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Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
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Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:13 pm

It was a crazy day for Naki, having help getting rid of a person who placed everyone in a genjutsu just to turn around and find himself fighting a large shark that's been terrorizing the beach for so long it was time for him to get some more relaxation in. Naki would do his normal routine of waking up taking a nice hot shower and then proceeding to cook him a nice breakfast. He would think about what to do today though. He didn't have much an idea. He's already painted the morning before and he felt as if that painting was missing something. However, he would look at the canvas that he created and wondered what it was that it was lacking. As he ate his breakfast he would continuously think about it he would eventually figure that it was lacking more color. With that revelation the young man would grab his other blank canvas as well as some paint before heading out of the cabin. He was set up his canvas again as he has before and looked out at the ocean. The blank canvas represented something he just couldn't figure out what. Naki would wonder maybe he should save the painting for later when the sun starts to set. It is more beautiful that way and there's new colors in the sky.

Naki would sit around as he thought about what he could do today. He wondered if Kaito, Blade, or Kota was around maybe they can do something together but then again they might be busy. Naki would sit there staring at the water wondering before standing up and walking to the water. Just in time to see a man who was on a board riding it through the waves that came crashing through. Naki figured why not give it a try too, he would wait until the man came back to shore to ask where he got to the board from before running off to get one himself. Naki would nod before rushing back to his painting stuff and quickly returning it back to his cabin. Now Naki wanted to just dive right into it but there was a class for newbies and he definitely was new at surfing. He'd go through the basics for a bit before getting the chance to go out in the water. Though this took a few days before he could actually do it but Naki wasn't complaining at all. He would use those days to think about everything that has happened. He would eventually make his way out to the water again after getting a board it didn't take him long to swim out and hop on the board though despite him having the balance he would slip and go right into the water. Naki would resurface before a wave came back down and crashed on him again just as soon as he got a deep breath of air. He'd flail about before readjusting himself in time to see it, another shark that darted towards him as he quickly resurfaced and climbed his board. Coughing pretty hard he'd look around before seeing it's fin coming straight at him making him jump off the board as soon as the shark bit it. He would focus chakra on his feet as he lands on the water and took off running heading back to the shore stopping once he got there. He'd look around before running to a lifeguard telling him to clear the water as there was another shark and it's bigger. At first he didn't believe him until someone screamed and a person started to swim away. The lifeguard would use his binoculars to see the large dorsal fin poking out of water before running away blowing his whistle to get everybody out of the water. Naki would run back out to the ocean grabbing the person who was out there and started to pull them to safety though he wasn't that lucky as the shark did get a souvenir of the poor man taking his foot in the process. Naki, who has no medical training took him to the shore where people wrapped his leg with towels and got him to someone who can help. Naki would once again turn serious as he looked at the water as the fin popped up and went back down.  "Damn it can I not catch a break!" Ge said groaning loudly. 

WC 739
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Fri Aug 19, 2022 11:35 pm
Link to previous mission for me and Kosuke.

Kota was not too thrilled about the new beast they were about to face. Kota was not fully recovered from fighting the wife a moment ago. Not to mention how much of a pain in the butt it would be to clear the beach out. All these poor people that were gonna get eaten by the massive beast. It was a shame that Kota could not help them. What was even more infuriating was the fact that it took the shark they just killed off. People were one thing to Kota but his food was another.

“Ready for round two?” Kota asked Kosuke. To Kota it was a bit rhetorical. He would take on the shark alone if he had to. At least if it meant to get his precious food supply back. It was too important to leave for chance. The heavens would only know if he would get the meat back if someone else caught the beast. “Think you can make it to the beach and start saving the people already injured? I will go after it first. You can catch up and hopefully bring help. Not to mention we need to continue our chat.” The archer said with a thousand watt smile.

The hunter was scared and excited again. It was weird how often he felt both of those emotions at once. The thought of another hunt was getting his blood boiling. He was afraid to die but would not let that stop him. He grew up learning how to ignore that fear anywhere. If he remained scared as a child his dad would have left him at an orphanage a long time ago.

Kota stepped onto the water using his surface walking technique. “Yo Naki! Fancy running into you again! Meet my sexy friend Kosuke.” Kota would yell out to his friend when he sensed the familiar chakra. He would point back to Kosuke wiggling his eyebrows. The doctor could be as embarrassed as he wanted. His choice. Kota just wanted his fellow sands ninja to know that he already had flirting dibs. The archer was unsure of what his younger brother was into. It did not mean he was going to give the guy a free pass. Kosuke was his prey until the doctor decided otherwise. “Maybe he can help. I’m gonna start fighting the shark.”

The last bit was all that was spoken as Kota started his pursuit. The hunter was either lucky or unlucky. From what he could tell the beast did not swim far. Kota doubted he would have been able to keep up if it was what the beast wanted. Instead, it was like the giant fish was ragging. It was a shame that Kota was unable to speak fish. The closest he got to understanding one was the youngin he thought looked delicious. If he was even remotely able to. The archer would have figured out that Kousuke and him had killed his last wife. Who would have known that Naki and others already finished off the rest of his harem. Kota would have been just as pissed in the same situation. It was even worse that the last shark the duo had killed was pregnant. Papa shark could smell a slight trace of Kota’s blood on her body. Hence the beast was waiting to rip him to shreds.

WC: 559

- Surface Walking

@Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:02 pm
Kosuke - "Speech" | Thoughts | (Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

“Ready for round two?”

Kosuke's pensive expression was answered by Kota's own characteristic electric smile, restoring the vigor and energy back to the doctor. Kota then proposed that Ko head to the beach and take care of the injured while he engaged the beast first. Kosuke had seen firsthand how skilled of a hunter Kota was, but he still felt uneasy with letting the archer confront the threat alone considering that this beast appeared to be even larger and more dangerous than the last. Yet still he knew that it was the course of action that made the most sense and was what Kosuke would have eventually settled on regardless.

"Leave the injured to me and you be careful out there. Seriously." Ko gave a nod to Kota in answer to him but was stern and matter of fact with his demand that Kota exercise care and caution. "I will be there to join you as soon as things on the beach are under control." Ko called out the last statement as Kota departed from the boat they were riding back on and stepped out onto that blue battlefield once more. As the boat continued on its way towards the beach Ko witnessed Kota calling out to someone else that had stepped out on the ocean as well, presumable a friend or acquaintance, and the vagabond found relief in the fact that his companion would not be facing this new threat alone for the time being.

Shifting his focus back to the beach there was an ongoing exodus of people from the ocean and onto the safety of the sands and beyond. Within this chaos there appeared to be a collection of people gathering together with what appeared to be a variety of medical supplies from nearby facilities. Ah, that must be where they are bringing people that have sustained injuries. Kosuke moved to the front of the boat and prepared himself for a speedy exit. Having spoke with the captain, Kosuke had learned that the crew intended to dock this vessel and exit back out onto the waters with a larger ship to combat the beast. Kosuke was a bit worried that the crew would ultimately be too late to be of assistance, but in the event that the shinobi group were unable to stop the creature perhaps the sailors would be able to assist. Regardless, the captain had agreed to bring Kosuke respectably close to the beach before ultimately parting ways with him for the time being.

He did not need to wait long before that time came and he leapt off of the bow of the boat, landing in stride with surface walking, and crossed the short distance over the water to the sands. He weaved through the crowds of people that had either just escaped the water or come over to help and watch the shinobi atop the water battling with the shark. However, Kosuke kept his focus on reaching the injured and found a number of people standing around with minor injuries with there only being man with a serious situation once he had reached the makeshift triage area.

Ko found that there was already a group of people looking after the man. He appeared to have lost his foot to an attack by the shark earlier but thankfully the team here had elevated the leg and were constantly applying pressure with fresh cloths. Walking over to someone that had just swapped out and stepped away from the man, Ko asked about the man's condition. "How is he doing?" Ko had something he wanted to get to but felt he couldn't ask it out of the blue. "Uh, that guy? Lost his foot to the shark attack but we are starting to get the bleeding under control. And who are you?" Lost his foot to the shark? I wonder... "Sorry, the name is Kosuke. I am a traveling doctor and I came over to see if help was needed. By chance, was the man's foot recovered at all?" The doctor was a bit taken aback by this question. "No, not that I am aware. I'm pretty sure the shark got the whole thing." Damn. I was hoping... "Ah, I see. Well, I should at least be able to help get the bleeding under control until he is able to be moved to a hospital."

Ko stepped away from the helpful medic, allowing the man to get some air and rest for a moment, and crossed back over to the group keeping watch on the injured man's foot. Boar. Rat. Snake. Kosuke's hands began to glow as they had previously when treating Kota and he pressed the hands onto the man's leg as close to the injury as he could as the chakra began to go to work on closing up the wound from bleeding out. The effect was small in the grand scheme but it would help to keep the man alive for the time being. Sadly this is all I can do for now. I need to get back and see how Kota and his partner are faring with that beast. Having done all he could Kosuke turned away from the triage and made his way back through the crowd to the water.

WC: 879


Last edited by Kosuke Sashihara on Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Sun Aug 21, 2022 12:53 am
Naki would turn his head slightly when he heard a very familiar voice call out to him. Next thing he knows he sees a friendly face that joined him on the water as Naki smiled at him. "Well, if it isn't sensei Kota! I didn't think I'd see you again this soon." He said as he moved around the water before throwing his hands together forming Dog->Hare->Ox as the water from the ocean formed around his hands before he started to pull them apart to reveal a sword made from the water as he gave it a nice flick. "I've barely been here for a week and already dealing with sharks, a horde of genjutsu people. It doesn't seem to get better." He said before he looked back to see the person who he called his sexy friend. "Friend huh? I hope this isn't interrupting any fun you two were having." He said as he smirked. 

When Kota ran out Naki would look towards the shore to see if he could see the sexy friend. He would turn back to kota and made his way towards him and the shark. "Quite the boy toy you got there." He teased him as he came to a stop near him as he didn't have the scent of one of it's dead mates on him thanks to Kaito water prison. "Let's try to get this done and over with. I have a surf board calling for me and you have some stories to give." He said again teasingly as he rotated his sword in his hand. "He's a fast fish you want to go in together or wait for your friend to join us?" He asked as the fin of the shark rises up for them to see before sinking down. 

WC 298
TWC 1037

Water cutting sword
Surface walking
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Tue Aug 23, 2022 8:29 pm
“I told you to call me big bro. You know sensei is too stiff.” Kota did not turn around to throw back the reply. He was joking in a light hearted manner. In some ways he did treat Naki like a little sibling. The guy was annoying as all hell sometimes. Still the archer enjoyed his company and would have his back. He could even hear the teasing tone in the swordsman voice as he talked about Kosuke. “He is definitely a friend. A super hot one that I would not mind getting to know more of. He’s mine as well so keep some distance.”

Kota was joking but kept his eyes peeled for the shark. It was a good thing the hunter kept all his senses ready.  The hunter was unaware of the fact that he was walking into open waters from the shore of the beach. His chakra skills were not sonar. The only hint he had was the rapid chakra signature closing in on him from directly underneath. His arm was reaching back to knock an arrow as he shouted. “Look out!” Kota was backpedaled and narrowly missed getting swallowed whole. The ruby red arrow in his hand fired out and hit the fish.

The arrow did not do much in the way of damage. It was flame based and against the water nature of the sea it rapidly dwindled. The only indication of damage from the arrow was the nice aroma of cooked meat, at least to Kota.  The overzealous shark was not too pleased with the stinging burn. It still crashed down on Kota as if it was intent on taking his life. He had to back peddle some more, slightly upset that he did not have wings to get him out of this situation. “You alright?” Kota could not see how Naki was faring too well. The salty spray of the sea water got into his eyes, temporarily blinding him. If it was not for the fact that he could sense with his chakra. He would be having a much harder time.

“If you didn’t make it out alive, say nothing.” He was joking with his village mate. He would not let a homicidal shark tear down his mood. It would not be the first beast or person that has tried to kill him. If Kota had enough time to think about it. He would probably develop a slight depression from all the things that have tried to kill him at one point in his life or another. The archer grew up living in a dangerous world. Being a shinobi did not increase his life expectancy either.

Kota would start to sense Kosuke as he approached. “Be careful as well. The bastard is large and slippery. I would hate for something to happen to your pretty face.” He would yell it out while turning towards the guy. Who knew if Kosuke could make it out over the sound of the waves, or if Naki believed he was talking to him. His eyes may have started to recover from the salty spray but they were still blurry. If Kota had the chance to notice. He would see that he was out of phoenix feather arrows. Trying to take the shark down with the normal ones would be a lot harder for him. This was one time that he would need to see what Naki could do.

WC: 571
TWC: 1,130

- Surface Walking
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Sat Aug 27, 2022 5:47 pm
Kosuke - "Speech" | Thoughts | (Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

The waves were forming like obstacles as Kosuke began running across the water to join his shark hunting companions. He had to run in a zig zag pattern to avoid the cresting waves until having gotten out a decent enough distance from the beach for the waters to calm somewhat. 

"...careful... large... hate..."

Kosuke could not quite make out the words from Kota as he approached but the underlying message was clear in that the beast was dangerous and that he should be careful. I am essentially blind out here, I should exercise extreme caution. Unsure of whether the beast was coming directly for him, the doctor decided that it would be best for him to exercise caution and put up some sort of protection. Monkey. Ox. Snake. Ram. Tiger. Dog. With the hand seals completed an aura of medical chakra would form around his body. (Damage Reduction Shield) If the shark were to come up from below he might not be able to react in time but hopefully the shield would protect him from a worst case situation.

A visual survey of the area revealed nothing until a large splash of water nearby from behind him drew Kosuke's attention and a glimpse of the shark's large fin indicated it was traveling in a straight path towards him along the surface of the water. The distance was being closed quickly and Kosuke started another set of hand seals while rushing away from the beast and closer towards Kota and Naki. Monkey. Rat. Hare. Snake. After a moment of collecting earth aspected chakra in his mouth he would spew 10 stones into the path of the creature pelting it from above irritatingly. (Stone Pistol Jutsu) The assault appeared to have some effect as the beast would then dive down into the water from the surface following the attack.

Kosuke stopped moving to scan around for the beast but it would take long before the surface of the water beneath him would break, the creature launching out of the water. A massive wave crashing nearby would have drowned out any attempts to alert him verbally and being so focused on his observations and without the benefit of being able to sense the creature underneath him directly he didn't have enough time to react and avoid the beast, instead being swallowed whole as the shark rocketed up out of the water. Kosuke wasn't left completely without recourse and having anticipated that these situation had always been a possibility would act quickly with his next actions. Tiger. Rat. Ox. An invisible cone of chakra would shoot out and immediately take hold of the creature paralyzing it before it would be able to dive back down under the surface, thereby leaving it vulnerable to the attacks of Kosuke's friends outside. (Temporary Paralysis)

Finally, in Kosuke's last act of defiance he would create a last set of hand seals. Tiger. Horse. Rabbit. Rat. Dog. With this a chakra aura would form around both hands of the doctor and he would begin to slice away at the beast's insides surgically. (Chakra Scalpel) Any hope of reaching the creature's brain directly was out of reach so he made do to slice at the muscular tendons of the shark and hope that Kota and Naki would both be able to finish the beast off and help free him from his predicament before his barrier would not be able to prevent him from being crushed to death.

WC: 577
TWC: 1456
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:37 pm
"Big bro, sensei, either is great but we'll see. As for the doctor I hope it goes somewhere pleasant for you, brother. Now let's try to send this guy to his wife, I'm getting tired." Naki said before he moved as the shark made a sudden turn towards him as he ended up being blinded from the sea spray making him shut his eyes to avoid blinding himself. This fight with this rather annoying creature was becoming more and more tedious. As he moved back to gather himself distance from the salt spray and splash getting his bearings in time to hear Kota ask him if he's good then follow up with him saying if he's dead say nothing. "Am I suppose to say something or not! You're giving me mix signals at this point!" Naki said out loud laughing as he did in time to see the shark fin coming his way. He would rotate himself around allowing him to move in a 360 degree motion while taking a nice swing at it cutting it's dorsel fin in the process. 

 "I noticed that! Don't worry I think we can pull off a trick I used before. I send it in the air and you unload hell on it!" He said as he moved himself around to the other side of crashing waves just in time to see the doctor getting swallowed whole. Naki would groan and slightly wince when he saw kosuke getting swallowed as he had to rethink everything. "Well, your boy toy just got swallowed!" He said out loud as he had to think of something and think of it quickly. Naki would watch as the shark seized up as it seems that something it ate was causing him a terrible reaction. "I'm going for it's head! I hope the doctor can withstand this." He said as he looked around before rushing the shark making sure that he was in the clear. Once he was close enough he would raise his water sword above his head before slamming it down about 10 meters away from the shark, and about 20 meters from Kota so he's not caught in the explosion, causing it launch into the air. Thanks to Naki quick thinking on the distance the doctor would be jostled around a bit but nothing to crazy to cause him harm. Naki would inhale sharply as he gripped his water sword before storing chakra in his legs. This gave Kota time to get some extra shots in while he prepared himself. He would then launch himself upwards towards the shark from his attack earlier he knew that he had to dig in a bit deeper into the monster to get it but not to far to harm or kill the doctor. As the overgrown tuna started to make it's way back down Naki would place the sword next to his hip, before using one hand to sign ram -> rat -> tiger making the blade length increase by a meter or so, as he would leap up high in the air drawing the blade from the "sheathe" taking his swing towards its head. With no resistance from the shark Naki swing would aim true as he once again try to remove a head from a body but he wasn't done there as thanks to it's rather large shape he couldn't exactly take its head completely off but he did kill it. He would exhale softly as he lands on the water and flicked his sword of the blood. "I-i got it!" He called out before turning the shark to it's back and slowly cut it open hoping the doctor was alive still. He would do it gently to make sure that he wasn't going to deep. When he saw the doctor he would continue to cut surprised he's not meeting a lot of muscle inside not knowing that Kosuke was slicing away from the inside. "Hey! I think he's still breathing!" He said to Kota in hopes he'll help him finish it. Once the doctor was out he would grab the fin of the shark and started to slowly pull. "W-well I think we did a great job! H-hopefully your *ahem* friend is ok. We should probably get this to the shore. Maybe it can be used for something." He said shrugging a bit once back to shore he would lay on his back panting tired of everything that has happened as people started to gather around them.  "I need a vacation from this vacation!" He said as people started to giggle and laugh as well as Naki.  "I'm serious though." He said before rising up slightly to smile at his big brother now. After awhile he would smile as a celebration was in order for them all as they were given the rewards and then some as Naki would get up and shook the sand off. As the celebration went on Naki would slip away towards his cabin to breathe for a minute. 

WC 821
TWC 1858


Claims :
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:08 pm
Naki Choko wrote:
Claims :

Technically you are owed 13 wc on your last post but given you seemed to have discarded the remainder bit, I'll assume that is what you intended to do with this 13 anyway.

If you'd like to make edits to the claims for the extra just let me know, otherwise approved.
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Tue Aug 30, 2022 1:41 pm
“KOSUKE!!” Fear. It is funny how a single emotion is common throughout living organisms. In one way or another everyone is afraid of something. The usual common denominator among them all being death. It is so instinctual that we view death as unnatural. Even now without the sight of blood Kota was feeling more panicked than he had ever felt in a long time. The hunter was so wrecked with grief that he actually froze. The memories of his mother on her deathbed. The hollow look in his fathers eyes as she passed. It was a kaleidoscope of darkness that nestled its way into his heart. The archer could be considered a playful bastard to some, and cold by others. It was just to keep feelings like this at bay.

It was the first time Kota was glad Naki was present. The swordsman had stepped up and took care of the situation while he froze. Kosuke very well could have died because of his own hesitation. Kota’s mind blanked as it was overwhelmed. The archer did not even see what moves Naki had used to put the shark on its back. All Kota could see was the shark eating Kosuke, then being on its back barely alive. “That was not funny Naki, now is not the time to joke.” Kota only bothered saying it, since he was so shaken. That did not stop his bow from making some incisions.

The look and smell on Kosuke was much to be desired. It did not stop Kota from going in for a hug. “Don’t ever scare me like that again. I thought you were a goner. A terrible way to make a new friend.” Kota would have wept if he had any tears left to cry. The hunter really needed time to schedule himself a therapy appointment. If he was reacting like this now who knew what future problems he would face. Heaven forbid a genjutsu user triggers him. Who knew if Kota was a walking time bomb at this point.

Taking a sniff, Kota got a whiff of what Kosuke was giving off. “Ewww. I tried hugging you when you stink like that. You may be alive but the smell is gonna kill me.” Unprocessed shark insides did not smell good at all. Looking over the big corpse Kota wondered if he should start cooking. I mean the shark did eat some people. Who would be considered bad to eat if after, or would it be impolite to waste such a fair, when people are starving in other places. Kota could not figure out what that situation had to do with anything. He did not dwell to think heavier on the fact. He just decided to cook it. “Go clean up. I hope you didn’t poison it. I can get to cooking now. We can share a decent meal together.”

Kota would not check to see if Kosuke or even Naki was going to join. The beach was a thriving place with a lot that was going on. They could get sidetracked with another mission, hanging out with other people or just not want to show back up. Anyway he would start to process the shark. Making sure to properly clean the insides, remove the entrails, and gut it accordingly. The hunter was lucky that no bits of human could be seen from the porcelain white meat. The quality of which was pretty impressive for Kota. Shark was always a beautiful if bland meat. Mentally he was already preparing the seasonings that would need to be paired with it. A spicy soup was going to be made from this. The rest would be stored in his storage space, given to the various restaurants, or even the other two if they would be so inclined as to take it. Kota had no reason not to share the blessings of the sea.

After the processing and gathering the pot and spices from the nearest kitchen. Kota was feeling happy. The soup did not taste bad. It could be considered restaurant quality. It was spicy but not overbearing. The broth perfectly complemented the fragrance and texture of the shark meat inside of it. If something had to be considered lacking it would be the fact that the broth portion itself was a bit on the lower side. The sea saltwater was not good to use in cooking. Kota lacked water release and could not make a bunch of fresh water himself. “The food is ready.” Kota would call out to his companions if still present. Making sure to give them a portion of the rich and fulfilling soup. It did not last long as Kota devoured it quickly.

When the meal was finished, Kota would go to start having fun on the beach. The eventful summer was exhausting. He was ready to finish it up and just head back to his place in Suna. He made a mental note to find Kosuke again. The man had grown on him and it would not hurt to keep some allies of his own in his pocket. If the guy ever stopped by the Sand Kota was serious about showing him around. His village had a lot to see and could use a guy like him to see it. Kota was even ecstatic at the thought of showing Kosuke the research institute. It would be a great building for a guy like him to check out.

WC: 909


Mission Claims:

2x Mission rewards for Jaws 2 with Beloved Presence; 10,000 ryo, 50 AP My AP is at Max. Converting it to Ryo. So 2,500 Ryo from AP.  2 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material) / 1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch. I chose to double the augmentation material with the skill instead of the ryo. Total Ryo Earn  17,500.

Memorized Kosuke's chakra signature

1243 words is going towards Wingless Bird previous wc amount was brought up here at 2,507. Total WC learned 3,750/3,750 allowing me to learn it at S now.

The other 796 words is going towards the 1,250 it will take me to rank up Perfect Body  from B to A rank. You can find records of first learning the technique here. (Note. When filling this out I noticed the WC was changed from 1.5K to the initial learning rank to 1.75K to learn. The updated 250 WC is included in the amount to boost the tech to the next level.)
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER! Empty Re: Marco....Marco......Marco....FISH OUTTA WATER!

Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:03 pm
WC: 909


Mission Claims:

2x Mission rewards for Jaws 2 with Beloved Presence; 10,000 ryo, 50 AP My AP is at Max. Converting it to Ryo. So 2,500 Ryo from AP.  2 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material) / 1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch. I chose to double the augmentation material with the skill instead of the ryo. Total Ryo Earn  17,500.

Memorized Kosuke's chakra signature

1243 words is going towards Wingless Bird previous wc amount was brought up here at 2,507. Total WC learned 3,750/3,750 allowing me to learn it at S now.

The other 796 words is going towards the 1,250 it will take me to rank up Perfect Body  from B to A rank. You can find records of first learning the technique here. (Note. When filling this out I noticed the WC was changed from 1.5K to the initial learning rank to 1.75K to learn. The updated 250 WC is included in the amount to boost the tech to the next level.)

Approved with the exception of the signature memorize as Kosuke currently has an armor marked as equipped that suppresses chakra memorization.
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