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Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results

Sukiba Moeagaru
Jaiden Goka
Daiki Senju
Kenta Hoshimura
Guren Chinoike
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Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
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Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results Empty Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results

Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:27 pm
In the early hours of the morning, Guren issued out letters to all members of the shinobi force, inviting them to attend a ceremony to commemorate the newly appointed Chunin in the village. Each letter was identical, containing the below message.

"Shinobi of Sunagakure,

You are cordially invited to attend the Chunin Commemoration, to be held in the auditorium of the New Academy on the 12th of August. Attendees, please come as you are and fill the seats of the auditorium. Genin that participated in the Chunin Exams, please report to the center stage and organize yourselves by last name.

The Ceremony will begin at 5 PM.

- Guren Chinoike, Third Kazekage"

When all letters were delivered, Guren would dress himself in his floral yukata. For the first time since becoming the Kazekage, he'd equipped the Kage's Hat. The Second previously had it stained in blood, presumably as a symbol of her affinity. And though Guren too had that affinity, he requested the hat to be cleaned and in a restored and tidy condition. In tip top shape, it sat upon his head with its tails draping over top of his torso. Underneath his yukata, his pinstriped fatigues were equipped with his jewelry sitting overtop of it. And among his necklaces was of course his snowflake one, made by none other than his lover and mother of his children. He'd equip his number of rings, and once fully dressed he'd made his way to the New Academy.

Upon arrival, several high ranking shinobi were already there. Junko, Lilith, Michio, and Chiyoko to name a few. This group had arrived first, having been instructed to set up the auditorium for the ceremony. Other genin, chunin, and jounin made up the audience, all sitting in silence waiting for the ceremony to begin. With the curtains of the stage closed, Guren would stand behind it waiting for all of the seats of the participating genin to be filled. Once everyone was present, Guren would instruct the curtains to be drawn open. As they swung open, the Third would turn in place and face the audience. Upon the stage would be chairs filled with genin, and a long table. On the table were two sets of Chunin flak jackets.

"Thank you all for coming. I will keep this short, as we are all short on time." his voice boomed as it filled and echoed throughout the dark auditorium. "We are gathered here today to recognize the efforts of all who participated in this year's Chunin Exams. It took time, effort, and determination; and for that, all of you have earned respect from your peers. However only a handful have been selected for Chunin promotion. And when your names are called, please stand up and step forward."

Guren would turn towards the seated genin and look over each one. With a soft smile, he'd call out the names. 

"Raiden Ametsuchi and Karo Yogan... Everyone, give a hand to these two for their accomplishments. Please, put on these jackets as a sign of your status."

With that the crowd would erupt with a thunderous applause. It was a sign that they accepted the promotions, and more importantly they respected these two specific shinobi. As Raiden and Karo would walk towards the Third, he would grab ahold of one flak jacket at a time and lightly toss it towards each Chunin. As the applause died down, Guren would call out a third name.

"Yusuke Sarutobi, please step forward. Though not a Chunin, Yusuke will follow a path alongside none other than the likes of Sebastian Mikaelson."

Guren would leave the details of this promotion as ambiguous, but a roar of applause would follow the announcement nonetheless. When it would come to an end, he'd make one final declaration. 

"Now then. Without further ado, we will be organizing all Genin into teams, each assigned a leader. The teams have been selected based on performance in the exams, compatibility, and with challenges in mind...

Team 1 will consist of leader Souji Hyuuga, with members being Kanzaki Yamanaka, Kota Apollon, and Naki Choko.

Team 2 will consist of leader Kushimaru, with members being Travin Wraith, Kaito Inuzuka, and Takumashi Senju.

Team 3 will consist of leader Raiden Ametsuchi, with members being Shinichi Uchiha, Daiki Senju, and Blades.

Team 4 will consist of leader Karo Yogan, with members being Hinoishi Uchiha, Jupiter Yamanaka, and Kin Akiyama.

Team 5 will consist of leader Sebastian Mikaelson, with members being Sumiko Yoshido and Yusuke Sarutobi.

Congratulations to you all for being the future of the village. Please everyone gather with your squads and become familiar with each other. I will stick around for a few moments to answer any questions you may have, but then I must return to my work. But first, Raiden, Daiki, Naki, and Yusuke please come see me. I have special information to share with each of you."

With that, the Third would walk towards the rear of the stage. He'd expect the rest of the genin on stage who hadn't been named to step down and meet up with their team leads, unless of course they had questions for Guren.

WC = 859

(Those not promoted or specifically mentioned, feel free to start a separation observation thread. Thank you to everyone for your efforts and stay tuned for the next plot arc! Should be a fun one and room for good development for everyone.)
Kenta Hoshimura
Kenta Hoshimura
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Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results

Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:57 pm
Raiden had gotten the letter, It was the day he had been waiting for . As Raiden got dressed that morning after his breakfast and cleaning himself up , he dressed himself in his best cloths, and even got his hair to tame down for the event.

Raiden's Formal Apperance:

He wore black for the most part, and since he was hopeful, he made sure it was something that a Flak jacket would fit over if he did get selected. He would be lying if he said he was not excited in some form for this day, he got to see the results of his buckle down hard style of training he had done when he was made a member of the village. He would even for the first time place the head band of Sunagakure across his forehead proudly, something he had not done since he had left the leaf village. This was to be a truly formal event, if not for anyone else, than for himself.

Raiden would file into the New Academy as was directed when he arrived, and was standing in front of the stage that was in front of him, It would not be long before his fellow contestants would report as well. When the curtain drew back Raiden immediately noted something, behind him was only two vest, Raiden's heart began to beat faster, that was slim chance he would be selected. He was certain that others would be selected, if for no other reason than for the simple fact that they were apart of the village much longer than he had been. Surely that would be the case, in which case he would take the next exams with such seriousness that he would not be overlooked, he had just hoped he at least earned the respect of his fellow genin even with him being new, while they may have given it freely already, he liked to earn his positions he had.

He would quiet his mind as the Lord Kazekage spoke, the Majesty of the man wearing the hat, little did Raiden realize this was the first time he donned the hat, and in doing so, fully accepting the role of the Kage. And than when Guren said Raiden's name, and being the first name he spoke, Raiden froze for a second. His mind went blank as he had not heard much past that immediately. Others got his attention to make him realize, his name was called for the Asension, Raiden would blink and slowly walked to the stage. For Raiden it seemed to take forever, but for whatever reason he could not bring himself to walk any faster than he was going.

Almost as if in a state of disbelief, was he really as good of a ninja to deserve such a responsiblity after being in the village for such a short time. eventually his feet stopped themselves when he realized he was standing in front of the Kage, and at that very moment before Guren turned away to collect the flak jacket to toss to him, he had quickly bowed in the mans presence. While Raiden stared down at the Chuunin vest in his hands, he would walk off to the side of Guren for the time being as Guren went to speaking out loud again.

He mentioned the man Yusuke was selected for a special thing, but Raiden was lost as he stared at the vest in his hands, and before he knew it, he heard his name mentioned by the kage again, little did he realize what was being done until the kage finished speaking , the mention of his name snapping him out of his utter shock he was in. Raiden was already being given a team of Genin. This made Raiden go wide eyed as he stared out at the crowd before him, Daiki he remembered watching for a little bit after his fight had finished, the other two names he was not familiar with. But at that moment he knew he would not fail them or his village. At that determination of how he was going to be as a team leader, he would dawn the Jacket, and as he did, he heard his name for a third time from the kage.

Guren had called for him to follow, and at this time he would do so. To the back of the stage. Raiden had a new sense of accomplishment and duty, but what else could he possibly be needed for at this moment. he would wait along side the kage for the next bit to be revealed.
Daiki Senju
Daiki Senju
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Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:08 pm
It had been an uneventful couple of days since Daiki's return to the village from his mission in another country. For the most part he had partaken in training his body and sharpening his skills whether it was at home via chakra control training or on the fields working out his physical capabilities some more. He had just finished his morning workout of a few hundred pushups, beads of sweat dropping down his head and body, as he was just about to take a swig of water when there was a chirp from his window. He looked over to see a raven with a scroll tied to it's leg as Daiki put his water bottle down and could feel his nerves acting up once again. This no doubt had something to do with the exams and their results as he felt slightly excited while also very nervous. He walked over to the raven and untied the scroll from the raven as he unfurled it and read the invitation word for word twice. The ceremony wasn't supposed to take place until hours away in the afternoon which would give him time to finish up his training and reflect a bit on how he felt he had done in the exams.

Once the clock struck 4:30 Daiki hopped out of his window and made his way over to the ceremony site. He hopped down from the rooftops of nearby buildings onto the street as he walked along the dusty streets as he kept his headband inside of the pocket of his shorts. He walked casually in a awkward way trying to make himself look as though he was completely relaxed when in reality he was battling his nerves on the inside in order to keep them from showing through. Thoughts about 'how did I do' or 'am I really ready for a new rank' went through his head as he walked all as he looked up into the sky and watched as birds flew around the sky freely and the clouds floated gently past unperturbed by nothing as he felt he should've been. He wiped his blond hair out of his eyes as he picked up the pace due to seeing the stage he was supposed to go to. He could see other ninja were gathering around the stage but he guessed that his place would be inside from beyond the closed curtain which made him all the more nervous. All of the ninja of the village were about to see him either become a Chunin... or fail.

With that in mind he slowly edged himself into the covered up area as he saw a series of chairs and was told by Guren to sit in his assigned seat. As his last name was Senju he would take one of the last chairs and take his seat quietly all while waiting for the others to come and join. After a few more minutes the curtains would open and the ceremony would proceed. He took in slow breaths as he looked out at all of the filled seats of ninja watching them all. Then Guren would announce the new Chunin... His name not among the two. The answer to his question and his overall efforts would hit him like a truck as he sat there watching the two Genin now turned Chunin receive their jackets marking their promotions. A twinge of frustration would make itself known within his psyche as he watched but also understanding as he ultimately was a brand new Genin not even a couple of months out of the academy. He still had much to learn and he would acknowledge that all as he put up a smile as best he could and applauded the two who had made it.

After the applause he would sigh to himself as he scratched his temple and tried to fight through his disappointment over his failure to rank up. He tried to think through the situations he had been in during the exams and pick out which parts he might have failed in to where he wasn't considered for the rank. These thoughts would cause him to miss the part of Yusuke's special announcement before it came time for the ninja to be given their team assignments. He paid close attention to this information as he would ultimately be paired with three ninja who he had never met before. Not only that but the person who was going to be in charge of his group was going to be one of the new Chunin? Why wouldn't he be paired with Kin or Kota, he wondered, when he had experience with going on missions with them and therefore had more of a sync with them? Well getting to know other ninjas and working with them ultimately was better in the long run, he figured, as he heard Guren's final words and heard the final rounds of applauses.

However it would seem that Guren wasn't finished with Daiki just yet as he had announced that him and four others were to now meet with him before they went into their assigned roles. As he got up and made his way to the back he would nod to the others and to his new group leader with a soft smile while still fighting through his self disappointment. "Congrats on your promotion, Raiden. It'll be interesting getting to know you in the coming days. I hope I don't disappoint you." With that said he would wait for a response, if one was going to come, before hearing what Guren had to say.

WC 936
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
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Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results

Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:04 pm
Naki was at his compound getting dressed in his formal Yukata the one that his family had that he found. He would skip it on as he noticed that it was a bit bigger than he remembered but then again as much as he's done for the chuunin exams he could have lost weight. He would stand up as his chest was exposed a bit exposing a bit of a seal on it as he looked at himself in a mirror he'd grab a brush and start to, obviously, brush out his hair. The young man was excited for the day it was possible that he was going to become a chuunin. He would inhale before grabbing his headband and attaching it to his arm and proceeded to grab his sword attaching it to his hip before heading out of the compound making his way to the ceremony. 

Once there he would shuffle inside and found a nice spot near the aisle, he would sit back as the ceremony started. He would be excited to hear about who was going to get those vest on stage. As the day proceeded on Naki excitement would transition into disappointment as he wasn't one of the ones chosen. This kind of hit hard as he inhaled sharply but he would congratulate the ones who did, Yusuke was chosen too though he was given something else that seems more special, though he was taken back by how his name was called but that was because he was assigned to a team now. The thing is he only knew one person who he was teaming and that was Kota the first person to train him so that was a good thing. Though he would snap out of his trance when his name was once again called as the kazekage has called his name along with the two others who became chuunin and another genin named Daiki. He would nod and when the others joined and followed Guren Naki would too as he was curious about the information that they was going to get. 

WC 348
Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Ryo : 79000

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Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:06 am
The sun’s rays bled into Karo’s own room. Leading to the early morning sunshine to wake up the red haired shinobi. Reaching for his eyelids, Karo slowly began to rub his eyes to wake himself up from the long sleep that he had for the night. A small yawn escaped the young boy's mouth before getting up to start the day in his life. Karo however heard the clatter of footsteps towards his door to suddenly see his mother blast open the door with a massive grin of excitement on her face.

“Karo! The ceremony is happening today! The note just came in the mail today!” She shouted while handing Karo the envelope that the Kazekage himself seemed to have written for all of those that were invited. The new academy certainly was an appropriate place for them to hold the ceremony. As it was a place where every single ninja that was a genin to a jonin could remember and find even if they didn’t know where their own house was. Karo was surprised to see that the ceremony would be happening so soon. Which meant he’d have to dress up for the massive event that would occur. As he had a feeling, deep down that he would not be receiving the rank of chunin.

“Mom… I understand that it’s the ceremony… But you know I’m probably not going to become Chunin rig-” However a sudden appearance of his father had Karo cut off what he was going to say. The hulking man of strength, with his big bushy red beard on full display walked into his son's room with a small smile. Placing his massive hand right on his son’s shoulder, his eyes staring down at Karo’s own amber eyes.

“Even if you don’t get the promotion, we’ll still be proud of ya son, don’t forget that.” Karo could only turn his head slightly upwards at his father. Letting a massive grin appear on his face as he knew that this rank up, while important, wouldn’t be the greatest worry in the world if he did not receive it. Karo understood that there were so many others that also wanted the rank of chunin, but he had to keep his hopes low, that way he wouldn’t be disappointed when the announcement finally had come.

Karo arrived at the poignant time of 4:45 P.M. Sporting a simple Red blazer and dress pants draped over a black button down shirt that his father gifted him. A small emblem of his clan was wrapped around his neck inside of a silver rope. Allowing him to give into the festivities for a moment with the smell of fresh steak and barbecue being cooked up near the academy. People were already opening up bottles of saki and alcohol as it seemed the village was doing well in terms of spirits. He knew his own spirit was beginning to embolden itself with each passing moment. Others that he knew passed the red haired man by without so much as a look towards him. He knew that dressing up would be for the best, as this was certainly a time for excitement that a few genin would get that promotion to chunin.

Karo had eventually found his way inside of the backstage of the auditorium, where he was met with a few other genin who had participated within the chunin exams as well. Specifically Karo had seated himself two seats down from Raiden Ametsuchi, someone who he had not really met up until that point. However introductions could happen after their kage had given out the promotions for the genin sitting inside of these chairs. Karo could only begin to think about honestly what he’d do after this was all over. If he did become chunin, he wondered if it was best to do more missions that could increase his strength. It was better than simply sitting around and doing absolutely nothing as a result. Yet Guren’s booming voice suddenly slashed through his train of thought as the curtains were opened for all to see the genin being presented that had participated in the chunin exams. Karo’s eyes staring into the crowd of genin, chunin, and Jonin that were there. It was here that Guren turned towards the Genin in question, before calling out two names, the second one ringing in Karo’s ear as he was shocked that he had heard it. He had heard his name being called up to the stands. However he stood up, a small sense of confidence in the boy as he waited, Raiden seemingly lagging behind a century at a time. As Karo practically walked past the boy on his ways to Guren. However his heart was thumping in his chest. Not expecting a promotion like this so soon on his journey of being a shinobi.

Catching the flak jacket Guren lightly tossed towards him, Karo however was surprised by the following information that he was going to be the team leader of Hinoishi Uchiha, Jupiter Yamanaka, and Kin Akiyama. Two of which he had fought inside of the simulations, his eyebrow raised considerably as a result of this. Yet he would take any that he could get, knowing that it was for the best that he stayed still for this. Especially given that one of his fellow chunin was expecting to talk with Guren about something. Not hearing his name was slightly disappointing. Karo didn’t waste much time, only standing there for a moment as he’d try and get the attention of the three genin that he was placed to protect and train as a team.

Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
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Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:45 am
The boy adorned his face protector, and his camouflage ceremonial yukata. He was finally ready for the chunin exam results. Yusuke had been relaxing since his return to the hiden sand village. After inviting the lady of the mountain clan into his home, the administration had found proper accommodations rather quickly. Aside from checking in on her and her attendant from time to time Yusuke had been on standby. His father had been talking about his performance in the chunin exam battle rounds ever since it had ended. He was filled with pride at his son's use of the jutsu he'd passed down to end the match. Yusuke himself was happy with it as well. It wasn't everyday that you had a chance to show off your clan's abilities. His mother was had gotten annoyed at just how many times Yusuke was asked to regal his thought process. His father had also wanted all the details of the mission he'd been sent on. Yusuke's father was confident that he would be selected as a chunin, and his mother agreed. Yusuke himself was unsure. He couldn't know if the written portion had gone well, and who knows if the negotiations with the mountain clans lady had gone well? It would all be answered today.

He made his way to the auditorium of the new academy his father beaming with pride along side his mother whose gentle smile didn't pale in comparison. They took their seats and waited patiently for the third to arrive. It didn't take too long for the processes to begin. Yusuke immediately noticed there were only two flak jackets. Just two... He was nervous now even just one more jacket would have made him feel at ease, but there were many participants and at least 4 who had done well in the combat rounds only half of them could make the cut. Yusuke clenched his knees as he listened to the Kazekage speak.

Quickly the two promoted shinobi were announced. Karo who he had taught fire style and Raiden a shinobi he'd only met once before. I guess I wasn't strong enough... The applause erupted around him. He smiled and clapped, but he saw the worried expression of his mother and the shook and disapproval of his father. He could only just barely keep from tearing up. Now wasn't the time. He gave a light hearted shrug with heavy shoulders towards his parents, as the applause died down.

I'll just study harder next time, and... He started to try to reconcile his failure, but then he heard his name announced. He did as the Kazekage bid and stepped forward slowly heading to the stage. He was completely surprised and unsure for what reason he would be called to the stage, but the unclear answer followed quickly. Sebastian Mikaelson...Diaper guy! He recalled the man who had refused to call him by his name, and made fun of him at each turn. He also remembered that he had annoyed Sumiko alongside him for the short mission they were on together. He had likely received a promotion, but Yusuke wasn't aware. He'd been studying, fighting , and missioning after all. An equal amount of applause roared around him as he waived politely to the crowd form the stage. He practiced his parade wave a few times in the mirror the day before. He locked eyes with his parents his mother started to look even more worried and his fathers disappointment had turned to his typical haughty smirk. This must be a good thing, but Yusuke was still to shocked to put it all together. Next teams were announced. He was surprised to hear Sumiko was on his team, but he was also pleased. Guess me and the princess will be teaming up for real now. He smirked. He knew that she would not like that, but she was one of the shinobi he'd worked best with in the past. Kaito and Hinoishi were on teams with people he didn't know too well or at all, but he thought that Hinoishi and Karo would get along well. The other members of that team seemed to be suspect considering they had all fought in the past, but who was he to judge the administrations discretions.

His thoughts flowed as he followed the group of genin back stage. well lets just enjoy it and make some connections... Congrats, Karo and you too Raiden. Now that you're a big bad chunin, don't forget who showed you all that fire style haha~ But seriously you really made it your own. Nice work! Yusuke caught up to Raiden and Karo and gave Karo a pat on the back. You have some pretty killer moves up your sleeve too Raiden, I'm lucky I didn't have to go against you it would have been a tight squeeze. He winked in the mans direction after place his hands behind his head. The three of them had gained standing in the village as part of the same generation. Yusuke hoped they could be friendly, but today they were here to talk to the Kazekage. He would go to attention once the group was gathered.

Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

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Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:28 am
No matter how calm, cool, and collected the named genin had tried to be, Guren could detect the true excitement that some of them withheld. Simultaneously he could feel the disappointment amongst those that had not been specifically called out. It was a double edged sword, one that he could remember all too well. The day he became a Chunin was the day that his older teammates began to resent him. Without a doubt they would learn to hate him more after he had defected from Kumogskure. But it was all rooted in the fact that neither of the more experienced genin had been chosen over him. Though Guren always assumed it was because of his competency and his scores on the exam, now he knew that promotions were determined by more than just that. He hoped the genin which sat aboard the stage would process what this meant, and use it as motivation to stay ambitious and push themselves.

As he dismissed the non-aforementioned genin from the stage and instructed them to meet up with their newly announced teams, he made his way to the back of the stage. As he stood there he’d fold his arms and bare a remarkably stern look upon his face. While he was planning to reward the shinzo i that stood before him, he wanted to make sure that they understood the expectations that came with the rewards. 

“Raiden, Daiki, Yusuke, and Naki. Congratulations. Though not all of you were promoted to Chunin, each of you have earned a bit of my respect. You four managed to score the highest on the exam, all with scores at or above 90%. Considering that I designed these Exams myself, I am impressed.” As he spoke, his eyes would shift from one shining to the next. He could tell that this group had taken their exams seriously, and more importantly were adamant on developing. Raiden, one of the newest members of the shining force, had previously been a broken man. Yet just as Guren predicted, these exams were a way for him to restore himself to his rightful status as a proud shining. Daiki, one of Guren’s many test subjects, hadn’t even put his newly acquired organs on display in the battle round yet still managed to come out on top. Naki, Guren’s second student and recipient of a Chinoike transplant. Of all the genin, Guren had the highest expectations of him. He refused to let any who bore a Ketsuryugan to fail. And finally Yusuke, another test subject of Guren’s and one who the Third had particularly been interested in. With Guren’s recent discovery of Quicksilver, he had high hopes that Yusuke would be a suitable recipient of it. 

“Now then, I’d like to formally extend an invitation to each of you to a high classified location in the village: the third floor of the Library. It is a restricted place which houses top secret information. And though none of you will have authorized and free access to it just yet, I will instruct the shinobi that guard it to allow each of you the opportunity to learn a single one of Sunagakure’s restricted techniques. These are techniques primarily created by myself, Lord First, and several other current and former high ranking Sand shinobi. You will have the options to pick between Magnet Release or Mercury Release, two of our village exclusive elements. The first capable of controlling magnetized material, weaponizing it and using it for defensive purposes. It is also the element behind the secret Sand manipulation abilities. Mercury, my element of choice, and one whose many properties know no boundaries. Corrosion, poison, all out assault, and of course defense…And then there’s techniques I specifically created for the village. Full Counter and Counter Vanish, these techniques are the epitome of defense and parrying. They are also the prerequisites for another technique that I am currently developing…” Guren would say as a smirk crept upon his face. “And lastly, Limitation Removal: an ability coined by my mentor which takes your abilities and amplifies them exponentially. Any limits you thought you had will be no more, as you will burst through your previously establish ceilings.”

With that, Guren would take a final look at each shinobi. His face would return to its naturally stoic expression, “Take some time to think about it and what you need to grow stronger. When you decide, go to the Library and approach the third floor. The shinobi there will be instructed to ask you what your selection is, and will offer you to read only that respective scroll. Continue to develop and prove yourselves to me, and you will be granted with more trust and freedom to learn other techniques. But for now, let this whet your appetites.”

WC = 798. TWC = 1657
Kenta Hoshimura
Kenta Hoshimura
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Kenta
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Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results

Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:53 am
Raiden stood there adorned in his newly acquired Chuunin vest and was lead back with the kage. He listed to the Kage's words as he spoke about their test scores. Raiden Noted Naki was also up here despite his not becoming a Chuunin , that only made him that much more impressive in Raiden's eyes. Raiden stood there with his other three fellow shinobi as they were praised and than a reward was present to them for their marks on the test. Each got to pick a single piece of Knowledge from the library's third floor. So that was where the secrets was kept of techniques created by current and previous kage that was marked as being especially power. After the brief explanation of everything, only a couple of things really caught Raiden's Attention. The Counter Line, and Limitation Removal. This made Raiden take a step back in his mind and think hard on the choice.

He was instructed to take time and think about it, at which he would nod, he knew where he had to go and the Shinobi there would allow him in just that once . Raiden would nod and quietly accept such a honor, however he would wish to eventually show the kage his choice once he had made it, albeit he is certain that somehow the Kage already knows what he will choose or at least will know once the choice is made.

Raiden would look upon the others and see if they had a choice right off the top of their heads or if they too would give it thought. Raiden had heard the phrase uttered by the kage. Let this wet your appetites. For Raiden however he did not know about these things. and now finding out about them made it less of wetting and now a ravenous hunger was formed. He wanted certain techniques that was for certain. He would push himself to the limits to prove himself worthy of all that he could learn. Raiden thought himself at the Peak of his weaponry training without mixing in certain aspects like space time, and his family's apptitude for such things. But from what it sounded like there was two and a third on the way that could further himself into the Weaponry specality.

the more that Raiden had thought about it, the more he had his mind made up, he was going for the counter route, that was for certain. Raiden would later visit the Library and give them the request he had made. Full Counter would be where he would choose to start and that would be the perfect way to top off his armory of techniques that he knew. He also needed to start focusing on meeting his ancestors and unlocking the weapons and armors that are stored within his Re-quip Bloodline.

twc 1236
Daiki Senju
Daiki Senju
Stat Page : Don't worry. I'm a Doctor.
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 73000

Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results

Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:56 am
The first thing that entered Daiki's mind as he heard Guren speak was 'I did that well and yet didn't deserve a promotion?' he would think to himself silently. 'Talk about a confusing system.' Nevertheless he would listen to what Guren had to say regarding what he was entitled to as a reward for getting a supposed score of over 90% through the exam overall. It was certainly something interesting as he was essentially going to be given a temporary key that would allow him to one of the village's secret and forbidden teachings. Listening to the list of what was available he heard different techniques and jutsus as well as elements that sounded really powerful and useful but would more than likely take a good amount of time and investment for him to learn. He wasn't sure he was powerful enough himself to be able to handle any of the techniques and he felt he would've been a bit more comfortable going into the library if he was a bit stronger. Thus he would speak to Guren once he had finished speaking. "Is there any sort of time limit for us to decide or prepare to learn any of these jutsus? I'd rather take a bit of time to try and train myself up to get a little stronger before I make my decision if that's ok?"

WC 228; TWC 1,164
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam Results

Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:15 am
Despite the disappointment in his mind it would quickly change when he was called upon along with the others. Naki would get up and moved along with the others as they were told about how high their grades were and how they were gonna be rewarded with something not everyone in the village could get. He would continue to listen as he told him what it is that he was referring to as Guren talked about the special techniques of the village however only one really stuck out to him and that was the mercury release that Guren says he knows. He heard about it but never seen it in action but there was others that also caught his attention. Naki would adjust his robes a bit as he thought about the options. 

He be wanted to bring up about of there's a time limit on their decision making but he was beaten to the punch by the others. He would instead just wait on the response from Guren though Naki has already made his mind up however much like Daiki he felt as if he wasn't strong enough and he needed to get stronger before he accepts anything. His mind was already working on what he could possibly accomplish but it won't mean much if his body can't keep up with it.

WC 223 
TWC 571
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