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Yusuke Inuzuka
Yusuke Inuzuka
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Akihana's Helpers Empty Akihana's Helpers

Fri Oct 14, 2022 4:53 pm
Akihana's Helpers
Rank: D
Rewards: 2,000 Ryo/ 10 AP

Yusuke and Rudibwere racing to the mission headquarters on this fine morning in Autumn. The weather had just begun to dangle on the fence of freezing, and all of the leaves were turned colors. Hoshigakue looked absolutely beautiful and Yusuke with Rudi took it all in. Yusuke was on all fours racing just behind Rudi, he'd gotten the edge on the last rooftop so Yusuke was as competitive as he could be. Rudi had his long pink tongue hanging out in pure joy. 

As the duo neared closer to the heart of the village they noticed the smell of baking in the air. It seemed everyone everywhere was baking all they could. That's when Yusuke remembered it was Akihana Akari's coronation remembrance festival. All day long people would be passing out sweet breads, rye breads, sourdough breads, white bresds, you name it. This festival was a great token of appreciation to the monarchy of Hoshigakure, and Yusuke was happy to see it in occurrence. 

Yusuke was a history buff and knew quite a bit about how the monarchy existed before the ninja village became the main focus of Hoshigakure no Sato. Before ninja Haven Country was ruled by a queen, and many people if the village still revered the queen Akari Akihana. 

Walking through the streets Yusuke was given a small loaf of spiced bread and was lucky to recieve a little snack before he began his mission for the day. Rudi got himself some bread too, which he was carrying around in his mouth. Yusuke thought he looked fmgoofy and tried to get him to chew it as they walked into the office. There was a plate full of bread on the table when he walked in, but Yusyje was full. Rudi was still drooling on his spice bread so rhey left it untouched. The secretary at the gate was sure to wish Yusyke Happi Akihana day, and Yusuke gleefully chimed back. "I hope your day is prosperous miss." 

Looking at the board there weren't many missions available, at least for his pay grade. It seemed one would stick out to the genun however, a request by a local baker to retrieve flour for Akihana day. Yusuke happily took the poster off the wall and proceeded to find the address where the baker was waiting. It didn't take him long since he was close to the mission office. 

Yusuke greeted Aijo the baker and was happily recieved into the bakery. Aijo had plans to make several dozens of bread to pass out in the Royal Palace to children. Yusuke would assume both roles, and it would be an all day gig. Yusuke agreed and Aijo gave him his first set of instructions. First Yusuke was to go to a local flour mill and bring back one hundred seventy two pounds of flour, and then ninety six pounds if sugar at a sugar mill. Both were nearby each other, but unfortunately they were a long distance from Aijo. Never the less Rudi did it all in one trip. When he dropped all the bags at once Aijo congratulated the muscle bound man. "VERY impressive!" He said, and then gave Rudi his second set of instructions. 

Yusuke was next to mix up all the flour in a giant machine known as a Hobart. He pounced the dough up for twenty minutes and then Aijo was left to finish the dough. He asked Yusuke to sit outside so he didn't see the secret ingredient, but Yusuke already figured out it was salt. Yusuke was surprised to see himself having fun, and even Rudi had fun following along behind his master. 

Once the bed was baking Aijo gave Rudi a piece of a rye loaf for lunch, and the two chatted about the queen. Yusuke found Aijo to be incredibly thankful and respectful, so he had fun chatting with the older man. 

Once the bread was all baked up Aijo and Yusuke loaded it up into a giant wicker basket that Yusuke could wear on his back. His task was to feed the children of the royal palace, and he was wasting no time. He could run or walk on all fours, so Yusuke was stuck to speed walking in the streets. Nimble as could be the ninja gracefully made it a few miles through the village into the royal palace area. It was obvious he was there with all of the Queensman standing guard by the esteemed buildings in the district. Banks were closed off for the national holiday, and the streets were bustling with people who were either passing bread out or eating bread. Yusuke was the former.

Deciding to stand at one corner Yusuke took off his back pack wicker basket and opened the top. The fresh smell of warm baked bread smacked him in the face and Yusuke wagged his tail. He grabbed a piece of sweet pound bread and took a bite. After swallowing he began calling out in the streets, "Come get your bread. Honor Queen Akihara with a loaf of bread! Fresh and warm bread!" Yusuke had a sort of youthful charisma that brought the kids in. Soon he was passing out a small loaf every few minutes and the breads reputation held itself up. People loved Aijos bread.

Within an hour Yusuke had passed out the fifty pounds of bread and made his way back to Aijo. He told the baker how well his bread was recieved and they filled up the wicker basket yet again. Aijo told him that was all he had left since he had passed some out in the area too. Yu happily smiled as he set back put for the royal palace. 

Another hour went by of non stop consumers. Everyone love the thick, moist, sweet cake like bread that Aijo baked for the Festival. Yusuke started telling his fans where Aijos bakery was so that he could get new customers. The day went great.

With Queen Akihana's remembrance over night began to fall. The streets cleared up and less and less people were eating delicious bread. For a final surprise task Yusuke was given some failed bread loaf to feed to the birds on the rooftop of the bakery. He did so quickly, the birds honed in on him as fast as he could throw the burnt bread loaves out. 

The day was over and Yu walked with Rudi into the night, they returned home and happily fell asleep full of bread.

WordCount: 1,083
+10 Vigor

Technique Proficiency:
(Past Training=136)+1,083=1,229 (Skill) Whistle Trigger
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Akihana's Helpers Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers

Sat Oct 15, 2022 12:05 am
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