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Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:54 pm


Sunagakure Chūnin Exams: Rain Country:

The forests that made up the Rain Country were colossal, dark, and lush.

The canopy of the particular forest that the small mission ground had been transported to was overshadowed by towering bamboo, durian, and kapok trees; their crowns allowing cascading light from the sun above to shimmer through for vibrant plants to burst up from the insect-riddled soils below. Bundled, climbing plants also grasped the occasional tree, as well as a mishmash of flowers that claimed quiet, nestled corners so that they would not be disturbed. It all added some color to the otherwise unvarying terrain.

A mixture of noises, belonging mostly to birds, resonated through the air, and added to the sounds of the occasional roar of a large animal trying to scare away predators.

The rain too hammered down unceasingly from the skies above, and despite the cover provided by the thick trees up above, it still managed to make its way down in torrents to the ground below.

It was all too different from the sandy dunes that made up the Wind Country, as one could easily tell. Uchiha, Kaito would be the first to point that out, but his hatred of the rain and the fact that he and his team were rather vulnerable to any possible attacks would not deter him from the mission at hand. What would, however, would be the fact that he had not eaten in hours, and presumably neither had his teammates. It had been roughly an hour since they had all teleported into the deep, dense forest, and they had been walking nonstop ever since. Even before that, they had spent three or four hours walking through the unforgiving desert that made up the majority of the Wind Country.

'If we keep on going at this pace then we may be too weak to defend ourselves should anything happen...' He began to think to himself, looking out for anything that would provide them with some amount of cover and shelter from the rain.

Luckily for him, that shelter would make itself known. Tucked away within a dense thicket of brush ten meters ahead stood what appeared to be an abandoned shack. Most of the windows had been broken into and the door that had once hung upon hinges lay upon the ground, the wooden structure of it starting to give way back to the nature that surrounded it.


He held up his arm to stop Naki and Karo dead in their tracks, before turning sharply on his heel and backtracking a few feet to stand within 1 meter of his two fellow Sunagakure Genin. He knelt down to sit on his knees, propping his right arm upon his right knee as he motioned with his free hand for the others to do so as well.

"Theres' an abandoned shack up ahead a few meters. I'm sure that you two must've seen it as well. We can use it to shelter ourselves while we eat and draw up a plan about what to do next." The Uchiha would turn his gaze to Naki. "I want you, Naki, to take the right flank." He then turned to Karo. "You take the left flank, Karo." He paused for a moment, closing his eyes as he did so. "As for me..." He would allow his rather newly awakened Sharingan to manifest with three tomoe in both of his eyes before opening them slowly and continuing to speak. "I'll scout out the inside to make sure that nobody is in there already and to clear it of any potential traps."

Kaito would allow his two teammates time to reply, and should they have any other ways to go about it, he would willing to hear them out and welcomed their input. If either of them would offer up any opposition to the plan, Kaito would hear them out before giving his two cents or agreeing with them.

Should they not offer any opposition, however, he would simply nod before standing back up to his feet. Once the other two were ready to march on, Kaito would wish them both luck with a bright smile before turning around himself and beginning to trek through the deep puddles of mud towards the cabin at a slow, cautious pace. He made sure to scan out the area with his Sharingan from side to side, looking out for any other signs of Chakra other than Naki's or Karo's as he pressed onwards…

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Pagebreak6

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Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
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Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:28 pm
As they marched onward Naki seemed to be having the time of his life, especially in the rain, he absolutely loved these conditions. Naki and Kaito had different opinions about the landscape where as he seemed to hate it naki was happy to be in it. The feeling of the rain washing over his body as well as the sound of it hitting the ground or the leaves around them made it even better. The young genin was so enamored with the feeling of the rain he would almost forget about the other two and the mission he was on... Almost. His eyes were still somewhat focused on the task at hand and his head was on a swivel keeping track of everything around him. Eventually his eyes would fall upon the shack that was ahead of them though he would stop at the sight of Kaito's arm. Did he see something that Naki didn't? That was quickly answered as he listened to Kaito it wasn't that he saw something but instead he saw the shack as well, Naki being the young cooperative man he was nods as he went to the right as he wasn't paying attention to Kaito eye change. 

He would close his eyes then opened one of them revealing his new eye. Before they left the village Naki had surgery to get this eye and spent some time trying to figure it out and awaken it. By the looks of it he definitely has, naki eye would look very similar to the Byakugan however it didn't have that famous white coloring or the veins instead his was red, the pupil and all. His eye allowed him to see chakra blobs for now but he was planning on learning more about the eye as possible. He would move himself at a good angle at the shack to see if he could see any of the interior of it or see if there was any chakra signatures inside. He'd wait for Kaito command to move forward as he placed a hand on his sword handle just in case.

  WC 350

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Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Sat Jul 16, 2022 9:47 pm
Every part about this forest was like a giant maze, the lush greens acting as the massive all encompassing walls that were trapping them inside of this hell on earth. Each step left a twig snapped right underneath their own feet. The rain beating down on them like mini bits of hail, each durian tree they passed by only made the trip all the more appalling to go through, yet Karo seemed fine actually. His biggest focus was finding a way out of the forest and into the heartland of Amegakure. Where all of the previous industrial complex could be seen and studied for Sunagakure. Karo wanted to witness all of the wonders of what this village had to offer. But he kept his guard up while walking with the other two. This mission was important, especially given that this might make or break whether or not the team was able to even become chunin.

The mixture of all the noises that resonated within these forests was strange. It was certainly fascinating, but also strange how he could hear the birds. The small incessant buzzing of the insects scattered around the deep, dank, and humid environment they were in. Karo also hated this weather, finding the dunes to almost be favorable right about now, at least they could know whether or not they were making some amount of progress by simply going straight. Yet even then, this place was still like that of a maze. Perhaps designed to entrap or keep in intruders? Karo’s eyes wondered about, focusing mainly on the different types of wood that surrounded them like walls. He noticed mainly that bamboo grew around the much larger durian and even bigger Kapok tree. Yet no fruit blossomed out from the Durian tree at all. Either being pelted away or drowned out by the constant amount of rain pelting and hammering away at the tree’s. Small thickets of bamboo piled about the area in a mismatch of lengths and sizes. Some of them snapped and splintered. This place certainly was not friendly to outsiders, with everything out to either annoy or sabotage them in a way.

Yet Kaito seemingly found something, something that could very well change the course of their whole adventure. It was tucked away, unseen and away from prying eyes. The small shabby cabin at least had its roof tacked. Yet the entire windows were absolutely shattered and gone away. The door splintered and pieced around across the floor.

Karo stopped slightly before Naki did, as he was already studying the abandoned shack as well in  that  brief moment. Already collecting his thoughts and thinking of a plan as well. Yet Kaito already beat him to it with his own words. Karo held his arm right above his head in order to see what Kaito was even trying to explain to them with his own free hand. The plan itself was sound enough as is, but also seemingly lacked a crucial detail as well that could easily be avoided. Especially given that this could have been a trap just waiting to happen.

With the two’s dojutsu already activated, especially given that one of them was the Sharingan, he knew that out of the three of them he was definitely the weakest. Yet he could provide some amount of cover and comfort for them so that way they don’t waste any kind of chakra.

“Why don’t I send in a shadow clone? That way you don’t end up walking right into a trap?” Karo asked as he already was going forward with his own plan, however he’d wait for Kaito to object to him potentially making a shadow clone. Especially in a place like this, given that there was a decent chance that this was indeed a trap. Karo didn’t want to take any chances, especially with how easy it could be to die due to overconfidence.

So with the hopeful approval of Kaito, Karo could cast the shadow clone jutsu. As it could relay info as well as potentially keep someone busy for a moment in regards to its own strength. Karo pointing the clone over towards the shack. Watching as his own clone raced towards the cabin in order to check it out. Hopefully being able to spot or see if there was any kind of disturbance.


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Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:07 am


Kaito would accept Karo's offer to use his Shadow Clone Jutsu. The Uchiha couldn't sense any other Signatures from the use of his own Chakra detection abilities, but it didn't mean that any potential enemies weren't hiding their signatures in much the same manner that he could. Plus, an extra set of hands should things get messy was always good to have.

"Good thinking, Karo. Thank you." He said with a smile before standing back up to his feet. He would wait for Karo to create the Clone and then for Naki and the real Karo to go take their flanks to their respective sides of the shack before proceeding himself. At least this way he could keep an eye on them as backup with the Chakra Vision granted from his Sharingan.

Once the two other Genin were in the position he would creep forward at a slow pace, not noticing anything out of the ordinary, before coming to the door in only a matter of a minute. Peering inside he couldn't notice anything out of the ordinary either, but it was almost pitch black inside. He would waste no time in forming the "Tiger" hand seal and activating his "Cat Eyes" technique. before peering back inside. This time, however, could see something that he felt was a bit... off.

"You able to see that?" He nudged the clone next to him and pointed upon a table against the wall at the back of the shack. Sitting on top of it was a candle; one that had freshly heated wax still dripping down the side of it and into the small collection dish underneath it. "That candle on the table... Someone was here not too long ago."

Looking back at the clone, Kaito would not allow himself to show a hint of the nervousness that he felt within him as his heart began to beat faster and faster; his mind racing a mile a minute.

'Did I just lead us into a trap?' and 'Are we all going to die?' were just a select few of the thoughts that ran through his mind.

What came out of his mouth, however, was a different story.

"I'm going in. I want you to stay out here by the door to provide support and catch any others who may be in there by surprise should they attack me, got it?" Without waiting for an answer from Karo's clone, Kaito already began to form the "Bird" hand seal with both of his hands to perform his "Wind-Style: Quiet Footsteps" technique. Wind Chakra began to swirl around underneath the bottoms of his feet, lifting him up from the ground only a millimeter or two. This bit of cushion that now rested underneath him, however, would be enough to muffle any sounds that he would make by stepping upon the dry rotted, and potentially creaky, floorboards.

Again, without awaiting a response, Kaito would take a big breath before walking through the open front door with a kunai drawn at the ready. Despite the darkness, he could still see clearly thanks to his "Cat Eyes" technique, and he still saw no signs of Chakra other than what he could see of Naki and Karo's from outside of the shack. The space was filled with very dilapidated furniture, and as to be expected some of the floorboards had rotted out to expose the dirt and grime that lay underneath the shack.

Kaito closed his eyes for a moment as he let out a sigh of relief knowing that at the present moment nobody other than the three of them was in the area, at least not anybody else that had any form of Chakra. He would look back out the front door to where Karo's clone was stationed.

"If someone was here though, they a most likely gone. For now, at least..." He would draw his attention over to the table where the freshly quelled candle stood; some smoke still erecting into the air from when it had been previously lit. If they were to stop here for a moment to collect their bearings then it would have to be a quick one, perhaps ten or fifteen minutes tops. "Can you go tell the others to come ba... oof!" As Kaito positioned himself directly next to the table, two of the rotted floorboards gave way underneath his weight. His entire body fell right down through the boards to the ground below, but unlike other sections of the cabin where the soil had been directly underneath the boards, these boards were stationed above a deep hole about ten feet deep.

It all happened so fast, and Kaito could swear that he felt he connected with something solid before tumbling down another foot or two down to the base of the hole. He also knew that he heard a scream, but it didn't sound like one that he would let out.


This scream sounded as though it came from a mere child...

Collecting himself and scurrying back to his feet as loose dirt and wood continued to fall down upon him, Kaito picked up the kunai that had fallen out of his hand and put it at the ready in one hand with the other poised to perform one-handed seals if needed. The sight that he was greeted with, however, he did not expect in the slightest. Before him was a woman and child covering with their backs against the dirt wall of the hole. They both cried something horrible, with the sounds of their cries echoing throughout. Kaito would drop the kunai down to the ground and hold both of his hands out with open palms to show that he meant no harm.

"Its okay..." He said softly as he stood his ground, trying to no avail to silence them so that they did not draw any potential threats directly to them.

"Please..." The woman choked through her cries. "Please do-don't take us back there..."

Kaito was confused. What did this woman mean? Back where?

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Pagebreak6

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Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
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Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:53 pm
Naki overhead Karo talking about sending a clone in first which in hindsight makes the absolute most sense but at the same time if it was a trap and the clone was taken off guard or anything would they really gather any information? Possibly, but Naki was already moving towards the shack though he stayed within a good distance of the other two and the clone. As he moved to his flanking position he would adjust himself accordingly as he was focusing on trying to see any kind of signatures. His ketsuryugan would move from side to side as he takes in any information that he could. As they were closer naki would press himself against the shack gently and slowly start to peer inside through the window that was located on the side. 

As he did he would watch Kaito touch the ground before falling in the ground. It was a hilarious sight to see but for now he had to check on him, Naki would move towards the door where the clone was and depending on what the clone did would determine Naki actions. If the clone went inside to check on Kaito, then Naki would stay outside of the door keeping his eye open for anyone with chakra signatures to try to come out. However, if the clone went out to get the real Karo Naki would head inside and gently walked on the floor, after watching Kaito fall he made sure that he wasn't gonna go through the same thing. Either way it goes Kaito would hear Naki calling out to him. "Are you alright!?" The young genin would call out until he heard the scream which prompted him to nod as he placed his hand on his sheathe and sword hilt. He didn't know about the child or the woman but from what he gathered from it they were not alone though he didn't hear Kaito call for backup or any sounds of a struggle but he stayed on guard against whomever was inside with him. If the clone didn't go get Karo Naki would signal him to come closer, if Kaito was in trouble they only know of Naki and unless the clone was visible in the door then they wouldn't know he was there. Naki would take this time to wait for Kaito, as Naki was loud enough for him to hear from before.  

WC 401
TWC 751

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Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:22 pm
“You’re welcome, it’s what I do best!” Both he and his clone's voices said at the same time. Meant to mostly lighten the mood between the rather desolate locale that he was sent to in order to gather information. Karo had to stay alert and focused, his shadow clone, while being rather brash with running directly into the cabin. It seemed that everything went off without so much as a hitch. The rotting away, withered old cabin that was crumbling under the torrent of rain clattering on and on against its oaken complexion. This place had a story, just like any other abandoned place. Yet Karo was unsure as to whether or not his clone had found anything as of yet. Especially given that he now was flanking Kaito with Naki off to his left. Karo decides to take the rights of Kaito, believing it to be a lot more advantage if his more dominant hand was kept hidden and out of sight.

Karo’s clone returned to Kaito’s side, inspecting the place much further now that a small check up had been made just in case there were any tripwire or something was set off due to chakra or simple specific movements. Yet when Kaito pointed out the candle, Karo’s clone immediately would try and inspect it to see if there was anything wrong with it from their own point of view.

“Not only that, but lighting it up means that they either planned on coming back soon, or someone else lives here entirely. Both options put us in a bad position as ninja from a foriegn nation.”

Even though Karo could tell that Kaito was trying to hold himself together, a valiant effort had to be made for sure, especially given the high stress situation that could come if they had chosen the wrong place to inquire themselves for. It still was indeed their mission as Shinobi. They could not panic now, especially when that might lead them into a stupid mistake that costs them their own lives.

“Got it boss, you’re the one with the most amount of vision after all, Just be a bit careful would you?”

That little jutsu that Kaito had pulled off certainly looked interesting from a shinobi’s perspective. The ability to muffle someone’s footprints could be very dangerous inside of a shinobi’s field of work. It was ingenious to use right about now. Karo’s clone kept himself locked to where the door was. That muffling jutsu was working very well, if Kaito would have snuck up on him, Karo probably wouldn’t have his head attached to his own body.

Yet there was something about this place, something weird about it. Like this was meant to only look like a trap without being one. Perhaps it was a warning? A sign of danger perhaps? The shack itself was absolutely in ruins. You’d have to rebuild the whole thing from the ground up if you even wanted to simply live in the place. The old musty wood reeked of rainwater and other liquids. The shack gave off such a sense of… confusion. Why the hell was this in particular right on their journey as ninja?

“Just what is with this place?” Karo’s clone thought to himself. Taking a small step forwards as Kaito began to address him again with that same respectful tone. The clone went to turn on his heel before hearing the sudden crash of the floorboards snapping in half like twigs. Folding in on themselves as it seemed the earth itself had swallowed Kaito whole. The clone immediately ran over to see if Kaito was alright. His eyes frantically searched for any kind of sign before that same scream that Kaito heard.

It immediately made the clone enter downwards with Kaito, carefully sliding down the hole before landing right next to the Uchiha. Right as the boy had planted his feet into the ground could Karo make out the child and women inside of the hole. The faint clatter of his kunai being released from the ground. Karo too tried not to seem harmful in any way. Yet this brought up a series of questions he wanted to answer. However he’d have to take this a bit softer than expected.

“Hey hey, it’s alright, where do you not want to be taken back to?”

He continued to try and look as unhostile as possible, even nudging Kaito to deactivate his sharingan. As that could also potentially be causing some amount of distress due to what he could perceive as simply a woman and her child.

“Do you know if anyone was around here? Or if anyone has come by here? I have food if you two need it?”

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:45 pm


As Karo joined Kaito down in the hole, the woman and child seemed to become more frantic. That was until the other Genin made it known to them that neither of them were a threat. It seemed to calm the two civilians down some, and through pants and cries, the woman would bring herself to reply to the duo.

"Y-you're not with the ninja stationed i-in Old Amegakure?" She sniffled. Kaito shook his head no in reply, wondering what the woman meant by her question. It must have been enough of an answer for the woman, who still holding the child in hand lurched forward and wrapped her free arm around him. "Oh, thank heavens!" She wailed. "I thought you were here to kill us for leaving that place!" Kaito would comfort the lady for a moment, looking at the clone all the while with an air of confusion. Then, Naki's voice sounded throughout the cabin.

"We're fine." Kaito reassured him loudly enough for Naki to hear him over the sound of the rain pattering harshly against the tin roof above them. "There are two civilians here. Can you help us hoist them outta here?"

The Uchiha would give Naki time to help him in getting the woman and child back up to the surface before finally himself. He would also help Karo back out of the hole as well if need be before brushing himself off as he realized where he had stepped had been a trap door.

The mystery of whom had been at the shack before they arrived had been solved, but there was still one major question that the Uchiha had on his mind. He would address this after making sure that both the real Karo and Naki were also within the confines of the building. Once the confirmation was made, he would release both his "Cat Eyes" and "Wind-Style: Quiet Footsteps" techniques.

"Ma'am, what did you mean when you asked if we were with the ninja stationed in Old Amegakure? What's going on there?"

The woman frowned and looked down at the ground below her as she brushed the head of the child with her hand comfortingly.

"Well, when Amegakure was abandoned many years ago, there was a group of us that stayed there. Our homes were there. We couldn't just leave them you understand..." Kaito nodded with understanding. "Things were peaceful there for a long time. No outsiders bothered us and we kept to ourselves in return; living purely off the land surrounding the island. A few months ago a group of ten or so ninja walked into the village. They immediately started killing those who opposed their presence, and once they were done they said that they were taking over the village." The woman paused for a moment, looking as though they were going to throw up but didn't. "They took those of us who weren't killed and turned us into slave laborers, tasked with rebuilding the village with what we had from when it stood before. These ninja... they do nothing but sit around and booze all day, and recently some of us women have been going missing in the night, their screams heard by all of us as they are taken far away... I-i'm sure you can imagine what's going on... I had to escape! If I didn't then who knows what would've come of me and my little Iggy..."

Kaito nodded as a chill went down his spine thanks to the woman's explanation.

"These ninja..." He asked after allowing what the woman said to sink in for a moment. "Do they have any headbands indicating where they're from?"

The woman shook her head from side to side.

"Not all of them. One or two maybe, but all of the ones that do have slashes through the symbol."

"Missing-Nin..." This time the woman nodded yes in agreement. Kaito tsked, realizing the sheer amount of trouble the citizens of the abandoned Amegakure were in. He would look up to Karo and Naki with his Sharingan still active. "How do you two want to proceed?"
Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Pagebreak6

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Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:36 pm
When the clone proceeded inside he would wait longer for some kind of response though he was getting antsy, luckily, if it wasn't for him having his ketsuryugan going and seeing their chakra still going strong he would have panicked and probably would have had to take over the operation. As he stood at the door he would hear Kaito finally respond back but he wasn't exactly buying it as they might be held in there against their will and was forced to say that. He would create himself a clone too and sent him inside to see what was going on. The clone would give Naki the all clear sign as he entered the room and looked down into the hole. "Alright, send them up." He said as he reached down helping both the child and the mother out as his clone disappeared. 

When they all were together Naki would look between everyone and just wondered what this was all about. It didn't take long for Kaito to ask what was in probably all their minds, well kind of, Naki wasn't there for the hug so he wasn't exactly sure what he meant by ninjas in the old village but he would keep his mouth shut and listen to the story. Though as he listened the rage within his soul began to burn, it's possible because he had already done a similar mission before but it still pissed him off when stuff like this happened. When she finished the only sound that could be heard was the rain dropping before Kaito spoke again. "Well, what can we do? From how I see it we got two options for this." He said as he held up two fingers. "We either return back home and report this to the kazekage alerting him of what's become of the old village, or, we gather more information on the ninja that are preoccupying the village and try to take them down one by one in hopes of not alerting the majority of them and saving the citizens." Despite how Naki felt he had to be logical about this but he would put his fingers down and made a fist while staring at Kaito showing he's willing to fight it out with these missing Nin. But you know I'm willing to take a chance to crack some skulls. What about you?" He assured Kaito then asked both him and Karo on their stance in the matter. 

WC 412
TWC 1163
Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:37 pm
Karo didn’t mean to make them already more frantic then they already were. Yet thankfully with his words he could weave a way for him and Kaito to not be seen as a threat. He kept to himself somewhat now, keeping calm as the wailing woman was able to calm herself down along with her own child. Which made things all the easier when it came to talking to the two of them.

Karo also shook his head as a result of what she previously thought was their own intentions. His clone kept to itself from right above them. Karo focused mostly on what the women cried out towards them about what her thoughts were. The fact that they were potentially being hunted down. It made Karo and his clone realize something, that this place was not safe for them at all. They would have to make a decision however on whether or not to leave. Yet Naki’s voice did make him respond with a sudden shout as well. Mirroring what Kaito did as he’d try and keep everything calm. He along with his clone would help the two of them make their way right towards where Naki was. Karo was kinda annoyed that there wasn’t a jutsu that he could use that could hoist them up through the earth itself.

Grabbing onto Kaito’s hand, Karo along with his clone hoisted themselves back up to even ground with everyone else. Immediately Karo offered food towards the child that was shivering inside of the rain. Which led to the shinobi discarding his jacket. Wrapping the red clothing right around the little boy's body to cover him from the cold.

Yet the story that was recounted to them, it painted an almost feverish picture of how far Amegakure had fallen in recent times. Now seemingly a base for mercenaries and crooks it seemed. Missing ninja as well given that one or two of them might have been leading the charge entirely. Yet the prospective of slaves being there as well…. It made the decision of what they were supposed to do a bit hard to think of at first. Before noticing that specifically who they had with them.

“We have to return…. Our travel tokens can get all five of us back there in record time. One of you can take the child and the other can take the mother back to the village gates. We can’t fight these guys right now, if we inform the Kazekage, it will make sure that there’s a less chance of all of us dying as a result.”

With that, Karo’s clone vanished in a puff of smoke. Returning all of the info and memories he had acquired with said clone.

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Empty Re: Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country

Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:31 pm


Kaito listened to Naki and Karo's decisions.

Naki, whom Kaito had known for some time, was more than willing to fight the mercenaries in Old Amegakure, or at the very least scout out the situation.

Karo on the other hand had another idea. The lad wanted to go back to the village and alert the village's higher-ups. Kaito tsked as he heard him say these words.

"These exams are being held for a reason, Karo." He said as he removed five of the M.R.E food packages from his bag and distributed them to everyone for some sustenance. "Our mission is to scout this place out, not just leave at the first sign of trouble. Let's at least do that, and then if we think that we can't take them on we will hightail it outta here. If we come back empty-handed, then what would Lord Kazekage think?"

He would await any input from either Naki or Karo before looking over at the woman and child and handing them their M.R.E packs. Their eyes lit up like stars in a night sky as they grabbed them and began to chow down. Being enslaved people and all, they probably hadn't eaten anything remotely edible in a while.

"How were you two able to escape Amegakure?"

The woman looked up at Kaito from her meal and swallowed what food she had already begun to scarf down before clearing her throat.

"My little Nagiska and I slipped away through the huge pipe system that runs underneath the village and under the lake." She grimaced as she spoke about it. "It's a sewer system, but it's the only way in and out without being noticed. The village has really tall walls surrounding it, it's on an island in the middle of that huge lake about three miles east of here, and there is only one entrance into the village naturally by a long, heavily guarded bridge."

Kaito nodded and continued eating, trying his best not to think about what... crappy situation he was about to be putting himself through. But it needed to be done. He wouldn't stand for these missing ninja doing as they pleased, let alone to mere civilians. He would sit in silence for a moment as he finished his food, gathered up what garbage remained, and used his "Storage Displacement" technique to dispose of it all. They couldn't risk leaving any sort of evidence behind detailing their presence. He then stood up to his feet and stretched.

"I don't know about you two, but I'm going to Amegakure. We can't just sit by and do nothing about this." He would look at the woman again. "Where can I find the pipe that you exited from, Ma'am?"

"About 100 yards east there is a 25-foot cliff. At the bottom is a small creek where the sewer spills into from the pipe about five feet up the side of it. You can't miss it. Just follow the main pipe itself and you'll soon find yourself directly underneath the old village square."

"Would you and Nagiska mind waiting here for a bit longer or going with Karo back to Sunagakure just in case he decides that he doesn't want to go with me to Amegakure?" He reached back into his backpack and pulled out his remaining Travel Token, handing it to the young Nagiska with a smile. "Either way, I'll make sure to stop back here when I'm finished to make sure whoever stays is safe." The woman and Nagiska shook their heads in unison and Kaito bowed to them before walking out the front door that led into the cabin. "If Naki or Karo want to join me, then let's go."

Whether Naki and Karo joined him or not, Kaito would take his exit from the cabin and begin the journey to the village of Amegakure with quick haste.

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Kaito finally found the end of the sewer system the woman had told him about. As soon as he had come to the cliff and scaled down to hop into the pipe, he instantly threw up from the pure, rancid stench of many, many years worth of vile human extremities. He pushed through, however, and he did so by unwrapping the cloth turban he wore upon his head and wrapping it around his nose and mouth like a mask. It wouldn't help much to relieve the stench, but any bit of help would suffice.

He would proceed forward at a quick pace, but it did take him some time to navigate to the end of the tunnel where a metal ladder rose perhaps forty feet above him. He could see some daylight through small slits up above.

'A metal grate, perhaps?' He asked himself, wasting no time at all in climbing up the ladder.

Sure enough, it was a metal grate, and from the continued use of his 3-Tomoe Sharingan he could sense about seven Chakra signatures fifty yards north of him. He would ease the grate up enough just for him to peer his eyes through, and he could in fact see seven men of all different statures and builds sitting around and having a hearty time of themselves as they sat around drinking alcohol and playing cards. Many people worked tirelessly in the pounding rain around them, but Kaito sensed little to no Chakra signatures from them.

'They must be the citizens...'

Suddenly, one of the workers fell to the ground meekly. Kaito narrowed his eyes as some of the men began booing and getting up from their seats to surround the fallen person.

"What's wrong, old man?" Said the biggest of the Chakra-laden men. "You too hungry to continue?" The old man would shake his head weakly, and the missing-nin crouched down in front of him. Their eyes locked as the old man rose his head ever so slightly in hopes that he would at least be given a crumb of bread, but this would not be the case. The missing-nin would swiftly pull back his right arm before swinging a balled fist into the elder's face, slamming it down harshly into the ground.

"Get up!" He demanded, rising back up to his feet as he did so.

The old man, however, continued to lay in the muddy rain without moving.

"I said get up!"

Still no reply or sign of movement from the old man...

Suddenly, the missing-nin's leg rose up into the air and he brought the heel of his sandal down upon the elder man's head. He did this over and over again until a pool of blood started to form in the rain around them. Kaito's heart skipped a beat as his eyes widened at the sight of such utter brutality.

"Stay down then!" The missing-nin said condescendingly before spitting on the old man's body. Kaito's heart began beating faster and faster as it felt as though a fire had been ignited from deep within him.

'Kill them...'

Kaito's breath started becoming heavier and heavier as his 3-Tomoe Sharigan transformed into his Mangekyō Sharingan...

'Kill them all, Kaito...'

The metal grate shot up into the air at a frightening speed as Kaito jumped out from the sewer with a terribly agonizing scream, landing ten meters in front of it and facing the missing-nin who still stood 40-meters directly in front of him. The group of seven missing shinobi stopped looking down at the man and all returned their glances towards Kaito, drawing their weapons in unison.

"Who the fuck are you, huh!?" Yelled the biggest of the men. Kaito recognized him as the one who had curb stomped the elder to death. The boy stared at them all with his crimson red eyes as the darker half of him took to the surface of his psyche. It was now in complete control, and it was much more brutal than what the real Kaito was. It hadn't surfaced again since the second round of the exams, and it now had access to all of the new latent power that the young Uchiha was granted since then.

"Not gonna say anything, brat?" Kaito remained silent. The leader chuckled. "Kill him, guys!"

The other six men charged forward simultaneously, readying their weapons as they did so. Kaito stayed perfectly still with his arms folded across his chest, yet whenever all of the men had him surrounded he hurriedly formed some hand seals. Long tentacle-like tree branches erupted from the earth below each and every one of the attackers' feet, either piercing straight them or binding the men in their clutches before squeezing their very life from their bodies.

The Wood-Release granted to Kaito by the Senju DNA the Kazekage had given him had finally awoken.

The leader of this sect of the missing shinobi stood above the old man's lifeless body with a dumbfounded look upon his face.

"Wh-what the hell are you!?"

Again, Kaito said nothing. He would slowly begin to walk forward towards the man, who took a step back in unison with each of Kaito's steps forward. Unbeknownst to the man, however, another branch erupted from the ground behind him. As soon as he was in range it would snag him up, lifting him a few feet of the ground. He screamed and cowered; trying to fight the vicious root that snagged him. But it was too late. Kaito now stood directly in front of the man, looking up at him with enraged eyes of red.

"You bastardized the ways of the shinobi... And now you must pay..." The branch lowered the man down to Kaito's level as the young Uchiha drew his Chakra-Bonding Katana from its sheath at his right hip. With a swift motion, he swung the sword with blinding accuracy. Blood covered his face and front, but it didn't bother him. Then there was a small thud about five feet to the left of them, and Kaito knew it was the man's newly severed head. With a sour look, Kaito would keep his Mangekyō Sharingan active as he resheathed the sword and turned around towards the old man. He was still alive, but just barely. Acting fast, Kaito would remove his coat and place it over the man before lifting up the elder to a sitting position.  "Can you hear me, old man?" The man nodded. "Okay. Hold still, please." Wasting no time at all Kaito would perform the "Basic Medical Ninjutsu" technique and place his open palm on the man's head where it had been struck over and over again by the fallen missing-nin. Within a few moments it would be completely healed, but the man was still groggy and out of it slightly.

"Thank you, young man..." The man said in a strained and raspy voice. Kaito would smile and nod before asking some of the other citizens to help the man to his feet and take him somewhere to get some rest. He then went off to finish off the remaining missing shinobi, and he would allow Naki and Karo to take the reigns of this part of the operation if either of them were there with him. Once the remaining outlaws were taken care of, Kaito would walk back over to where the old man had been. As he did, the rain finally began to die down and open up to clear skies above them all.

"Good news, your missing-nin problem is taken care of. You are all free again." There was a round of applause and people giving their thanks to the Sunagakure Genin who had assisted in their becoming free, and the old man stood up to his feet and walked over to Kaito and whoever else may be with him.

"I cannot thank you enough. All of you. You helped to free my people from those bastards." The old man would then notice Kaito's headband. "Ah! From Sunagakure I see. Are you here on business or just passing through?" Kaito would then explain to the man that they were participating in the village's Chunin Exams, and that they were tasked with traveling to the Rain Country to test their survival. He would not, however, disclose the fact that it was a direct mission from the Kazekage himself. The old man would ponder for a moment before nodding his head and smiling. "If it helps any, lad, I would love to represent myself as the leader of this small community and speak with your Lord Kazekage myself in person. Would you mind if I traveled back to your village with you?"

"I don't mind at all, Sir." Kaito said with a bow. "We just have to make one quick pitstop before we do head back out to the Wind Country."

The old man would address the rest of the villagers before him, Kaito, and whoever else was with him set back out for the shack. They would describe to the woman and child that the village was now free from the missing shinobi, and the woman and child would thank the Sunagakure shinobi present for their service before her and her son set back out for Amegakure.

Once the woman and child were gone, Kaito then turned his attention to the old man. Should Naki and Karo still be in the Rain Country with him, he would also keep his attention on them.

His Mangekyō Sharingan was still active.

"As you all may know, I have been gifted with the power of the Sharingan in between the second and final round of the exams. What I haven't revealed to anyone else, however, is the fact that I have this Mangekyō Sharingan. I've done extensive research on it ever since I was granted its power, and I've discovered that I have a certain technique called "Kamui". With it, I can transport myself and upwards of three other people to any location my Chakra has been previously. I did not disclose any of this information to either of you previously because I was unsure whether we would need to use it or not." He would pause for a quick moment to catch his breath. "It is apparent to me, however, that if I do not use this technique now, then we will not make it back to Suna before the end of the exams." He would extend out his arm.  "Everyone grab my arm."

Once the others present in the cabin would grab Kaito's arm, including the old man, He would activate the "Kamui" in his left eye. The area around the group would begin to swirl from the focal point of Kaito's left eye, which began to bleed profusely. It pained him some, but he knew that it had to be done.

"Come on!" He yelled in excruciating pain, wanting nothing more than to cut off the technique then and there. That wouldn't happen, however, and the world around Kaito and the rest of the group swirled into a brief nothingness...

Sunagakure Chūnin Exams - Rain Country Pagebreak6


The world, which had become black after Kaito activated the Kamui in his left eye, quickly fazed back into existence. This place, however, was completely different then where they had just left from.

Sand crunched underneath Kaito's feet, and the sun beat down on him harshly. Before him now stood a tall, black building.

It was The Spire...

They were finally back home in Sunagakure...

With a sigh of relief, Kaito would allow himself to fall to the ground. He was surprised that it actually worked considering the only way to bypass the village's "Interdiction Seals" that surrounded the village was via a molding of Chakra in a very specific way. He had done this, but he had to do it in conjunction with his first ever use of Kamui, so it tuckered him out to no end. He huffed and puffed sharply, holding his hand tightly above his left eye. He would do this for a moment, contemplating on what else his new eyes could do, but it would have to wait for another time. Standing back up to his feet, Kaito would point to The Spire and look at the old man as he did so.

"We're here, Sir. That building there is where Lord Kazekage has his office, so why don't you come with us and we will introduce you to him once we let him know that our exam is now finished?" The old man nodded and Kaito would lead the group into The Spire, feeling happy that he was now home, and praying that his acts in the battlefield may be enough to convince the Kazekage that he was worthy of the position of Chunin...


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Last edited by Kaito Inuzuka on Wed Jul 27, 2022 1:47 am; edited 2 times in total
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