be out of his reach too. 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained.' Kotetsu thinks to himself as he reads over the first scroll. It was extremely simple from the looks of it. There were no hand signs to make, you just needed to form the arrow out of your chakra. Kotetsu gives it a shot, the result wasn't fantastic, but it was an arrow made of wind chakra. "I'll take it..." He says quietly to himself. "I can always improve on it; at least I know I can do that." Next comes the recurve bow. That would be a little trickier. It's a higher tier of jutsu, and would require finer chakra control, more chakra, and more thought, since there were a couple different aspects to keep track of. Draw length, bow size, draw strength. He built up his chakra, focused on the details, and made the two hand signs. Boar. Ram. The bow came out looking even worse than the arrow did. 'It would seem I have some fine-tuning to do...' Kotetsu thinks to himself. 'This is embarrassing...' He let the bow dissipate, picked up the arrow, and stared at it for a few moments. He tried infusing what he knew about water chakra into the arrow, and of course it didn't work. Or so he thought. What Kotetsu didn't notice, since he's not skilled at picking up minute changes and details, a half inch of the arrowhead changed briefly, looking a little more reflective than a wind arrow should be. Kotetsu sighed and threw the arrow at one of the targets before sitting under one of the trees, pouring over the scrolls to see if there was something he missed.

WC: 378
TWC: 1155

[TLDR: Kotetsu tried to make a bow and arrow out of wind chakra, didn't really do a good job. Accidentally turned the tip of the arrowhead to Ice (without noticing). He then threw the arrow at a target then sat under said target while he looked over the jutsu scrolls to see what he did wrong.]
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A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:45 am
Sanae had been working all morning. She had been kind of messing up a trainings field at the academy recently so she had taken her free time to make it right again. Since she had been using it without the care she should have been given it. Today her work was done and so the afternoon had been free. She went home to take a shower and after that she went to go to the water gardens because it was a nice day out and the gardens were a place very nice to enjoy. Maybe she could even find some other Shinobi on the training grounds there and maybe at least watch them. This was currently called checking out the competition since she did not know many Genin of Hoshigakure only more experienced people like Kenshin, Orokana, Tenma and Hikari. They were all Chuunin or above so most likely not the ones she would or should be facing in her next exam. But also seeing one of them would be a delight, since she liked them although the judgement of that was not quite accurate since the time she met Kenshin and Tenma they did not really interact with each other and therefore it seemed kind of preposterous to say she liked them, but well they did not do anything to earn dislike so she would put it at that.

So while she was strolling around the water gardens she could see the spot where Tamaki and her intervened in a fight between priests and shinobi supporter. This had been something very stressful because one little spark could ignite a fire here in Hoshi that no water could extinguish. But they had managed it quite alright. Now the field cam up in front of her view and there was someone she knew and really liked. There was the one with the beautiful hazelnut hair that not only held her Genin exam but also taught her the medical Ninjutsu. Her steps got a little faster as she was approaching Hikari with a little bit of a haste as she was also witnessing Kotetsu sitting there and she smirked lightly. Since she had seen him before and this was a good sign seeing him train alongside the very capable Chuunin. So she lowered her approaching speed walking next to Hikari who seemed to be reading and observing: "Excuse me Hikari-sama?", she bowed to her and then looked down to her. "It is nice to see you again, I hope I am not disturbing you?", she smiled at her.

WC: 426
(If I was not invited just send her away :P)
TLDR: [Sanae comes to the water gardens. Sees Hikari and Kotetsu and sais hello to Hikari]

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:54 pm
[Don't worry Sanae, you are fine! ]

[Also, change of plans Kozai. Sorry I Love your post and really wish we could RP it out, but your thing has become a huge priority. Like.... a number one priority thing. I would like you as soon as possible to make another thread and send me a link to it so we could sort of rush it. I hope tomorrow or the day after we can get that done.]

As Hikari kept an eye on the young shinobi as he started to try to create a Wind Bow and arrow. As the boy did that, Hikari would slowly activate her Golden Eyes in order to see the way that the boy had been collecting chakra. With her eyes as such, the girl would raise her gaze to to the boys hands, where he was attempting to create a the chakra construct. It didn't take much for Hikari to realize that the boy was attempting to collect the air the wrong way. It appeared here was attempting to draw the wind against the way the wind was coming from, so the air was naturally trying to force it's way out rather then into his area of control.

The Jounin was debating about stepping in and helping the boy out, when suddenly, another person approached her.

"Excuse me.... Hikari Sama.." Hikari would turn to see Sanae standing fairly close to herself.

At that point... The Chestnut haired girl noticed something, She heard sudden moving of feet, as she turned her head, the chestnut haired girl noticed a young genin. Hikari didn't have him in class, but she did proctor his genin exam, His name was Kozogami if the girl recalled. The Boy made a mist... useing a technique that Hikari had seen in her own chunin exam, but rather then coming toward them, he ran away from them, spouting the words "AU REVOIR, SHOSHANNA"

Hikari would look toward that direction, a bit of confusion on her face, but wouldn't stop the boy as he ran away. She would instead turn to Sanae and start to talk to her. "Oh Hello Sanae.... and I'm sorry, did you Just call me Hikari Sama? You don't need to do that...I haven't really done anything to Earn that title.... With all honesty, it feels weird to be called Sensei as it is."

[TLDR: Hikari notices Kotesu's Issues, but before she can step in, Sanae steps in and then Kozai basically come swinging in, and runs away. Hikari finds this weird, but continues on with talking to Sanae. ]

WC: 395

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze <3 on Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added the WC)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:52 am
The training grounds got busy all of a sudden. Some random person, Kotetsu couldn't really tell who it was, created a cloud of mist and ran off shouting "AU REVOIR SHOSHANNA." 'That's a very interesting technique...Looks to be water style' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'I'll have to try that for sure. It looks like it would be a good thing to have in a pinch.' He sits up and tries to change the moisture in the air into a fog-like mist, similar to what that person did. The end result ended up looking more like a heat shimmer. Kotetsu grumbled to himself about this not being his day to work on jutsu it seemed. As the mist cleared, the woman that Kotetsu noticed before was suddenly not alone. She was still sitting on the ground, but there was someone beside her. Someone that Kotetsu knew. It was Sanae-Sensei, from the mission to stop the temple robber. 'I should go over and say hi.' Kotetsu thinks to himself as he gets up and collects his things. 'I wonder how she knows that woman. She's likely been in the village much longer than I have, so it would make sense for her to know more people around here.'

It didn't take him long to put his scrolls away and make his way over to the pair. Almost as an afterthought, he grabbed the wind arrow out of the target it was stuck in, and he brought it with him, something for his hands to play with. When he gets close enough he bows slightly to Sanae. "Hello Sanae-Sensei, I hope I'm not interrupting. I saw you standing over here so I wanted to come over and say hello, and find out how you're doing. If this is a bad time of course I can come back."

WC: 305
TWC: 1460

[TLDR: Kotetsu packed up his stuff, grabbed that hybrid wind arrow out of the tree, and came over to say hi to Sanae.]
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A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:48 am
The call out had made Sanae a little nervous. As the mist was approaching she had kind of taken a position of alertness and by hearing the call her hand almost instantly rose towards her shoulder, but since the voice was going away from them, not towards them she relaxed again. Shaking her head softly because she could not really define what this was supposed to be like. Then she turned to Hikari: "Oh I just wanted to be respectful since your Jounin, my father insists on things like that, but if you want to, I can also rather call you sensei", she smiled again and then. This opportunity better not go to waste, since she needed to prepare for upcoming exams and who to better help her than Hikari, who already passed one. But before she could ask further the young Kotetsu had joined him and she flinched a little as he called her sensei in front of Hikari. This did not feel right so much now that she thought about it. So she needed to correct him on that matter, so that she did not come of like someone who would just assume the wrong rank just because it was flattering. "Kotetsu, we are of the same rank, I am just a little more experienced, better call me sempai, this is more accurate", she lightly rubbed over the boys head and slightly glanced over at his arrow. A short smile sat upon her face: "Ahhh I know that, it took me a whole afternoon to learn that and the bow on my own, but well I am more affiliated with Taijutsu so you should not be having too much trouble with it", she tried to cheer him up since his first try obviously went wrong. Then she looked at Hikari: "I was curious Hikari-sensei, if you could help me a little getting prepped for Chuunin exams and teach me the second level of the medical ninjutsu you taught me earlier", she then said looking at the Jounin again with hopeful eyes.

WC: 343
TWC: 769

[TLDR: Telling Kotetsu she's a sempai not a sensei and giving him encouragement about the jutsu. Then asking Hikari-sensei if she would help her prepping and teach her the 2nd Level of Medical Jutsu]
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:58 pm
A white feather landed softly on the ground next the tree Tsume was by. Strangely, Tsume was was hanging upside down from the main part of the branch so it could hold the 18-year-old's weight. He was practising chakra control for long periods of time. Hakucho was upright on the same branch, just above the genin. Both of them were watching the meeting of shinobi. One was strange and just bolted not that long ago, the rest seemed normal. The first female seemed strong as everyone seemed to respect her as some leader. Ther other two were probably genin, in fact, he had met one of them not that long ago during a training day. "Hakucho, should we watch or join?" He wanted to know what his bird friend thought. Hakucho shrieked, for most, it meant little to nothing, but to Tsume it meant "Let's stay put, I wanna watch." Tsume nodded, "Ok, just asking." The genin wondered if any of them noticed him, he was in a tree about 5meters away from the one Hikari was sitting in and he didn't have a whole lot of chakra.
WC: 188

(TLDR: Tsume is watching everything from the point of Kozogami running away. He's hanging upside down like a bat AND he wonders if anyone will notice him)
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