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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:16 am
It was another one of those days in Haven for Natsuki, a relatively short one. She had a four-hour shift in the Academy, teaching the morning class and Tutoring the students in the Arts of Iryojutsu, always with the appropriate encouragement for them to invest in the specialty in the future. For this reason, the regal red and black dress she had worn during the Nova Exams was left at home - instead, she chose a traditional ninja outfit. She wore her Chuunin flak jacket, black leotard underneath, and her feet covered with black shinobi sandals. On her forehead, the seven-pointed star of Hoshigakure shined against the mid-day sun. Her white gold hair, rare even to members of the Yomiyama family, was tied in a bun that moved with every step she took toward the gates of the Unseen University. The old Citadel of knowledge, serving as the headquarters for the Hoshi Ninja Forces, and the current Hogokage

The crowds rotated from ninja training in the Academy to civilians dressed in plain and finally to nobles of the higher class district. Natsuki felt she did not belong with her current look - even if she was the kage sister. However, her lilac eyes caught another hooded figure walking the road, but in the opposite direction as she was going. That person wore a hoodie to hide her face. No doubt, an attempt to get noticed, but among these nobles walking around like a rooster, they stuck out like nipples on a breastplate.

The most exciting thing was their left arm; there wasn't one. Evident from how the cloth at the sleeve folded in inhuman ways. The recognition hit Natsuki like a gust of autumn wind.

"What brings you to this side of the village?" She said to the other female; just as they came across each other on the sidewalk. "I can only assume it isn't the architecture."

WC: 316

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK]

Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:20 pm
"It's me indeed," Natsuki said with a smile, white and bright. "It is quite a silver tongue in that mouth, Isaribi. I'm almost convinced of your cover story."

They had dropped her on a stretcher. A bag of bones and flesh. A skinny little thing she was, pale and dull-eyed. But there was light inside those eyes, don't let them extinguish it. The Nova Corps did not share such a notion. Ayato was too idealistic, Dusk too daft, Akabayashi too impulsive, and Yohei too haunted. Natsuki had sworn an oath to treat all those that needed to be treated as enemies of Hoshi or not. 

She did not know the details of the encounter, only what she had heard down the grapevine. The picture that had been painted was that the Grimma expected an easy job. A  plum, light-guarded caravan ripe for the taking, another day in paradise, money plunder, and the opportunity to spend the night drunk at an inn. It would have been a simple job if not for the one anomaly. The Hoshi Knigth had been hidden in the back of the caravan. A massive shadow has leaped out of it, tearing through the makeshift crew like Axe through porridge. The Grimma Kunoichi getting her arm crashed in the process.

"At the time of your surgery, my supply was limited," Natsuki said, her lilac eyes examining that arm. "When the question became to save your life or that arm, the answer was clear, at least to me." Toneri had japed to look for the potion that grows back arms. However, her medical expertise has increased since then, and new resources coming to light. It would not be easy, but with a bit of luck. She could finish what she had started all that time ago.

"Now things have changed; come with me and try not to look too tense. We don't want to alert my brother, and I understand you and him never saw eye to eye." She spun around, almost like dancing, her silver ponytail dancing her. She took one step and then another towards a different entrance to the Unseen University. Ninjas in purple uniforms guarded the side gate, a token force compared to what was on the main - but a decent security measure enough to stop. 

"Natsuki-sama." Their commander gave a nod of acknowledgment from his booth. He then looked at Isaribi with a look of confusion - the warmth he had earlier for the female slowly replaced with what uncomfortably turned to look like disgust.

"Who is that some lowlife you arrested?"
"A local resource that our dear Hogokage has turned me to for advice on a confidential matter." 

WC: 447

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK]

Fri Nov 11, 2022 7:10 pm
As they made them across the courtyard, Natsuki could feel the gazes of shinobi on her back. Whenever her eyes came across such a curious gaze, she would respond with a smile and a wave, calling the other person by their name. A prominent means to diffuse any potential conflict, but effective nonetheless. There was nobody in this administration building that Natsuki didn't know the name of. "Know the men and women that serve with you. Don't ask them to die for a stranger." The Hogokake advice echoed in her mind, a practice that Toneri couldn't be arsed to follow.

But even if unspoken mannerisms worked bystanders and dutiful ninjas on guard, there was a person who required a little more convincing. Her partner in crime, whose comment and tonality off suggested she was far from comfortable in her current predicament.

"Cheer up, Isaribi! The main difference between you and the people here is the price tag of their garment. Yet the robes don't make the monk. "Akaboshi and Ayato were elegantly dressed and ideals of justice; Isaribi's outfit looked like a pickpocketer. The foundation had been laid for them to leave their mark on the world, unlike Isaribi, who had to conform to the means of her nature and go from one day to the next, hoping to be free.

There was a famous saying in the City of Haven and many other parts of the shinobi world. "You should never cross the 'All-Seeing Eyes' of the Hyuuga Clan." It referred to their close-quarters combat ability with the ferocity of a fully-grown tiger and the precision of a snake or hawk striking its prey. They know where you are at all times as long as you are within range of their Byakugan. The great white eye that could see anything and the thunderous gentle fist that could pinpoint anything they wanted to. But the young outlaw, the former one, was avoiding Natsuki for a different reason—the ability to gaze into the past, one that one might have wished to forget. And standing where she was standing, Natsuki might have felt the same. However, once a time, fate reaches out her hand.

"And we are here," Natsuki said as she breathed a crisp morning air before starting her laborious ascent of the steep winding steps of the old tower that served as a personal workstation in the Unseen University. It wasn't the fastest pace, to be honest; the corkscrewed steps on the tower's exterior were long and narrow, and her legs were still sore from the morning class in the academy.

When they entered, the room was well-lit and warm. Natsuki's quarters were not as big as the private audience chamber of the Kage. Still, it had Iwagakure rugs on its oaken floor, elaborate wall hangings, and golden-tinted windows that gave it a sense of intimacy. 

A pale lotioned hand motioned Isaribi to a cushioned couch while Natsuki proceeded to take her seat behind the desk. When they were both seated, Natsuki would cut right to the chase. "You know why you are here. I give you back your arm and a proper rank within Hoshigakure, the power to save it next time you get in a pickle. Good bargains always come in threes, and it's not a service given for free. Your undivided loyalty is pledged to Hoshi to be sure, and the encouragement that every technique you develop using your innate talent is given to our archives.

Very simple. A former criminal assassin is relieved of her past crime to be utilized as a resource from the establishment she once fought against and settle the score against antagonistic ninja villages, evil crime lords, and worse.

WC: 612

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK]

Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:43 pm
The revelation that Isaribi did not know how to read or write took Natsu by surprise, but it was an afterthought in her positive response to her proposition. "The pen is mightier than the sword, but in this country, we have more poets than we know what to do with them. Rest assured that writing lessons will be provided to you." It was no secret that her work would require little of it; for the effects of the jutsu, she developed so long as she could explain, someone would write them down and put them in the archives.

After finessing her way out of a life sentence, Isaribi gets a career in law enforcement and her arm back. The deal to get her in the ninja forces was penned by Natsuki; however, what happened before that she could not. However, of rumors, there were plenty of, but very few knew how her sentence was reduced so far or what deal - if any - was put on the table from her by Shina. Not Ayato, never Ayato. He wouldn't comprise again, not after Stein. 

Isaribi did not have the characteristics of a politically savvy woman. She hardly knew how to act shy, timid, and like a little princess. The type of girl that men worshipped put on a pedestal and were willing to go leaps and bounds to please her. She had done well for herself through pure combat skill alone.

"Well then, it looks like we have a deal. I'd shake your hand, but-" Natsuki held back a giggle and the urgency to build up towards the dry humor that ran deep into her family's veins. "I might do that after we recover it. " This would be an excellent start to their agreement. The official ninja ranks statement will follow. Something that nobody would contest, as Natsuki spoke with Ayato's voice in this matter and all other matters.

The kage's sister rose from her seat, a wave of hair shining in the sunlight that burst through the window. She moved gracefully towards Isaribi, so close that the shorter woman could smell her lavender perfume. "This procedure will not require a medical bed, dear. "It might hurt a bit. But you know the popular saying. No pain-"   Natsuki, if not interrupted, would touch Isaribi on the shoulder. There would be no need for handseals either; Natsuki's chakra control was so refined that, combined with Taijutsu, she could skip the handseals entirely. Funneling Creation Rebirth chakra into the tattered body of the former Grimma, new marrow and bone would begin to form where the tribalistic tattoo ended.

"No gain."

WC: 436

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Misplaced Extremity [IO, NK]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:40 pm
Isaribi looked at her arm as if she had seen it for the first time. Then she asked where to go from there. Shina would probably give Isaribi a secret assignment to work dark and serve the light. Ayato, in the universe that he would ever accept this, would give a motivational speech on how Isaribi has an opportunity to turn a new leaf and redeem herself for previous crimes. Natsuki was neither, and she and Isaribi were in the process of becoming friends. But they wouldn't be whispering to each other about the boys they like any time soon. Assuming Isaribi liked boys anyway.

"We get you in uniform. " Natsuki finally replied, then turned around and walked towards her seat with an air of urgency. The medical ninja opened a drawer and examined the contents thoughtfully. It contained a series of small scrolls, each tied with a blue ribbon. She moved her finger to the right and then to the left.  "This one should work for her size."  She pulled out one of them, untied the ribbon, unrolled the scroll on the desk, and once a tiny burst of chakra was fuelled into it, the scroll released its contents. A blue jacket, gloves, footwear, and finally, a headband with the star carved on the metal.

“I think blue will suit you, Isaribi Chuunin of Hoshigakure," Natsuki said and motioned the fellow kunoichi to take what was now hers. It was a good uniform. Nowadays, presentation is part of the product. Ayato was bound to at least appreciate that. Upon hearing this news, he would probably hardly stomach Isaribi being part of his forces. However, if Isaribi looked like a proper shinobi kunoichi, there was hope he would warm up to her in due time.

"I expect you to donate the first batch of your creations to the archives. You can help yourself to the knowledge your current rank will allow." Hopefully, Isaribi would find solace in that and all the benefits her newfound rank would allow. "The greater you serve Hoshigakure, the more extraordinary service you shall receive. Including specific enhancements that will guarantee you keep that brand-new arm of yours. Who knows, maybe one day we will see you swapping the blue for the white of the Nova Corps."

She finished, only half-jokingly.


Design of the Hoshi Uniform:
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