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Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Halloween a Year Later - Page 2 Empty Re: Halloween a Year Later

Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:43 am
He took a bread crumb from the plate and dipped it into the sauce before placing it in his mouth and chewing down. It was like he was eating lightly buttered popcorn with sauce over it in texture but the taste was incredibly unique. This was definitely something he would want to have as an appetizer at a high rated restaurant as he wound up finishing the first half of the stuffed bread quickly as well as a good number of the bread crumbs off of the plate. He quickly got into starting with the second half of the bread as he stepped out onto his balcony and took a seat at one of the chairs that rested by the door. He could hear the sounds of the crowd below moving around and the chatter of the streets reaching up into his ears as he relaxed and continued to eat his meal as his mouth once again sang the song of delicious flavors. The clouds were slowly moving along in the sky above him as the sun was setting far off causing night to slowly creep in and shroud the village in a nice and chilly darkness. He took in slow and deep breaths in order to relax as much as possible as he ate and he could feel the chill of the night surrounding him like a blanket tucking him into his chair. It was truly a relaxing night and a very nice way to round off his day off from his shinobi duties.

WC 255; TWC 2,800
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Halloween a Year Later - Page 2 Empty Re: Halloween a Year Later

Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm
As the sun continued to set in the far off distance the dimly lit sky slowly faded into darkness as he watched the sky slowly become filled with the little twinkling lights of stars. Being that he lived in the mountains he was always provided with the perk of being so close to the sky allowing him to see the stars clearer than most others could. They were bright and twinkled beautifully above the village which of course helped him relax even better into his chair as the sounds of the villagers walking underneath his balcony quieted down a bit as he could tell a few were also looking up at the stars due to the sounds of footsteps ceased. Taking that as his cue he got up from the chair and walked back inside his apartment while sliding his glass door shut behind him and locking it. He had finished his bread and crumbs and walked over to the sink in order to wash the dishes. As the warm water washed over his hands as he dragged a soapy rag around their surfaces he could hear the sounds of the people outside once again as they resumed their walking in order to finish off their day. The night usually brought about some loud activities whenever it got this close to a holiday but tonight the Meijin was looking forward to the rest he was about to get as he walked over to his bed and started making it for the nap he was about to take.

WC 257; TWC 3,057
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Halloween a Year Later - Page 2 Empty Re: Halloween a Year Later

Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:24 am
Upon making the bed he took his colorful jacket off and set it atop his chair, folding it before sitting it on the seat of the chair neatly, and he kicked off his shoes and got on top of the bed before folding his hands behind his head and laying his head down onto the pillow. He looked up to the ceiling for a while, the shadows of his fan slowly running along the ceiling giving him something else to look at besides the paint of his plaster, as his eyes slowly closed and he allowed his body to relax fully so that sleep could take his consciousness. He could hear the sounds of the ticking of his bedside clock as he soon was snoring lightly as blackness was all that welcomed him in his deep sleep. No dreams, for he wasn't actually that tired yet, just the feeling of energy slowly being revitalized into his body as he dozed the minutes away in his bed. As he did so the night sky outside became even more dark and his room became enveloped in darkness because of it as he continued to rest and relax in his bed all as memories of his day roamed throughout his head. After about an hour of napping his eyes opened once again and he stretched his limbs out before getting up onto his feet and walking over to his bathroom for some... business.

WC 240; TWC 3,297
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Halloween a Year Later - Page 2 Empty Re: Halloween a Year Later

Sat Oct 15, 2022 12:30 am
After a few minutes he walked back out of his bathroom, the sounds of the flushing toilet filling the air of his bedroom, his body refreshed as he walked over to his refrigerator in order to fix himself a glass of something to drink. He had some leftover tea that he had made earlier in the day in a thermos as he poured himself a small mug and gently heated it up with his fiery chakra pouring through the palm of his hand. He sat down in a chair by his unlit fireplace as he continued to heat the tea with his hand all while twirling the liquid around in order to get every bit of the liquid warmed up. He didn't want it scalding hot though as soon he relaxed his chakra and took it up with his fingers in order to take a small sip. His body was soon warmed up by the tea as he relaxed in his chair and took sips every so often all while allowing the fire of his chakra to erupt and shoot out from his hand into the fireplace igniting it. Soon his entire apartment was filled with the warmth of his fireplace as he relaxed further into his chair. The sounds of the fire crackling, the warmth of the tea circulating throughout his system, everything which made him feel cozy and safe all as dark clouds started to gather outside his apartment.

WC 241; TWC 3,538
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Halloween a Year Later - Page 2 Empty Re: Halloween a Year Later

Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:27 pm
The clouds that gathered outside remained unsensed by the Meijin as he remained utterly relaxed in his chair and watched as the fire continued to crackle in the fireplace. He was suddenly startled by the sound of something cracking against the glass of his balcony sliding door as he got up from his chair and got into a stance ready for a fight. His glowing fiery eyes looked at the glass of his balcony door all the while making his way slowly towards it and getting his chakra flared up ready to let loose with a chakra infused technique at the drop of a hat. It couldn't have been a ninja trying to get in and attack him. They'd have been much more stealthy about it then this. But then again this could've been a trap to lure him outside. Either way he wasn't going to figure anything out just standing around thus he opened the door and looked out to see what had crashed against his door: On the wooden floor of his balcony was a brilliantly colored stone as he leaned down and picked it up in order to observe the many rainbow like colors that surrounded the stone. With a sigh of relief he walked back into his home as he prepared to further examine this thing.

WC 220; TWC 3,758


Claiming Human Imprisonment Displacement (25% disc; 3,750 wc)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Halloween a Year Later - Page 2 Empty Re: Halloween a Year Later

Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:51 pm
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