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Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Patrolling together  Empty Patrolling together

Sat May 21, 2022 1:31 am
Mission: :

Naki was tired he's been kind of cooped up in his apartment for awhile there. He wasn't taking missions as it felt like a chore to him at some point and ge didn't want to spend so much time doing them like he was especially when he didn't need to do so many at once. He was starting to awaken again in his home alone as always before hopping in his shower and going to make him a simple breakfast of eggs and toast. "I need to go get more groceries." He said as he looked into his empty fridge after he grabbed the food. He would go through his normal walk through of talking to his parents pictures before heading out to go get a mission after getting dressed in his armor abd grabbing his swords. 

He would look around the sand village at tbe many people he has come to know as he takes this familiar path towards the spire. While Naki hasn't been to the spire in some time it didn't mean he's been doing nothing he has been researching and looking into some nore jutsus as well expanding his repertoire in diverse means. He would continue to walk retelling the same path he once took until he came back to spire. Without looking at it he would proceed inside going straight for the mission room to be met with a familiar man who gave him a few missions before. They talked and reminisced a bit before he slides him a new mission folder pertaining a patrol route it would give him the details of said missing telling him that he was going to walk around the dome though since he was still s genin he wasn't going alone and he was going to be going with a few others as well. Naki would nod in agreement as he figured this was the best way ro meet new people in the village or run into his friend kaito once again. "That's fine with me." He said as he allowed gim to wait there for the others to show. 

WC 351
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Sun May 22, 2022 3:00 pm
Kota was feeling great this morning. The fog of depression was slowly lifting. He found himself able to work. Kota got dressed and made his way out. He would look lightly dressed. His bow and quiver was away with his armory seal. It made him look less troublesome. That and it was a lot easier to travel with his stuff put away. Kota may have been used to the weight of the quiver and arrows, it did not mean it weighed nothing at all.

The sunshine was bright, the village was lucky to have the dome to keep the desert air. The way the golden ball was in the sky could have been an omen of death. It was just too bright to be comfortable. It was a shame that he had to head out and actually do work. The ryo did not make itself and he could not afford more time off. Bad enough he needs more ryo to upgrade his gear. The chunin exams were rumored to start soon. Kota wanted to get a rank up and earn better pay.

When he got to the office to check on the missions Kota spotted a familiar one. It was a simple mission that had him patrolling the dome. Kota accepted the mission with a smile. He had done the mission before and was familiar with the process. When he got to the designated meeting point to meet up with the people Kota was pleasantly surprised.

“Naki?” Kota was not really asking, just sounding surprised. He had recognized the chakra signature before even walking by. He was just surprised because it had been a while. The death of his mom threw his entire life out of whack. Kota was just starting to pick up the pieces. Even then he knew he had to work on correcting all the stuff he dropped, when he dropped off the face of the planet. “It has been a while. Sorry for the delay. Life happened and I never got back in contact with you. Since we already have the mission assigned to us we should finish it. Afterwards you can drop by the forge where I am working on your sword. It is almost done. Just a few more odds and ends to finish on it. I hope you do not mind the delay. This way you can pick it up as soon as it is done as well.” The tone was light. Kota did feel bad that the sword was so late in returning to the proper owner. The only thing that eased his guilt was the amount of work he put into it. Kota was happy with how he was forging it and the effects it had. He believed Naki would not be too mad if the quality was good.

“So while we wait, what have you been up to?” Kota would try to make conversation till the last person showed up, or the time for them to set out on their inspection showed up.

WC: 503
Kenta Hoshimura
Kenta Hoshimura
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Kenta
Mission Record : [url=-]Mission log[/url]
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Sun May 22, 2022 3:59 pm
Raiden had awoken the very next morning after being accepted by Lord Kazekage Guren. He wore his attire to bed, damn it, Oh well. He would take his outer layer off, leaving on the very inner layer, a set of black sleeves connected across the back, but leaving his chest bare. Black gloves donned his arms, white a pair of white pants and a yellow Haka around his waist. The Sword upon his hip was nothing special, but it was there. He would take the headband off the nightstand as he sat there on the edge of his bed, Staring at the headband for a moment. he would slide the band onto his waistband. the Village symbol dangled outwards to show the world, just what he was a part of. He would than stand up and start his day off with a standard breakfast, a couple of slices of beef with some eggs, sitting down at his table he would eat the meal. Once he was done with that and cleaning up after the meal, he would head out of the apartment. And headed over to the spire.

He would follow the signs to the mission board, where he would look through the missions. His clearance would only let him take up to so high, now granted that he was a highly wanted man, in another country, here he had to work his way up in this one, earn the trust required for higher missions. He needed to see more of the lay of land outside of the village though, the past year or so that he has been within suna he only really been inside of it. So he would take on a mission of patrolling the outskirts, he needed to know for tactical advantages later if the need ever arose. He knew of the Canyon that server as an Entrance into Suna which was a great bottle necking point, but was also obvious, most invaders would avoid that point unless they planned on tripping that trap for particular reasons.

Upon taking the mission he would see that two others had also taken the mission, since the board kept count of who all was on which missions. He would than approach the pair that was in front of him, after any conversation that either of them may have had with each other and clear his throat and introduced himself "Greetings Fellow Genin of Sunagakure, I am Raiden Ametsuchi, here to help with todays Patrol of the outskirts" He looked them both over, one certainly looked season at least a little bit as a genin, the other looked almost more like his muscles was built as a blacksmith of sorts, or some other heavy labor like that. He would keep his observations to himself however.

He sat quietly until being addressed after the introduction he offered. His headband glinting in the sun light at his waist next to his sword. Something Raiden would fight his standard urge to keep his hand on the pommel of the sword, as not to come off as threatening.

Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : [url=[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Sun May 22, 2022 8:32 pm
At this point Naki had put on a cloak to protect himself from the heat outside. He would soon hear a very familiar voice that came from behind him as he smiled before turning around seeing a familiar friend of his."Well I'll be! Kota sensei!" He said to him teasingly as he always called him that when he was teaching him the way of the sword as well as helping him out with his blade. "It really has been a while now. Listen man no need to stress to me about life i understand that it gets the best of us all I'm just glad you're still around and kickin." He assured him as kota went on about his sword and everything about him coming to grab it afterwards. "Sounds good to me we can after this mission and I'll grab it then." He told him as he asked about how he's been. "Oh you know constant training and painting. As you know the chuunin exams coming up and I want to be ready, I also got myself some new stuff." He said as he gently hit his chest as a soft clang sound could be heard showing he has armor. 

When he heard the other person speak the way he did kind of threw him off as he wasn't expecting such a greeting from someone who was also a genin. "Oh um hello I'm assuming you're also here for the mission too. Great, well for a quick introduction I'm Naki Choko a swordsman nin from the weapon you carry I can assume you are too though I know we just met hut there's no need to speak like that i know I'm pretty chill about things." He would laugh a bit as he adjusted his headband. He would, of course, wait for introductions and to see if anyone else was coming as they waited for a few minutes before starting to gather what they needed for the mission. "Well i figured we should get this show going huh! The faster we complete this rge sooner i can start another mission and if you guys are up for it we can do more together." He told them as he started to lead them out the spire and towards the main gate as he prepared to move out but stopped. "So before we go any further i feel as if we should have one of the three of us be the leader. That way there won't be any arguing among each other about who should take point and everything. I'm not exactly fit for the role but I'll take it if neither of you want to. If either of you want it we can decide now who its gonna be." he offered as he was thinking ahead before they leave out of the village. Once it was decided he would nod and proceeded to head out with them as he looked around before allowing them to decide on going whichever direction. "So I haven't seen you before," he said while looking towards Raiden. "I hope this won't be the last time we talk at least." He once again spoke to raiden as they moved. "I hope youre willing to talk with us as we walk around because it might be a minute before we do a complete turn around the dome." he said as they walked as normally he was a talkative person.

WC 584
TWC 937
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Sun May 22, 2022 10:52 pm
Kota felt a muscle in his face twitch at the mention of Naki and the exams. The shinobi was younger than him but called him sensei. Even if they were on the same level at the moment. The archer was feeling a sense of crisis. The new generation of actual ninja were scary to say the least. It was also going to be embarrassing for the golden archer to see Naki at the chunin exams. Luckily the future swordsman got preoccupied with playing who's the boss. Deciding that the group would need one for such a simple mission. Kota would not knock it. You never know what could happen and choosing someone to direct them could prove beneficial long term.

“Pleasure to meet you Raiden. I am Kota Apollon. Only go by Kota.”  Kota was not too thrilled about doing something as trivial as being in charge. If it was just him and Naki he would have taken the reins. Since the trio had an unknown variable, Kota thought it would be best to let Raiden decide if he wanted to be the leader. The golden archer was not able to suppress himself from speaking. He did not want to wait around all day so he would let Raiden know his thoughts. “If you feel like taking over Raiden go for it. I have no qualms with following directions. If you do not feel like doing it then I will take over. I do not want to wait around since I have a full day ahead of me.”

The outcome of the chosen leader would not make much of a difference with what Kota did. He would follow or lead the trio out to start on their patrol route when everyone was ready. “So Raiden. As a fellow weapon user I am surprised you keep your sword out all the time. A lot of people are not a fan of the armory seals but they come in handy.”  Kota held out his hand and showed the seal mark on it. A crescent moon of sorts that showed a weapon was sealed away. “I keep my quiver and bow in it. Then again you may have an easier time as a sword is fine being put away in a sheath. The most I could have done was forcefully shove my bow inside the quiver.”  Kota was making small talk with an unfamiliar face. He was taking note and tried to remember details from what he was feeling from the white haired ninja.

“In retrospect it is kind of funny. All three of us here could be considered weapon enthusiasts. Like yourself Naki is a swordsperson. Who knows if you could give him some tips in the future.”  Kota added in the last sentence light heartedly. He was trying to keep the light and airy. Kota did not think the patrol had to be boring. It was not like something exciting would happen all the time. If it did then Kota would consider himself patrol cursed.

WC: 504/1007
Kenta Hoshimura
Kenta Hoshimura
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Kenta
Mission Record : [url=-]Mission log[/url]
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Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Sun May 22, 2022 11:33 pm
When Raiden Approached, the first to talk to him was the named Naki. Raiden would nod than the other introduced himself, Kota was the others name. Than the first who had spoke to him would begin to speak again, talking about a leader, And than Kota spoke to Raiden about him taking control. None of them really had the time of day to waste discussing it, so he would nod and sigh softly "Very well I will lead this time, just so we can get started on this mission and if we have the time of starting now, maybe get another mission done after." At which time he would start off along the way immediately.

Along the walk Almost right after it started Naki spoke first to Raiden "I just joined" he would reply. And than he would hear the remark about last time, this caused Raiden to ask. "So what happened last time, since we have the time while we walk" Also shortly after He heard Kota talk "Its not a matter of storage for me, Keeping it handy allows me instant access to all my jutsu, instead of having to wait a second longer for it to appear within my hand. When you have lived my kind of life, you need to stay on the ready, thanks for the tip tho" At the moment Raiden fell silent and Kota spoke again.

This time Kota spoke about how they all were a Weaponry user of sorts, A single Archer and a pair of Swordsmen, at which time Kota gave an Idea, but it was also as small talk, Raiden teach Naki something, what if Naki knew something he could teach Raiden instead? was a little more than assumptive if you asked Raiden, but who knows "Maybe" he would respond in kind, not wanting to sound to full of his own abilities himself.

During this entire time frame, Raiden had kept his eyes out on their surroundings, hoping that his fellows would do the same as they went. Meanwhile, both had brought up something to keep some small talk going on , knowing about the future genin exams, Raiden decided to bring those up "How about you two? Are either or both of you participating in the up coming Chuunin exams? Lord Kage suggested that I participate in them , even though he had just made me a genin at the moment."

When they were done with the patrol, there was nothing Raiden had to report, at which time Raiden would look at the other two "Lets do another mission, I got time myself, I dunno about you two" However Raiden would already be turned around and looking at the Board for the next mission that he would do, rather the other two would join him or not. He would however take suggestions on the next mission they should go ahead and take, He would Agree than.

TWC- 1000, Mission Complete
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : [url=[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Mon May 23, 2022 1:17 am
Mission 2::

Naki saw how kota reaction towards the way he brought up the exams and just smiled. He would look towards Raiden as they spoke about him taking control Naki would nod as be followed both of them as they walked as kota brought up his armory seal he would chime in on that. "Hey that seal did you do it yourself or did you have someone do it? I would like to see about getting one do you have a limit on how much you can fit into it or is it limitless?" He asked as they began their investigation when he brought up that Naki can learn from him naki eyes lit up. " Really? Well I'm always interested in learning something new." he said excitedly as they walked around the dome. 

This was fine to naki as he let him lead this was better in his opinion as he wasn't exactly ready to lead anyone yet but he knows he will eventually. Hearing that be just joined made him tilt his head a bit as he definitely seems older than them both though he does seem to be a genin too however he didn't feel like he was one. He would hear his reasoning which makes sense Naki just needed one for his just two of his weapons as he moved forward and walked around though hearing him say maybe kind of brought him down a bit but he wasn't letting it stop him. Naki would keep his head on a swivel as they walked and before realizing it they had finished their job and it was time to go ahead and grab a new one. 

If kota wasn't going to Naki was as he grabbed one for help create a training ground with elements added to it. He would hold it up and nods as he smiled looking at them. "This could be fun I have some experience with building stuff and could definitely be of help with this." he told them as he waited for their response once they said they were cool with it naki would nod asked them about their natures once he found out he would think about it before nods. "Alright, so we'll need control explosions so lets get some bomb tags and I have an idea for what kind of training ground we can do. I've seen a few water users but not really an area for them to train in so we can make one." He offered as he started to head to the tag store to acquire quite a few of them just to be told that the training grounds has plenty for them. Naki would nod and head towards the training area where he handed off the tags to them. "Here y'all go," he said handing them both a stack of tags. "Take these and make a small perimeter with that i can create a lake of water. That way people can use it for their jutsus and learn how to walk on it better." He told them as ve waited for them to complete the task before he got started. 

Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Mon May 23, 2022 1:42 pm
Kota gave Raiden a smile in regards to the seal. He knew what the man meant and in his own way agreed to it. The only reason he kept it was to help with his ambush tactics. As an archer the element of surprise was one of his biggest advantages. The response he gave Naki was straight forward as well. “I trained and learned this back when I trained you. The seal duration is indefinite. So I can summon and unsummon my stuff on a whim. It has some limitations on stuff but is useful enough to get what you need.” He would speak as they continued on.

The discussion of the chunin exams was not a topic Kota was fond of. He felt that he should have already been a chunin. It just felt odd that he was considered weak since becoming a ninja. When he was traveling he was considered strong. It was just sobering to know that he was the frog at the bottom of the well. “Yeah. I plan on joining in as well. It is about time I try to climb up the ranks. At least that way I can get a bonus on my salary.”

Kota was lucky enough that the patrol happened without a problem. It was a much more simple manner than he thought it was going to be. He guessed their collective presence kept trouble from happening. The dome was sealed up and Kota was about ready to go. Kota did notice Naki going to grab a job, especially since the shinobi came back waving it. Since he already told the young man they were gonna stick around together he decided on accompanying him along and getting some more work done, giving a nod of approval at the mission.

“You coming as well?” Kota asked the question to Raiden as he moved his way to the training field. Taking a look around Kota put his hands together and performed the hand sign for the dog, then the rat, and lastly the ram. He believed it would be easier for him to determine how viable the elemental chakra would be if he could see it. From the information he gathered the place looked decent enough in terms of the water element.

He grabbed the tags from Naki to start setting them up. When he grabbed him he looked at the swordsman as well. “Did you suggest the pond for water training since it is your element?” Kota asked in passing. He was still going to set up the charges. He arranged them in a neat formation to see how they looked. “This would have been a lot easier if any of us could use earth release.” The complaint was not said loudly but it would be easy for anyone present to be able to hear it. It was just a passing fact. Looking at the elemental composition no one present had earth. It was in an archer's interest and strength to be observant.

WC: 501/1509[
Kenta Hoshimura
Kenta Hoshimura
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Kenta
Mission Record : [url=-]Mission log[/url]
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Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Tue May 24, 2022 3:01 am
Raiden had listened to them both as they conversed with each other. Talking about that seal, and as the one spoke to the other, Raiden would pick up the sheathed sword off of his hip and looked at Kota and than at Naki "I am going to show you both something, its rather unique to my clan" Raiden would expose his arms first to show no signs of the same seal that one named Kota spoke of, and than showing them the sword, he would activate his re-quip ability, the sword suddenly disappearing suddenly before the eyes of the three men standing there. After a moment, Raiden would tell them each "I do hope that I can trust you both with my clan's secret and you will not tell others of it, at least until after the Chuunin Exams" he knows he just gave away one advantage to the pair of men but who knows if he even will actually fight them in later rounds or not.

Raiden would go on to explain the ability a bit "You see, this ability unlike your seal, does not have the same limits, I can summon entire suits of Armor, and a myriad of other weapons, not even ones I personally collected, some of them are weapons from Ancestors of mine" THinkig about it, he wondered what he could summon from his father and Sister. He would have to find out later, He would however continue on his path till the mission was over.

While they finished he heard that Kota planned on joining, however Naki was mum on the topic, Raiden assumed at that moment he would be, just this one was a little more secretive about the topic, or maybe any topic really, this made Raiden a tad Upset that he had exposed apart of his clans abilities to this man, but maybe later this man will expose something of himself. They made it back to the mission boards as planned with nothing to note, and thats when they talked about the next mission and Naki ran excitedly to one in particular. This made Raiden fell the man had planned on doing a couple of missions himself and already knew the one he wanted to do next.

This one was one that Naki explained using Paper Bombs similar to tnt, using them to dig a bigger hole faster than they can by hand. that was rather smart, At the time, Kota asked if he was coming along. At which Raiden would respond without words, but with a simple nod of his head. Of course he would help with this project. They would follow Naki to the tool shop , as the man took charge on this mission, Raiden sat back and allowed him, this was a little more comfortable for Raiden at this moment. Once Naki came running out and handed him the tags, he would follow Naki again to spot that the man had in mind and helped place the bombs where he was instructed to place them. Once they were all placed and everyone was at a safe distance, the paper bombs would go off. With another round of paper bombs to help them dig deeper without going wider, they would repeat the process.

At which time Raiden would look around. and he thought about it for a moment, How would they get water to this, there was not a river nearby to trench to or anything, and Raiden remembered something that the man said, He would make the lake. This man had the water element, that was knowledge to Raiden, He knew his clans eye ability would not have told him that, since he himself did not have the Element. Even Kota later made a comment about it, that they were doing this cause it was an element that Naki himself had. However that made Raiden think , how would this benifit the other elements. With Earth it coulda have been a oppertunity to learn a new jutsu while building this, but Lightning or Fire, this did not help at all, let alone Wind.

Raiden would let it go and shrug it off, the mission would be complete soon anyways, and they could collect on a second mission, this made Raiden happy, He needed to get himself a suit of armor for the up coming exams anyways. This mission's reward would only help to get him there. Once the mission was complete, Raiden would return to the Mission boards and after turning in the mission he would look at the boys "Well boys, I am going to head out at this juncture, And I do hope as well, that his is not the last we meet, but if we do not meet before the Exams, than I wish you both the best of luck " at which time, Raiden would take his share of the reward money from the missions and leave the two alone. Raiden would head home at this point.

Upon getting into the House Raiden would use his requip to resummon his sword to his side, and than Raiden would remove the sword and place it along the wall next to the now locked door, Raiden decided to make himself a wholesome meal for Dinner, even if it was not late yet, He needed to eat, rather later or now. Once the meal was cooked, Raiden would sit down and eat it slowly, enjoying the time by himself for the time being. and once he was done, he would wash the dishes he used and would head to bed, Setting the sword next to the bed after grabbing it from next to the door, he would place the headband on the nightstand and laid down, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to slowly drift away to sleep.This would be the end of the day for Raiden, His dreams would be laiden with the demon he had to eventually learn to accept that was apart of him.

Raiden would awaken in a sweat from the dream, The Demon had won this fight, Most of the time, It was usually a draw, or the demon would back away laughing without no clear winner. This time the Demon was fighting for keeps, It was getting closer to the time that he had to face the demon, and actually converse with it. This would open up weird moments in Raiden's life, if he ever spoke out loud to this thing. Raiden was alone however at this moment, and he would whisper out loud to it "Are you there? Can I at least have the name of the Demon that resides within me " Eros" was all that was Whispered within his head. Raiden let out a sigh, at least now he had a name to the demon "We need to come to terms Eros, I need you to understand, that I am in charge, We need to come to an agreement at some time. But right now, I need rest if you do not mind, You won the first round, and I will let you have your reward within reason, but can we settle down for the time being" Raiden said.

Twc- 2200 22 Stats, 3 to Vigor, 19 to Chakra
Its Elementary 9000 Ryo, 30 AP
Patrol the Dome 6000 Ryo, 30 AP
Beloved Presence 2000/2000
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : [url=[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Patrolling together  Empty Re: Patrolling together

Tue May 24, 2022 10:28 am
Listening to kota Naki would think back to the time where he said that he learned when he was teaching him which was quite awhile ago, Naki kind of remembered that as he was in the process of trying to learn the jutsus he was shown which wasn't easy. Hearing him explain it made him question if he should learn it too especially since he walked around like a human armory. The young boy would turn his head to Raiden as he said he wanted to show them something. Before Naki could ask what it was he essentially showed them that he could do what rhe seal could without actually having it. This was amazing if everyone could see this they would probably bombard him or his clan with questions. "That was amazing! i didn't think there would be a clan whi could do it on command like that." he told him before they continue on he would of course nod when he was asked to keep it a secret as he didn't exactly planned on telling anyone about it as he found no point in it though if he is fighting in the exams this could be valuable information. As he explained what his ability could do it gave Naki insight a bit as Raiden might be stronger than he thought especially with him being able to call upon his ancestors weaponary and full suits of armor. 

A few minutes later he would hear kota speak on why he's gonna do the examines which is fair money makes the world go round and in order to live they need more money. Naki would nod in agreement as he was trying to become a chuunin to further his goal. As they made their way and everyone started to take tags and placed them sround the area he would smile until he heard kota ask about if he wanted this because of his natural element. "Whaaaaaat!? Psssh. Noooo." he said playfully as he looked around rubbing his head before coming back to kota. "Though in all seriousness it's not just because of me but because of how difficult it was for me to use water without much of a viable source ya know. I can't use earth or wood so making this a bit of a forest won't work. We can't exactly make an environment for fire if we could that would be amazing but other than that this was the only thing I could really think of plus this can be used by future ninja who is trying to fine tune their water and earth nature who knows maybe someone who can use ice can come here." he explained as he moved back letting tags go off. Once the first round went off he would set up for the second round and let them go off too before moving himself to the edge of the crater they made. He would nod as it was the perfect size to him as the other two began to move back and with his back towards them he would sign tiger -> horse -> ram -> then finally the clone seal creating two clones of himself as they looked towards each other and nods as they all began signing together. Monkey -> rat -> tiger -> snake as all three of them inhaled as they all made water that began to fill the crater. If they were to actually see the water it would look like three snakes that went into the hole and became a pool before becoming a small lake as the clones fist bumped Naki before disappearing. The lake didn't look half bad as Naki nodded to them both as it was time for them to get going. "I do hope they like it because ket me tell you that's a lot of water." he said laughing a bit. 

Once back to the mission boards Naki would go ahead and collect on his earnings very excited about it. This was a nice amount of ryo for him and he planned on saving more as he looked towards Raiden when he said that and nods. "I hope this isn't the last time either today was very productive. I hope to see you at the exams too maybe we will face each other possibly i wish us all the best of luck. See ya Raiden" he said with a smile as waved before turning to Kota. "I like him he seems like a great guy though he doesn't seem to talk much but thats okay. Hey, since we got time to kill you think i can swing on by and come get that sword now? I'm excited to see what you did with it." he told him as he placed his money away and waited for him to lead the way to his forge. As they walked Naki face was that of excitement as he was ready to see what he has done once they made it to the forge he would wait for him to lead the young boy inside and towards his blade. Upon seeing it he would cover his mouth a bit as the excitement was overflowing as he was handed the blade back he would gently unsheathe it to look at the blade he would clench the hilt gently as he smiled. Looking at how it went from it old worn out blade to this double bladed straight masterpiece the black coloring matched well with it. Naki couldn't help but just stare at his smiling reflection however that smiling face soon had tears on it. It took everything in Naki to not start bawling his eyes out in front of someone but he couldn't help but let the tears run down his face. "T-thank you so much kota." the look on his face said it all as he was so happy to see that his old beaten up family sword now looked brand new. He would sheath it and grabbed his wallet taking out the ryo he just earned and reached to hand it to him. The entire 15,000 ryo he earned he was giving to him, as thanks for restoring life back into his sword once again, as the tears still fell as kota might not know the meaning behind this blade but it meant everything to Naki. Naki was refusing to let him talk himself out of not taking the ryo once he took it and explained anything Naki needed to know about what he did to his sword. It made Naki feel like he was indebted to him for such a full restoration on his blade. At this point he had his full attention as he wanted to make sure he got anything he needed for this. After ge finished naki woukd smile as he fully remembered that he said he'd throw in a bonus for him but he didn't think it would be like this. The craftsmanship on it was astounding and kota had the nerve to not brag about this made him realize how humble he was. Naki would model himself after this especially with how he made his sword look. He hold it tightly in his hands as he looked at it as tears dropped onto the sheath.

Naki would nod as he was still wiping tears as he looked at the covered blade then back to. "W-well i guess the only thing i can do now is test it out. If you're up for seeing the results of your work and my training you're more than welcome to come along with me. Who knows I might learn something new with this or you can teach me something for old times sake." He told him as he let him decide on it before taking his leave to head to the training grounds before noticing the sky before heading to the training grounds. "Well, maybe rhe training grounds can wait. Its starting to get dark and i figure you'd rather get some sleep than bother with training. We can tomorrow if you're ok with that maybe we can invite Raiden with us." he suggested and waited for his reply before nodding again in understandment and taking his leave while looking at his blade. Kota doesn't understand how badly Naki wanted to hug him for this and he'll probably Never know how happy he's made the young man. Unbeknownst to Naki this one thing was fixing to set up a chain of events that not even he could foresee. The young genin world was fixing to get shook hard and he wasn't exactly prepared for it. 

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