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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

The Beginning. Empty The Beginning.

Sun Jun 05, 2022 5:48 pm
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

The Beginning. Empty Re: The Beginning.

Sun Jun 05, 2022 5:52 pm
It’s a bright day for action at the borders of sunagakure. sakuragi has had a sleepless night preparing for a mission he planned to embark on today. The yuki had spent the last few weeks gathering intel on the mission and would use the night to finalize his plan. Sakuragi had been tasked with protecting and rescuing a man that was charged with a crime that he did not commit. Rescuing someone is not typical of Sakuragi, especially someone of no value to him, but for the case of money, the yuki would take on the mission.
The family of the man had paid Sakuragi for his troubles in advance, and the young boy have just a week to rescue the imprisoned man before his execution. The prison is heavily guarded, so the yuki would need to carry out the mission with extreme caution. Sakuragi’s main goal is to rescue the man, even if violence would be used as a last result.
The day came for the yuki to finalize his plans. The ocean blue eye was dizzy as a result of staying late all late. This is sakuragi’s first rescue mission, so it would not hurt to put all his energy in into this mission. The yuki would be dressed in a black sleeveless coat, under which he wore black meshed net shirt, a black pant, coupled with black shinobi sandals. The prison is somewhere around the village border, so the yuki would need travel to the location of the prison. The yuki has gotten all his fact before today, and hopefully, the mission would go as planned.
It was a long travel, but the yuki finally reached his destination. He would stop by a mountain close to the prison. The terrain of the mountain would give the yuki the chance to spy on prison. The prison was heavily guarded, and it was even hard to tell which prison room cell the imprisoned man is. Assuming he had a dojutsu like the byakugan, he could have easily spy the prison without wasting much energy. The yuki would stealthily move towards the prison area. The prison has an approximate height of about 10-meter height and 10 meter wide. because it was not such a big prison, all the yuki would need to do is to somehow sneak into the prison and locate the imprisoned target. Sakuragi would be able to recognizes the man when he sees him, as the man’s family has shown him a photo of the imprisoned man. The imprisoned man is in his mid-forty and has a very long beards. The man has a wife and two kids, who are part of those who contributed money to pay for the man’s rescue alongside, his extended family. The imprisoned man is truly loved by his own family. The ocean blue eyed would wish had a family like this, but the yuki was had never felt love. A result of unwanted pregnancy, abandoned by his own foolish parent, the yuki would raise by a wicked woman who found him where his parent had abandon him in a forest.  The abuse he faced while with the woman was too much for him, the abuse so great that he had no social life, and all he did was work for the woman. Any attempt to complain or object the woman would result in barrage of slaps and several strokes of cane. The Yuki’s body had been tattooed with scars that healed from the wounds of the harsh torture.  sakuragi ended up slitting the woman’s throat. Being fearful that he would be apprehended d for what he has done, the yuki would run away from home and away from the village.
Sakuragi was now five meters away from the prison cell. There is a tall gate through which he must pass through. The gate is being guarded by guards to avoid just anybody entering or leaving. The yuki would circle round the prison cell and use his surface walking technique to walk on the wall into the prison cell. The yuki would walk stealthily, trying to avoid being caught, as being caught would complicate the mission and can lead to serious problems, as there are too many guards guarding the prison cell. The Yuki finally into landing into the premises of the prison cell would squat low. It would seem that none of the guards had notice him yet, which is very good thing sakuragi.  The yuki would proceed to move stealthily towards a guard few meter ahead of him. The guard’s back was facing sakuragi, so it was easy to sneak up to the guard without him noticing. Upon getting close enough, the yuki would try to choke the guard. Although, the guard resisted and struggled, the yuki was able to put him to sleep, not wanting to kill him. After putting the unlucky guard to sleep, the yuki would drag his body and hide him nearby, covering him with a nearby piece of clothing. This was to avoid any of the other guards to see the body, which would invariably lead to suspicion. The mission is to be carried out stealthy.
Everything seems to going out as planned. The yuki was able to sneak in through a window. There are supposed to be guards around here, where did they all go? The yuki was confused, his intel said that there are supposed to be guards around this area. sakuragi was following the map he had drafted in a paper in his hand, he would look left and then right to ensure that no one was coming, and once he ensured that the space around him is free of guards, he would move into the prison cell. The yuki would walk into the main cell where all the prisoners were being kept. The cell has rooms in segment in a long row.  The cells are gated with strong iron bars to prevent prisoners from escaping. The iron bar has spaces in between, such that the prisoners inside the cell can clearly see the outside of the cell in front of the cell room. The prison room cell was built adjacently, such that, a prison cell room would be facing another prison cell room. The yuki would upon entering the space of the prison cell would enter the all eyes on me mode.  The creaking of the open door directed the prisoners’ attention to the figure that just entered. His face was new, never seen before, and the young lad does not look like a security guard.
Sakuragi would take a look at the photo of the imprisoned man that he is to rescue, and then would begin to move forward furthering into the prison. He would look at the face of each prisoner, left and right, before moving past them to confirm if he has found his target or not. The yuki would be finally reach his target at the end of the row. The ocean blue eyed wad relief that he has found his target enough the old bearded man does not know who he is. The yuki would snap his finger at the bearded man to get his attention, who was sitting on the floor. The confused bearded man would lift himself up to his feet and would move closer to Sakuragi, Sakuragi would then whisper some words to the man. The ocean blue eyed would explain to the bearded man how his family had paid him to rescue the bearded man. The old man was ambiguously excited and afraid. Excited that he would be able to escape, afraid that the guards might kill him, but it is better to take the risk and try to escape from the prison.  It is a risk worth taking. The bearded would be killed in next seven days anyways, so it is better to try and escape now, and even if he ends up being killed now, there would be no regrets.

Sakuragi, however, was an optimist, knowing fully well that he would rescue the bearded man and escape the prison cell safely with him.  He would take his chances, and pull out a kunai , he would then proceed to channeling his chakra through the kunai and would. The channel chakra is to make the kunai sharper, to be able to cut through the iron bar with ease. Just as the kunai was channeled with chakra, the yuki would slash the gat open with the kunai. The chakra channeled kunai would slash through the iron bar with ease like a knife cutting through butter. Sakuragi would first use the chakra channeled kunai to slash through the locks of the cell door then he would slash open the iron bar too. The slashing sound would attract the attention of the other prisoners. Realizing what is about to happen, some of the prisoners would yelled at sakuragi to help them too. However, sakuragi would simply ignored them and proceed to do wat he needed to do, as they are of no value to him. The fact that sakurgi was here was mainly because of the money not because he really wanted to rescue the old bearded man. Sakuragi is not one to help those who are of no value to him. So, unless these other prisoners have something to offer him or something that interest him, it is unlikely that the ocean blue eyed would help any of them aside the bearded man.  
Suddenly, three security guards would rush into the main cell that Sakuragi was. Upon sighting the ocean blue eyed, the security officers would attack the young boy. Their aim is not really to kill him, but to capture and question him.  It turns out that the first security guard’s body that the yuki put to sleep had been discovered by the other security officers which raised suspicion, and they have been order to search the entire prison cell.
Sakuragi watched as the security guards bashed in and approach. He does not want to kill, but it is harder to fight someone with the mindset of not wanting to kill them, yet the opponent main is to kill. Thankfully, the guards were not trying to kill sakuragi either. This does not mean that they would not harm sakuragi if needed, or that they would not kill him if they find it hard to kill him. The guard seems to be a bit experience in combat skills, having some basic taijutsu. Though, taijutsu was not sakuragi’s forte, the young lad has some basic taijutsu skills and weaponry skill.  As the guard approached him, sakuragi would ordered the old bearded man to wait in his prison cell. Still holding his chakra channeled kunai in his hand, the yuki would throw the kunai at the first guard. The guard easily dodged by dashing to the side.  The yuki would dash forward towards the approaching the guards, the third guard would jump up and attempt to land an axe kick on the ocean blue eyed, but the yuki was quick enough to move out of the way. Upon the third guard delivering the axe kick on an empty space, sakuragi who evaded the attack by moving sideways, would thrust his fist towards the guard’s torso, but the guard seem stronger than the yuki thought. The punch to the torso did not really have much impact on the third guard. During this process, the first and second guard had closed the distance between them and sakuragi, and would try to grab the yuki boy. The young land was able to create some distance by dashing backwards and simultaneously throwing another kunai at the first guard. The first guard was unlucky this time, the kunai would pierce through the guard’s chest, although the kunai would not hurt him much because the kunai was aimed at a non-lethal part of the guard’s body. Despite this, it did not stop the three guards from attacking the yuki boy.
Sakuragi would continue to keep up with the fight. He did not want to use techniques that could damage the prison cell’s structure, and also, he did not want to use techniques that would kill the other nearby prisoners. The prisoners in the cell would watch as the battle unfold. Sakuragi would yell to the guards that he does not want to hurt them and that they should go away, but it seems all that fell on deaf ears, as the three guards would continue with their assault. The yuki would successfully land a kick on the first guard’s neck, which would send the guard several meters across the area. The guard’s body would crash to the ground, alive, but weakened, unable to continue the fight. The first guard would simply sit on the floor and would watch the fight from distance. The yuki still had enough stamina in him to carry out with as long as this drags on. he was a shinobi, who had been through tough times, who knows art of combats. sakuragi was not even fighting at his fullest potential here, as he does not want to hurt them. Though sakuragi is a brutal demon, demons at times have some decency to do what is right. The yuki boy, since he entered the prison premises had been trying to avoid the death of any of the prisoners or guards.
One man down. Sakuragi now left with two guards. The yuki boy would again warn them that he does not want to hurt them, and that they should step down.  but the young lad’s words continued to fall on deaf ears. The second and third guards would charge at sakuragi, trying to grab him. however, the young yuki was faster than the two of them, so it was a fail. Sakuragi would then charge at the guards himself, once within striking range, he would attempt to punch the second guard in the face, but the second guard manage to dodge the punch attack. What would follow was a counter attack from both the second and third guard. They would both deliver a punch to sakuragi’s torso, followed by a kick to the face, which was strong enough to send the young yuki boy flying across the cell room. The young yuki was able to recover himself amidst losing his balance, and would position the face of his right palm on the ground, his feet also on the ground, such that his waist would bend and the top of his head would be facing the guard’s direction.
This was taking longer than expected, the young yuki wanted to end the fight as soon as possible without, hurting the prisoners. The first prisoner was still sitting on the floor, and was watching the fight, hopeful that his team mates would be able to apprehend the yuki boy. It was time for sakuragi to end this though. The yuki boy would pull out two kunais, and would channel his chakra into them to increase the weapon’s sharpness, just like he did the first time. The ocean blue eyed would then throw and aim the kunai at the iron bar locks. since the locks are all in a straight line, the kunai would slice through all the locks, which means all the iron bar gate that bounded the prisoners have now been opened. The other prisoners, upon realizing this, would all rush out. The number of the prisoners are overwhelming and not even all the guards in the prison cell would be able to stop all of them. sakuragi would grab the old bearded man by his hand and dashed toward the door that leads to the outside. There was chaos everywhere and the other prisoners have filled the space in the prison cell in a bid to escape. After a long struggle, sakuragi and the old bearded man made it outside. Bearded man continued to follow sakuragi, as he was not sure which way would lead to home. However, sakuragi would inform him not to worry, as he is ready to take him home.
The young yuki boy would successfully lead the young man home, to ensure that the man gets home safely. After all, that was what he was paid to do, the old bearded man’s safety. The man’s family, happy to see the bearded man return safely would thank skauragi for his hard work. They would try to offer the young yuki boy something to eat but the boy would refuse to eat anything, for reasons beast known to him. The yuki boy did not mention why he would not wait to eat, he would simply inform the family that he had other things to do, and would leave the premises. It has been a very long day. Hard work pays. sakuragi’s hard work made the mission looked easy. He had been gathering intel about the prison cell for a while. The young yuki boy, from his intel, knew days on which security is very tight, and days on which the security is less tight. The yuki was glad that the mission went well with zero casualties. Even the guard that was pierced by the kunai would recover soon, something sakuragi was sure about, because he purposely aimed for a non-lethal part of his boy. He could aveaimed for the heart, but the young yuki boy wants no casualties. Sakuragi is weary from the mission and need a lot of sleep. He would need to recover his strength, before trying to do the other stuff that has he has in mind. The yuki kind of envy the man’s family, they were loving and caring, and would even go as far as paying a huge sum of money to him to help rescue the man. The yuki boy’s family abandoned him at childbirth, and he ended up with someone who abused him in the most brutal way possible. He still suffers from the trauma of his experience. The yuki would finally arrive home, and get a very nice sleep, as recovering is important.

WC: 3013

1500 to completely learn Water wall
1513 to Ninjutsu amplifier (1513/2500)

Claiming 6000 ryo, 30 stat, 500 ryo from missing nin mission money, 30 AP
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Beginning. Empty Re: The Beginning.

Sun Jun 05, 2022 10:19 pm
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