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Daiki Senju
Daiki Senju
Stat Page : Don't worry. I'm a Doctor.
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 73000

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:18 am
The blonde Senju had said his piece and introduced himself, getting a nice little reminder of Raiden's abilities in the process while the others either didn't want to reciprocate their own introductions or simply ignored him, as he waited for the other ninja to get into their minds as to where they were going to go. It didn't take long for decisions to be made and feet to start moving as everyone seemed settled on doing a mission that was located in the village. There was a significant number of missions that were up on the board that were centered around patrol and it was clear the group wanted to get a good portion of them done all throughout the day. 'Ah well...' he thought to himself as he would follow the group to their destination. 'Whatever gets my mission count up.' He put his arms up and interlocked his hands together behind his head as he walked, picking a leaf off of a tree he passed under out of boredom, before gripping the stem with his lips just as Kota started to talk to him.

"Yeah makes sense..." he said to Kota as he looked up to the sky at the clouds passing by and casting shadows along the roads. "I'm a rather boring dude, though. I usually train more than I relax and when I'm not training I'm usually reading and studying up on medicines and stuff... Quite frankly that beach provided me with the most fun I've had in a while." He could tell the tone he was speaking in could possibly be perceived as off putting so he would try to change tact as he spat the leaf out and smiled. "How about you? You got something you do for fun on your off time or are you 'the life of the party' like me?" He spoke in jest, of course, hoping Kota would catch it as they continued to walk towards their destination.

WC 328; TWC 822
Kenta Hoshimura
Kenta Hoshimura
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Kenta
Mission Record : [url=-]Mission log[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Fri Oct 21, 2022 3:41 pm
Raiden was left alone mostly by Kota and Daiki, they seemed to be talking amongst themselves. It was Naki who struck up the conversation between the pair of them. Asking him about leading a team and such " It has been something, changes almost immediately, a lot of paperwork, and not to mention the aspiring Academy students wanting to be genin. I cannot tell you how many of them I failed simply on principle to keep Suna strong and not accept those who make some of the bigger mistakes and the like" Raiden would sigh softly.

Yes Naki had only asked about the team and such, however the entirety of the weight of the job was kind of unloaded at that moment. Raiden would talk less about how much of a drag the promotion was and would leave it up for Naki to determine for himself when he would get to the promotion. Raiden would listen to the man for a moment talk about that this was the first stop on the list. It was the Headquarters itself. At which time Raiden and the group would be met with the Captain of the guard, to which they would greet each other before the man would go into his explanation of what they needed to do, and what they would be learning on their patrol around the headquarters.

This would be the stepping stones for the shinobi to learn their surroundings and how to keep an eye out and what exactly to keep an eye out for, however it did cross his mind, would they be all together on this lesson trip, or would they each be taken by a different teacher, start at different points, and go on the patrol that way, either way it would give each their opportunity to learn and ask questions and further their knowledge on the nuances that could eventually save their life and help them to catch the criminal, if they were to be chasing one.

After which of making their rounds, Raiden would look at the group, rather they had to regroup or not. Raiden asked the team at that time "What is the next one?" As they would find out where they would go next, Raiden would address the team "Well first mission was a smashing success team, if we keep this up we will be done with these missions with time to do more if we wish to." At which time Raiden would chuckle softly and listen for responses from the team, heading to their next location.

TWC- 1043
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:03 pm
The hunter was chatting but keeping aware of his surroundings. It had been some time since he went on a patrol. Funny how things changed in time. Last time he was leading the patrols he went on. This time he did not even get to watch the internet content. Not that he needed it. It was a good thing he was traveling with a new group of people.

Kota found it funny when Daiki was the life of the party. He gave a small laugh back “Yep. I can be called pretty lively. I mean I prefer to stay to myself, sit back, and enjoy various views.” The last word in that sentence was spoken in a semi sarcastic way while he carried a shit eating grin on his face. His mind had flashed through all the various views he had seen just recently alone. The trip to the dimension of death and all. Not to mention the drunken ghost revelry.

He gave a small cough to cover up his smile. “Anyway! Raiden, are we doing internal sweeps of the residential areas? I remember some previous reports I was reading mentioned being on the lookout for arsonists.” Kota wanted to try to subtly change the subject. The village did have a slight qualm about being aware of fire. Ninjas that could use water release used to be a lot more uncommon. That and the lack of a dome in ancient times meant water was scarce. Arson used to do a lot more damage. Well at least from what the history books used to tell him.

“It was that and too look out for unapproved smuggling operations in the trade district. I mean not my place or anything but I remember the mission notes from last time.” Kota added in quickly to make sure the basis was covered. Sitting and walking with the others were fun. Except it did not really feel like a lot of patrolling was getting done. Then again Kota was feeling mildly depressed and violent. An excuse the beat the teeth out of summon would feel therapeutic to him.

WC: 352
TWC: 1,332
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : [url=[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:41 pm
Upon hearing him Naki would rub the back of his head as this was something that he wasn't expecting to hear but then again he doesn't know what all happens behind the scenes especially with him getting to walk with this squad of his. "Well, I'm sure that's just the start. I'm sure it's gonna be on easy street from here on out right." He said as he gently bumped Raiden shoulder with a fist. "Though I'm sure you had to do it for a great principal. Some of them weren't ready and you saw that I hope to see that too one day." He said still smiling as they went along with their mission. They would end up separating for this first one as Naki went about his part of the mission. He was use to this style of patrol as he did a few patrol missions before one of them being alongside Raiden before. When they came back together Naki would give Raiden the thumbs up as he said it was a success. As they began walking again Kota spoke up as to what they were going to do next. 

In that time Naki would move himself towards Daiki and smiled at him. "Suuup I'm Naki I didn't introduce myself before because everyone here knew me and I didn't really think about it honestly. I'm a swordsman obviously." He said grabbed his sword hilt before letting it go. "Didn't mean to be rude or anything but you were talking to brother Kota and I didn't exactly want to interrupt or leave Raiden wandering around the village. It seems that were gonna be fine especially. I'm excited to see you in action maybe one day we can spar." He told him before he overheard Kota talking about some smuggling and arsonist which prompt Naki to step forward again. "Yesh this village has some serious crazy people. First it was the graffiti on the crystal palace now arson and snuggling.... Who am I kidding it's probably going around at all the villages. Best we can do is rock some knuckleheads around and make sure they don't do this again. Haha I can't wait!" He would chuckle as he started to walk at his normal pace with everyone. "With the arsonists do we know if they're targeting certain buildings or are they just doing stuff to whoever they want?" He asked as he looked at everyone in the squad. 

WC 408
TWC 1177
Daiki Senju
Daiki Senju
Stat Page : Don't worry. I'm a Doctor.
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 73000

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:10 pm
As the group walked to the destination of their mission Daiki moved his hands from behind his head and placed them into his pockets as he inhaled the fresh air and he continued to watch the sky as the clouds passed by. At the same time he was listening to the words of Kota beside him as he would smile and nod all while giving chuckles over his words. All the while Naki apparently had wrapped up his conversation with Raiden as he made his way over to the other side of Daiki. He introduced himself as Daiki looked over to him to observe his demeanor which seemed to be very... bubbly in terms of personality. He would show Daiki his sword which told him that he and Raiden would probably work really well together if the two of them had to partner up for a fight. He could only imagine how the two of them would complement each other if they were to train together though that was something that would be left to his imagination. Ever since the Chunin exams Daiki has had many thoughts as to how he could improve himself to work better with others than he could currently. As of right now he felt he didn't have much of a grasp combat wise and that would have most likely been made all the more apparent if he was to ever have to engage in combat with a swordsman or even another boxer like him.

Then Naki talked about Kota as though they were closer than Daiki thought 'Brother Kota?' he thought to himself as Naki continued to talk. 'Does he mean that literally or figuratively? They don't look related.' The concept of sparring then came up from Naki as Daiki nodded. "I wouldn't mind a nice spar with a swordsman." he said as they continued upon their walk. "The only swordsman I've ever taken on was Raiden and... well... The result of that spar was quite interesting." He let that linger for a little bit before he turned to Naki with a smile. "Well like I said earlier I'm Daiki Senju. As the last name suggests I have an affinity to using my chakra in ways others would normally have trouble with. I train in the more medicinal properties of chakra and use that to hyper enhance my attributes as well as heal injuries I sustain with great speed. Will be nice to see what you bring to the table as well, Naki. Great to meet you." he finished with a smile as the group eventually made it to their destination.

Upon doing their part to fulfill the requirements of the mission, which weren't anything all that special as they were able to take care of whatever needed to be done rather quickly, he would make his way back to Raiden who was waiting for the group to gather so they could talk about what was next on the list to do. "I'm ready to go whatever is next for us." he responded to Raiden's question as he brought a hand out of his pocket in order to work a crick out that had developed in his neck.

WC 533; TWC 1,355
Kenta Hoshimura
Kenta Hoshimura
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Kenta
Mission Record : [url=-]Mission log[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:18 am
Raiden would Nod to Kota " I am here mostly to help you guys get out of any pickle you get into, and to observe and report, I want to see you three take the reigns at different times and show what you each have a potential as Shinobi" Raiden decided not to mask the reason for him being present. He needed to see what his students was capable of. Raiden would take the back seat and step in when needed. He would listen to his students, and suggest they talk over a game plan before they go forward with the missions from this point forward. Raiden needed to know who could make potential leaders and who operated better as soldiers themselves.

It could be a beautiful thing or a tragic thing, depending on how each of them coordinated with each other , if they were all leaders, the could learn to take turns with taking orders from the others, or they could all decide their way is best and go seperate ways, while it was good to do both, it was more along the lines of learning when to do which is the big lesson, Raiden wondered how these three will do.

He knew from his previous meeting with Daiki, Daiki is easily a leader in a group of weaker shinobi, but with shinobi on par with him, he was curious how this boy would fill in to the team. And with Naki seemingly a younger brother of sorts to Kota, would Kota become defacto leader? It was a possibility, but he left it for them to come upon any choices for this series of missions before he would tell them how they did and if there was any changes he would make to each of them.

TWC- 1339
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:47 pm
Kota was trying to recall the details of the arson case he had looked up. His memory was great but not infallible. “If I had to guess. I would guess it is random. Not of the places with the attempted arson could be called strategic places. Unless the goal is to distract us, to allow for a concentrated attack after wearing down our forces.” It was a wild guess but still completely plausible. The issue with that would be that the opponent would work under the assumption that they knew Sunagakure’s breaking point. The only way to avoid that would be for them to have insider information. The second thought would be more deadly than the first. Kota would not mention it because starting an unnecessary witch hunt would be more detrimental than anything.

Moving through the residential areas went great as far as Kota could tell. The trouble that cropped up was minimal and he had no qualms with it being handled by others. There was no case of any arsonists present. It saved on the paperwork and the need to bag a body. The work was distracting him from the pain of depression that nestled into his body. It did not do anything to curb his ever growing wrath. Kota would have put down a rogue for sneezing too loudly at that point, maybe he would avoid it if Raiden told him not to. The archer was angry but not irrational.

The route to the trade district was easy to manage. The entire time while working Kota would try to keep up with the small talk. If any was being made. Kota would eventually twist the topic back around to smuggling in the trade district. “Remember when I mentioned unapproved smuggling. The keyword for that is unapproved. Some stuff that comes in cannot have the kage approval on paper because of certain reasons. Those businesses cannot be messed with as they would cause more trouble then they are worth. However any business that is illegal and does not fall under that umbrella is already a huge problem. We can confiscate the product but we will not be allowed to keep it.” Kota was not paying attention to his habits. Rank wise he was still the lowest one present. It was just his old habit of being in charge. The others were higher in rank but not leading the mission. It would have just made it longer for everything to get done. Until one of them stepped up Kota would find himself starting to do it.

The trade district was busy as usual. The shuffle and bustle of the place could confuse most. Kota was not worried about getting lost or losing the others. He was well trained and as long as none of them tried to hide it. He would just pick up their chakra signatures. The archer was unsure but thought that the others had similar methods of being able to keep up or similar. If needed he would try to find them. They could split up and each accomplish their thing to cover more ground. Kota did not find much in the way of contraband. Just a few illegal seals he pocketed. He would turn them in with the mission report as well as the written fine for the merchants in question. The seals were too minor to cause more of a bigger fuss. The ryo from the tickets would be issued to the village funds. The pay for him came out of it anyway.

The archer would wait by the exit point of the trade district. The next route for them to check out would be village outskirts. It was a place that was relatively large. Kota wanted to get everyone’s opinion on splitting up and patrolling separate routes till they made it to the slums. They could cover more ground as well as ensure safety. Fixed routes were great until they became predictable. It was the only reason that Kota was gonna bother to mention it.

When everyone had gathered, Kota would start up. “Should would split into smaller teams to try to cover more ground or are we all sticking together. The outskirts can be considered a bit more dangerous. Splitting up will allow us to cover more ground and ensure the area more easily. Staying together would ensure our safety on the predetermined route more than anything. We would just lack the time to be more thorough with our patrol.” Kota laid out the details but did not give an opinion. There was an odd number of people without his vote and two choices. The archer thought they would be able to come up with some ideas on the matter.

It did not take but a moment for a runner to give Kota an alert. He had to go back to the mission office for a moment to correct paperwork on a prior mission. While there he filled out the information for the patrol routes they have done so far. He figuired he may as well get paid for it. Then he made his way back to the rest of the group. Hoping he did not make them wait too long.

WC: 788
TWC: 2,120

Mid-thread claim for the 3 C rank missions WC has been met and the D rank mission was done previously. My skill beloved presence doubles mission rewards. 30,000 (10,000 for each mission) and 150 AP rewarded. Turning the bonus AP into ryo for a 7,500 bonus. Granting 37,500 Ryo overall. Character has gone and turned in the missions to get them added to the roster before coming back. 1,500 WC is going towards learning Space-Time Art: Portals
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Thu Dec 22, 2022 7:38 pm
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : [url=[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:55 pm
"Well, I think it would be fun between to see how you fight. I'm definitely down to throw down any day of the week." Naki said as he smiled while Daiki reintroduce himself to Naki. This was nice it was good to meet new people but at the same time this wasn't exactly the time for them to be too formal, despite introductions supposedly to be done earlier and Naki just wasn't paying attention. When Naki brought up the arson and it was continued from Kota he would nod as he spoke. "Makes sense, if they're aiming to try and cripple us in a way." However Naki would just let it be as much to the way of Kota thinking, there wasn't a need to preform a possible manhunt. It would be a waste of time especially if they don't have the information to back them up for a hunt like this. 

Naki would take note of Kota sour aura, being the kind boy he was he wanted to speak to him but he also wanted to give him space and not intrude on his personal area. Of course as they walked they had to deal with the occasional dumbass who thinks they can take them on and the world but they were put down pretty quickly and easily. Naki made it a small mission to keep them from Kota to avoid a few body bags along the way. He definitely didn't want to see him snap on someone while in this bad mood. As they continued their walk and conversation Kota would speak up again causing him to turn his head towards him as he brought back up the smuggling that was discussed before. Naki may have been a higher rank but at the same time he hasn't been apart of a team so he doesn't know how to lead a team exactly but maybe in this moment he can learn how to. Naki would chuckle a bit thinking that it would be crazy to keep anything they find in the smuggling businesses they were going to. If they did something like that they could be in a lot more trouble especially with them being ninja of the sand. 

Upon entering the trade district Naki would look around as he hasn't been in this district before. He kept his head on a swivel a bit, at the moment Naki has been keeping his eye on the chakra flow around him mostly on his team. As they proceeded forward Naki would break apart from the team a bit as he came across someone trying to sell these books though the title were a bit misleading, the man was praising that the kages of the past would allow him to sell such things. However when the books were further inspected one could tell it was full of nothing but propaganda and lies towards the village. Of course Raijin took action and was able to confiscate the items, once all were in his grasp he would set the books down and set them ablaze in an area away from people. Once the fire was over Naki would make his way back towards the group. He'd look around before climbing an area that was out of sight of others too look around. Once he saw who he was looking for he'd get down and make his way towards the group. As they got to the exit and was preparing to head into the area together. Naki would join them a bit late but he made sure to kind of hide it as best as he could as he showed up.

Just in time too as Kota was making a suggestion about them splitting up as they began walking. Naki would think about as it definitely made more sense to for them to be thorough with the patrol. "Well, I do think if we want to ensure we don't miss anything or at least be as thorough as possible. Splitting up is the better option, though we would need to agree on where we are going to meet up at the end." Naki said if they were going to do the split up part. He threw his two words out there now it was on the other two. While waiting and listening someone came back for Kota, a messenger? Well whomever they were they told Kota something that had him leave them to take care of it. This was fine for now as Naki turned back towards the other two until that sane runner told him that he took has some incorrections upon his paperwork. Naki felt embarrassed a bit because he normally doesn't mess up his paperwork so much like Kota he would return back to the headquarters to fix his mistakes. He would also turn around and fill out some more paperwork to collect his money and items too before making his way back towards the group. As he was walking back he would catch up with Kota and just spoke to him as they were walking. 

WC 845 

TWC 2022

Mid thread claims 
Ryo from beloved presence 34,000
Gain additional 8,000 ryo for being a chuunin completing missions 
So from beloved presence 170
2000 WC towards changing nin spec to sensory
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Patrol Intern - Page 2 Empty Re: Patrol Intern

Wed Feb 08, 2023 11:25 pm
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