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Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Specialty : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:36 pm

A new mission appeared upon the village's board. This one being an exclusive for Kirigakure and Konohagakure. The objective was to obtain an alliance between the two villages and keep it solid. By doing so, shinobi from each of the two villages would assist in protecting the ships that escorted trading groups amongst the allied villages.

Akira had the mission parchment within her hand, as she stood next to the position where she sought the listed wooden ship. The trading occurred to and from Kirigakure, meaning that Konohagakure must have a harbor of it's own near by. 

The red haired kunoichi could be seen relaxing the weight of her body against a nearby wooden pillar. Dressed in her attire of black tight leggings and her black crop top. Along with a pair of leather combat boots. Wooden pillars would outline the walkways of the ship docks.

She was hoping that her team would have gotten her two letters. Addressing the mission she had accepted and that it required a team of genin for it to be approved. It was time to kick some pirate butts.

{WC: 185}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:32 pm
Sai awoke one morning to the sound of knocking on the door, he groggly got up."Who is it", Sai said as he approached the door. "Delivery", The voice behind the door said. Sai opened the door after looking through the peep hole, and was handed a letter. The letter was from AKira, it was about the new mission she had accepted on our behalf."Damn she moves fast", Sai thought. He got dress immediately, so the he could go meet him teammates. After doing the normal stuff needed to get ready he left out, eagerly ready to get the mission started. 

It was his very first time on this high ranked of a mission, so he knew he had to be extremely careful on how he acted. He wouldnt want to mess up relation between the two countries with his foolishness. He arrived at the meeting spot the Akira had left on the letter. When he got there she was by herself, snow had yet to arrive. Sai was honestly surprised, he thought Snow would of had beat him there.

"Hey, you looking kind of lonely by yourself mind if i keep you company", Sai said jokingly as he walked up beside her. His excitment getting the better of him, causing his mood to be extremely jovial.

Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:30 pm
Snow was out in the trainig grounds, he was working on his elemental chakra natures today. He had been pushing his body, trying to get a hold on the water and the wind element. This was the only way that he was going to be able to obtain the legendary Ice release. When he was finally able to push himself to that point, that was when he was going to be able to get to the level of strength that he wanted. That was when he was going to be able to provide his team with some sort of use. 

He heard his father calling out to him from the edge of the training grounds. His father had an unnatural talent for projecting his voice over large distances. Snow looked around for a few moments, but soon he found his father waving his arms up in the air, trying to get his attention. Snow performed the body flicker to quickly close the gap between him and his father. 

When he arrived, his father handed him an envelope. When Snow opened the envelope, he pulled out a piece of paper that was stamped with the village's seal on the top. As he read the paper, he learned that it was a summons for a mission. He was to report to the docks that faced Kirigakure. Snow was very excited to be going on his first mission so he quickly ran to the docks straight from the training grounds. 

He was leaping through the trees, thinking about all of the things that they were going to be able to do while they were on the mission, they were going to be surrounded by water, and he could not be more ready to take a nice break from being in the same village every single day. Now he was going to be able to see the ocean for the very first time in just under a decade. 

When he arrived at the docks, he saw that his two teammates were already there, Saizou looked as though he had just gotten there. "Hey guys! So our first mission. This is going to prove to be exhilarating really fast!" Snow had not been on a ship on the sea before, so this was going to be a completely new experience for him all together. When he looked at the ship, it was rocking to and fro due to the waves that were crashing against the ship again and again. He would certainly feel at home with this much water surrounding him.  

He was concerned with his two teammates being fire users and being stuck within this much water, if they were to be attacked while on this mission, then his two teammates would both be in a disadvantage from the get go. But hopefully he would be able to make up for whatever disadvantage they would be in with his proficiency with water. 

He hopped onto the boat and he motioned for both of his teammates to him on the ship so they could get this mission underway. Team Zero was on their first mission and Snow could not be more excited!

Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Specialty : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:57 pm
Akira leaned against the wooden pillar as one of the civilian sailors confronted her. Speaking about their worries and common issues that they have had with the pirates in the past. Akira just grinned and reassured them with an overly confident attitude. 

The sailor thanked her just as her teammate Sai came within sight. She giggled at his words as he made his way to stand beside her. The red haired woman took advantage of this moment. She made it obvious that her eyes was looking him from up and down as if sizing his form. Before allowing herself to lick her lips like a ravishing beast eyeing a piece of delicious steak.

"Yes darling Sai~ Join me... Come close just so I can pounce!" Then she suddenly acted as if she was going to lunge at him, before letting out another ring of giggles. Akira was naturally a little pervert sometimes. Like an immature child. After teasing one of her genin teammates, the other showed up. Completing the trio.

Akira's eyes glanced at Snjor to acknowledge his presence, before allowing her eyes to gaze upon the ship. It's wooden surface reaching 50 meters. "You're right Snjor. I haven't done a mission this big yet." She grinned like a maniac as she followed Snjor upon deck. The wind whipping at the free stands of her scarlet hair. "This is bound to be exciting. It's time to blast some pirate ass."

{WC: 240}
{TWC: 425}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Fri Jan 24, 2020 2:35 am
Sai smiled as he listen to Akira's response, he figured that she would reply like that. Its just the kind of person she was, Sai liked that about her. He didnt hang around enough women to actually know what he liked but first time for everything. Sai watched as Snow arrived, Snow pointed out that this would be their first time on a mission of this magnitude. Sai was not worried about it though, he thrived under pressure. Never being one to give into fear or any type of hindering feeling, he always felt it was best to keep pushing forward no matter what. He listen as Akira responded to his, Sai on the other hand gave a simple greeting and then started to follow behind the two on to the boat.

Sai did wander how he would fight on the water without any jutsu, luckily for him he could use his sharingan to copy any water tech he see's. Hopefully Snow had learned more water jutsu since the last time they fought. As Sai stepped onto the boat he felt it slightly rock from left to right, Sai wasent sea sick but the feeling sure was a weird one to him. Now wanting to get this mission started, Sai looked at his two team mates.

"Lets get this show on the road why dont we", Sai said before turning around and looking out at the open ocean, waiting to see what it has in stored for him and his comrades. 

Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Fri Jan 24, 2020 10:13 am
As the remaining team members boarded the ship, the captain's second began hollering that the ship was ready to set sail. Snow smiled and he sat down near the bow of the ship. The smell of the salt water that crashed against the hull of the ship, was intoxicating. The mist, cold as it sprayed against his face provided him an odd comfort, he felt as though that he was home floating above the water. 

The ship began to leave the docks, and a tinge of anxiousness started within Snow's stomach. "What are we going to run into?" Snow thought to himself, there was a real chance that they were going to run into opposition on this mission. The pirates that had attacked the last trade ship was a handful of fellow ninjas, so they would be skilled in using their chakra. But if the team were able to work together, they should be able to fight them off, with hopefully no collateral damage, but there was no guarantee. 

He sat there meditating until his teammates were ready to speak strategy on how they wished to deal with whatever type of opposition that they would run into. While dealing with a handful of ninjas would in fact be menacing, due to some of the more recent techniques that he had fully learned, and a few that he was working on, if the opponents were water users, then they were going to be a deep disadvantage.
Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Specialty : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:24 pm
The ship was on the sail. It amazed the red hair genin, watching how the ship maneuvered freely though the waves as she leaned over the edge. Her scarlet hair curtained around her face as she peered down into the blue waters. Grinning as a mist sprayed upon her face, cooling it. She wondered what kind of fish would be swimming within the waters underneath. Imagining the tasty texture of it's soft squishy flesh. She was practically drooling at the thought of a nice fish fillet.

After her little hunger fantasy subsided, the genin would move from the edge of the ship to where Snjor would be medicating. Motioning towards Sai to join them so that they could discuss their strategy.
{WC: 121}
{TWC: 546}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:58 pm
Sai wasent in the mood for strategy planning, at that point in time he truly felt like he could take on the world, he quickly came to his sense as he felt the boat rock a little to rough or his liking's. He quickly turned around and scampered on towards Snow and Akira. He looked at them both and then took a deep breath and exhaling before talking.

"So heres the plan guys, Snow will take the lead on this one since he has water jutsu and im lacking on that right now", He said while Smiling, Hoping Akira didnt have any problem with that. He didnt realize until he said it that he forgot to ask for her opinion. Instead of going back he just continued."Okay Snow your call how you wanna do this", Sai said looking at Snow awaiting a response. 

Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Sat Jan 25, 2020 1:20 am
Snow was meditating, feeling his chakra flow through him like a rushing river, feeling the spray of the ocean on his face every time the bow would drop down and crash into the ocean below. Snow could hear footsteps coming up from behind him. Snow then slowly opened his eyes and ended his meditating with a deep inhale, followed by an long and slow exhale. Snow then lifted himself up to his feet so he could speak with whomever was walking up behind him, who he could only assume was his teammates. 

When he turned he saw that the footsteps certainly did belong to his team. "What are your opinions on our strategy for this mission?" Snow would ask with his usual gentle and kind voice.  Sai offered Snow the opportunity to lead the mission. Snow was honored by the gesture and, with Akira's agreement, he would continue to explain the way he felt the mission should be handled. 

"Sai, I will need you to walk the perimeter of the ship with your Sharingan. With your eyes constantly watching over us, it would be certainly difficult for them to catch us by surprise. As a secondary level of sensory fields, I will cast a rain shower over us that will allow me to sense any sources of chakra or life moving above the waters. Should they begin to come in, I will try to tear them to pieces with the water that we sail upon, but if I am to fail with that, you guys will be the last line of defense. Of course you guys can pitch in on the mid range attacks to keep them off the ship. But if they are to manage their way onto the ship, our main goal is to get all five of the civilians under the deck while we deal with them on deck. How does that sound to you guys?"

Snow would then open the floor to his two teammates, waiting for their responses.

Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Specialty : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission) Empty Re: Pirates VS Team Zero (Mission)

Sat Jan 25, 2020 5:03 pm
Akira listened as her two partners discussed the plan. She was more of the listen and perform type of person, so this situation suited best for her. Allowing her to enjoy the smooth rocking of the ship as the salty waves coaxed it's wooden vessel. She didn't of any jutsu different from fire, so it would be best of she avoided the use of it. Besides one wrong move could result into the ship catching fire itself. Then that's where an idea struck. As long as she was at the edge and pirates did happened to attack, they was bound to have their own vessel.

If she was careful, perhaps she could damage the pirate's vessel instead. How tragic it would be if they came to steal but ended up losing a ship to their expenses. And like Snjor stated, if any makes their way on board then she can use her hand to hand combat to teach them a lesson and throw them back overboard and do her best to keep the civilians protected. Akira clapped her hands together with a positive complexion playing upon her face. "Sounds marvelous~"

Just as she finished speaking, there would be some hollers breaking throughout the ship.

{WC: 204}
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