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Will You Be Mine? Empty Will You Be Mine?

Wed Jun 22, 2022 6:07 pm
Scene Setting Music:

Will You Be Mine? ScornfulDeafeningBighorn-size_restricted

The steady rainfall muffles the sounds of a woman's rushed footsteps as she dashes towards the other side of Konoagakure's residential district, where all the nicer, more expensive homes reside. With the new moon practically invisible in the midnight sky, all that would light this figure's path is the thick paper lanterns hanging under the roofs of the many multi-floored houses, manors and mansions. Nearly everyone was out cold this late in the evening, right on the edge of morning, leaving her undisturbed in the journey to her desired destination. Strapped to the girl's back is a lightweight acoustic guitar, paired with a comfortable, insulative brown leather jacket, and strangely pajamas being worn under it. Her hair no longer tied up in a ponytail, it stuck to the sides of her neck and the small of her back from its sheer length, slickened by the heavens above, showering the world in rainwater. This weird lady didn't really care about how uncomfortable it felt to have such damp hair, though, having much more important matters on her mind. Indeed, she was on a personal mission of the relationship saving variety. Nothing, not even an arrow to the knee, or a knife to her throat, would stop her from at least trying to gain back her one and only true love, the person that matters to her more than anything and anyone, even if she couldn't accept it before. Absolutely everything else was trivial to her until she got the closure she needed, and until she apologized for what she had done to her, on that day two years ago, and for everything else after that.

It's all strange to her, her evergreen eyes scanning the landscape of her crush's house in the dead of dawn. For once, she was arriving to speak with them, instead of watch from afar. Surely, it has been too long since she even saw their parents as well, all of them smiling as they welcomed the troubled teen into their home during the times they hid away from her own family. A sense of warmth and belonging, an emotion she was sure had ceased to exist for her, flooded her chest and her cheeks as she gazes into the three story home of Nagisa's family, the Honemushi's. As this humble abode was also settled for the family business, the fence that surrounds it corrals guests to the first floor, where the animal shelter and kennels are located, leaving a degree of separation from work and home up to the set of stairs off to the side that takes the family to the second floor. That's where dear Nagisa's room was, as well as the living room and dining room, plus a kitchen. Finally above that were her parent's rooms, though the two of them never went up there in their time together as besties. However, Lynn Uchiha never took the easy way in when she visited in the past, and she wouldn't now either.

Conveniently, a large sakura tree rests right beside the window of her former friend's very room, with branches long and sturdy enough to reach right over to it without any sort of risk to one's self, should they'd want to enter the large structure from there. That was always Lynn's choice, to climb up the tall trunk, and use her light weight and innate sense of balance to travel over to the girl's window, and knock right on it. Tonight, she'd do just that, like old times. There's a one hundred percent guarantee she would be up, too, as she always stayed up late to read her ridiculous romance novels. Walking to the base of the beautiful cherry tree, she runs her hand along the soaked, smooth bark, noting that she'd need to actually use her chakra here to scale safely upwards in this kind of weather. There's no grip with how wet everything is, unfortunately. With as little as a single breath, she coats the soles of her feet with a thin veil of life energy, and walks up the tree as though there was nothing to it at all. When did she feel like anything she used wasn't tiring her out? Perhaps it was the sound of her heart thumping in her ears that distracted her from any sort of exhaustion. Every second she got closer, she felt like her chest would burst with excitement, but she kept going anyway. She had to see her. She had to see Nagisa.

When she finally gets to the branch she needs, she deftly tiptoes over to the closed up, curtained window, and crouches down in front of it, placing the palm of her hand flatly against the glass frame. Finally, she made it to a place she made forbidden to herself for the longest time, strictly only able to watch as life went on without her. That didn't really provide her with much context to what's really going on, nor was it even helpful in any way... but she did it to keep herself close, while hypocritically wanting to stay far apart. Looking back at it now, she realizes how silly- no, how downright idiotic she was acting. All she did was bring pain to them both by avoiding the opportunity to cause it at any cost, and she paid the price mentally for it. There's no telling how Nagisa herself took all of it, but now was the time to fix it. No turning back. If she answered, and didn't immediately shut the only way in to spite her... she'd know her true feelings, unabridged, and at full kilter. "Here goes nothing..."

Nagisa hears a knock on her window, sharp against the monotonous pitter patter of rain.

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Will You Be Mine? Empty Re: Will You Be Mine?

Wed Jun 22, 2022 9:40 pm
Nagisa had had a rough day. She had been struggling to balance her new life as a shinobi of the village hidden in the leaves and the work required of her at home. The village was in need of able bodies which was probably why her first mission was ranked C. Since then she’d been putting in work around the village doing small jobs and public safety related work. This was also the summer so adoption and purchase rates of the family's animals were at their yearly high. Nagisa’s grandparents weren’t getting any younger and neither was her mother. They needed more and more of her help to not only do the day to day operations, but also help in managerial duties like balancing the books, and making staffing decisions.

Nagisa had just been very busy, but today was especially rough. She was late for her guard intern duties today, which got her scolded by the instructor. She would have to return later in the week. She would have taken it on the chin and kept her head up if it was her fault entirely, but the newest Shiba puppy, Uno, had been not feeling well and threw up all over his house. The dog had the cutest look on his face after he’d done it, but despite how adorable the puppy was Nagisa was not happy having to clean it up before she rushed across the village only to be late. She got home and was put straight to work around the kennel. Usually she enjoyed chasing the puppies around or feeding the cats, but today was spent doing much less enjoyable things. She sat in the small office that held all of the kennels' important papers being shadowed by her mother, who watched as she crunched some numbers for buying the next month's supply of food for all the animals in their care. 

This job usually fell to her grandfather, but he, unlike Uno, had been under the weather, but his illness was far more serious than an upset stomach. The jovial man had been bedridden for a week. The doctors said it was a simple case of the flu, but even common illnesses were hard on the elderly. Nagisa’s mother could usually handle these types of things, but Nagisa was now better and faster at manual math than even her grandfather so she was asked to do it. Nagisa completed it with ease, but no good deep goes unpunished. She was asked to do more and more until she finally exploded at her mother ENOUGH!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS MOTHER!!! I am a shinobi now, okay? I am still going to help you, but this.. It’s just not my future anymore… Her roaring quieted to a sighing resignation. I’m done for the day I’ll take my dinner to my room…Sorry. Her mother was still in shock as Nagisa walked out averting her gaze to the ground. I shouldn’t have yelled at her… The girl thought as she made her way up the side to the building’s second floor. Her grandmother seemed to have turned in early and left her and her mother some rice balls for dinner. Nagisa greedily grabbed one more than was her fair share and went into her room locking the door behind her. bark  bark! two happy sounds came from the supposedly sick uno as she entered her abode. Nagisa’s room was the same as it’d always been. A pile of pink stuffed animals in the far right corner next to a plain wooden desk pushed against the right wall, with a vanity mirror facing its plush pink cushioned chair. In the center of the room, was a pink rug and a kotatsu to match. On the kotatsu sat a proper tea set along with a few books scattered across it and around its base. Her canopy bed sat at the far side of the bed a pure white. On the last wall was a short but long bookshelf filled with mostly novels along with a smattering of arts and craft supplies. Finally  right next to the door was a tall chest of drawers that sat adjacent to the matching white wardrobe. 

She was embarrassed of her room at this age. She’d done what she could to salvage her childhood furniture into something presentable, but her “royal” aesthetic had pervaded her room to this day. She never wanted to bring anyone in here, and almost never did. She bent down to pet Uno who had come running up to her, and then shuffled over to her kotatsu. She finally noticed the sound of the rain outside pounding on the wood outside. It’s really coming down out there Uno. She grabbed her book and laid on the floor giving a loud sigh as she scratched the snuggling pup behind his small ears. 

Today’s novel was entitled “The Pervasive Eyes”  A novel about a love struck man that was rejected and then spent their time following and watching the object of their affection. It was a bit of a thriller as the reader didn’t know if the protagonist was going to go off the deep end. Nagisa read lots of novels with love as the theme. It keeps her up at night. She got lost in her reading, but couldn’t help but think of Lynn. She was kind of like the protagonist, quiet, shy, but still loyal. Or at least she was. In the two years that had passed between when they were last friends. Lynn had ended things pretty abruptly, and Nagisa had said some harsh things. In the end she knew she was right. Lynn was afraid of herself. About what she would become. It had nothing to do with Nagisa in Nagisa’s opinion. She knew that she would be able to keep Lynn out of trouble, and she had been all throughout their friendship. They’d been getting closer and closer up until Lynn cut her off. She tried her best to convince her to stay with her. That she needed her, and that she wouldn’t become some monster under her watch. Regardless Lynn was stupid. Her thoughts had shifted from reading the story and was instead reminiscing on her special friend. She’s such an idiot… She grit her teeth and pet Uno a bit harder which seemed to queue the pup onto her emotions. The little shiba licked at her face after tottering over to it. Hahaha, thanks Uno. She’s such an idiot right? You think I should really let her go don't you? Nagisa sat up but then looked down, letting her long dark hair cover her face. She didn’t even come to my graduation… A single tear started to form which she started to wipe away as Uno started barking at her window. Hmmm? What’s up buddy? She asked through her tears. Then she heard it. A familiar knock on her window. The sharp sound cut through the droning of the evening rain. There was only one person who did that. Only one person would come to see her at this late hour. Nagisa stood up and moved the curtain to see Lynn standing on her favorite branch. Nagisa had already been a bit sad that night, but she felt even more emotion seeing Lynn again. She didn’t know if she wanted to cry or scream. It was overwhelming, but she managed to shhh Uno’s barking and to slide the window open as if she was possessed. She had a thousand things to say to her, but she decided she would listen first. That’s what good friends did. 

Why are you here Pine tree?

Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Will You Be Mine? Empty Re: Will You Be Mine?

Wed Jun 22, 2022 10:35 pm
Lynn really didn't know what type of response to expect from the attempt at getting their attention with such a familiar one-two-three knock on the window. Though, she probably should have figured the first sound she'd manage to hear through the gentle but rapid rainfall would be some sort of animal protesting at her abrupt request to bet let in. If she heard it correctly, it was that of a dog's bark, a puppy at that, and she feels like she recognizes its distinct vocal pattern. None of that mattered as much as what'd happen next, when she hears the majestic siren's call that was Nagisa's voice. Already she felt her heart flutter among the constant, dribbling pound in her chest that was present beforehand, and this would only get worse when the anticipation of this window opening finally perished, leaving her with a sight more beautiful to her eyes than the prettiest of sunsets. That's always what she thought of, when Nagisa came to mind; the burning fury of the sun. The Will of Fire, of which all Leaf Shinobi are said to possess. It only hurt so much to stare at fires, and to glance at the beaming rays of the scorching star that hangs above them every day, because that was Nagisa to her. The metaphor won't be alone anymore, now that she thinks of it. She's determined to become their moon.

Will You Be Mine? 63b842cdd29b6060c3f3c090ed4d1b9c

"Shh... before you say anything else," uttered the acclaimed pine tree, with the hugest, most stupid smile she's probably ever had in her entire life etched onto her worn, but polished and pale face. It's easy to tell how exhausted the Genin was, like she hadn't slept in a couple of days... so it's a surprise to anyone that her eyes could glow so eminently, and her smile radiate along with it. She was so glad that her call was answered, and it was way too difficult to not just jump right in and tackle Nagisa down to the ground in her room with a hug. Whether she likes it or not, however, she had to take what she does seriously from here on out, so while she keeps a calm and composed expression and lowers the arc of her lips, she's still smiling, leaning back on her branch. It's like the rain didn't even affect her, as she stared longingly into her sun's chocolate colored gaze. "Don't screw it up..." the girl thought, before reaching behind her back, and unholstering the guitar she carried all the way over, cuddling it close in her lap, and having it positioned properly for play. Finally, she'd continue what she had to say, having left the silence for them both long enough.

"I have a lot to say... of which I think holds little weight. What I did to myself... but more importantly, to us- there's no taking that back. There's a distinct possibility that I'll never be able to fully make up for it..." she remarks, finishing up the last of tuning up her acoustic instrument, her bare fingers strumming along the strings. She'd grown the callouses needed to play it without making herself bleed through sheer force of will, so it came naturally to her now. "... But, I have two confessions to make. One; I missed your graduation... because I was actually on a mission. It's a long story, but, to keep it short... HQ messed up what I was supposed to be doing, and I got dragged along on A-Rank duties doing border patrol. It wasn't fun... but, it was important. It helped me realize what I did wrong... and it's going to give me the courage for my next actions from here on out." Biting down a nervous twinge, her cheeks flushed pink, and she struggled to steady her breath... but then she breathes deep, exhaling quietly, and priming her hands for the hardest step of her plan. This was her last resort, to get what she needed to say out to Nagisa without breaking down into a puddle of tears, and instead showing her how much she cared. Anything that happened afterwards was up to fate, and up to her dear friend. "... Two. I have a song for you. It's the only way I can tell you the truth... about what I really think about you. This is the best apology I can offer, and this will be the most sincere I'll ever get, I think. We'll see. Here it goes..."

Will You Be Mine? 8384be9e0a5d4b2ab63d3894dc3d9deb-4030

A small introduction piece is played slowly and deftly on the guitar, to drum up the true beginning of her 'confession... then, without further ado, she starts to sing... something the old pine tree never did. To say the very least, it's easy to tell she practiced a long time for this moment, because she sounded like a literal angel.

"I'd rather be tall, I'd rather be smart, I'd rather be sure you know I care.
Wherever you go, Whatever you start, I'd rather be sure you know I'm there.
I'd rather I always be apart of whatever you do!
I'd rather be me, with you..."

"Wherever we go, I already trust, I'd know what to do if it were us.
I'd know what to say, I'd know how to be, I'd know your entire syllabus~
I can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do...
If I could be, I'd rather be me, with you."

"If I could be me, I’d know how to see, see why’d you choose a pain like me!
The damage inside, a mountain to climb... I’d rather you stay safe, far behind."

"If I could be me then, maybe I would do more than just drag you down..."

"I cannot be me, with me."

"Too selfish to leave, but hope you will stay, endure life together, come what may!
I promise to cling, to comfort and sing, no matter what temperatures may bring!"

"I am a mistake, and people like me just don’t get lucky twice..."

"If I could be me, I’d learn how to love, like you..."

By the end of this song, you could tell the water streaming down her cheeks were no longer rain, but tears. Taking all the courage she had to keep herself from messing up the guitar's audio, and the tempo of her voice, truthfully made her even more exhausted, to the point she had to take a moment to breathe afterwards... but she never looked away. No matter how embarrassed she felt, or how painful it was to get all the emotions out in this one symphony out of the bottom of her heart, she couldn't give up this time. Silence falls upon them both once more, as she catches breath once more, her entire body trembling with the outburst of pent up stress finally crawling its way out of her system. As light as she felt, the question still remained heavily on her mind; did Nagisa understand what she was saying? Did it make sense that she did any of this at all, even? Getting caught up in all of that wouldn't help either, and she knows it. So she said what was on her mind, with no strings attached... because if she couldn't be honest with the beautiful woman before her, then there was no point in coming here in the first place.

"... My home is in your arms, Nagisa. I can't be without you anymore... and I can't keep hurting you. Please, take me back. I can't just be me... I have to be me, with you."

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Will You Be Mine? Empty Re: Will You Be Mine?

Wed Jun 22, 2022 11:58 pm
Nagisa waited for what she had to say. Her face still puffy from the tears shed mere moments before. Nagisa crossed her arms and held her book spin upward. Uno growled at Lynn and Nagisa didn't stop him. She was frankly upset that she was here, and with such a bit smile on her face for some reason. Don't hit me with your cute smile dummy we're fighting right now! She started tapping her foot and swinging the book up and down like she was waiting for something. When she hadn't heard anything from Lynn in what felt like eons she started to speak but then was shushed. I swear to god if this girl... It seemed like Lynn's smile had gotten even bigger and that had Nagisa about to punch her, but then her old friends expression got serious and Nagisa relaxed just a little. She listened closely to what Lynn said next.

The first phrase disarmed Nagisa a little. It sounded like Lynn was realizing that she messed up. That she was the root of the problem and that she had to fix herself or at least let Nagisa help her. Nagisa's eyes widened in surprise and the tapping of her foot and book stopped. Nagisa watched as Lynn took out a guitar. What are you doing with that? Nagisa was pretty confused had she learned to play an instrument in the past two years? well it wasn't an impossible feat. Nagisa instantly worried about Lynn's fingers. The green haired girl was much more likely to get cuts and bleed heavily than others, but the first strum seemed to go okay so she relaxed a little.

I have two confessions to make.  The word confessions made Nagisa blush a little bit. It was all starting to feel like a novel a lover showing up in the rain, and apologizing for their wrong doings of the past. Almost like it was too good to be true. The first was an excuse. Nagisa really missed Lynn at her graduation, but it was a little comforting to know that she hadn't missed it on purpose or simply forgotten about her. courage huh? I'll say~ Nagisa already thought Lynn was doing a lot by coming to her and apologizing, but the next line really surprised her. a-a song? Nagisa knew Lynn was going to play the instrument from the moment she pulled it out, but it was still crazy to hear her shy and introverted friend suddenly play a ballad for her. Nagisa couldn't say much, but she nodded as Lynn said "here it goes". Her still wide and now sparkling with anticipation.

As she listened it seemed obvious to her the Lynn was admitting to loving her more than just a friend. That she wanted to always be together. With each passing line, it became clearer. Nagisa hid her more and more of her face behind her book as her cheeks got warmer and warmer. ...stupid you think you can just come here and sing me a song and then everything will be alright?...You're gonna have to.. Her mind and heart were at odds for a moment. It was clear that Nagisa wanted to forgive Lynn on the spot., but her mind was hesitant to let the girl back in so easily. Then she saw her tears mixing with the rain. Maybe I can let her in...if she says it clearly... Nagisa was softening, and Lynns words were the final push.

"... My home is in your arms, Nagisa. I can't be without you anymore... and I can't keep hurting you. Please, take me back. I can't just be me... I have to be me, with you."

 Nagisa burst into tears, and flung her book to the ground. She reached out her arm and grabbed Lynn by the collar of her shirt. pulling her face down and into hers before Lynn knew what had happened. As their lips touched a subtle warmth seemed to spread between them. All was forgiven. Despite her posturing Nagisa couldn't stay mad at Lynn, her prince charming. Nagisa separated from the kiss first still holding her by the collar. The world seemed to stop for a moment, but then the rains relentless onslaught phased back into Nagisa's hearing. ...You should come inside... Nagisa rocked backwards pulling Lynn form the branch slowly allowing them to follow into her room. Nagisa used her other hand to push some hair behind her ear. She couldn't seem to keep eye contact with her anymore even after making through the whole song. I forgive you, and I feel...well, the same... It took you long enough, pine tree~ Once Lynn was in her room she would finally look back at her and realized something had changed. The deep green eyes Nagisa knew had turned a deep crimson with a black pattern in the middle. Nagisa heart nearly hit the floor. One of Lynn's greatest fears happened in this happy moment. Nagisa was a little scared how she would react, but she couldn't just say nothing.

Pine tree don't freak out, but your eyes... can you see right now ? Nagisa would wait for a response and pull her over to vanity mirror if she would allow it reveling her new sharingan.

Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Ryo : 5000

Will You Be Mine? Empty Re: Will You Be Mine?

Thu Jun 23, 2022 9:54 pm
A stillness in the air persists once the ending of her confessions comes to fruition. Only the rain served as a companion to Lynn's juiced up mind, her greatest fears being combined with the most intense feelings of allure and sincere care she's ever felt. To facilitate this moment, she had to face herself, and proceed with the ultimate sacrifice of her own comfort zone. Truthfully, she wasn't able to tell how worth it this entire situation would be, especially if it all goes to ashes instead of blooming into a beautiful new chapter in their lives. All of the logistical fallacies that formed in her head have been gone through, and she discerned the pros and cons of every moment she did absolutely anything for the entirety of her life... but here? It went out the window; many thoughts, plenty of lies, a cavalcade of insecurities, and most abundant of all being her fear. Not just the fear of the unknown, but being afraid of what she might become if she let herself grow attached, with the possibility of losing it all, including her mental sanity in the process. That, no matter what she did, or how she carries herself, the supposed Curse of Hatred will take over, completing her change into that of an unholy monstrosity that either causes the pain and suffering of many a generation to come, or simply ending with her dying, and no one ever caring about it... and the most frightening of all, that any of that would fall upon poor Nagisa. What was the only way for her to push this down, and dance with the devil in the pale moonlight, all for the sake of not only bettering herself for her sake, but for Nagisa?


Unbeknownst to Lynn, the unkempt emotions harbored by the Uchiha were not harbored purely for its negative connotations. All her life - even before she was a her - she had been taught the core 'values' of her birthright. Through scrolls, word of mouth, and her own inclinations, it all devolved to the use of your hate, your anger, and your personal cultivation of power. Power could come in many forms, but the important aspects came from the strength of your Katon, your ability in all fields of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu, and last but certainly not least, the maturity of your Sharingan. Rumors of anything above the three fabled tomoe, creating that distinct pinwheel pattern alongside the iris of the eye, trickled down the grape vine occasionally, though at the end of the day, it all revolved around these key facts, and that's why she detested it so thoroughly. In reality, the truth evaded her, and to a degree, it still does... but a light at the end of a tunnel now guides her, shedding a myriad of truths the terrible falsehoods her impressionable soul was up against. Knowing she was the problem, not anything or anyone else, would now allow her to learn that even the clan most noted for being the terror of the world was capable of more than hate and destruction. The true capabilities of the Uchiha revolved around their compassion for others, their loyalty to those they care for, and of course, the unbridled capacity for love.

So when Nagisa grasped her by the collar, and proceeded to not only initiate their first kiss, but claim Lynn's 'first time' all at once, she felt that unmatched intensity and passion. Her heart finally felt like it was exploding in a storm of fireworks, her body crackling with the sensation of her nerves acting like electricity, and goosebumps erupting along her pale skin. To say she was in utter shock with this visceral reaction is an understatement, because until she realized what's actually going on, her entire frame seized up in the iron grip of her new lover. Many other sensory related tidbits flooded her system, as she shivered like a leaf in a raging typhoon. When her arms leapt to wrap around their person of affection, so much tighter than she ever was able to perform in the past, she had a button nose full of their intoxicating scent, warm and comforting like a cinnamon pie fresh out of a baked oven resting on a window sill. They were as smooth as polished marble, and the taste of her lips against theirs were like a dream. She couldn't even hear the rain anymore, only the fires roaring within their fast paced heartbeats and bellies. As for her sight... a tunnel vision was as accurate as she could put it, directly engrossed with the incandescence of her chocolate orbs. Believe it or not, she felt as though she was seeing this more clearly than ever before. Such clarity made her hunger for more, wanting nothing but to be in this moment, forever and lacking the endless abyss nevermore.

When their embrace ends, she's brought back to reality. Rain still drenches her clothing and hair, the cool of the night returning to remind her of where she was at this point of time. Crouching on her favorite branch, her fingers clenching at Nagisa's sleeve, and feeling completely out of breath. Dazzled and forming a headache, yet embroiled in the satisfying shade of love, she could barely listen to what they had to say as she's pulled into her other half's bedroom, with the window being shut right behind them, relieving her of anymore rain droplets accumulating on her frail body and mind. Dropping her guitar to the side, Lynn experimentally rubs her hand along the woman's shoulder, trying to figure out how she can notice the individual bumps on her fair skin without paying attention much. Labored breaths leave her trembling lips, while she listens to the fact she's being forgiven. That's just as unbelievable as the fact they just kissed, like long lost lovers being reunited. That's what they were though, weren't they? Unsaid as it was, the emotional turmoil she felt leaving her the way she did was stemmed from her belief that they were in love, and never admitted it. Now, they were admitting it at the same time, and Lynn was the first one to step in the line of fire. How odd that turn of events was.

Before any words could even leave Nagisa's mouth, Lynn noticed surprise and concern in their face before they fully formed. So she's already saying, "Is something wrong?" right at the moment they speak up. "Your eyes... something is wrong with... your eyes?" she ponders, wondering what in the world this silly girl was talking about. They were the same as ever, she was just able to see better now. That's normal for someone going through emotional growth, right? Some metaphorical bullshit that was always in Nagisa's stories told her that. That's when she's led to the vanity, to gaze into the mirror that would normally be used for dressing up, messing with your hair, or applying makeup. Instead, it would show Lynn the contents of her nightmares and waking terrors. Red. Her eyes were red. There's what looks like a single comma hovering along the iris, similar to a satellite moon. Her grin twisted around, fighting between whether or not she should feel joy or horror. Right there, she's seeing what she was fighting directly against. The shadow self that she knew lied beneath the surface, and was never able to accept before, capable of causing great harm if she were not controlled. Her hands grip the wood of the stand, and as Nagisa watches on, she can see it start to shake... even bending from the amount of pressure she's exerting into its surface.

Tears fall, but she can't frown. Fear nips at her heels, but she smiles and bares through the excessive pain. "Nagisa..." the terrified woman utters, only mildly fumbling her delivery. Turning away from her reflection, she focuses squarely on who she really cares about at the moment, indulging herself in the renewed ability to appreciate her appearance. Absolutely nothing was going to stop her from taking back what she felt was rightfully hers. Sharingan... her family... her brother. None of it matters anymore. No, only Nagisa mattered. Her blazing sun to her moon, the ruby to her sapphire, the siren calling her to seize her life and live it instead of drown in a sea of sorrow. Yeah, she was afraid, adrenaline pumping through her veins at the mere fact that she was possessing the power she feared above all else... but she had to conquer it. She had to use it, to not need it. Plus, it was letting her view just how beautiful Nagisa was right in front of her. Literally nothing could compare to her, not a single existing thing in the universe. "You were right..." Lynn said, finally biting back the anxiety and smiling devilishly. Her hands gripped the sides of Nagisa. Tightly.

"They are just stupid pinwheel eyes."

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Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
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Will You Be Mine? Empty Re: Will You Be Mine?

Fri Jun 24, 2022 12:06 am
Nagisa was truly fearful. Having to break it to Lynn that her greatest fear had been realized was more than just difficult. It was a nightmare. One that she’d never had the ability to dream herself yet there it was before her. Nagisa hadn’t thought of hiding it from her pine tree though. She was going to have to face it eventually, and when she did Nagisa knew that she was going to need to support Lynn. Nagisa was waiting with baited breath for Lynn to react as she pulled her in front of her mirror. At first her love thought that the small girl was talking about herself. She was silent still. Her face switches from concern to a bit of pity as Lynn slowly realizes what Nagisa was talking about. She doesn’t know exactly how she felt, but it couldn’t be easy. The wood bends beneath Lynn’s grip, and Nagisa starts to reach out for an embrace when she hears her name.


She heard the tremble in her voice. Lynn was trying to remain strong. The statements she just made wouldn’t all be true if she were to crumble under the pressure, but Nagisa would have understood. This wasn’t a pressure she felt Lynn should have to bear. Not right now. She didn’t know what she was going to say or what the girl was going to ask for. She felt like she knew what she needed but she waited still tears forming in her eyes. Once more another drop to add to the soaking wet floor Lynn had created. Even Uno seemed saddened. He had quieted down after Nagisa had kissed Lynn. Like he knew that this was important and he didn’t need to be a part of it.

You were right…

Nagisa would normally gloat and be overjoyed to hear Lynn admitting yet again to her being right. She always was after all, but in this moment she felt she needed to step out of the spotlight until her girl finished. Lynn's hands gripped her sides. Nagisa looked down at them, almost surprised to be touched like this at such a time. She then looked up to Lynn enwrapped in her grasp as she repeated the words she had utter on their last day together.

They are just stupid pinwheel eyes. 

Nagisa had held back her own tears for a while in anticipation but now that Lynn was getting it and overcoming something so monumentally important she could now longer hold back the flood gates. Y-you-ouou…YOu're SUcH a DoRK!…HAHAHA... Her bright laugh juxtaposed her sudden sobbing. She embraced Lynn laying her head on her shoulder and wrapping her hands around her waist. She huddled in closely, wiping her tears of joy on the girl's heavily damped shirt. How did it turn out like this? Nagisa had wanted to comfort her love, but if anyone besides Uno was here to witness it it might look like Lynn was comforting Nagisa. It was both of them comforting each other and Nagisa’s feeling of deep empathy with Lynn that drover her to tears. She was finally reunited with her after all this time and Lynn seemed more ready and able than ever. It was in her arms that Nagisa realized how much stronger Lynn had become since they were last this close. Her chest seemed more muscular, her boney frame just slightly more filled out, but still she was as Nagisa remembered at her core. A frail girl with a gentle heart hidden beneath her sad demeanor. Nagisa seemed to know how to bring her best out of her, and certainly felt she had tonight. Being able to be this close to the girl felt amazing. It was all sinking in for Nagisa finally. Her best friend was back, and now they’d probably end up as something more. Lynn was working on herself and listening to her. It was perfect. She was almost glad about whatever had happened on the mission that made Lynn miss her graduation.

Nagisa’s heart filled with a bright fire of determination, relief, and happiness. This was a great moment wrestled from the jaws of tragedy. Something that would change her. She felt a wince of pain in both of her eyes, and made a sucking sound with her mouth. Her eyes seemed to throb for a moment she recoiled and opened then the world seemed to be sharper than before and blurred. She blinked a couple of times staring down at the ground before her vision corrected itself. And Finally she looked up and Lynn. Unbeknownst to her she now had a matching pair of red eyes. 

So…I think you should stay here tonight… she would say her face turning a bright red as she looked away quickly. Her shoulder seemed to fidget a little up and down. Nagisa was visibly nervous, a rarity. Her request would be obvious, but not something she could say herself. I-it’s still raining outside and your clothes are all wet. You’ll catch cold if you keep them on…You can sneak out in the morning okay? Nagisa finally turned to face Lynn once more, unaware of the expression she would find.    

Lynn Uchiha
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Will You Be Mine? Empty Re: Will You Be Mine?

Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:21 pm
Laughter filled her ears, infectious from the contagious source Nagisa was to Lynn. Their laughter is returned in full force, and even their tears were entangled with one another by the time they shared a comforting, close embrace, her hands roaming along the small of her much smaller lover's back. Tremors still continue to travel down her modest frame, and she just isn't at all ready to stop making the carpet a mess with her crying. Really, all of this is so surreal to the young Uchiha, that she isn't even entirely sure if this were a dream. Having the Sharingan helped keep the possibility of this being fiction away, however, these ruby red pupils of hers helping her see the truth in the matter. She wanted to turn them off, but for now she couldn't, so she was just stuck with seeing a vague view of Nagisa's own chakra system while she bawled her eyes out, and she continues to notice more subtle details about her appearance never before seen. Yet, something about all of this felt... off, and it wasn't just how happy she is.

"What's that weird signature buzzing around in her brain...?"

Nagisa looked up. Lynn didn't even have the time to react properly to what she'd see before herself swiveled in the opposing direction of her gaze, but her mouth shot right open anyway. There was no mistaking what she saw. "Nagisa... has Sharingan? Does that mean she's a... Uchiha?" At first, this really didn't make any sense. How could that possibly be the case? All of her kin she'd ever known were so... cruel, and power hungry, or just plain assholes. But, that's the old Lynn talking, isn't it? Upon further reflection, as starling as this revelation is to her... maybe it does add up. It's as if fate itself wanted to twist their lives together, making it more convoluted but fascinating at the same time with each passing minute, never giving them any reprieve. Chaos was a common feature in Lynn's unstable mind, but the clarity she has now, and being near her tether to this mortal coil was making it possible to fight back. More fear swells into her chest, yet it's opposed by her own sincere excitement. The way they both awakened to this power... was not at all through hatred, and nor was it a fluke. It just happened twice. That's discernible proof that no matter what happens from now on, that they were meant to be. The confusing fact that they shared some sort of bloodline was only dismissed by the fact that the Honemushi's were rather heavily disconnected from the Uchiha, unlike clans such as the Fuma. Now, how was she going to break this to her? Bluntly.

"Nagisa," Lynn begins, coming right from behind to hug her by the hips. Their bodies stuck close once more as she bent her head over the top of her short partner, tilting her head up gingerly with her index finger. There needed to be direct eye contact for this, alongside her goofy smile, still shaking from the overload of emotion she's going through, and now most likely about to put her new girlfriend through. Truth was more important than that, though, so the words came out as gentle, but firmly as possible. "Um... I can't really put this lightly, but. Our eyes are matching now. It's... kind of terrifying? But, it really brings out the color of your hair... I don't know why you have them. You might be a Uchiha, somehow, in some way. We don't need to worry about it, though, right? If you don't want me to, then you can't, either... so, that's the promise I want to make with one another, if I'm staying the night. They're just stupid pinwheel eyes. We should just... stay here. In your room, together. Alone."

That's probably when Nagisa would turn around again, but after she does that, Lynn's grip gets even tighter than before, trying to make sure she knew she was just as safe and protected as she feels now. The agonizing amount of fright she felt, staring into what feels like a mirror of her own gaze, was truly only countered by her sheer determination to be better. There's very well a chance she might wake up and have the actual weight and importance of what's going on hit her hard tomorrow, but for now, she had to ride the high of the moment, and not falter in the darkness. She had to be the prince charming, there's no arguing over that. Their moon will hang high and full, and anyone or anything that gets in the way will be met with the true reality. "Nagisa..." she'd then choke out, pressing her forehead onto theirs.

"I love you."


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Last edited by Lynn Uchiha on Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Will You Be Mine? Empty Re: Will You Be Mine?

Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:49 pm
Lynn's odd reaction to seeing her look up was her first clue. The taller green haired girl has her mouth agape. The pain in her eyes informed her that there was something likely wrong with them. she started to twist away and move to the mirror. She noticed a faint blue glow from uno who barked at her once unable to hold in his own shock. Her vision faded in and out as Lynn came from behind her and held her. She looked back and up at her and blushed. Lynn was really taking charge gingerly. Lynn's finger tilted her head upward and looked down at her. Eventually she broke the silence between the utterance of her name. Nagisa still hadn't seen anything yet. She noticed the blue glow was  now coming from Lynn, but she held her questions until after her girlfriend had spoken. 

As she was told her eyes now matched her partners She covered her mouth in shock and let herself be swallowed up by Lynn's embrace more and more. How...w-what...a-a....Sharingan....But... Nagisa was completely shocked confused. She knew the Sharingan existed of course. She was part of the hidden leaf, and her best friend was an Uchiha, but she didn't think she'd ever possess one. She never wanted to from the way Lynn had talked about it. The world seemed to move slowly and she drifted into her own thoughts her own questions. She would have floated away into the sea of uncertainty if it wasn't for Lynn's voice. 

Her reassurance that they were just some silly eyes, and that they didn't need to worry about them right now felt good. She felt comforted. She couldn't lie her own words almost seemed silly now that she was subjected to abiding by them, but she would. For her won sake as much as Lynn's. She turned around to face her friend.

The tears dried from Nagisa's face as Lynn gripped her. Nagisa had almost forgotten that Lynn was going to stay here tonight. She was a bit embarrassed to have Lynn sleep there, but it really was the best option. She mustered up her courage to push past the strange events of the night and focus on them. With a determined look on her face and then a blissful smile she replied. You're right Pine Tree~ They really are stupid...I- She started but Lynn interrupted her taking control once more. The words she heard next were sweeter than honey to her ears. I love you. Lynn had said it first with her forehead pressed to Nagisa's. Nagisa meet her read gaze with her own.

I love you too... She said almost automatically her face beet red. She pecked at her lips, and then broke away and cleared her throat. eehmmm, Uno~ Why don't you go to the kitchen today the fridge is nice and warm to sleep next to right buddy? She had changed her voice from the almost shaky and shy to that of a practiced dog trainer. Uno seemed to get what she meant and barked happily before tottering towards the Door. Nagisa opened it for him and closed it slowly behind the little shiba pup. we can sleep...

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Will You Be Mine? Empty Re: Will You Be Mine?

Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:38 pm
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