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Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:35 am
This made him think of his mother heavily and he thought he could hear her voice but he just chalked it down to his memory of his mother and he continued his walk towards the village center were he could see everything the village had to offer, he saw in the distance up high atop a peak a blue building he was told by the Academy teachers that the place housed the Kage the village leader known as the Raikage, the person who is said to be the strongest and most powerful Ninja in the village, a person who looks after all Citizens and Ninja alike in the village. Looking up at the building Lark's eyes shone with adoration and envy that someone powerful wasn't so far away from the rest of the people so he at least felt a bit safer knowing that someone was watching over him even if his mother couldn't anymore. Lark was getting hungry at this stage and started to make his way to the street venders and then he started to make his way home to have his dinner as it had at this time become afternoon almost night time and he wanted to be home before he saw any more of those shadowy figures from the other day, Unfortunately for him he saw a few more out of his eyesight and then some in his eyesight he closed his eyes shook his head then looked at the ground and slowly looked up to see if they were gone but no they were still there. He noticed people were standing beside them looking confused some as if they had seen a ghost, others as if a loved one had come back from the dead but he was to far away to hear what any of them were saying.

WC: 304
TWC: 3095
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:48 am
Having made his way back towards his house from the street vendors and small shops Lark walked up the stairs and slowly to the door of his house where he unlocked it and walked in saying "Im home mother" as he took his shoes off and walked over to the shrine of his mother and lit the Incense like normal, this time he lit the candles and got up and put his food in the kitchen to get a plate and some chopsticks to eat with, he put a small bowl down for his mother with some of the food in and put it down at the shrine and sat at the table to eat his food. As he was eating his food he was thinking about the day and how it played out how he saw the Raikage's building and the medical institute also known as to him as the hospital and then as he saw the shadowy figures as he made his way home and he shivered a bit at that thought. While eating he was thinking of his mother and how much he missed her and he faintly heard a noise over at the shrine just out of sight from where he was sitting he had already finished his food and was just about to get up to put his plate and chopsticks in the sink to wash them when he heard it, so he got up and made his way to the corner slowly but carefully incase someone was trying to get into his house or something different. As he turned the corner ever so slightly he saw a figure and he froze.

WC: 277
TWC: 3372
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:10 am
As Lark froze at the sight of the figure he slowly started to notice a familiar sense coming from the figure, the hair color and the body shape was similar to his late mother he looked past it and looked at the photo of her on the shrine and he gasped. The figured stopped what it was doing and slowly started to turn towards him and his eyes widened as he saw the face of his mother looking at him "What's wrong Lark?" She said as he was trembling all he could say was "ummm umm m...m... mum?" he managed to fumble his words and tears were forming in the corners of his eyes, "Yes my dear?" as she stood up and slowly moved towards him. Lark slowly moved backwards with tears in his eyes slowly falling down his face "but mother you died..." with a choked voice as he cried, His mother replied "Yes I did, I don't know how or why I am here myself...what's going on?" His mother asked as he stopped moving backwards and she stopped moving towards him as he started to wipe his eyes to get ready to answer her. "There have been rumors and sightings of strange shadowy figures and apparitions appearing around the village, and some people have been seeing loved ones or others they had known that had died from what i can tell" He said as he looked at his mother with red puffy eyes. "I Don't know how you are here either but i am glad to see you once more mother" He said while trying to muster up a smile.

WC: 272
TWC: 3644
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:21 am
Seeing her son smile at her Larks mother smiled back and went to touch his head but her hand went through his head like the hand didn't exist at all, "I see now, So I am just a Shadow like all the rest as well" She said with a small sad smile, "But it is good to see how you have grown since i have been gone, have you been eating right? have you been listening to your teachers?" said his mother with her normal motherly smile once more "Yes mother i have been eating well and have been listening to the teachers and i even learnt a few jutsu!" he said with a grin on his face. His mother chuckled and said "good good", Now that the two of them were understanding that she was just a shadow herself they had a big chat about his future and what he would want to do and if he had anything planned on what he wanted to become either a Fighter like his Father was before he left his mother or someone that used something else like his Mother. Lark liked fighting with his fists and feet but he wasn't sure if that was something he only wanted to do or if he wanted to learn other things as well. During this time his mother told him all about his Bloodline and how they could manipulate their bones to use as weapons or defenses and how to do it, while being shown how to do it Lark tried himself how to do it and managed to make his forearm bone protrude from his skin and then go back into place like nothing happened. Confused about how it worked he was kind of happy that it was something his mother had passed down to him and he would make sure he mastered it like his mother had before her death.

WC: 318
TWC: 3962
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:32 am
As the time went on and the two had chatted more and more Lark was getting sleepy and his mother told him to go and sleep and have a good dream, Lark tried resisting at first but after awhile he was swaying on his feet and ended up collapsing on his bed where he past out and went off to sleep. During the time he had gone to sleep his mother looked over the house one last time slowly going through everything she looked into the fridge to make sure he was indeed eating correctly and then into the other rooms to make sure he wasn't making a mess like he promised her before she died, the house was clean except for the plate, chopsticks and the food offering that was laid out for her. With the final look she mustered up all her energy to move the blanket over her son and to be able to kiss him on the forehead before she started to fade away into the shadows that she had appeared from in the first place, "Goodbye my son I Love You" and those were her last words before she disappeared. Lark woke up in the morning with a yawn and he tried to look around for his mother "Mother?" but there was no answer at all, he walked around the house and did not spot her at all and gave a sad smile as he knew this time she was gone for good. He went to go wash his face and eat his breakfast like his normal routine he did everyday, He got dressed brushed his teeth got to the door put his shoes on and said "Goodbye mother" and left the house like every other day he had.

WC: 294
TWC: 4256
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Fri Nov 04, 2022 6:54 pm

claiming 4256 WC, 42 stats
Only get Spooky Doll from the Event due to a Muck up of posting all on one day.
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