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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Patrolling together  - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrolling together

Tue May 24, 2022 12:49 pm
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Patrolling together  - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrolling together

Sun May 29, 2022 5:10 pm
Seeing how Raiden was able to do that. Kota would be lying if he said he was not even a little jealous. “Yeah. I am not going to mention that to anyone. It would be no benefit for me to do so.” He said it in that specific way to lower suspicion against himself. One thing Kota was becoming more constantly aware of was the fact that information was important. Life was a constant battle. Still learning that Raiden could do that as a part of his clan's ability was interesting. He remembered the name Ametsuchi from reading a book on clan names. He could not remember what they did, only that they were relatives with a Hoshi ninja or something like that. History was not his strongest part. It was a miracle he could remember a name. It was nice enough to learn about someone else.

The work to repair the grounds felt like a bit more trouble than it was worth. Kota just went with building it because he did believe it could be useful. A lot of building work felt great with his muscles as well. Kota could not be considered super strong but his muscles were developed. Small jobs like this were a great way to stay in shape and get stuff done. Kota was following directions, digging, and helping the moat get filled with the best of his abilities. He did not have water as one of his elements but his hard work was enough to help get the needed work done. If he was familiar with using ninjutsu he would have started throwing out suggestions. It was a shame that the entire thing was not his area of expertise. Forging a blade with water chakra was possible. Setting up an environment for someone else to practice in. That was a different monster altogether.

“Yep. It is enough water to drown it. Which makes it perfect for training.”  Kota responded to Naki and his comment on a lot of water. The response from Kota was a bit on the morbid side but it was truthful. It was said in passing as it would be useful for water ninja. Besides the point that the people in the village should be used to death at this point. One of the most important things that he had learned in the academy was 1,001 ways to kill someone. Various ways to drown people were introduced in the water section. It was interesting but still not Kota’s preferred method of elimination. A lot of ninjas preferred the fancy signs instead of knife to throat. The archer was still happy enough to have the mission completed. It was one less thing he had to worry about.

Kota went with the other two to the office to turn in the mission details. It was a part of the mission that could be considered Kota’s favorite. The archer was always in need of money and the pay was decent. “See you later Raiden! Good luck with the exams as well. If we meet, make sure not to go easy on me.” Kota had given the leaving swordsman a wave. If the man was attending the exams Kota believed he would see him there. Kota turned to look at the only other person from the trip present. “I believe I would not have to tell you to go all in as you know better.” Kota did not know Naki’s character too well so was more indirect about it. Before adding in. “Yeah. If you do not mind waiting for me to put the finishing touches on it as well. I got some ice steel I need to add to it. Shouldn’t take me too long. I pretty much have most of it processed as well.”

Feelings of excitement welled up in him as he started to lead Naki. Kota was not the type that had people over before. Well some people came over to his house but that was for pleasure. In that regard he had some people in his forge. It was never business as he did not have to pay them. Although he left plenty of tips. This time the excitement was all for business. Kota was happy to bring over a friend this time. The way he had refurbished the sword and the augments he was making for it. They were the type of things that had his blood boiling as a craftsman. The trip to the forge he was renting out did not take long at all. “You can wait right here. I will get to work and finish up your sword now.”

Kota placed his stuff on a little bench he had. He put on his apron, grabbed his gloves, and the bellows. Holding out his right hand Kota gathered chakra. He made an elemental arrow from his fire nature. He placed it into the forge to have it ignite the coals and light up. A few pumps and he was able to get a nice fire raging. Kota gathered up the pieces of ice steel into a very deep bucket that could be rolled into the forge. He also placed the sword onto a little bench. He controlled the heat to melt the ice steel into a nice clear liquid. It had the color of water but still gave off a tint of frost. It was weird that even when it was in a raging fire the metal could remain cool. It was one of the best things about ice steel. Kota wished he could turn the metal into a conditioning unit. The dome helped keep the place nice but it would be great to have his own unit.

Kota grabbed some herbs and other metallic materials. He added it into the metallic mixture at various intervals. It kept the liquid white and as ice steel was the main material it kept the freezing properties. Kota removed the bucket carefully with his tongs and gloves. He placed it onto a separate bench and went to grab the sword quickly. The sword was dipped deep into as if he was quenching the sword in water. The theory was similar but it was applying a coat of the ice steel mixture onto the blade. Kota lifted the blade out and placed it flat. He grabbed a hammer and made some rhythmic tapping. He timed the hammer strokes and positioning as best as he could. Kota made sure the coating was evenly and the blade still looked beautiful. Kota smiled when he saw the great work he had accomplished. He picked the sword up again and plunged it into the ice steel mixture again. He held it in  the dip for a ten count before taking it back out. Kota got back to pounding the sword. The sword came out better than what Kota had attended. He was pretty much ecstatic with the work he had made. Kota grabbed the newly finished product, gave it an ice bath, put it back in the sheath and changed out his work clothes.

Making his way back to the area with Naki he gave the man his blade back. The joy from Naki’s face was beautiful. It warmed some places inside of Kota’s own heart. He was used to helping people. This was the first time he was able to see the direct results of his actions. The archer did not judge Naki for his emotions though. He knew how it felt to have something precious. Weapons to Kota were just like children to a mother. He would have cried if someone built up his bow for him as well. “I am glad you like the work. Sorry again for the wait. I am glad you have your baby back.” Kota smiled at the young swordsmen.

“We can train some other time. I have some work I need to complete.” Kota was always down to get some training. He was not sleepy and would have agreed before. The golden archer just had a bunch more work that he needed to complete. He did not have the time to go and train now. When he got the chance he would be happy to see the man use the sword in question. Kota did make sure to get his pay. He was a lot of things and broke was one of them. He needed every ryo he could get for his account. The path of the archer was riddled with bills. He could do some work for free but he at least needed to cover the cost of materials. That was why he accepted the money, even if the deal was still at a loss for him. In some ways it made him feel like little Naki was a student of his own. “Have a good night. Take your time and have fun getting to know your sword.” Kota gave the other genin a wave off before heading back to his forge. Happy with all the work he was able to accomplish.


WC: 1,507   TWC: 3,016

My skill beloved presence doubles mission rewards. Only the second mission the elementallist was not done before so the claiming is only for that.
+18,000 Ryo and +60 AP

Using the 3,000 WC to fully do the augment for the sword here and returning it to Naki.

Also, Learned and Memorized Raiden's Chakra Signature

+15,000 Ryo from Naki as payment for the blade.

Total Gains: 33,000 Ryo and 60 AP
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
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Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Patrolling together  - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrolling together

Mon May 30, 2022 9:06 am
Approved for Kota!
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