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Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Akabayashi Terumi
Hikari Namikaze
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:06 am


Christmas Eve in the village hidden in the snow was about as freezing as one would expect. The cold frigid air would cause a chill to form down Hikari Namikaze's back as she entered into the warehouse's property. Giving the place a survey as she made her way to the door, the Kunoichi would reach down into her purse, and fish out a ice cold metallic key from the bottom of the container, and pull it out before moving to unlock the door. With a soft *Click* the door would unlock and sway open. Entering into the room, the Kunoichi would activate her pale Byakugan and take a quick look around. Sure enough, the inside of the warehouse had lines of presents stacked up in neat bundles lining the walls of the estate. Deactivating her transplant eye, the woman would start counting the number of presents that was in the building and estimate there was about 400 presents that she had been asked by the Saint Nick to  deliver to the village. When Hikari had received the letter requesting aid from the Catholic, to say she was shocked would be quite an understatement. The Kunoichi had thought she had landed a permanent spot on the gift giver's naughty list after she and Kyousuke had to make a hit on a crime boss in Santa's estate and nearly destroyed most of the his workshop in the process three years ago. And even if she hadn't from that, she would have assumed that she would still be on that list after everything that went on with her and what she did with her partner last year. (Then again, Saint Nick was the Saint of Prostitutes, so maybe he overlooked that sort of thing?) Oh, and not to mention the entire, 'Akari Assassin' job that she had.

Either way, Saint Nicholas had sent Hikari a letter with a key, attached, asking if she would be so kind as to deliver some presents to the children of the town. Apparently, the Catholic had gotten sick on the one night he needed to his work, and now couldn't use any of his techniques. Out of a desire to help the children of this town have a wonderful joyous holiday, the Kunoichi wrote back that she would take the offer. (Yes, purely out of a desire to help, it had nothing to do with the compensation package that the girl had been told she would receive upon completing the assignment. It also had noting to do with the fact that Hikari didn't want to find anymore lumps of coal in her stockings... like... anytime she tried to put them on. Even when it wasn't winter the Kunoichi would try to slip into her stockings just to find a jagged rock sticking into her.)

After counting the number of presents, the woman would start to calculate how much time she would need to actually get all over the village, sneak down their chimney and set up all the presents, even assuming she teleported everywhere and her chakra reserves held up.... It wasn't looking good. Pondering for the most effective way for the Kunoichi to complete the mission. Shadow clones probably wouldn't work... and the girl didn't have any long distance object teleporting techniques.... Perhaps someone could teach her?

That was when it hit her, the Akari knew there were other shinobi from Hoshigakure and Kirigaukre here, and if this was anything like Mikadzuki beach, Hikari would assume that there was shinobi from all over the world here. Surely there would be a few that would be willing to help out either out of the kindness of their heart, or for a piece of the coin Hikari had been promised as a reward. Reaching into her purse, the Kunoichi would pull out a few pieces of paper, and write up 3 fairly quick letter describing the situation, and requesting aid. Once that was done, the Kunoichi would step outside of the warehouse and give a loud whistle. As she did, multiple snow white messenger hawks that had been flying in the air would approach her. The Kunoichi would tie the letter on their legs, "Oh... Um... I suppose you need some sort of destination for you to be able to deliver this. Um.... I suppose you don't know how to detect chakra?" The Saint of the Stars would ask, looking at the birds for a moment, almost expecting some sort of answer, but of course the birds would only stare at the young blonde. "Ok... in that case, can you just deliver this to the first person you see that looks like they could be a shinobi or kunoichi? Please?"

Hearing this, the avifauna would squawk in agreement before taking off in different directions. With that, the kunoichi would step back into the inside of the building in an attempt to keep warm while she would await and see if anyone else would show up.

WC: 831/5,000
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Thu Dec 29, 2022 9:46 pm
A weird bird delivering him a letter here of all places? It was strange to say the least Hikari had revieved a request from Santa Claus to deliver gifts to the children of this Snow Country because he was sick. Yeah, right old boy Nick was probably laughing right now as he sent the Saint of the Stars to do his work for her. Well this would at the minimum be entertaining to see if this wasn't the oddest joke ever conceived. Might also be good to check on in Hikari and see what she had been up to on this frigid vacation.

The Doctor arrived first and saw the loads of boxes. He whistled in that we have a lot of work to do sort of way. Pulling out his corpse storage scroll he would place it on the ground and unroll it. "Santa doesn't get any work done without his elves. Why should we be different?" Releasing the seal the corpse would appear on top of the scroll. His eyes would turn completely black as he activated his Jashigan followed by the Rinnegan. A black reciever rod would form in his hand and he would thrust it into the stomach of the corpse after undoing his shirt to not cause damage. The rod was just long enough to leave a centimeter of the item sticking from the stomach to the back. As soon as the rod was placed the Senju awakened with purple eyes with six black circles within. "Good morning, Beast how was your nap?" Standing up the path would look around and take in the sight. Which strangely the Terumi could also see, almost as if his field of vision had expanded.

Akabayashi would hand the awakened Senju the letter given to him by Hikari. He knew the Path already knew what to do, but to make it less weird he simply gave the guy the letter to look over. After finishing he would pick up packages and start taking them to the addresses listed on the packages. Reviving the dead was nothing new to the Terumi, but everywhere the Animal Path went the Doctor could see even when he wasn't present.
He would look to Hikari deactivating his multiple doujutsu. "Well guess I'll get some use out of this missing ninja. Beast will summon me if he needs help are we waiting for others?"

Beast walked down the street, he seemed almost emotionless only pretending to be normal to fit in. All his actions and directions directly given by Akabayashi through the black rod placed within his stomach. No trace of the Senju soul once inhabiting the body was left now there was just a single will inhabiting the corpse that of the Terumi who animated him. The Path got to the first home and surface walked up the home and into the fireplace which was off luckily. He would climb down the chimney and deliver the present as told. As Beast passed a table of cookies and milk the Doctor still at the warehouse noticed this and had the path drink the milk and return to them with the cookies. As Beast returned he gave the snacks to Hikari. "For the kid." He would say in a deep voice before taking another package or two sorted by Akabayashi.

While Beast was gone Akabayashi would start sorting the packages by location. Currently all the places in the country were all jumbled together. He would seperate all the gifts by street and by which side of the street they would go on. So, that the delivery would be much easier. "So Alpha how have things been? Any chance you'll be returning to the village soon?" The Nova would shake a box and listen to the sound it made to determine the item inside. This one was definitely one of those clapping monkeys with the cymbals. Those were but two of the questions the Doctor had to ask the other was who had gotten the holy maiden pregnant. Only dude she was around was Valen and he died years ago or so he thought. But then again here was Hikari who he assumed dead. If Hoshi's biggest betrayer were out and about he should find out. Who knows how Ayato would react if the disgraced kage were still out and about.

Akabayashi kept sorting the presents saying hello to any new people that came to give aid. If they arrived too early he would stop his neat trick of reviving the dead or asking Alpha about her return to the village. There were things these people from other villages just shouldn't find out. If he didn't have Beast to deliver the packages he would just send shadow clones along with himself to deliver packages within a close vicinity to one another. This way was much more boring of course, but this would happen once all the gifts were sorted one way or another. Using Beast was just a test of its capabilities and nothing more. In fact the rod would likely be removed and the corpse returned to the scroll as soon as they were all finished up for the night. Assuming Beast was walking about anyway.

WC: 875/5000
Nova Captain
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:42 pm
Gloves as white as the snow that painted the landscape, a similar colored cloak firmly around his body to protect him from the cold. "It's beautiful here" Akaboshi spoke out loud, taking in his surroundings. A familiar feeling dawned upon him, almost as if it wasn't the first time something akin to the current situation had happened before. However, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. As the Red Nova continued to admire the area he found himself in he could hear the crunching sound of snow underneath his feet each time he took a step, the freezing air around him forming a little blush on his face.

While he was busy exploring everything that could be found in Winter Wonderland, Akaboshi suddenly heard a sound approaching from the distance. "Wings?" he surprisingly voiced upon noticing a unique looking bird making its way towards him. The interesting creature seemed to have recognized the Nova Commander, or at least in a way that made it realize it was where it had to drop something off. "What's this, a letter?". Slightly confused yet intrigued at the same time, he would open the message and begin to read what was written inside. 

Even more confused than he already was, Akaboshi finished reading the contents of the letter. Doing so, the Nova Captain was able to find a couple of interesting things inside. First, the messenger. "Hikari Namikaze, what a coincidence" he softly spoke upon seeing the blonde kunoichi's name. It hadn't been that long since the two of them spent some time together at the beach with some other Hoshigakure shinobi and it appeared they had been reunited once again. Nevertheless, it still came as a surprise knowing she was around Snow Country somewhere. However, that wasn't the only thing he didn't expect to read.

The second and probably the one that shocked him the most, was the fact that Santa Claus appeared to be real. "He actually exists? And he got sick? Impossible". What were Santa's little helpers even doing if they allowed him to fall ill? There would hardly be any time for him to collect his thoughts as it seemed they now needed the help of Akaboshi and a couple of others in delivering the presents in time in order to save Christmas. With no time to waste, the Red Nova started to make his way to the warehouse described in Hikari's message.

Upon his arrival at the desired location Akaboshi noticed someone got there before him and had already started unpacking a couple of boxes that were stored inside. "Another familiar face" he murmured as he noticed Akabayashi taking out what seemed to be a corpse storage scroll. The Commander watched as the Terumi released a seal before the body appeared on top of the scroll. What followed next was quite the peculiar sight, his fellow Nova thrusting something into its stomach before the once lifeless carcass came to life. "Well I'll be damned". Although he did not recognize the individual at first, it was intriguing nonetheless.

The beast would separate itself from its creator and head someplace else, leaving Akabayashi to take care of sorting the packages. As he approached his fellow Hoshigakure shinobi to see if he could use some help, Akaboshi noticed the Terumi was engaging in a conversation with the blonde kunoichi. "Doctor Terumi, Miss Namikaze, I'm glad to see some familiar faces" he would address the two as he joined them at their position. Assuming they greeted him back, he would then ask if there was anything he could do to help. "So, what can I do?". In case one of them required something particular he would do as asked, however, should that not be the case, he would simply follow their example and start sorting the packages.

(WC: 635)
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:31 pm
Shiro's eyes had been focused on wandering around the frosty looking village, feeling the cold linger on his fingertips. He wanted to feel the cold today, just this once to be able to feel the cold of the environment, of what his blood was. He was considered a pureblood in everything but a natural appearance. White hair matching that of another Hoshigakure shinobi, which had Shior ponder about that place hidden in the stars. Were they truly hidden by the very stars themselves, just as the mist was hidden by a thick veil of fog. The people there were extraordinary, truly excellent shinobi, and people that gave him something that he had wanted for such a longer time. They had vigor for each other, passion for something, anything that he could see. He saw such confidence in most of the ones that he had interacted with, especially the doctor, he was someone that would show off, a genuine smile etched it’s way onto the young Hyuga’s lips, before the small flutter and squawking of a bird landing right on his arm, the pale, snow white scroll attached to it’s small thin leg, a message had been sent to him, one that certainly would be appreciated during these trying times, the people had looked somewhat bemused, frustrated in a way that he could not describe. He gently released the scroll from the birds ankle, slowly opening it to reveal the handwriting of one Hikari Namikaze, the women who he thought was a bit too reserved from his own experience anyways, the snowball incident proved that she was either entirely empathetic to other people, or she severely hated it when people showed her negative attention. Whether or not this was one or the other he could not tell, yet he felt some kind of duty to what was being asked here. He had to help these people somewhat, it was a small goal, yet a goal nonetheless. Shiro not even thinking that this was an S-Rank mission besides the title and sheer bizarre factors involved in it. Saint Nicholas himself was sick?! Perhaps all of those sweet treats had finally started catching up to the jolly old elf after all of these years. The most famous Space-Time user in history, and yet he couldn’t simply get one of his elves to cure him of his ailment? Perhaps he was feeling a bit lazy today?

His Byakugan pulsated to life for a moment, the strain on his eyes wasn’t too much anymore, he could at least function normally and walk around with it for a solid few minutes, just enough to cage the location of where Hikari Namikaze was. What entered his vision was rather strange, he had seen the doctor once again. That guy, he seemed to be everyone the young Hyuga went towards. Perhaps the two were simply destined to see each other during this time inside of the snowy little village. A village that perhaps Shiro could strike up a deal with sooner or later, the cold was becoming something that he felt he could use, especially given the current climate of the world. The young Hyuga made his way closer and closer to where the two shinobi were, however a third shinobi, one also seemingly being familiar given that he had greeted them without so much as a pause. Shiro really seemed to be working with Hoshigakure of all people, a small chortle escaped from his maw, allowing the group to hear the sudden laughter of the young Hyuga come before them. His eyes scanning through and seeing all of the presents being organized by where they were supposed to go, Akabyashi seemed to have made some kind of summon? A creature perhaps that was helping with the organization process. His eyes scanned the boxes for a few moments, finding toys, clothing, some bits and pieces of coal here or there, some were even small weapons like a Katana and box of Kunai made out of Chocolate. Santa certainly had all of this down to a science of some kind, something that Shiro wasn’t sure if half of these things were even owned by the jolly elf. Only that now he was faced with three high class Shinobi of Hoshigakure, while he himself was nothing more than a mere Genin in the face of them.

“My apologies, your bird bumped into me. Well nothing else I can really ask for besides help you guys if possible, so we're supposed to handle the Jolly oafs own mess now that he can’t find himself a decent doctor, for shame, hopefully he feels better the next go around.”

He turned towards Akaboshi, letting a small bow grace the Nova member before speaking with the Nova commander.

“Names Shiro, and I’ll be helping all three of you with making sure each and every present is delivered on time. It’s a pleasure.”

A small smile appeared on his face, awaiting the orders of the Child of light for what he was supposed to do next revolving around the presents. These three were certainly no joke, yet he was sure he could provide some kind. His Byakugan relaxing for a brief moment, giving Shiro mere moments of respite as he knew this day was about to get very long, very fast. However, there was a noticeable baby bump on Namikaze's own stomach. His byakugan had seen the formation of the child for but mere moments before he had turned it off. Leading to his own fascination with it, and also looking at both of the men before her.

“Congrats one of you, if you two are the father that is…” He gave a stare towards the three of them, he was a child in their presence, his eyes shooting down each of them with small hints of snark and confidence exuding from him. Only now, he could truly see that Hoshigakure was strong, and it put him on a high when seeing such strong individuals nearby. It made him motivated, it made him want to do something, as it was the only way for him to survive in Kiri… It was to fight.

Yet giving gifts during this time of year couldn’t be so bad.

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:59 pm
The time it took for anyone to show up honestly wasn't that long of a wait, but with how cold it was, the half an hour wait felt like it took hours. The Kunoichi would spend some time attempting to start a small fire to keep the room warm, but after a few minutes gave up after realizing there was no place she could keep the fire going without the risk of the flame catching the presents on fire.

After what felt like a few hours, the Kunoichi would sense as Akabayashi Terumi entering into the building and immediately start to go for a bag. The Kunoichi was about to speak up and give a friendly introduction, but before she had the ability to, the man would fish out a familiar looking corpse scroll, and began to summon forth a corpse. The Kunoichi would start to look away, not being the biggest fan of how the vulture preformed his art on the bodies of his victims. However, the woman would take note as he took out a strange black rod and enter it into body, and suddenly start to manipulate the body to move around. Puppetry? No... Omega wasn't moving around his fingers to control the body, clearly this was something else. "Um.... Omega?" Hikari would ask, tilting her head. "What exactly are you doing to that body?"

The woman would give a curtsy to the Nova Commander and the Kirigakure shinobi as they entered into the building. "Thank you for coming so quickly Akaboshi. Also.... um...." Hikari would turn to the new coming Kirigakure shinobi. "I... Its Shiro, right? I think we met up at the snowball tournament, right Omega?" The Akari would say, turning to confirm with the Termui.

After some quick pleasantries, the Kunoichi would clear her throat. "Anyways..... thank you all for coming so quickly. I was honestly sort of scared of having to do this sort of thing by myself. Well, as the letter said, I'm looking for help doing some errands for Saint Nick. I.... may have sort of have gotten into his bad graces a few years back after I so of destroyed one of his factories while on an assignment, and was hoping to get back in his good graces. Hahaha...." The Kunoichi would give an awkward laugh, trying to play off that mistake of an assignment as a joke. "But anyways... our job will be pretty simple. All we have to do is deliver these gifts to various houses around the city. There drop off location seems to be marked on the presents." The Akari assassin would explain, gesturing over at the gifts which all had tags on them, signifying where they would be delivered.

"Anyways, all we have to do is deliver these presents without being seen. Since it seems this village hasn't set any sort of defenses, it will probably be a simple enough task for trained shinobis like ourselves" Hikari would say, stepping over to the boxes. "We just need to get this done by Dawn tomorrow. Any questions?" The girl would say, before turning over to Akabayashi, "And yes Omega, we are getting compensated for this."

WC: 529
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Tue Jan 10, 2023 5:50 pm
Akabayashi planned to answer Hikari's question with a lie of course, but fortuitously they were interrupted by the arrival of Akaboshi. The Nova commander was likely already aware the doctor could bring the dead back to life. One of the reasons his curse marks had been so successful. The doctor was about to answer Akaboshi's question on what be could do to help, but his answer was interrupted yet again by the arrival of Shiro. Who Hikari immediately asked the name of the man would just not his head as a gesture of correctness. Shiro would then introduce themself to Akaboshi and then ask a funny question.

"I am indeed not the father. Such, a lady would never grace the bed of one such as myself. But our Akaboshi here!" He would say grabbing the mans shoulders and lightly shaking as if he were the culprit. "Also not the father." He would let go of the Nova commander glad to be informed they would be paid for their work at least. If they had to finish by dawn the following day there was much to do and they weren't allowed to be seen. Which meant giant wooden golems would be unavailable. But they didn't really need any giant golems there were many ways to accomplish the job.

"With that one brought back to life have an extra hand we simply have to make some more extra hands our own elves in a sense." The doctor would make the clone seal and make two wood clones, followed by the hearts within his body splitting into four creatures made of black threads and an individual mask. The clones, masked beasts, and path of the animal realm Beast would work on getting the nearby homes. They all knew they couldn't be seen and would avoid people at all costs. With Shiro there he would not answer the question of what Beast was Akabayashi would avoid the question completely. He couldn't exactly say oh its a body I reanimated that serves as an extension of myself and embodies the six paths animal realm. Each individual clone, masked beast, or path would each take a sack of gifts when they were sorted and enter the home of the recipient and leave their presents by the trees within their home. Of course these things had a distance they had to be near Akabayashi which meant he had to go as well meaning for the time this group had to split up and return as needed to pick up more gifts. When the job was complete the doctor  was about to take his leave, but the sound of clocks dinging sounded around them all.

Then out of nowhere a man teleports in front of everyone, dressed in a white toga, a bald patch on his head, and carrying a staff with an alarm clock at the end. He pulls out a golden pocket watch out of thin air takes a look and adjusts his reading glasses. "Santa, said I would find you all here. I have a job for you all someone has kidnapped baby new year and I need help fining her. Otherwise time cannot go forward into the next year!" The clocks sound once more, but these ones sound more like a warning. Father time looks at his pocket watch one more time and looks to everyone with concern. "I'll answer any questions you have in two minutes, thirteen seconds when you've dealt with the fools chasing me!" With the sound of a grandfather clock the old geezer would dissapear and a group of men dressed in black would arrive there was a no time symbol on their shirts.

"Aunt I-time sensed Father's presence here. I guess he has you goobers on the hunt for Baby New Year, but we won't let you leave this place alive." The indeterminate amount of No Time losers prepared to fight. Unfortunately, Akabayashi's strongest abilities needed to rest before being used again. His path was still with them and ready to fight. With a small amount of hand seals the Doctor would call forth a deep pit of mud on some of the attacking thugs. They would slowly sink into it and drown within the mud. But not before a stream of fire shot out of his mouth and enveloped a great many of the weirdo's. The path saw the attacks coming from the side Akabayashi wasn't looking and he made seals for wood armor to protect himself. Hopefully, the others were making a bigger dent as there seemed to be an endless number of these strange thugs. The Doctor made sure his allies weren't in the way of any of his techniques and he hoped they would avoid him in the path of their own abilities. The wood armor held up well enough against the beating it was taking deflecting weapons and strikes of various elements.

They were at the two minute mark since father time had left and the no time people began to fall dead or leave the area through an unknown jutsu. Once more the sound of clocks dinging allerted them to the presence of Father Time who held his pocket watch and waved it as it hit two minutes and thirteen seconds. "Who are you people? Oh, yeah baby new year. She was kidnapped? By someone..." The man seemed confused by his own old age making statements, but asking them like questions. He would wave his hand and a book would appear in his hand which he could read from. "Aunt I-time, kidnapped baby new year, stole him from the cradle of time, on the twenty-forth of December, likely took her to the Winter Village, asked Santa for help, he was sick, said to find Hikari Namikaze and her strange elves for help. Where am I anyway?" He read directly from the paper then finished with a question unsure of where he was. Are there any questions?"

"Oh a whole lot. Starting with where you think Aunt I-time took this baby within the winter village. Who are you and Santa but like really don't say Father Time and Saint Nick." There was so much to ask but he would have to hold back so the others could ask questions of their own. It wouldn't be easy to find a baby with a random lady unless they knew what the infant looked like. Perhaps they had already seen the poor baby while delivering gifts, but didn't have the information the child had been kidnapped earlier. Akabayashi didn't recall seeing any babies on his deliveries as he stayed hidden during each delivery. But even he wouldn't attempt to hide from a baby as it was pointless.

WC: 1136
TWC: 2011
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:10 pm
Not much longer after Akaboshi greeted his fellow Hoshigakure shinobi, the Red Nova noticed a fourth individual had shown up, one he did not recognize. However, going by their responses it appeared both Hikari and Akabayashi already encountered the young man before. "I can hardly refuse a call for help, especially after reading your message". If Santa Claus was in trouble, it was up to them to come and save him. The Commander then turned his attention towards Shiro, the one hailing from the village of Kirigakure, to greet him in return. "I'm glad you could make it, let's save Christmas, shall we?" Akaboshi spoke friendly as he always was.

With the formalities out of the way it was finally time to return to the order of business, helping out Santa Claus. The Captain listened attentively, paying close attention as the blonde kunoichi would speak up and inform everyone of the task that laid ahead of them, assuming they didn't know already. "It's as I thought" he softly spoke under his breath, aware of what would be expected from him and his fellow helpers. What he didn't think or saw coming, was the fact that Shiro seemed to be under the impression that either Akaboshi or Akabayashi were responsible for Hikari's baby bump, a misunderstanding the Terumi quickly cleared up.

That being said, the Doctor continued carrying out the first of their many tasks, Akaboshi watching closely how his fellow Nova formed the Clone seal and soon created two Wood clones. The Terumi's army of little helpers expanded even further as four creatures completely made out of threads appeared from the man's body, truly a sight to behold. With plenty of hands to help out, it would only be a matter of time before all the presents were delivered successfully, making the first part of the night a rather successful one considering the circumstances. 

Before he even had the chance to check on Shiro and Hikari in case they needed any help, Akaboshi noticed how a strange man suddenly teleported in front of them. A white toga, a bald patch on his head, carrying a staff with a clock at the end, safe to say the scene seemed rather confusing. "Another unexpected surprise", obviously considering it wouldn't be a surprise if he already expected it. Whatever the case, the man awfully resembled the same individual they were supposed to help out. Assuming the others were as equally surprised, Akaboshi figured it would only be a matter of time, pun intended, before they found out who exactly they were dealing with.

He watched as the strange man pulled out a golden pocket watch out of thin air and then adjusted his reading glasses before addressing the group of shinobi. Akaboshi stood there and paid close attention, listening attentively to the words coming out of the man's mouth. If what he said was true then Santa required their help once more, a request to find and return a woman who apparently had been kidnapped. If they failed in doing so, time would stop and never move forward. "No pressure huh?". Delivering presents and packages was one thing, but solving a potential kidnapping, that was far from what he expected. 

The man promised to answer any questions they might have, but not without adding a couple conditions of his own. A time limit, how original, and a couple of goons that needed to be dealth with. The elder dissapeared and a group of men dressed in black would arrive, threatening them by making sure they wouldn't be able to leave Winter Wonderland alive. The Red Nova couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing their threats, whoever they were clearly having watched too many amateur thrillers, believing themselves to be one of those intimidating criminal groups.

Akaboshi would stand aside for now, witnessing how Akabayashi made the first move. The Terumi quickly formed a couple of hand seals before a deep pit of mud attached itself on some of the goons who slowly started to sink and drown within the earth. The doctor, almost at the same time, launched another attack as he shot a stream of fire that traveled towards another group of criminals and eventually enveloped most of them, leaving them to scream as the flames consumed them. The combination of earth and fire was able to take out the majority, leaving only a handful to deal with.

The Nova Captain would unsheath his sword, swinging his blade through the air around him. He slashed through the wind which in turn caused an air current to appear. Akaboshi would once again swing his weapon in the direction of the goons, causing a dragon to emerge from the edge of the wind current. The mythical animal completely made out of air would travel and slice through everyone unfortunate enough to get caught in the current. Blood splattered and painted the landscape, a small price to pay for trying to mess with experienced and trained shinobi.

Continuing his assault, Akaboshi formed a couple of hand seals, eight in total before activating his second attack as he selected a point within location. Doing so, the Red Nova created a small rift in space, a point no smaller nor bigger than thirty centimeters in size. It immediately began to expand, forming into a cone which then started to travel up to the distance ahead.  Any of the criminals who got themselves caught by the technique would suffer damage while at the same time being pulled into the rift. Should they be unable to get out in time, they would slowly be absorbed by the rift, disappearing and no longer existing.

Assuming the others were also able to deal with matters on their end, Akaboshi noticed time ran out as a strange phenomenon caused any remaining criminals to disappear from the area. For better or worse the sound of a clock would fill the area, the strange man from before reappearing before them. Once he stood in front of the Commander, Doctor, Holy Maiden and Swordman of the Mist, the elderly man suddenly asked a question, giving off a rather confused impression, even more so considering he had promised them they would be the ones allowed to ask questions.

Father Time, still as confused as before, murmured a couple of words, mentioning Baby New Year and how someone was responsible for kidnapping her. The man waved his hand as a book would appear in his hand which he could read from, talking about a certain Aunt I-time who kidnapped Baby New Year, stealing them from the cradle of time and taking her to Winter Wonderland where they asked Santa for help. "Why are we the elves in this scenario?" Akaboshi spoke softly under his breath, growing more confused by the minute.

Once he finished his strange story, the even stranger man finally allowed the group of shinobi to ask a couple of questions of their own, a chance Akabayashi took with both hands. The Terumi inquired about Father Time and Santa Claus' identity, curious if they really were who they said they are. He also wondered if the man had any idea where Aunt I-time could have taken Baby New Year but decided to stop there to allow the others to ask some questions in turn as well. Akaboshi decided to keep it at one question, not wanting the man to get even more confused than he already was.

The Red Nova took a small step and turned his attention towards Father Time. "Are we the only ones tasked with solving the case?". Depending on the answer it could potentially mean there were more babies who had been kidnapped. Whether or not his question received a reply he then gave Shiro and Hikari the room to inquire about the situation as well. For now he could only sit back and take the time to collect his thoughts, trying to solve the case of what happened to Baby New Year. Hopefully the others were able to get a couple more clues out of the elderly, even the smallest one would help them figure out what and who they were dealing with. Once could hope.  

(WC: 1365, TWC: 2000)
Shiro Hyuga
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Thu Jan 19, 2023 11:10 pm
Shiro’s face was shocked that he had seemingly found the answer to Hikari’s baby daddy being that of Akaboshi, going to congratulate the man before Akabayashi followed up with the fact that the Uchiha was also not the father of Hikari’s child. Shiro didn’t want to ask any further questions regarding the status of the child and who the father was, as it was no longer important then the contents of what the mission could provide for them. Akabayashi’s rather blunt remark about Hikari’s own father not being either him or Akaboshi was hilarious to the white haired young boy. Taking the sudden tension out of his own body and replacing it with a sudden bout of laughter. The seasons were making almost everyone jolly, even with the cold winds starting to pick up all around them. They themselves having to become surrogate santa’s gave him a special kind of a feeling. He was sure that all over the world that there were people that were indeed helping Santa as well if he was so sick and in need of help. Yet the question then becomes how he even got sick in the first place. A question that SHiro waved off as simply an unfortunate event, something that can happen to almost everyone, even the great and mighty Santa Claus… As well as his own mother. The thought was met with Shiro simply trying to get all of the presidents fully accounted for, however Akabayashi’s own showing off with his powers was something virtually absurd for such a young boy to even see, much less experience for himself. His hair stuck up at the end at what he was seeing… A corpse moving on it’s own, or at least that’s what was implied with Akabayashi knowing a jutsu that could somehow bring back the dead as mindless zombies to your whim….

It was no wonder that the doctor seemingly acted so carefree when the boy was within his own range of earshot. The fact that someone like this existed, with so much power and seemingly also had a close relationship with these other two had Shiro put on edge… They were powerful, almost too much so, such power was absolutely absurd, especially given that Shiro had to basically tag along with one of them if he had any hope of even clearing out the presents for the christmas season to fully be enjoyed by all that was there. The bridge of his nose becoming slightly red with the cold finally setting in after all of this time. The light crunch of snow followed him as he wondered who he should accompany. However, the mentioning of the Namikaze having BLOWN up one of his factories had led Shiro to almost turn around immediately, front of his body slightly facing the Akari as he looked towards her as if she was lying. There was absolutely no way that Sant Claus of all people would hire someone who had destroyed one of his own factories… whoever these people were, they were something completely different then what he was used to.

“You’re lying, there’s no way that Santa Claus would even trust someone with the help of something like this… Either that or Santa has a sick sense of humor with hiring you, and by extension us to even help with these gift giving.”

As fate would soon have it be written, the Kirigakure shinobi would tag along with Hikari for this one, since she probably wasn’t the most physical of combatants, and also that he didn’t want a fucking baby to accidently be killed in the line of battle. His Byakugan flexing to life once again, his eyes veins completely focused on where the Hyuga would look while trying to help the older women with the gift giving. His hand held some of the presents before seeing if Hikari knew just where he would be able to get them through the buildings without being detected… Perhaps being a shinobi of Kirigakure had a lot more benefits then he once had thought. Sneaking into and out of places was a Kirigakure staple within their own little communities. Never mind how funny it was to sometimes sneak into Rezyx house in order to fight him… Those are some fun ass times back home. Yet now he was using those skills to get into and out of houses with ease. Sometimes he’d make sure that there were no security systems or anything that could alert the individuals that are living inside of the house before sneaking in through the front door or better yet, pulling a Santa Claus and going down the chimney. His hair was colored a slight charcoal black and soot on his clothing… Yet it oddly felt nice to simply help those in need from time to time, it was what he was going to do back home.

However what was surprising was at the same point in time as everyone else… They were met with a man, bald head with a shining top, white toga top and a massive golden staff with a clock at the end of it. Seemingly ticking down at some kind of event, Shiro kept himself slightly weary in case the individual was indeed aggressive. However instead they were given another task, one that saw to Shiro actually having his eye twitch that someone would steal a fucking baby of all things. However they wouldn’t be able to ask any more questions as father time had decided to leave for a moment, causing Shiro to wonder why he didn’t just tell them what their questions were in the first place… He was a god right?

“He could have at least told us what the baby looks like-” Shiro was suddenly interrupted. A massive kick to his right temple had him sent flying across the alleyways. He felt slightly nervous, his balance was off, he could feel blood running down his nose and part of his face when he drew his blade. The refined Katana was met with four others jumping the young man, a punch to his stomach that winded him, before another attempted to stab a kunai directly into the back of his head. He felt the blood beginning to rush through him, his sword suddenly raising up behind him to intercept the attack. Shiro spun around, his sword cleaving through flesh as a gargled scream echoed from the first of these attackers… That one attack towards his head had weakened him however… He was already losing balance… He used his sword as support, but he was partially separated from the rest of the group… He could barely move, or keep his vision straight.

However he was blessed with his life on that day, as the men had all but disappeared before he was about to be killed. Blood ran along his head as he slowly staggered towards where the remaining group members were… Where they were currently asking the identities of Father Time and Santa Claus as well.

“I got a better one for you… Who was the one that kidnapped the child… Do you have any idea of father time? What their… Relationships are? Are they shinobi?”

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:24 pm
"Who I am isn't important Aunt I-time was hired by some interdimensional witch and time is wasting. Check the orphanage for Ureshii she'll be easy to spot. She glows.

Are you the only ones? Maybe, maybe not, you are wasting time.

Any idea of Father Time? Thats me if it wasn't obvious. You must have missed the part where I told you who kidnapped Ureshii, it was Aunt I-time. Shinobi no she isn't a shinobi she is a mystical being like Santa or myself that opposes time. An anti-time if you will hence her name."
The clock at the end of the mans staff would start ringing and he like earlier would dissapear with the sound of clocks ringing.

Looking at Shiro the doctor let out a laugh. "How the hell did that happen?" The corpse would approach Akabayashi and he would remove the black reciever from its stomach turning it into a corpse once more. He would seal the body back into the corpse storage scroll. "Lets go to that orphanage I believe I've passed it once or twice since I've been here." The doctor would move through the village. It seemed the information of a child being kidnapped was too much for the expectant mother as she stood there stunned.

When they came across the orphanage the doctor would open the doors and as told finding the baby was simple. One of them was glowing and sounded like a ticking time bomb. There were no adults which was strange this had become too easy. It shouldn't be this easy. There had to be more to this. Of course when someone picked up the baby the trap was sprung Aunt I-time made her entrance gave a villanous monologue which the doctor sat threw because blowing up a building with a bunch of babies in it wasn't a good look for anyone. Black threads would erupt from the doctor's body picking up all the babies and carry them. He would throw a kunai out of the window and once the clink of metal hitting concrete sounded with a single seal and a flash of red the Terumi was gone.

"All right babies are safe. Now kill her! Meet you at the warehouse" The doctor would yell from the street below picking up his kunai and running away. He took all the children to the police station and kept Ureshii with him. When the other two returned to the warehouse father time would take the baby new year and give them their reward.

A few days later Akabayashi, Akaboshi, and Shiroyasha got a mysterious letter promising a gift for showing up at a location at a certain time. When all three arrived there was a woman with pale skin and all white attire. Her face was relaxed yet when she spoke it was calm yet her words described someone who was frustrated. "I am Minaguya Otsutsuki and you all have crossed me not once, but twice. The first with my poisoning of your Saint Nick and the second with my planned kidnapping of baby new year. I wish to test you all now."Her eyes would grow the distinct pattern of the byakugan and a third eye on her forehead would open and display the Rinnegan. A clone of the women would appear and the women would leave through a portal she had made.

It was now the three of them against this immortal clone and Akabayashi could sense danger emitting from the aliens eyes. "I guess this is the interdimensional alien the quack was talking about." She wasn't going to give the group time to think as a jet of fire rushed from the women's mouth. There hadn't been enough time to gather enough natural energy with his Jugo bloodline to use True Sage Transformation so he would opt for the peacock spirit method. A tail of peacock feathers would form on his back and he would use the technique to have him fly, but first he would grab Shiroyasha. He know the kid would get fried and who wanted burnt to a crisp byakugan. The doctor would move the kid out of the way and let them down. If the next attack was something that would drown the Hyuga he wouldn't get help again because wet byakugan could still be stuck into someones head.

The next attack was one of wind and aimed for Akabayashi. One of the masked beasts erupted from the Doctor's body and defended the doctor smacking the mass of air and dispersing it. All of her techniques were exceptionally powerful and were done without seals. The next attack was aimed at Akaboshi and a mass of water in the shape of a shark rushed towards him, immediately following that a pit of mud was starting to spread out in front of Shiroyasha. They needed to counter attack, but there was little time in between her attacks and their own.

Making a few seals for ninjutsu amp the Doctor would activate his Rinnegan and ten black orbs would float around him. "Oh, a human with the power of the Otsutsuki clan. How cute and informative." She would say looking at Akabayashi. She would send a meteor crashing toward the doctor and with one of the orbs he would blow it apart another of the orbs became a rod which he would use to bash a broken piece of the meteor back at the alien. It was repulsed back at Akabayashi by something the doctor was familiar with the Deva path. Flying toward Akaboshi he would use his Rinnegan to pull the Otsutsuki toward himself and Akaboshi one of the black orbs would also fly at the woman to intercept her, but before she moved ten feet she had stopped her momentum and launched her radial bone tinged in a red chakra at the orb. Both were destroyed. Oddly this woman displayed the abilities of multiple clans. First the Hyuga, then the Uchiha and Senju, now the Kaguya clan who could manipulate their bones. "So many blood lines in her body. Interesting." The doctor would say to Akaboshi.

WC: 1030
TWC: 3041/6250

Last edited by Akabayashi Terumi on Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:30 am; edited 2 times in total
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Help Saint Nick!  S-Rank missions Empty Re: Help Saint Nick! S-Rank missions

Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:22 pm
The clock was ticking, time slipping away. They were running out of options, as questions. The kunoichi remained silent whereas the young Kirigakure swordsman immediately cut to the chase and inquired about the identity of the one responsible for kidnapping the child. Regardless what everyone asked, the answers remained vague. The old man mentioned a name he didn't before, a glowing woman going by the name of Ureshii, one they would be able to find at the orphanage. Akaboshi couldn't help but wonder how many people were involved, the situation growing stranger by the minute. And just like Father Time said, they were simply wasting theirs.

With nothing else to say, the old man's staff started to ring before it disappeared together with its owner, leaving them none the wiser. In the meantime one of the walking dead approached the Doctor as he would remove the black reciever from its stomach, turning it into a corpse once more. Once the body was sealed back into the scroll Akabayashi would suggest a course of action. "Sounds like a plan, lead the way" the Nova Captain agreed, even more so considering his fellow operative claimed to have been there before. That being said, he would follow behind the Terumi as the latter moved through the village. 

When they arrived at the orphanage Akaboshi scanned the area, noticing how Akabayashi didn't waste any time as he would open the doors of the building. Setting foot inside the group of Hoshigakure shinobi, and young Shiro of Kirigakure, stumbled upon quite the peculiar sight. "A glowing baby? And what's that sound it's making?" the Red Nova questioned out loud, referring to what resembled something akin to a ticking time bomb. Going by how easy everything seemed to go one thing was clear, it was a trap. Once the baby got picked up Aunt I-time made her appearance, giving one of those monologues you'd usually only see in movies. 

The situation became dangerous as it was strange, black threads would erupt from the Terumi's body as the doctor used them to pick up and carry the babies to safety. Akaboshi could hear shouting from outside, a sign everyone got out alive, leaving only Aunt I-time to be dealt with. The Captain's eyes turned crimson red, the famous pattern of the Uchiha clan revealing itself before a large sphere of distorted space began to manifest. Doing so, the villain of the day would find herself slowly dragged towards the center before she ended up being transported to his personal dimension.

A couple of days had passed since their encounter with Aunt I-time, however, there was hardly a moment for them to rest. They each received a letter with a promise of a gift should they follow the instructions written inside. "Not like we have any choice" Akaboshi sighed, preparing himself to head out for the location described in the letter. Upon their arrival a pale woman dressed in nothing but white awaited them, a calm demeanor yet one that couldn't hide the fact that something or someone ended up frustrating her. She introduced herself as Minaguya Otsutsuki, claiming the three of them had crossed her not once, but twice. 

It appeared the woman was one fond of monologues as well, explaining she was the one responsible for poisoning Saint Nick as well as the kidnapping of baby New Year. Although she remained frustrated, the woman shared she now wished to test each and every single one of them. As she finsihed her sentence her eyes would grow, the distinct pattern of the byakugan and a third eye on her forehead revealing itself and displayed the Rinnegan. "The people here have a strange habit of disappearing once things get heated" the Red Nova spoke as a clone of the woman appeared as the real one left through a portal. 

The three of them stood there, aware a battle would soon follow. He listened as Akabayashi assumed they were facing the interdimensional alien Father Time was talking about, not exactly an opponent anyone would hope for. Before any of them had the time to talk or even think a jet of fire made its way towards them. Akaboshi quickly formed four hand seals as he then placed his palm on the ground, summoning two of the legendary Rashomon gates. Doing so, the walls protected him from the incoming fire, swiflty dealing with the potential threat before it could do any harm.

In the meantime Akabayashi had taken flight, one of the masked beasts erupting from the Doctor's body as it defended him from the mass of air that traveled towards its creator. Her next attack was aimed at the Nova Commander, a shark completely made out of water making its way forward, its only intent to kill its target. With no time to waste Akaboshi formed a total of six hand seals, creating a sphere that would soon absorb any assault coming his way. However, it didn't stop there. The Terumi activated his Rinnegan, surrounding himself with ten orbs that would float around him.

The woman would make a comment aimed at his fellow Nova before she sent a meteor crashing towards the doctor who with one of the orbs would blow it apart. Words weren't enough to describe the ongoing spectacle, a scene no one would believe even if they were told by any of the people who were currently battling it out with the interdimensional creature. "All the more reason to take care of her" Akaboshi responded to the Terumi's comment. Considering how many powers she possessed, they couldn't waste any more time dealing with her.

Flashing the pattern of his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan once more, Akaboshi surrounded himself with the Armor of Susanoo, covering his entire body in a shell completely made out of chakra. For now he would simply observe the situation, wondering what else the woman would throw at them. Safe to say, the Nova Commander didn't allow himself a single moment to drop his guard. 

(WC: 1002, TWC: 3002)
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