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Z Ne
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We Do What We Must [Missions] Empty We Do What We Must [Missions]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:18 pm

Z Ne

Z Ne woke up today with a mild headache. While the world continued pounding, time kept flowing, and the day had to be started. While not the most complete of meals. a bowl of cereal and an apple would serve well enough as fuel for the start of the day.

After consuming a most simple of breakfasts, Z had to choose what would be worn that day. While certainly not the simplest of tasks, given Z's somehow simple yet many possibilities for attire, a choice was made.

A chain link choker (hand made, even!) was donned, using the tiny silver clasp at the back to secure it in place. Focusing on the ears, today it would be simple. While hair hid the piercings that Z rarely removed, and no effort was made to move the hair out of the way, what one could rather easily see, if they bothered, would be three ring earrings, barely large enough to encircle the lobe of the ear. Two of these would live in the left ear, while one lived in the right.

Z kept in the habit of rotating piercings that could be removed, so as to not risk the various holes closing.

Clothing was somewhat simpler today. There was the potential to get dirty, really more of an eventuality than a potential, so white clothes were strictly out. Instead, a simple black t shirt was chosen, the graphic somewhat faded with age, but still obviously that of multiple flowers, mostly different colors of roses, inside a rectangular box.

Sweats were the leg coverings of choice: good for keeping warm but also good for handing the dirt and grime.

Z Ne stood at the site of the tree. This was the thing scheduled to be demolished, and by God they would get that done.

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We Do What We Must [Missions] Empty Re: We Do What We Must [Missions]

Thu Sep 22, 2022 4:30 pm
Fenn would have went to look into getting some work around town as he waited to hear about his request to join Kumogakure again officially. The man of white hair, a sign that he had defeated his own inner demon at one point, would arrive at his location, he was hired to do a few thing around the village. It was so weird to see such places again, rebuilt after the attacks from Youka and his company. He would take in a deep breath, closing his eyes as he lost himself in the nostalgia of the village. Some of the sounds and smells triggering old memories. he would exhale and open his eyes back, he would approach the Tree when he noticed a shinobi. Their sporting of the village symbol gave it away, usually it was a headband, but some used gloves, belts, or armbands even.

Fenn would approach her and speak up to her "Greetings, My name is Fenn, You here to help with the tree today?" Fenn asked as they stood there and awaited for the site lead.
Z Ne
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Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:07 pm
Z Ne

Z turned around to the voice talking to them. "Yep." they said, in a voice that was neither high in pitch, nor deep and booming. 'Middle of the road', one might say. "Name's Z." After the years, the name no longer had the strange tinge it once had, and there was a bit of power and pride in taking what had once been an insult and working with it.

Well, it would be a lie to deny that a single letter name still felt wrong, just a tiny bit, but other than the disbelief of some people sometimes, it seemed to be fine.

"It's nice to meet you! And by the way, just to avoid any possible confusion, I know I can leave some people guessing, so like, just use 'they' for me. That's what most people end up deciding on anyways."

That was somewhat a lie. Only somewhat, though. They had encountered people who gave up and just used 'they', but also people who just made a decision and refused to be corrected.

Better to get out ahead of it. Not like someone could check with the documents at the orphanage or sanitarium. Z had made sure those would strangely be missing, the doctor was totally on board, and the orphanage was almost entirely new after the devastation of the disease.

Turning back to face the tree, Z would talk once more. "Heck of a tree. Almost a shame to take it down, but it's also kind of obvious how the buildings nearby are not fairing that well."

TWC 560
Kitiara Kaguya
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Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:47 pm
Fenn would nod at Z's declaration, He would do his best to refer to them as such, but he could not make any promises. Fenn had been a Hermit for several years, he was not current on this day of ages speech on certain subjects. So to avoid any confusion he made sure he would refer to Z as often as he could by their name. Z returned their gaze upon the tree and Fenn himself looked upon it as well. They mentioned how it was such a shame to get rid of the tree. Fenn had to agree however. Fenn would look at the other buildings nearby, You could tell that they had damage due to Roots or the branches on the roof.

One of which was a Restaurant, it was a huge contract that he had taken up to actually help remove the tree and help fix up the building on one side of the tree and the restaurant on the other side of the tree. Fenn would pull out a series of Ninja explosive tags, he would take them and begin to line them around the base of the trunk of the tree. He would than trigger the explosion to help take down the tree that was in front of them. Fenn would make sure that the area was clear however before doing so.

However what he did not realize was what was going to happen next. The Tree would fall on the building next door that was actually an Orphanage. Luckily the kids was out of the orphanage at the time, they were at school learning new clone techniques. Fenn would let out a sigh and swear under his breath. This was going to make things that much more difficult . At that point Fenn looked over to Z "you have any good ideas to help at this point?"

Z Ne
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Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:48 am
Z Ne

Z watched as Fenn began placing explosive tags. It was better than their idea, at least, which involved the two shovels leaning against a nearby building, LOTS of time digging, and a very large two man felling saw.

Doable, yet, but certainly not fun. And they would say as much.

"This is going to be much faster than what I planned..." It was almost mumbled, but just a bit loud enough that Fenn was likely to pick it up. The shovels were also vaguely gestured to.

What would not take long to uncover, however, was the issues that came with speed: precision. While the shovels and saws would have taken quite awhile, their upside became rather obvious after the explosive demolition: control.

THe tree fell, and fell very unfortunately. Well, not as unfortunately as it could have.

The tree fell towards the nearby orphanage. Luckily, nearby areas had been cleared out (and apparently that was easy for the orphanage as they normally went to school, ninja or otherwise, around this time). Even luckier, at least at a quick glance (careful inspection would be needed to make sure), nothing structural looked damaged; primarily the front facing of the building. It was more like the tree fell into the building, rather than onto it. Rebuilding the whole thing would be no minor task!

So, Z would get to work! There were materials for helping a local restaurant get up and well running around, and while the materials would have to be used for the restaurant, the tools could be for whatever!

As a note, and rather unsurprisingly, the ruckus outside brought one of the caretakers to start yelling and shouting and crying and complaining and...

Z went up to him and, rather matter of factly, asked if the orphanage had any left over exterior paint and to have someone called over to inspect the building and make sure there was no structural damage.

After a few more moments of freaking out (understandably), the man finally was able to answer Z's question, and when prompted, went to get some. In the meantime, Z got some rope from the supplies for redoing the restaurant latter, and navigated through the dense branches and leaves upon the ground such that the ends of the rope were on different sides of the great tree's trunk. Then, looking to Fenn, they simply said: "Pull!"

TWC 956
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Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:06 pm
After Fenn had watched Z go to work after asking them if they had any ideas at that point. Fenn was suddenly handed a rope and told to pull. To which he would do, he had denied his body the training it once used to do while he was a Shinobi. There was once upon a time Fenn would have just opened up a Gate of the Eight Inner chakra points within him. He would have ripped that tree up out of the ground with no issues what so ever. However this was not that same time it once used to be. Fenn would twist the rope around his arms, dig his legs into the ground and pull harder, the sheer exertion of every muscled that flexed for the first time in years made him break out into a sweat. Between the sweat, and the heat of the day or what felt hot to him since he had been spending his time in colder locations , Fenn had to stop for just a moment. He removed his shirt to reveal the muscled and obviously once toned body that still had ghostly images of what it once used to be. The Red Haired Pugilist of Kumogakure, the White haired Demon of Amegakure, Fenn toted many nicknames although most did not know them as the same person, let alone that he was them.

He would take his stance once more, rope wrapped around his arms, and heels dug once more into the ground as he pulled. This time with the assistance of those around them, The massive trunk began to start its journey to the desired destination, that being where ever Z asked him to pull it to. However the soaked shirt annoyed him being stuck to his skin, so he would not put that back on, instead the muscle headed dummy would than begin to fix up the Orphanage he had just wrecked with the tree. Materials randomly being donated from one civilian or another. He felt he was back in his Kumogakure as even a couple of the well abled villagers began to help to fix the orphanage.

The one person who was in charge of the Orphanage, let them know that the kids would be back soon for lunch and needed food cooked for them. Fenn was a survivalist, but he knew his cooking was not the greatest, to this he would looked to Z. "Are you any good at cooking? Im afraid if it is not a rabbit over a camp fire on a spit, I will likely ruin their lunch." If Z however was unskilled. Fenn looked over at the restaurant and told them both to wait for a moment and ran over there . It was there that he would talk to them about lunch for the orphans, and arranging something, either just the cook for full meals from the restaurant. At which time Fenn would go back and announce what the owner would be willing to do to help.

That would help them kill a couple of birds with a single tree....that analogy as it ran through his head made him laugh out loud. To which he would shake his head, let others around him know it was nothing, and get  back to work to fixing up the Orphanage. Carrying lumber over a shoulder, nails in his mouth as he used a hammer, the works. Fenn was quickly going from the laugh of the town and a Menace to society to being a heart throb and having several of the ladies who dropped off materials or was just walking by to take double glances at him. However these things did not faze Fenn. For he felt he had one love, and lost her. Now he had a new love, and it was not just for a singular person. But for the village, and his worked showed as much.

While Fenn did not keep his old headband on him, by this point, if watched carefully enough, One could deduce his love for the village, meaning he was not a stranger, but rather a member who had simply been gone for far to long. And with his old physic still on his skin in some ways, and his use of explosive tags, if one wanted to they could deduce as well that he either is or was a shinobi at some point. Fenn worked silently for the most part, and even through breaks even when the civis took their breaks.

The only break that would interest Fenn is if he was forced somehow or lunch time. Those would be the only two reasons for him to stop.

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We Do What We Must [Missions] Empty Re: We Do What We Must [Missions]

Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:48 am
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Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:27 pm
Z Ne
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Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:41 pm
Z Ne

The moving of the tree was not that hard for the pair. In fact, Fenn turned out to be rather strong (and ripped). What was most useful was that their strengths were somewhat similar, so they could both focus on moving the TREE, and not have to worry about fighting each other or limiting themselves as they each pulled on different parts of the same rope.

To Fenn's question, Z would respond simply. "I think I'm a decent cook, but not en masse for multiple people like this." It was true, Z could cook decently enough (they had made sure to learn after living off sanitarium food for so long, decent food was a must get). To that, Fenn had gone to talk with a local restaurant owner, and Z continued fixing up the front of the orphanage. It was really great to see all the people willing to help with the project in the area, donating things that Z was pretty sure at least some had gone out to buy after seeing the damage, rather than the "Oh I just had it left over..." that the persons kept saying (if they said anything at all).

After a bit, Z was let known that the restaurant would cook a meal for everybody in the orphanage. It would not be complex or anything, well. Not complex to make. Considering that it was the restaurant owners who decided to make green curry and rice for everyone, Z assumed that there was either a large stockpile of curry paste, or they used the stuff you could buy from the store rather than make their own.

Seeing Fenn's hard work on the orphanage, and the attention he was garnering (they were pretty sure there had been some whistlers as Fenn took off the shirt), Z would step over to the restaurant. It was obviously falling into disrepair, but Z had a guess why that might be...

It seemed the owners were getting up their in age. They were very zealous in the crafting of a copious amount of food, but likely not able to do the physical maintainence the building needed to be its best. So Z began working, starting on the posts outside that held up what looked like a balcony, though if they had to guess, the balcony had not seen use in quite awhile.

Luckily, structurally it seemed fine (well, the posts seemed fine), all they needed was a fresh coat of paint, which was thankfully provided in the supplies the restaurant had laid out. Painting from the top down, and hanging from the pole while moving down, Z was able to paint the first pole in its entirety, and started to move to the next before the restaurant owner asked them to fix the wood lining the floor of the balcony first. So that's what Z would tackle next, climbing up to the balcony and carrying some supplies up, careful to not step on the planks as they looked rotted out at best.

Z would continue this work until the orphans started to return home and lunchtime was called.

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Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:07 pm
Lunchtime, Fenn would take a break and decide to find Z and sit with them. At which Point Fenn would be eating a standard sandwich nothing special. Fenn looked over at Z and asked them "So do you know of the changes that has happened to this place? It has been long time since I been home, I am not entirely certain I know of everything that has happened. Maybe a history lesson from someone who seems to have been in the village for some time now, I may be wrong however, and if so I am sorry. I just remember such a different Kumogakure than the one we are in now, It almost feels like a different world at times" it was then that Fenn would look to the orphanage behind him and smiled softly and added on before falling silent completely "And in others it almost feels like I never left".

Fenn would listen to any story that Z had to tell him. It was nice to interact with a human after so long of having no contact with others, Since he had left Amegakure, he only had interactions with one or two other people and than he went under the radar for years, first for training, and than he slacked on the training when news got too hard to hear. He would not be able to change the world in any way he once thought himself able to.

If Z said anything for him to, Fenn would respond in various ways, depending on the subject, for now he just sat and listened to the world around him.

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