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Rizuke Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Patrolling the trade district Empty Patrolling the trade district

Sun Jul 03, 2022 3:39 am

Moonlight shone on the teenager's face as he slept through his first seven alarms to wake him up for his mission. He would be glad when his eighth alarm would finally get him to stir from his deep slumber. His father would softly knock on the door to his room and ask if he was alright. Rizuke would respond that he was fine and that he would be rolling out of bed in a few minutes. His dad would agree and allow his son a few more minutes of solace. Rizuke had been dreaming about beautiful women and combat, he was becoming absolutely ambitious, and his thirst for power was good in the sense that it was becoming his driving force to succeed, but some might want to watch him, he was starting to get a big head because of his recent successes. He still couldn't produce his doujutsu Sharingan, but he was starting to understand his role in combat. He wanted to impress his peers and seniors because he knew he had greatness in him, he just needed time and practice. He would awaken his Sharingan and he would become a powerful shinobi, he just had to take his training more seriously. Rizuke would spend an hour in the morning before eating breakfast outside practicing his Jutsu, he would become a skilled genjutsu master and ninjutsu artist. He started learning jutsu from a scroll passed down from his family to him. He would read from the scroll and attempt a new Jutsu until he learned it every morning, sometimes he would get caught up on a Jutsu, but for the most part, he was learning quickly. He would keep this up until he thought he could stand his own to any genin.
Rizuke went back inside after his morning routine of learning his new Jutsu was completed, he didn’t learn anything this time, but he would keep practicing every morning. He was debating on if he would want to put another hour in after he got done with his missions and training with his new squad, or if he would just keep it up every morning. His current formula was adequate and was working well enough. He would enter his abode where his family resided and would be greeted by his mother who was busy cooking breakfast, eggs, and sausage links, she didn’t even need to ask her boys what they wanted or how they liked their food because for twenty years she had been cooking for her husband, and for sixteen her son. She was Uchiha from another village, she was loaned out to Kumogakure from another village to help foster negotiations between the two villages. When she arrived the Uchiha clan instantly brought her in and betrothed her to her husband, they would genuinely fall in love and would get married a few years later and then have their only son. They had both awakened their Sharingan by the time they were twelve and thirteen. They were starting to get worried about Rizuke, but his father never gave up hope, plus his father knew even without it, Rizuke would grow up to be a powerful shinobi.
Rizuke would give the warmest greeting and a kiss on the cheek to his mother and then would take a long sniff of the food she was preparing. “Breakfast smells amazing mom.” He would say to her starting to drool all over himself. “Rizuke, I thought I was going to have to wake you up with this if you hadn’t woken up on your own.” She would give a hearty laugh and Rizuke would join laughing from deep in his stomach a growl. His dad would join them after a few minutes kissing his wife and sitting next to Rizuke, they would talk about upcoming missions and a trip to Mikadzuki Beach would be coming up for the family. Rizuke’s dad was a powerful anbu for the Raikage to send out, known as the “Crimson Ambuscade” by several shinobi across the world. His dad walks with his head held high, a master of Genjutsu, he’s said to have battled a Bijuu by himself and been able to put it to sleep with genjutsu. Rizuke didn’t know how much to believe in that one, but it was possible. His dad was also a master in ninjutsu, the scroll he was learning from had belonged to him and his father before him, and so on. Rizuke would appreciate his father and all the patience he had with his only son. Once the food was served Rizuke would scarf it down like a fat kid in a candy store, and then would excuse himself from the table with a hug and a kiss to each parent. He loved his parents deeply. He would then turn away and then go to his room to get dressed. There he would pick out his outfit for the day, he would wear his Kumogakure headband on his forehead, how he thought all shinobi should wear their headbands, and then he would wear a white tank top, and over that he would wear his flak jacket that was black with his Uchiha crest upon the back of it. He was proud to be Uchiha, they had a checkered past, but he wanted to bring his people together and unite them even if they were from different villages. He would then put on his pants they were black cargo pants; it was nice to have pockets he could place equipment or paperwork into, and then he could have his hands free if he needed them. He wore black combat boots that he was sure to shine every night before bed. He wanted to look presentable to his squad leader and his squad if he would run into them. He was probably the weakest member of his team thus far, but he knew it only took hard work and dedication to turn it around completely, and he was driven. He would leave his room and then his abode yelling out to his parents in the other room. “I love you, mom and dad!”
Rizuke would make his way to the headquarters he had patrolled the other night for his orders for the day, he was ready for the missions he would have for the day, usually walking someone’s dog, or finding a lost cat. He wasn’t quite sure what it was for, but it was revenue for the village and for him. He would take the quicker way the way all shinobi would take if they needed to move around the village to make a battle formation or just for getting around without notice. Rizuke didn’t want to be bothered, he felt as if his training wasn’t doing anything. He felt like he was just plateauing even though he could feel the work he was putting in at the same time he couldn’t see the results so he was becoming a little downcast at the fact that everyone else in his clan had their doujutsu, he was alone and didn’t know who to turn to. He would move quickly and unseen by most until he heard his name being called out. A woman he had never seen before, how did she know his name? “There you are, you were supposed to report to me an hour ago.” She would say as she approached him. “Ma’am, I don’t know who you are, but I was told to report to headquarters at ten am, it’s not even nine-thirty.” He would say with a cool seriousness in his voice that he was a new genin, but he knew his instructions, and some kunoichi that knew his name wasn’t going to make him appear like he was in the wrong. “Ugh, they must not have warned you, I like my squad to start a little earlier and I always have consent from the Raikage to start my missions a few hours early.” She would say reaching out a piece of paper that had his name and three others on it. “I’m just assigned to you for the day, right?” Rizuke would ask just to make sure because he was becoming fond of his team that he had met a few days ago and couldn’t imagine having to integrate himself into a new permanent team. “Yes, let’s go, I was on my way to your house to collect you anyways, you’ll have to report to headquarters before you come to our area of operation, there’s the equipment I would like you to get before you meet up with us. By the way Kirikuma-san to you Rizuke Uchiha.” She would say before her body flickering away towards the trade district. After that Rizuke would end up picking up his pace and continuing to the headquarters.
When Rizuke arrived it was a mad house in the administration part of the building with shinobi and kunoichi requesting time off or attempting to get missions to go to the beach, that was a little much for Rizuke, he had to find the quartermaster and request the items Kirikuma-san had sequestered for the mission. Rizuke had to make his way through the crowded building and to the quartermaster’s office. It was a little emptier in here only about five other shinobi were posted up waiting to see the quartermaster. “It’s crazy out there.” An older shinobi with a fumanchoo would tell Rizuke as he entered the waiting area. “Yeah, is this because of Mikadzuki Beach?” Rizuke would wonder to the older shinobi who would smile at him and nod. “Yeah, you’re a teenager, aren’t you? You should go, meet some of the locals out there, maybe meet a beautiful woman?” The old man would say with a big smile. Rizuke gave a little chuckle and rub the back of his neck, “I’ve been too focused on work to think about girls. Haha.” Rizuke would say turning to see the progression of the room, it seemed even the quartermaster was trying to get time off to get to Mikadzuki Beach because only the quartermaster’s apprentice was left behind. It was going to be a while before he got his equipment, so talking to this older shinobi was what he had to look forward to for the next while. At least he would get to sit in an air-conditioned office while his comrade’s handled business until he got what he needed. The line moved about a person every ten minutes so he wouldn’t be too late, he wondered why his squad leader didn’t just grab the equipment he needed if she was going to his house. Rizuke had a few more small talks with the older shinobi until it was his turn to see the acting quartermaster. Now Rizuke was alone in the waiting room, guess he was late. Rizuke finally got to approach the quartermaster and handed him his paperwork and then received an earpiece. He was told to set it to channel seven and frequency sixty-one which would be the same as the rest of his squad’s. Rizuke thanked the quartermaster and headed back into the busy administration office and then outside to the trade district to meet up with his squad and patrol.
When Rizuke arrived he instantly got notified on his earpiece. “Rizuke good to see you, go ahead and move to the south side we’ve got the rest of the district locked down. Alert us if anything happens and if not stay off the communicator.” Kirikuma-san would say over a radio wave. Rizuke would let her know he understood and made his way to the south side of the trade district. He was always warned as a small child to not venture too far south in the village because that’s where the Raikage allowed the missing ninjas to conduct their seedier business. He hoped none of them would come after him, the only thing identifying him as Uchiha would be his jacket as his doujutsu didn’t work yet. Rizuke would keep a watchful eye over the south of the trade district from the rooftops, either these people were following the laws due to the fear of the Raikage’s wrath, or they were phenomenal at hiding the evidence. That was until a deal must have gone down that everyone wasn’t pleased about. Rizuke would call over the rest of his squad, he wasn’t ready to fight four shinobi by himself. After hailing his group over a second squad also appeared as a backup.
Rizuke would jump down before the rest of his squad arrived and tell everyone they needed to calm down, no rules had been broken yet, so Rizuke was just trying to deescalate the situation before it did turn into something he couldn’t control. “Are you going to be the one that stops us boy?” Said a man with a thick accent Rizuke couldn’t put his finger on, it sorts of kind of sounded like Saturn’s but it was different and Rizuke couldn’t put his finger on it. “I’m just going to say, none of you have broken any laws as far as I can see, I’m just trying to keep the peace. I’m also not alone.” Rizuke would say as he took a step in as a kunai passed his face within inches of his head. After that, the men stopped acting even slightly aggressive. They all promised to respect the laws and would figure out the violence outside of the village. After that, the mission ended without a hitch. Rizuke returned his earpiece to the quartermaster and then went to the administration office for his payment.

15 tickets
22 stats

Great fireball I need 854 to get rank C that will leave me with 1,417
Sharingan 2 tomoe I have 1000/4000 I'm going to use 1000 2000/4000 on it leaving me with 417
Demonic Illusion: Mirage Crow 417/1500
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

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Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:26 am
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