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Jirou Joski
Jirou Joski
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SHARK pt 2 Empty Re: SHARK pt 2

Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:37 am
~~The evening of the day before the hunt~~

"I'm telling you, Jojo, something is coming. I can feel it in my bones." Kaidu spoke avidly over a cup of steaming tea. Together, he and Joski were settled into the cramped seats of a bungalow that was removed from the main paths of the village some- a cafe that was not the typical fancy affair that draws tourism but rather a cozy spot that was mostly inhabited by locals who wanted to get away from the busier spots in the village that had a trend of being dominated by people looking for tiki drinks and grass skirts. Instead, a central hearth provided a bit of warmth to combat the chilly breeze of the setting sun and offer some intimate space for conversation. Kaidu had brought Joski here after the affair concerning the pirates, treating him to a meal and a little more info about the village and its humble beginnings. Now, he had brought Joski for a different reason entirely. "Story goes that a shark like that used to roam here, but it was bigger. Much bigger. Apparently, a bunch of people back in the day used to pray to the damn thing. I'm not typically the superstitious sort but with everything else that has been going on lately..." Kaidu trailed off, the thumb of the larger man slowly circling the rim of his own cup, his tea hardly having been drunk.

Joski put more faith into old stories than he likely let on, his passive expression watching the shaken local through a thin veil of steam that had risen from their beverages. In the short time Joski had known the man, he had only been honest and down to earth; a man that clearly cared for the safety of his people. Joski could relate to that, to some degree. His knucklehead brothers were out there right now likely getting into some form of trouble. "You're a serious guy, which is why I'm taking you seriously. But even if I wanted to help, what makes you think I can actually do anything? There have to be people way more qualified than me to go hunt down some kind of legendary shark." Bringing the mug to his lips, Joski would sip from the tea as he let the sentiment hang in the air. It wasn't as though Joski was unwilling to help- his training in the ways of the Old Man have begun to show some serious results. This, however, seemed a little out of his league.

"There are. There is a small group of them, even. Which is who I'd be wanting you to join." Kaidu shifted in his seat, gesturing as he spoke. "You ain't from this village so I don't expect you to go and do something foolish for it, but who says anything will even be out there? I wouldn't hold it against you if you said no, but a quick trip out to the bay sure would ease my mind."

Joski would let his eyes slide to the side, landing on a distant point in the tiny cafe. This guy was too damn reasonable.

~~The morning of the hunt~~

Kaidu had mentioned a small group, and that was who Joski had gotten up early to meet with. Meeting up with the local in the morning, Kaidu would take Joski down to a small dock that had a single boat moored at the moment, the vessel looking like something that had seen a fair number of days at sea. A small cabin stood at the front of the vessel that likely housed the helm, and some rather large object was nestled square in the center of the ship though whatever it was was currently covered by a sheet. As they approached, Kaidu would speak out loud. "This is it, the Fairweather. The captain is an old salt from the village- used to be in charge of the fishing business around here before he passed it off to his son. Now he is out there hunting bigger stuff," a small waggle of the brow was offered over Kaidu's shoulder to Joski. "The other two are his crew- hand-picked by him to track down some of the meanest creatures that live beneath the water. You'll be joining them along with a pair of twins I think you will find quite familiar."

Joski took a pause in his steps, coming to stand beside Kaidu with a bag of gear slung over his shoulder and a warm jacket wrapped around his figure. For once, Joski wouldn't be caught out in a situation with a vacation shirt and shorts on. Today he was prepared. "Eternity and Snow? Are you sure that is a good idea? I mean, they did help with the shark, and Eternity helped people off the boat when the pirates came along, but are they even up for something like this?"

"Sure am! In fact, they came to me yesterday morning which is what got me thinking of putting this whole thing together. They were concerned that something was going on, and after what they told me, I think they might be right. Besides, are you really going to argue about a couple of pretty girls keeping you company, Jojo?" he asked, nudging the shorter man with an elbow. "They should be along any time now."

WC - 896 / 1,666

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Jirou Joski
Jirou Joski
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SHARK pt 2 Empty Re: SHARK pt 2

Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:20 am
It was a strange sensation, running into the same couple of people in such quick succession. Typically, Joski was used to the people he was visiting not even knowing he was there- those people being his siblings. He preferred to check up on them from afar as the trio of River orphans always seemed to have some plan they were putting together or some sort of goal they were working towards. A goal that Joski had no real intention of being a part of aside from the fact that he would be sure to keep track of them all and make sure that none of them were doing anything too terribly reckless or avoided road hazards such as bandits. To see Eternity and Snow once more after such a short separation almost made Joski feel a little awkward, though the two of them offering warm welcomes was enough to ease his anxiety, and though they couldn't see it, a smile would form behind the mask. "Hey, you two." In the warm summer days on the beach, Joski had opted to transform his mask into a large pair of sunglasses that served to hide his face away. Now that he was dressed a little more to his normal taste, he saw no reason in hiding away the mask as well. "Of course I have a plan. My plan is to let the professionals handle it and hopefully not miss too much of what is otherwise going to be a nice day." He'd thumb behind himself to the boat when referring to the pros, indicating that he was likely in a position much like they were. Turning, he'd fall into step beside the two girls he had come to recognize, one of them having called him Joji. He wasn't sure how he felt about the name just yet, but it didn't sound so bad on first contact. "Good that we finally meet while we are all fully dressed, for once." Joski would offhandedly comment as the three of them board the ship.

Out at sea, a fog would bubble from the waves as the ship made its way south, past the cove the two girls had said they had found a strange cultist and into a circle of reefs that was infamous by the locals as being an area of bad luck; apparently, there were stories of a sea beast that would break the hulls of any shit that tried to navigate the reef. A story that the small company of people on board were now chasing down. If Joski had not been told that the navigator was a veteran who was familiar with the area, he wouldn't have trusted anyone to pilot this boat. As the fog rolled in, it cut almost all visibility, even the shore vanishing from their view as they were swallowed by the mist. Joski wasn't exactly the comforting sort, though on the outside his mask and demeanor did a great job of making him look unbothered, even as the eerie whispers began to slither forth: unsettling warnings and threats, all filtered through a guttural tone of what could only be described as a monster attempting to emulate the spoken word. It was as fascinating as it was horrifying.

A quiet had fallen across the deck of the ship as they sailed until all at once, a few of the crew stood up as though they had recognized something. For the life of him, Joski couldn't recognize what they might have picked out of the fog, but all of the sudden it seemed everyone had something to do. "Alright boys, let's get the rig ready. She'll be on us any moment." The captain would speak out, reaching up and beginning to pull away at the sheet covering the massive apparatus that had been shielded thus far, revealing what looked like a small tower with a rather large gun on the top of it, the nose of a hefty, sharpened harpoon sticking from the barrel. If someone had shown Joski that in explanation for going on a fishing trip, Joski might have laughed. But under the given circumstances, it only helped to hammer home just the size of the beast they were dealing with. A minute after the order had been given, a splash has heard some distance off the boat, and the crew kicked into high gear. "Here she comes!"

One of the crew members scaled the outside of the tower, taking a seat behind the massive harpoon gun and grabbing a lever, jerking it back before shouting down to the deck below. "Captain! It won't turn! Something is wrong!" There was a cacophony of demands for an explanation before the deckhand would duck under his chair, messing with the internals of the gun before coming back up to show a rope that had been cut and flayed. "Sabotage, Captain!" There was a rush of activity as another splash was heard off the side of the boat, followed by a low rumble. "Brace! Brace!" Another deckhand called. Moments later, the ship would rock violently to one side as if they had just hit a wall of rocks at top speed, nearly toppling the vessel as those on deck were thrown about, some possibly overboard if they weren't holding onto something.

"You're going to have to aim it manually! Someone get us a bearing! Another few hits like that and we are done for!" The Captain would shout amidst the chaos.

WC - 913
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Jirou Joski
Jirou Joski
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SHARK pt 2 Empty Re: SHARK pt 2

Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:16 pm
The slam into the side of the boat had sent Joski up against the broad side of the cabin containing the helm, his back slamming into the wall enough to nearly knock the wind out of him. Despite the rather catastrophic attack, a good portion of the crew managed to remain on board and was well determined. Apparently, this was not the first rodeo for a few of them. As Joski recovered, he witnessed a flurry of action from the crew as they recovered, the road-weary traveler having witnessed the jump of that massive shark just before that weirdo got swallowed. Whole. There wasn't even enough time to hear him scream if they could. "Man the sails! Batten down the hatches! Get that damn gun working, now!" The captain roared from inside the helm, having taken control of the wheel. Joski pressed himself to his feet, relying on his own balance to stay on board, his eyes darting from side to side in an attempt to get an account of who was here and who was missing. Who could he help? Where could he be? It was at this point he noticed Snow and Eternity were missing, though before he could begin to find them, the crewman who had been atop the gun would call out to him.

"Hey! Kid! Get over here and give me a hand, would you?" He called, waving Joski over. The traveler, working unconsciously on the desire to just want to help the situation, made his way over to the tower, and the man who had crawled part way into it. "Look kid, that guy did a number on this thing. I can get it to fire, but I have to be down there. Kaidu said you had a sharp eye and a quick reflex, so I need you to climb the tower and aim the gun. Once you got that beast in your sight, give me a shout and we'll sink her before she sinks us. Got it? We might not have another shot, so make it count!"

Joski wasn't exactly sold on the plan. He couldn't see a damn thing with all this fog. But there wasn't anyone else that seemed available to do so as there were people helping others out of the water, and some that were securing parts of the ship that had taken damage. Without enough time for a sigh, Joski would climb the top of the tower and begin to swivel the heavy gun around in an attempt to find the beast but had about as much luck as he imagined he would. In fact, he caught sight of Snow long before he saw the shark, his eyes being drawn to the beast when he noticed Eternity then as she dove through the air, landing on the creature with a harpoon she had stowed away. "Gods, these two are crazy. What the hell are they doing off the boat?!" He cursed quietly, swiveling the gun in their direction and attempting to get a clear line of effect.

He couldn't get a bead. Between the fog and the distance, it was too much. Joski could hear his heart begin to thunder in his ears as dread began to overwhelm him. This was it. He couldn't do it. That shark was going to slam into the boat again, then eat them all. Yet as fear threatened to overtake him, his vision suddenly burst with color. There, clearly outline through the dense fog, was the form of the massive shark illuminated by a raging cosmo. A furious nebula of stars surged towards him, and on top, a small nexus constellations that made up where he knew Eternity to be. "Wha...what is this? Why am I seeing stars? Why is everything suddenly so clear?" Even his own body shone brightly, and the members of the crew below him. All of them were teeming with stars. As shocking as this was, Joski very quickly snapped back to attention. "I can see. If I can see, I can aim. I can do this...I can do this."


Just as Eternity was thrown clear of the shark, the thunderous boom of the gun being fired echoed over the water, the sound captured in part by the dense mist. The whirling sound of the projectile hurling through the air until it crashed with the surface of the water, producing a long, loud groan of pain that was a reflection of the menacing whispers they had heard before.

WC - 751
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SHARK pt 2 Empty Re: SHARK pt 2

Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:17 pm
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