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Jirou Joski
Jirou Joski
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Pirates! Empty Re: Pirates!

Wed Aug 03, 2022 12:11 pm
The commotion of the pirate raid in the night had not gone unnoticed, and when the girl named Snow arrived at the mission center for the small coastal village- which was really more of a guard station- she would find it bustling with activity. People in armor and serious expressions moved about the space with purpose with a few people in the center calmly directing things and seeing to matters brought to his attention. The area was crowded with concerned citizens, all of whom seemed to have been affected by the actions of the pirates from the night before; from missing parents to damaged property, there was no shortage of grievances being brought to the attention of the local militia who were struggling to both put a plan into action and addressing the growing crowd of citizens that Snow had to weave through in order to see about her friend. 

Amidst the chaos, Snow would recognize a man who shoulders his way to the front desk from the work area on the other side of the counter, putting a heavy box of documents in front of the guy that seemed to be in charge. Kaidu, the local that had helped them not but a few days before, was seemingly a part of whatever was going on. "Here," he started to the man in the center wearing a dark blue cap that slumped down on one side and poked straight up on the other. "We got the notes as needed, Sada."

The man in the cap turned to regard Kaidu and then the box of documents he had brought along. "Good! This is a start, we just have to make sure the handoff starts off looking convincing in order to give your man enough time to get to the Captain. Let's hope he's as good as you said he is." Sada responded, beginning to pick up the documents from the box and usher them off to several other waiting people, who took them to a station and got to work.

Kaidu wore an unenthusiastic expression, as though he still wasn't totally certain about all of this before he would spot Snow. His expression shifted, brightening some and offering her a wave. "Hey there! Miss! I remember you, from the beach with the shark, right?" Kaidu paused, giving Snow enough time to explain her own situation, his expression flickering some as it was revealed that Eternity had also been taken. "I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but don't you worry! We have a plan to get everyone back if you'd like to help. We even have a man on the inside."


"So, this is the guy, huh?" Joski thought to himself, already beginning to feel himself sweat from the uncomfortable get-up he had put himself in so that he might blend in with the crew. It had started the night before when Joski was roused from his distant hut in the woods to the sound of shouts and racket amid the small town. It was the torches that had really given it away. Nothing good ever came from people storming a village with torches, at least not in his very limited experience with such. Stealing away in the secret of the night, Joski managed to follow a pair of what he would discover to be pirates along the road, spying from the distance as people were tossed into a wagon before the whole band moved along. He kept a distance and kept a careful count. Two. Six. Ten. A dozen. Nearly two dozen. Way too many for him to try and tackle along, but he couldn't allow them to get away now that he had an opportunity.

He had only barely managed to drop a note to a local friend, Kaidu, on his way through the town as he stalked the band of thugs. A note that, in brief, detailed a plan concerned a fake handoff with whatever demands they make and to bring some muscle on the way. Joski would deal with the captain, and what is a crew without their leader? Following them until the sun began to peek over the distant horizon, Joski would finally find an opportunity to acquire a uniform when one of the pirates wandered from the camp in order to relieve himself. Dispatching the man was an easy process, as a heavy rock to the back of the head often yielded favorable results and required very little skill so long as one could make themselves stealthy enough. Donning the disguise, it was a simple matter for Joski to fall back into line and put on a show that he was indeed one of the crew. In the back of his mind, he still felt bad for having hit that guy with the hilt of a borrowed saber, but it had put aside any doubts that Joski wasn't one of them.

Now he stood with the crew aboard their ship, surrounding their captives until the Captain had come out to speak with them. This was him. This was the target of opportunity. But he couldn't move just yet. Not only was he still significantly outnumbers, but he had to give the mainland time to rally a crew brave enough to come tussle with some pirates while he parlayed with the Captain, or else this rescue attempt was going to be cut real short, real quick. "You three!" The captain shouted, motioning to Joski and two of the other pirate crew. "Take these sorry sort bellow deck and back them comfortable in the brig for the time bein'. And remember! We need 'em in good shape to get a payday, so don't play too rough with 'em." A comment that garnered a round of chuckling from the crew.

"Aye!" Joski and the others would call in unison before one of the other two would speak. "You heard the captain! On y'er feet, landlubbers!" There was a shuffling of activity and murmurs of uncertainty as the captives were roused from their seat and shepherded down into the lower parts of the deck with Joski bringing up the very back. Below deck was illuminated only by the rays of the sun coming through port windows, and steadily the crowd was herded into a brig: a rather makeshift cell that had wrought iron bars separating one of the decks with an iron door offering egress to and from. 

Joski stood by the door, ushering people inside with a firm hand until he grasped Eternity's shoulder, his eyes flaring in recognition. "It's her, that girl from the beach." Disguised as he was, the delay was enough to draw the attention of the others, who jeered and elbowed Joski in the side.

"What, you want that one for yourself? Don't blame ye', I was eyeballing her as well," one of the goons spoke up.

Joski froze for a moment, knowing that responding was likely going to give him away, so instead, he shifted his hand from Eternity to the door, making as though to close it before throwing the heavy iron door wide, smashing directly into the goon's face and knocking him out cold, but handily alerting the third one that something was amiss.

"H-hey! What the hells gotten-" Before the third could finish his cry, there was a sturdy thud as the boot of Joski landed right between his legs, causing the pirate to exhale the entirety of his air supply and double over, putting him in the perfect place for a square punch to land across his jaw, sending him to the ground. Shaking out his hand, Joski grimaced some. He never really had been much of a direct fighter but a one-two combo usually worked pretty well, even if he left his knuckles sore.

Turning back to the group of captives, he pulled down the bandana that had been serving as a mask for the lower half of his face, revealing himself to those that now likely gawked at the action. "Hey folks," he spoke, his voice de-pirated now that he had dropped the facade. "Don't worry, help is coming from the mainland." His eyes swept back to Eternity, looking her over in what could only be described as her pajamas. Made sense, considering everyone here had been stolen away in the middle of the night, many of them left in very little clothing out here though thankfully enough to maintain some semblance of dignity. "I know you. You and that other girl from the beach, you're...."

WC - 1,419 / 1,666

Last edited by Jirou Joski on Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed names in second half of the post.)

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Jirou Joski
Jirou Joski
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Pirates! Empty Re: Pirates!

Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:23 am
A handful of minor blessings graced Joski as the gaggle of prisoners all seemed to be pretty well collected for a bunch of folks that had been stolen away in the middle of the night and made to sit aboard a ship against their will under threat of death. It could have simply been that the lot of them were too tired to be emotionally distraught, but Joski was quietly happy that he didn't have to console anyone too greatly; everyone seemed to be on board with the idea of escape, and no one seemed to be crying themselves senseless in the corner due to their predicament, so everything was looking pretty positive for the first half of his plan. What that meant now, however, was that he needed to keep everyone calm and organized. Thankfully, it seems a plan was already forming amidst the survivors. Nodding along, Joski would speak up when the rest of them had finished before beginning to announce what the next step would be. "Good, the lot of you stay down here. Find anything big and heavy and put it in the walkway. We'll block the pirates out until the help from the mainland arrives...which will hopefully not be long from now."

Beginning to direct people as they moved, Joski would move back into the deck they had come from, moving between rows of canons that had been pulled in and the hatches closed up until he reached the stairs and the hatch leading up. Shredding part of the sleeve of the costume he had been wearing as a disguise and tied the latch leading up to the top step, creating a flimsy lock that would keep any wandering guards from coming down while everyone else began to pile things into the walkway, creating a barrier that the pirates would have a hell of a time dismantling from their side. Crawling over what had been put in place, Joski sought out Eternity as she assisted with the process, putting a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. "Alright, you and your friend-sister-person saved my skin when it came to that shark, so I'm going to depend on you once more. I'm going to go try and deal with the Captain. If nothing else, it will buy you guys more time. When the boat from the mainland arrives, pop open one of these port hatches-" he paused, pointing out the ports that would normally be opened in order to allow the canons to fire. "And get everyone off the ship. Once everyone is off, just put one of these canons pointed down into the deck and fire it off. We'll sink the ship, and the blast will tell me everyone is safe so I can also make my way off."

Joski took a moment to let the plan sink in and for Eternity to ask any questions she might have of what was expected before the traveler would check his gear once more. He had lifted a saber from one of the pirates. It wasn't exactly his typical style of weapon given he didn't really know how to use it well, but hell, it's sharp. Offering it forward, he would put the hilt of the weapon to Eternity. "Here. Just in case they need to get through and you need to defend yourself. I'll be counting on you to get everyone out of here, so keep them and yourself safe, yeah?" He said, offering a reassuring smile as he relinquished the weapon. Moving over to the hatch that was facing away from the land in the distance, Joski would gather chakra at the bottom of his feet and begin to quietly creep up the side of the ship until he could peek over the side of the deck and begin to get an idea of what had been going on above deck. Things seem still. The Captain had retreated into his quarters.

A mist began to filter onto the deck and around the ship, drawing some curious sounds and murmurs from the crew as they took note of something strange going on. This must be their help coming in! "I don't like this." One pirate would say. "Go down below deck and make sure they didn'a start a fire or sommat," another would complain. Small bickering would break out, which would give Joski plenty of time to scoot back to the open port and look back to Eternity.

"Guards are coming. Hold them off. I think our help is almost here. I'm going for the Captain." This time, Joski didn't give Eternity time to protest. Instead, he continued his focus on his chakra and would make his way down the side of the ship, careful to avoid drawing attention from the deck and made his way around the back to where he knew there were windows that would allow him direct access into the captain's quarters, vanishing from sight.

WC - 824
TWC - 2,242 / 1,666

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Jirou Joski
Jirou Joski
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Pirates! Empty Re: Pirates!

Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:47 am
Having moved along the side of the ship, it had been easy for Joski to move around behind the boat without much notice, his chakra keeping him firmly attached to the ship until he was able to creep up the back of the ship to the large bay windows that looked back across the ocean and offered only a minor barrier between the open sea and the Captain's quarters. Keeping low, Joski would spy through the glass to the hulking figure of the captain as the man adjusted some manner of markers on a large sheet of parchment unrolled to rest over the length of a long, wooden desk. "Just as I figured," Joski would mentally chide, sliding down back below the window for a moment. Around him, the mist began to get thick and difficult to see through, indicating that there was likely not much time before the rescue boat was meant to arrive. Just as his thoughts began to drift back to the hostages below deck, he would begin to hear commotion from the upper levels on the other side of the captain's quarters. Confusion. Some exclaimed about the fog while a couple of others called out to others to inform of a blockage having formed in the stairwell leading below. Things were about to kick off, and it was time for Joski to do his part.

Climbing back up the side, Joski would push open a window from the outside, swinging into the sizable cabin and quickly garnering the attention of the Captain, who would look up from his map with a sneer. "What in the seven blue hells-? What do ye' think you're doin' climbin' all over my ship like some kind of...kind of...animal that climbs all over ships?!" Red in the face, Joski could tell that the interrupting was most unwelcome. Stepping in from the window, Joski inadvertently enjoyed some cinematic effect of mist trickling in behind him as his feet made solid contact with the floor. The captain, not one to be so easily cowed by the appearance of a scrawny teen who only just past the age of manhood, would stand tall and puff out his chest, drawing a blade that looked like it could cleave apart the table he just stood from with little issue.

"Me? I'm no one. Just a guy on vacation. A vacation that you and your crew are interrupting. So I'm here to crash the party." Zippy as Joski felt like his retort was, this whole thing had started out as an annoyance and had grown into a serious crime of kidnapping, extortion, and all-around being a jerk. Flippant as he was, Joski never took kindly to behavior that could get one tied to a name like "bandit", and what is a pirate if not a bandit with a boat?


As the crew struggled to unblock the stairs, the hostages were making an exit through the port. An exit that would inevitably be noticed by one of the deck hands who hadn't been caught up by the others and instead had been busy inspecting the fog. "Hey! They are here! Escapees, Escapees!" He called, drawing a blade from his belt, not unlike the one that had been handed over to Eternity. Other pirates appeared on the side of the ship and likewise began to address the issue before a tremendous explosion rocked the boat and called attention elsewhere. The canon had fired beneath the deck and the ship lurched to one side, dumping those that had been on the rail into the water around the rescue boats.

All hell broke loose as the ship fought to correct itself only to begin teetering and leaning again. Just as it seemed some of the pirates were going to jump into the rescue boats, the doors to the Captain's cabin blew open as a white orb shot from the doorway and into the midst of the deck before contracting and expanding in a violet glow that was dampened by the mist that now surrounded the ship. The sound of wood splintering could be heard even from the rescue boats as they began to drift away from the ship that began to lean in such a way that said it wouldn't be above water much longer.

There was a slight shift in the air as Joski abruptly appeared just above the boat that Eternity and Snow had been in, landing with a soft thud and a quiet "oof". The boy looked like he had caught every branch on a mid-way fall from a tree but didn't appear to have any life-threatening injuries. Still, Joski sighed as he landed in the boat, "Ugh...I think that is enough playing hero for a while..." he mumbled, looking up to the others in the boat and seeing Snow and Eternity, offering them both a smile before laying his head back. "Well, seems like we did it again. We have to stop meeting like this, you know." He said, lifting his head to look at the two girls. "My name is Jojo, by the way."

[Exit. Mission Complete.]

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Pirates! Empty Re: Pirates!

Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:51 am
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