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Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:29 pm
Today Kisuke found himself in the Hokage's tower, bright and early in the morning. Kisuke had put in a request to see the Hokage and today was the day he was assigned an appointment. Upon walking in he was told to go wait in the waiting room outside the Hokage's office. Doing as he was instructed, Kisuke ascended the stairs leading to the top floor and took a seat on one of the many available chairs in the waiting room. Seconds after having taken his seat, Kisuke abruptly got up onto his feet and started pacing the room. His hands were sweaty, his heart was beating fast, hundreds of thoughts and things to say were running through his head but not because he was nervous but because he was angry. Angry at the fact that he let his eyes get stolen and did nothing about it.

For a while after having lost his eyes Kisuke wondered why no one from the village was doing anything about it. Why no one out there looking for his eyes. Knowing that nothing was being done about finding the man who stole his eyes and trying to retrieve them. This had created an anger within him that boiled almost to the breaking point till he realized that no one was doing anything because no one probably knew that he lost his eyes. Kisuke had not told anyone and he figured Kouse did not tell anyone either. Therefore Kisuke directed his anger at himself. This also begs the question of why a missing nin was patrolling so close to the village without anyone being aware but that was something Kisuke may bring up with the Hokage later on. 

Wishing he could pull out a smoke and start smoking it to calm himself down, Kisuke went over towards a window ledge and swung open the window. Resting over it and out the window, Kisuke let the fresh air wash over his face as he waited to meet with the Hokage face to face for the first time.

Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:42 pm
It was still quite early in the morning when Jason's secretary notified him that Uchiha Kisuke was waiting to see him. The office had been significantly cleaned after Jason's visit from Draconis and he himself was feeling a bit more rested than he had been. He certainly wasn't looking like the scruffy homeless person he probably looked like while talking with his Jounin. Jason simply told his secretary to let the young ninja know he was ready to see him now. Then Jason would take the papers on his desk and organize them into a neat pile and place them in front of them slightly to the side. Then he would simply cross his hands in front of him on the desk and wait for Kisuke to enter.
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Priority Number 1 Empty Re: Priority Number 1

Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:10 am
As he looked out the window and watched the village stir and wake up, Kisuke herd the door behind him open. Turning only his head sideways, Kisuke would remain in the same position as his eyes moved to the corner of their sockets to see who it was. It appeared to be the secretary standing beside the Hokage's chamber which was now opened. Turning back to face the open window and taking in one last breath of the fresh morning air Kisuke would push off the window ledge and made his way into Jason's office. Closing the door behind him whether the secretary entered or not, Kisuke would turn to face the village leader. Walking up to the desk now calm and relaxed, Kisuke would stick out his hand to shake the leaders and said "Nice to meet you Hokage-sama. My name is Kisuke, Uchiha Kisuke."

Taking a seat in front of the desk, Kisuke would lean forward and place his elbows onto of his knees as he looked right at the Hokage. "Thanks for seeing me, I'm sure your a busy man but what I have to tell you is pretty serious." Kisuke began rubbing his hands together as the itch to have a cigarette between his fingers started kicking is again. "Its pretty embarrassing to say but... both Uchiha Kouse and I had our sharingans stolen. Now I'm not going to waste your time with the entire story but for some reason instead of leaving us to die, he stole our eyes and replaced them. I dont know the name of this "he" person but I do remember what he looked like. He was tall and slender, with shiny white or silver hair shaped like a bowl hair cut. He wore a white lab coat looking jacket and had round glasses. As a matter of fact Kouse mite know his name but I dont know where Kouse is." Running a hand through his red dyed hair, Kisuke would lean back and start scratching his head as he tried jogging his memory. "He was also able to make these tendril looking things come out of his body." Taking that same hand and rubbing his right shoulder where the tendril that had pierced his flesh left a scar. "Thats why I'm here today Hokage-sama.  We need to find the person who stole our Sharingan's and get them back."

Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:31 am
Kisuke entered the office and, upon coming up to the desk, extended his hand for a hand shake. Jason would shake the young Uchiha's hand, placing a nearly microscopic teleportation formula on Kisuke's hand before letting go. Of Course Kisuke probably wouldn't notice it was there but he wasn't really supposed to. The mark had been placed there in case of an emergency and Jason needed to teleport to him at any time. Kisuke then began to tell Jason why he had requested an audience. He told Jason that his and Kouse Uchiha's sharingan eyes had been stolen. From the description given, Jason knew it was Stein that had stolen the eyes. He knew from talking with Stein that the eyes were in no danger and were going to be returned to their rightful owners at some point. The only problem with this was that Stein was now dead and Jason was unsure as to where his body might be, along with Kisuke and Kouse's eyes. Jason's face grew solemn now as he began gathering his thoughts to tell Kisuke what he knew.

"Well, there is both good news and bad news. The good news is I know who stole your eyes and can tell you they were stolen to keep them safe until you grow strong enough to defend yourself from people like Kozai Yuki who would not hesitate to kill you and steal your eyes for their own gain. The bad news.....The bad news is that Stein, the ninja who stole your eyes, is presumed dead and I have yet to locate his body along with your missing eyes. I have an idea who might have the body and if I'm correct your eyes are still safe."
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Priority Number 1 Empty Re: Priority Number 1

Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:22 pm
Kisuke leant forward in his seat, almost sliding off of it as the Hokage told him that there was both bad and good news. Anxiously waiting for Jason to explain Kisuke would rapidly rub his hands together, as a nervous tick he did when he was nervous and incapably of smoking. When Kisuke herd that his Hokage knew had stolen his eyes a wave of relief washed over him for the slightest moment. All the troubles, worries and hell he had got through after losing his eyes had gone away for the slightest moment and for the first time since that day Kisuke felt like he was alive again. However as soon as the feeling came, it left as Kisuke knew there was still the "bad news" to be told and also there was the fact that he still did not have eyes. 

As Jason continued his explanation, Kisuke slightly raised his right eye brow in confusion. Part of what the Senju said did not mesh well with the events that took place on the day he lost his eyes. Interrupting the Hokage, Kisuke would say "Wait wait wait.... hold on." Trying to wrap his head around what had just been said Kisuke continued "Your telling me this Stein guy stole my eyes to protect them from getting stolen by some Kozai dude." Kisuke looked down at his hands and slightly chuckled in madness as the situation did not make any sense. Still looking down at his hands Kisuke solemnly said with a depressed inconsolable tone "You werent there on that day Hokage. When my Sharingan was taken from me, this Stein guy went bad shit crazy. He put us through a world of pain, tortured us, toyed with us....... and I could see he was enjoying it." Looking back up at the Hokage he continued "So when you tell me he stole my eyes to protect them, I have a hard time believing that. A real hard time."

Standing up Kisuke would begin to pace the office space in front of Jason's desk as Kisuke nervously tried fighting off the urge to smoke. Letting the Hokage continued, Kisuke would slowly shake his head in disappointment when he herd the words "Presumed dead." "I'm never going to get my eyes back." Kisuke though to himself. As that though washed over him the slightest bit of anger began to well and boil up within him. "If you know all of this information you must have spoken to him, or someone else. Someone has to know where his body... no? Put out a notice or something telling anyone who knows anything about this Stein guy to come see you... If people know your looking for him they'll come see you if they know anything...right? ....I dont know."
Kisuke was slowly losing his mind, the confusion of the hell he went through when he lost his eyes and now being told that his eyes were taken to protect them was fucking him up. It did not make any sense. 

Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:39 pm
Perhaps it was a bad idea to tell Kisuke that Jason knew his eyes had been taken to protect them. It seemed to have the complete opposite effect than Jason had wanted. Instead of calming and reassuring Kisuke, the boy seemed to be more flustered and angry than before. Of course Jason wasn't very surprised by that. It made sense if he looked at it from Kisuke's perspective. Jason put on his most calm and reassuring face to help attempt to soothe Kisuke. When he spoke next it was a calm but firm tone, one of reassurance and determination. "I promise you that I will find your eyes and return them to you. I have people looking for them as we speak. Do not worry. They will be returned safely. If you hear any news of them please report back to me immediately so that I can take care of it. I do not want you to be harmed." 

Jason was not so sure that this was what Kisuke wanted to hear but it was certainly better than nothing. He had promised that he would find the eyes and return them to Kisuke unharmed. If Jason was one thing it was truthful when it came to promises. He did not like to make promises that he couldn't or wouldn't keep.
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Priority Number 1 Empty Re: Priority Number 1

Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:51 pm
"Dont worry." Kisuke angrily mumbled to himself not loud enough for Jason to hear it. But Kisuke slightly chuckled and repeated it again "Dont worry you say." now loud enough for the Hokage to hear him. Kisuke stopped pacing in front of the Hokage's desk and turned to face the Senju. At this point Kisuke was so flustered and overwhelemed with rage that he forgot his place. He forgot that this was the Hokage, leader of the entire village and his superior. He forgot that he had to refer to him with respect as his commanding seat demanded. All of that was thrown right out the window.

"Im sorry Hokage but how could I not worry. My eyes are out there somewhere and no ones knows where. I dont know if they're safe, if someone else is using them or what. So excuse me for not being able to "not worry." Kisuke began pacing the room again as he moved his fingers to his mouth and started nervously biting at his finger nails, something he had never done before. "Who are this Stein's guys known associates? Who has he hung out with, trained with, had dealings with? Have you interrogated them yet? How come no one is talking about this? The whole village should know and be on the look out for him but I havent herd anything about a search for this guy. How long have "your people" been searching? They havent turned anything up yet?"

Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:35 am
Jason was starting to get a little irritated at this point. He was in charge here not Kisuke. "Listen. I am the Hokage. You are my ninja. I said I will take care of it and I will. I don't have time for your unending questions. You have brought it to my attention so now that I am aware your eyes are missing I will find them and they will be returned to you." Jason said to the boy with a fire in his eyes, flaring his chakra out of irritation. This was getting out of hand. He had said that he would find the boy's eyes and return them to him and so he will. Jason didn't like being second guessed and told how to do things. "Now if that is all you are dismissed. I will notify you as soon as I find out more." he added with a note of finality.
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:07 am
"Alright. Alright Hokage-sama." Kisuke said as he slowly nodded to himself. He realized how out of place and disrespectful he had been and decided to tone it down a notch. Putting his hands into the pockets of his leather jackets, the Uchiha took in a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "If theres anyone who can find my eyes its the Hokage." Kisuke though to himself. Turning to face his leader, Kisuke would slightly bend forward performing a bow. "Sorry for my insolence." Turning towards the door, Kisuke opened it and stepped out. However just before stepping out of the office Kisuke turned around and finished "Ill put my trust in you Hokage-sama. Hope to hear from you soon. Good day." With that Kisuke left and closed the door behind him.

Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:40 pm
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