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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty An Endless number of Pirates!

Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:08 pm

A few days had past in the eternal paradise as Hikari Namikaze found herself sitting out in the waves a few dozen meters off the coast line on the beach. Having spent the past few days trying to figure out what was going on in this alternate dimension, the Kunochi had eventually just given up and figured she would just enjoy herself. She hadn't been assigned or asked to look for an escape route or anything, could return to Haven at any time, so there wasn't much of a reason to do anything besides enjoy her vacation. After having worked on her tan for some time, the Kunochi figured now might be a good time to play in the water and try her hand at surfing again.

Hikari Namikaze wore a simple two piece black string Bikini with silver palm tree branches embroidered into the fabric. Hikari's long blonde hair had flew freely behind her back with the exception of a black hair band to keep her hair from frizzing up to badly. The kunochi wore her usual contact lenses over her transplanted byakugan, making the eye look normal with an oceanic blue iris. The Akari's other eye was freely shown, displaying her natural golden iris in said eye. Underneath the Hikari was her long white surfboard the Kunochi had personally customized to have a golden star of Hoshigakure carved into it. Most of the makeup she had put on earlier in the day had been smudged off or washed away in the ocean.

At this point in the day the sun was starting to set in the sky. The Akari Assassin figured she had one or two more runs she could make today before needing to go back in and figure out where she was staying for tonight. Looking around, the Kunochi would sit out on the water, waiting for one more good wave to ride into the shore.

WC 320

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Akabayashi Terumi
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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:28 pm
An odd place to find this person, one Akabayashi had assumed to be dead. Yet there she was clad in a black bikini and letting the waves wash over her feet as she sat on the beach. With the way the Terumi stared at her people began to believe him strange, but he wasn't staring at her in a lustful way. He was attempting to see her from different angles to avoid a case of mistaken identity. She was of course beautiful and after a few moments passed he averted his gaze.

Today Akabayashi wore swimming trunks and an opened button up shirt to hide the masked beasts upon his back. His sunglasses covered the coal black eyes of the Uchiha, but the scar on his eye was still visible. His diamond marking for the Strength of One Hundred seal was visible upon his forehead even through his shaggy red hair that had been wet with ocean water. Walking towards the girl he would stand next to her as she sat and without looking in her direction address her.

"Alpha." He would say using his peripheral vision to gauge a reaction. "Its a rather nice day is it not?" Even if Namikaze reacted it wasn't as if she was wanted, however if this was her Ayato would certainly like to know she was alive even if it was a life in a vacation dimension. There was no hostile intent coming from the ninja which was a rarity if anyone knew anything about the Vulture of Hoshi.

If this was indeed the Alpha he assumed it was she would undoubtedly know him as Omega for his codename. The Nova that never truly kept to the pack, the wanderer of the bunch who always did things alone. This didn't much reflect his present day self, but it was what she would likely have based her initial impression upon.

WC: 318/2250

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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:57 pm
The clear waters and white sands of Mikadzuki Beach was just what Fu needed. A lot had gone down in the past few months, and she was in total need of some rest and relaxation- a vacation! There were several other visitors walking the beach and wadding out in the ocean when the serenity of the beach was disturbed by a shrieking voice that rang with urgency. “W-watch out!” Fu yelled towards a pair of people, one on a surfboard, and the other closely resembling that of Hoshi Nova, Akabayashi Terumi.

If Fu’s voice did not alert the pair that something was coming, the total eclipse of the Sun by Archie’s large body surely would. Now on a crash course back towards Earth, was a massive ball of fur, and atop of his head and holding on for dear life with her arms wrapped around his neck and chocking him, was the Hoshi kunoichi and Jounin, Fu. Like Hikari Namikaze, Fu and Archie had also spent the day enjoying the beach and trying their luck at surfing. Fu was adamant that Archie and her could create a circus act and make tons of money if they could figure out how to tandem surf, with Archie riding the board on his two hind legs like a human and with Fu standing atop his big head. They had been struggling most of the day when they had taken their chance with the largest wave they had seen yet. It had started off well, but once the duo reached the pinnacle of the wave, Archie got scarred and lost his footing, causing the two to be swallowed up by the wave and spit back out towards the shoreline.

For a brief moment before colliding with either the sand of one or the two people before them, Fu would lock eyes with Akabayashi and a sense of dread would fill her. The idea of her crushing a commanding officer was enough to cause Fu to faint, and before her body could connect with any of the aforementioned, she would momentarily, lose consciousness.

WC: 348

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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:35 am
Whoever said a shinobi doesn't belong on a beach never met Akaboshi. "This is a much-needed change" the red haired voiced in a relaxing tone, enjoying the warm touch of the sand beneath his feet and the gentle feeling of the bright sun up in the blue sky. The last couple of months in Hoshigakure had been rather eventful, and putting it that way was quite the understatement. There were the attacks, or at least the attempts of one, on the village, first by Stein of Konoha while the second turned out to be a joint operation by different groups of people.

Dressed to impress, his summer outfit consisted of a red, open shirt which revealed the toned body crafted by years of training, his abs clearly visible and already slightly tanned. Wearing simple, black swimming trunks, rocking the pattern of palm trees to top off the attire, Akaboshi continued making his way through the beach. The Nova Commander would carry a volleyball underneath his right arm, hoping to find someone who'd like to join him for a game or two. And if not, there was always the possibility of hitting some waves. Hardly a surfer, but you only live once.

As he walked the sand, Akaboshi suddenly heard a scream, alarmed by the high pitch sound. Running in slow motion, in true Baywatch fashion, the Red Nova ran towards the water where he'd encounter a couple of familiar faces. "Blonde hair and a black bikini, why doesn't this surprise me?" he voiced upon noticing the presence of the kunoichi known as Hikari Namikaze. It hadn't been that long since the two of them officially met and by the looks of it, it seemed the young woman appeared to be in a better state than the one she was that day at the village gates.

The second person he recognized would be none other than Akabayashi Terumi, the infamous doctor who applied a Curse Mark Seal to him some time ago. While the two of them looked to be engaged in a conversation, a third individual had made her appearance. Accompanied by a way too oversized teddy bear, the kunoichi Fu came crashing down, losing consciousness before coming into contact with the Hoshigakure duo. Akaboshi's next course of action would depend on how the situation developed, hoping the blonde woman and the doctor would be able to avoid the collision. Perhaps it was things like that, that made whoever it was say that shinobi don't belong on the beach.

(WC: 419)

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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Fri Jul 08, 2022 6:04 pm
Before going out onto the water, the Alpha would be laying out on her back on her surfboard, eyes closed, trying to catch some sun before going into the endless blue ocean to catch some waves. Over the past few hours resting out like this the Kunoichi had found a nice tranquil spot on the beach. Every once and a while, the girl would hear someone or a group of people coming up near to her. None ever attempted to bother her, but she could sense a few people that had come might of had less than pure intentions as they passed her. As the kunoichi laid on her back, eyes closed, the woman sensed a presences of another person coming up. Suddenly, another figure would appear to close in on the former Alpha. Hikari had a feeling that the figure was eyeing her, but the figure didn't seem to be coming directly at her, so she didn't feel much of a reason for changing up what she was doing.

Eventually, the figure that Hikari had sensed would stop some feet away from her and pause for a few brief moments before a familiar masculine voice would call out to her by the Nova's former title.

"Omega." Hikari would respond blankly on reflex, not even fully processing her response. She wouldn't even open her eyes to see the male whom she was speaking. Surprisingly it would take her a second to even notice she had responded. When she did the Kunoichi would pause in her head, thinking for a moment and trying to think about what she said and why she responded like that. A male voice, knew her as Alpha... and she immediately responded to him as Omega....

It would be as the Nova Operative would ask about the day that everything would click in the blonde's head. Opening her eyes and looking over to him, the Akari would recognize the Terumi that she had personally recommended to join the ranks of Nova when she had been the second commander some years ago. A look of surprise would flood over the Kunoichi's face, but less of a shocked surprise look and more of a look of surprised joy as she saw the ginger man's face, as the girl voice would say with delight, "Akabayashi!" Quickly, the Kunochi would kick her feet up into the air in order to pull her whole body up and straight so that she was standing up and in a proper position. Once that was done, the girl would power walk over the vulture and wrap her arms around his mid section, bring the man in for a massive hug. While the two hadn't been extremally close friends on a personal level during Hikari's time as a Nova, but the Akari Assassin was so overly thrilled at being able to meet with someone she knew on the force before her time away from Haven, that her impulsive behavior took the better of her.

"Oh wow! I didn't expect to see you here! Its been forever! How have you been? I just got back to Hoshi a few days ago after...." The Akari assassin would start to go on a long spiel of words, before suddenly a shrieking scream would call out to the pair. Quickly activating her byakugan on reflex, the woman would see that behind her in the sun a large furry.... wait... was that a bear? Yes it was. A large bear would come flying out of the sky and towards the pair. Purely based on reflex, the Kunoichi, who unless had been stopped would be holding onto the Medic at this moment, would quickly spit out as a warning, "Omega, Teleport." Unless the man had forgotten her call signs, Akabayashi would know this was a warning to let the man know that Hikari was about to teleport the two of them away. Assuming that the vulture didn't resist in some regard, the pair would suddenly find themselves 20 meters away and away from where the a massive sea bear would eventually crush the pair of light clones behind where the two had been standing. As the Kunoichi finished teleporting, she would find herself about 4 meters away from the Nova gate guard that had let her into haven. Akabay.... Akabey.... Akabo... Akaboshi, wasn't it? Hikari wasn't the best at names, and it didn't help when the Kunoichi had someone right next to her shared the exact same two syllables at the start of their names.

Letting go of the mad doctor, the Kunoichi would watch as the bear would crash down through the two light clones and onto the sand. Forgetting the Red Nova for the moment, The Akari Assassin would call out to the bear and the person who was riding it, a young blue haired woman whom Hikari assumed was the bear's owner. "Hey! We're fine over here! You didn't hit us! Are you ok?" The Akari would ask in a worried tone. At least if the bear or woman broke any bones, there would be a doctor in the house to tend to them.

On the contrary, if Akabayashi didn't let Hikari hug him, she would teleport to the same place without him and allow him to save himself.

WC: 882
TWC: 1202/2,250

-10 AP for Byakugan
- 81 AP for Truth's Entrance +1 person.

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze on Wed Jul 13, 2022 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added TWC)
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Fri Jul 08, 2022 7:26 pm
Well it was clearly her with a response like that. Only few people would know to address him as that in an official capacity. He hadn't expected such a clear cut confirmation and was so taken aback he just continued on asking about the day as if nothing had changed. Truly, all that had changed was he now knew Hikari was alive and was in this tropical paradise. As soon as they left this dimension her whereabouts would become unknown once more.

It seemed recognition had finally dawned on her as she stated his name and strode toward him. The hug was unexpected as they weren't close, but maybe seeing a familiar face after so long was welcome. The Terumi accepted the hug allowing her to take the lead, luckily her hands missed the masks on his back. "Oh wow! I didn't expect to see you here! Its been forever! How have you been? I just got back to Hoshi a few days ago after...." It was here she suddenly cut her voice off as the words "Watch out!" said in a rushed stutter reached his ears.

There was no time to resist the hug to capture more of the scene, but he did see Fu and her bear when "Omega Teleport." was called clearly they were in the way of them.Sure. he would say now holding onto her so that she may quickly do anything to activate her movement like handseals, but evidently that was unnecessary as the teleported in front of Akaboshi. A man whose both name and look resembled his own. So much, in fact that Hikari was fumbling their two names. "Akaboshi." The Nova would say after "Akabey" 

After that the pair released one another from the hug. Just in time as well as Fu and the infernal bear crashed into the place they'd been. The bear was moving still, Fu however was visibly unconscious on the ground. "One moment." He would state to Hikari and Akaboshi as he moved to aid Fu. He would take the time to kill her after he saved her. However after a quick exam it was evident she was mostly uninjured besides a few scrapes from seashells where her body scraped across the sand. Her neck and spine were intact and she was breathing. 

Using his fist he would rub it hard against her spine to get a pain reaction. If she woke up he would look at her with a devil's grin. "Are you enjoying the beach?" 

WC: 425
TWC: 743

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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:55 am
The worst outcome of Archie and Fu crashing into two superior ranking Hoshigakure Shinobi had been avoided despite Fu's sudden loss of consciousness. Archie crashed into the sand with a loud 'thud', which caused the sand around him to be relocated via arial dispersal from his impact. Fu's motionless body on the other hand, also hit the ground hard, but the sound created was much lighter due to the difference in weight between her and her familiar.
Now off in a distant land within her subconscious, Fu concluded that she was dead- or if she wasn't- wished to be- rather than having to confront Akabayashi. Reality set in fast when a sudden pain jolted through her spine, snapping the girl back to reality. The pain caused the girl to jerk her eyes open as if she had been resuscitated and upon returning to reality, the first image she would see is Akabayashi's devilish grin staring down at her. Fu clenched her eyes shut hoping that it was just a bad dream. 'Wake up, wake up, wake up." She would say to herself under her breath, but after a few moments of struggling in the sand, she realized it was no use.
Fu opened her eyes and sat up to now face the Nova. "Sorry about that Cap." Fu would say ignorantly. From what Fu had gathered, she was under the impression that Akabayashi was the Captain of the Nova Squadron- considering she had not been informed otherwise. Archie groaned and was now sitting upright like his owner, contemplating what he was doing on a beach. The bear looked much smaller now that his fur was wet and when Fu spun her head to check on her friend, she would see how funny he looked and would proceed to burst out laughing. "HAHAHA Archie, did you go on a diet!" The bear groaned and then stuck his head in the sand to avoid any further embarrassment from Fu amongst strangers.
Fu jolted to her feet and then properly saluted the Nova, "Fu, reporting for Duty."
WC: 344
Nova Captain
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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:30 am
Within mere seconds Akaboshi would notice how both the blonde and the doctor disappeared only to reappear 4 meters from his current position. "Teleportation? Interesting" he would think to himself, realizing the two of them might have more in common than he originally thought. Much to the Nova's relief his fellow Hoshigakure shinobi were able to get out of harm's way in time, avoiding the collision with the unfortunate Fu and her oversized teddy bear. It would have been quite the start of their holiday, getting crushed by an animal immediately after enjoying the coolness of dipping their toes in the water. 

It appeared the two of them finally recognized him, the possible adrenaline of the situation slowly fading away. "Doctor Terumi" he would greet Akabayashi in return. "Miss Namikaze, not the worst attempt I've heard" he smiled after the kunoichi tried to pronounce his name. From what he was told by both Shina and the late Yasaki, the two of them had quite a bit of history, that much was confirmed by the hug they shared. "Well I'm glad your reunion didn't get ruined" he'd refer to the crash they successfully avoided moments ago. Now that the situation had been cleared up, it was time to check on Fu's condition, something they almost forgot about because of the unexpected cicrumstances.

Akaboshi watched as Akabayashi sat close to Fu and her bear, noticing how both the kunoichi and Archie slowly regained their consciousness. The female shinobi seemed to be in high spirits once more, jolting to her feet and saluting the doctor as she reported for duty. In the meantime, the Red Nova couldn't help but stare at the animal which was much smaller now that his fur got wet. "The poor fellow got all embarassed" he voiced as the bear stuck his head in the sand.

Assuming they would come over and join Hikari and Akaboshi's position, the Nova Commander decided to mention something that had been bothering him ever since he arrived and set foot on Mikadzuki Beach. "Don't you guys find it strange we were the only ones reacting?" he referred to the silence even though plenty of people had gathered around. He noticed how it was almost as if everyone else ignored what was going on and happened around them. "If I didn't know any better I'd think they are all in a trance". Maybe it was all a mere coincidence, but it wouldn't surprise him if there was more to it.

(WC: 416, TWC: 835)
Hikari Namikaze
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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:12 pm
As everyone was introducing each other, the Kunochi felt quite surprised as everyone started pointing out her struggling with the second Nova commander's name. She could have sworn that was just something she was doing in her head, but perhaps her travels to Haven talking to herself on the road caused the girl to go a little more insane than she realized at first.

As everyone was calming down, Akaboshi would bring up how everyone around them was just being a little to quite around them. This was true, as the patrons of the beach all had been ignoring everything that was going on around them. While the locals could probably wrap this up as just some drunkards getting rowdy in another day on a mythical beach, there had to be at least a few visitors from the main realm at the beach that surely would have reacted to the commotion that was just caused. "Yes.... that is quite strange. Sorry, give me a second."

Not bothering to bring up her hand, the Kunoichi would form the sign of confrontation while her hand was at the side and start to scan the area around her trying to detect any irregularities with those in the area. To her surprise, outside of Akaboshi, Akabayashi, herself and the newcomer... Fu was it? Besides that everyone on the beach seemed to have their chakra being manipulated. "Well... that is strange." Hikari would say, continuing to look around the area with her byakugan. "Well, either the sun on Mikadzuki beach can change your chakra flow if exposed by it for to long.... or it looks like we have a bunch of civilians under the effect of a genjutsu." Hikari would explain, before turning to Fu. "Oh, also... Fu was it? I'm guessing with how you addressed Akabayashi there, you must be from Hoshi as well. I'm Hikari Namikaze, a Hoshi Kunoichi as well."  She would address the bear's owner.

Looking around the area with the aid of her Byakugan the Kunoichi would speak up. "But yes... I'm pretty sure everyone besides us here is in a genjutsu, but I don't see anyone who could be the caster on the beach itself. Wait... hold up..." With her regular eye, the Akari would see on the edge of her vision a large boat sailing on the ocean blue. Using her byakugan to narrow in on the ship, a large number of dirty men with sea fairing clothes would be present on the ship. Among them, one held the sign of the tiger, and wasn't moving as if he was focusing on the upkeep of a jutsu.

Pointing out towards he ship, Hikari would say inform the party, "Pirates. From my rough count just shy of two dozen of them. And they have someone who I think is focusing on some sort of chakra technique."

WC: 473
TWC: 1,675/2,250
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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An Endless number of Pirates!  Empty Re: An Endless number of Pirates!

Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:21 am
Akabayashi would merely nod after he and Akaboshi shared their greetings in the form of one another's respective names. Hearing his fellow Nova say her name meant he knew who this was, but wasn't surprised by her appearance here of all places. Something to be discussed later as Akaboshi reminded them of their unconscious fellow Hoshi ninja.

It seemed this one had decided to pretend it wasn't reality and attempt to fade back into unconcuousness. But Fu had just jerked open her eyes and looked right into the Terumi's, before she closed them and started muttering something. What that something was he did not pay attention to. With a reinvigorated attitude the girl sat up and apoligized while calling him Cap. The suddenness of her sitting up forced the man to move his head and body backwards to avoid a collision with her own, then it was time to poke the bear. Figuratively of course as she asked if it had gone on a diet it displayed its intelligence and became embarrassed. Weird bear. It wasn't the first time he thought that and wasn't likely to be the last. "Good to have you." He would say to Fu after reporting in.

"I'm going to go rejoin our allies if you'd like to join." The doctor would say walking back toward Hikari and Akaboshi. It was Fu's vacation if she chose to follow it would be of her own accord. Akaboshi then brought up some interesting details. It was very odd that no one was saying anything and ignored the events which just transpired they'd simply gone about their day. As Hikari moved her hands to activate a technique, Akabayashi used his Sharingan and was able to see a disruption within everyone but theirs chakra networks. After his quick scan he deactivated his eyes which returned to normal. As Hikari gave a run down of the events he nodded as she stated plainly what he himself was about to say.

After Hikari's quick introduction with Fu she activated her byakugan and went about scanning the area for the source of the genjutsu. Which she quickly found and informed the group. There were twentyfour pirates and one of them was using some type of technique. It seemed worth investigating if that was the illusionist of the beach surely stopping them would have an award. "We can go check if these pirates are the source of this genjutsu." He would say to Akaboshi waiting for his orders. There were many ways to them teleportation if catching them off guard was required or using surface walking to run across the water as if it were concrete less noticeable than option three, which was a giant wooded statue that would walk along the ocean floor, but still still out of the water. Surely, the pirates would see option three coming before they came close to them possibly promting them to leave. There was a fourth option have his masked beasts fly them all across one for each of their members.

"I can fly us all over if required." He would say. Fu already knew the Terumi could do this and which such a crowd at the gate it wouldn't be long for word to spread and Akaboshi knew as well assuming he already hadn't. Hopefully, they didn't know these masked beasts each contained a heart. Hikari likely knew if she'd at any point aimed her byakugan in his direction that eye made concealment even for specialists difficult.

WC: 587
TWC: 1330
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