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Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Warden

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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

To the Outpost Empty To the Outpost

Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:27 pm
Mission Details:

Early morning. Probably the earliest the dishelmed looking male could say he had ever been up since the start of his business. He had looked a little better if not a little worse for wear these days. Choosing to keep his usual attire on, he sat on the rooftop of his forge with a laxed demenor on his face, today was actually the day he would attempt to get back into the lifestyle of a shinboi. Sitting beside him had been his first blade Raizel, and on his back had been the blade housing the spirit of Cassian. The two were not on speaking terms, not a fault on the demon itself but its host...and partner who had been shutting him out for some reason. Lowered eyes looked at the horizon as the sun began to slowly peek around it, a small sigh escaping his lips as he stood up, the flaps of his armored jacket flowing in the wind. He had noticed that parts of his hair, specifically the parts that had sat within the middle of his head had begun to bleach themselves black which confused the young male but he had been reminded that his father had mixed hair as well...Maybe this was that genetic flaw coming into play. A soft whisper came from the form of Cassian as the demon took its usual shape of a single eye and looked out to the horizon," How long will you ignore my voice and treat me as if we are not friends if not more? You seem to have forgotten the role you play...that I PLAY in your life young cannot ignore me for much longer for the power that you dwell upon is still mine," the words did not fall upon deaf ears for he heard his partner clearly but something still was not right within the mind of Morio. A disconnect of who he was and what he needed, almost as if he needed a shrink...or to accept something the demon told him long ago. Broken and in disarray as he was, Morio was no idiot and knew he had been pushing against something that was meant to help guide him into his own and yet...why did he push so? The last of his line, the heir to the Ametsuchi name and power but here he was rejecting it? Wasn't his goal to bring the name back to glory and yet he wasn't..he couldn't.

This was no time to pull a pity party for himself however. Standing up he would grab Raizel and strap the blade onto his right side and jump off of the roof to land into the street. Standing up straight he would push the hair from out of his face and begin on his destination to the gates of the village. His mission would be taking him out of the village and to the outpost that sat along the edges of the village itself, a place he had not been himself personally but had heard many things about. If he had remembered correctly Hotaru had been there before joining the team so maybe he should have asked her about it before taking on the mission. Either way his walk would slow, almost at a snail's pace as he looked around the village. Morio rarely wore the Hoshigakure headband for personal reasons but always kept it on his effects as a solemn reminder that he had taken this responsibility. He wasn't "happy" about it like the other shinobi of the village, mostly because he was not born here. It felt more like a chore than anything else but because of said chore he had met people he could be comfortable around.

Slowly but surely he made his way through the village and toward the gates where he was asked for his identification and it was shown. He didn't mind it much nor did he give any slack to the guards about it, but they were happy to see Mercurio's prodigy out and about again. Many had heard about the withdraw he did from forging and how Mercurio felt about it, but Morio seemed to have shrugged it off and kept it moving. Giving them a solemn wave he would exit the village. The only thing that could be heard as he walked passed those who had been waiting to get into the village had been the soft clanking of his armor and weapons, he himself had remained silent yet vigilant just in case something had happened while he was walking to his destination. After the attack on the village things had been quiet and that meant he could relax for just a bit at least. He never knew when it would come time for him to fight for the village, but for now he focused on one thing. The journey. As he got past the lines, he would continue walking as the wind slowly licked at his coat jacket and his weapons. Being in solitude allowed him to see things for what they really were though on on the downside it also made him wallow in his own self-pity. Maybe doing missions again would revive that spark he once had to be the best, to show what true mettle he had. In all of this he could still not place where it had came from or even how long it would stay but he knew that eventually he would need to fix the issue...and quickly.

Moments turned into hours as he came into view of the large structure known as the Outpost and he could see with his own eyes the amount of work and craft put into it. It made him smile a bit being someone who had breathed life into his own creations. At the gates he would be asked who he was and his business here to which he would respond," Morio Hoshimura. I took up the mission to come to the oupost and help out where needed. I am a blacksmith by trade," to which the guard would chuckle and open the gate. Been a minute since they had seen a blacksmith...and one as young as he. Most were thrown back by the age of the master smith, but Morio didn't mind. Now that he was there he would begin to work wherever he was needed, falling silent to complete his work.

WC: 1,065

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Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
Stat Page : Frigid Blade
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 21270

To the Outpost Empty Re: To the Outpost

Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:03 am
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