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MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation] Empty MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 3:39 pm
The instant adjustment to teleportation was something unlike Auron had ever experienced. It was quick, but also felt like he had been traveling through eternity. Perhaps it was because of his proficiency with space time jutsu, but it was almost as if he was undergoing the teleportation in slowed time. In his perspective he could see the world beneath the pair passing them by and even noting the singular breath he let out in the process. And as he exhaled, the pair would conclude the first leg of the trip. Ooetsu followed up by checking in on Auron. The Yamaguchi would offer a nod of acknowledgement, signaling that he was okay. And just like that the two rifled onward further into the sky. It was a rather iterative process, but still more efficient and faster than just walking or running. 

Upon arrival at the gates of the castle Auron would let go of Ooetsu and brush himself off lightly. Taking a step or two back, he'd look at Ooetsu...only slightly shaken up. It was then that Ooetsu asked how Auron took the trip. With a slight grin he'd respond in turn. 

"Damn...I have got to learn how to do that." He'd exhale what felt like the biggest breath he'd ever take then shift his eyes from the shinobi towards the entrance to the castle. Instantly he could feel his senses assaulted by the different nature of the castle; with the taste the soot from the air in his mouth, and the visibility in the area being low. Still it was astounding that he was in the presence of such a momentous piece of work. 

"Lead the way," he'd say while following behind Ooetsu to go on to enter the castle.

WC = 290
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation] Empty Re: MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation]

Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:49 pm
The exclaim by Auron was refreshing, seeing him get excited about the technique was a sight. Ooetsu couldn’t help but to grow an even bigger smile. It was like looking at a younger brother, or a younger self. Ooetsu had no siblings, he was an only child. Since his time during the great Hoshimura rebellion and siding with Aokidanza-Dono he barely had parents. Aokidanza-Dobo is like a father to him, Yachiru-Dono an Aunt and Takara-Chan, a sister.

You’re one crazy dude, bro!

He turned to face the gates of his castle. Treading through the sediment that collected along the path. The air was thick with heat, burns the very throat as one inhales. Ooetsu was use to it, it made him feel something that he couldn’t quite put into words. But it was close to feeling alive, or having a purpose. Each time that he set foot near this place his blood runs hot and his pupils expands. He loved this forge, it was a treasure to him.

Coming within 3 meters of the gates he would stand there, holding up his left hand. Chakra channels throughout it. There was a Diamond shape symbol, red in color, that held a symbol in its center - it glowed brightly and the sounds of the gate gears roared as the gate began to open. His hand lowered and he looked over to Auron. A nod was gave and he continued onward.

Their path changed from soot to cobble stone that extended 25 meters before reaching the doors that lead inside. The castle itself is 300 meters in length and width, 500 meters in height starting from the base level of the forge. The gates that were now behind them stood 50 meters tall, wrapping the entire castle as it connects to the monument. The walls themselves possess a health of 150, this also goes for the castle separately.

So, what did you have in mind? For your weapon, I mean. Did you have anything specific that you want for it, or are you feeling adventurous? I have to ask these things, you’ll see why soon enough.

As they walked through the court of tarnished vegetation from the head emitting off the castle they finally made it to the double steel doors that stood 15 meters tall and 10 meters wide. Ooetsu, places his hand on the door and channels his chakra through it. Thus obtaining access to it. And once opened he could see the exterior which welcomed them both with a rush of cooling air. He stepped onto the ruby red carpet that extended 50 meters to the center of the room. Royal blue and red banner hung from the ceiling. At the cent of the room a pit surrounded by metal to hold it in place, filled with lava that was raging but never overflowing. This was one of the forges within this domain.

Once he was 10 meters from the forge he would turn to look at Auron. In the midst of that he received a telepathic call, a message from the sensory core. He remained subtle about it, drawing in not alertness to him gaining intel. He would then mentally nod as he mentally confirmed that he understood.

He would deal with that later, for now he wanted to do Auron the solid favor. He would wait for him to speak and present his materials.

TWC: 567

NPC currently in use is Ooetsu Hoshimura.
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MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation] Empty Re: MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation]

Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:06 pm
As Auron followed Ooetsu, he thought back on his timing working the forge in the Land of Fire alongside Grey. It had been hard and strenuous labor which yielded little to no reward. The staff there had been biased and uninterested in having others invade their space. But among the biggest issue was the lack of safety. There had been little to no cover of the open flames and the ventilation throughout the building was old and inefficient. And so just spending two minutes walking towards the entrance to the castle, Auron could note the immediate improvement in this place's design. Though to many it would have seemed suffocating and overbearingly hot, to Auron this was much more luxurious. He could deduce that this place did its best to take the hazards of a forge and mitigate them. It was refreshing. Especially considering the fact that he wasn't here to work it. And what demonstrated even more pride in the Forge was the fact that it seemed fine tuned to the chakra natures of those with access. Ooetsu's demonstration of entering the premises was a display of that, as the Forge seemed to only open to those who were worthy. 

And as the diamond branded gates elegantly swung open, a breeze of ash and the scent of flame would breeze by him. He'd lock eyes with Ooetsu for a moment and the pair would exchange just a nod. It had already seemed as if the two had some type of a mental connection, recognizing the struggle each other had without words and gaining an appreciation for another. But this exchange was one that Auron felt like resonated with him more. It almost had felt like a brother wanting to show his younger sibling something he was proud of. And with that in mind, the teenager felt even more welcomed. 

Parading through the walkway to the Forge, the loose and mushy soot would transition into a compact and hardened cobblestone. It had been carefully crafted to not only appear as ornate and illustrious of the castle, but to similarly maintain its practicality. Shifting his eyes from the pathway to the castle before him, Auron was immediately taken back. It had been massive, bigger than any building he had ever seen. Breathtaking truly. Yet he tried his best to keep his composure and act like he's "been there before", something he had been told even since he was a child. 

As the pair walked, Ooetsu would pose a simple set of questions about Auron's intentions. "Well, I've worked in some familiar environments before. Once in a mine, harvesting raw ore. And another in a smaller forge, processing that ore. In those experiences and through some missions, I've gathered quite a few precious material which I think could be suitable for my blade. I was even able to do a little research on them. Of my collection, I think I'd like to infuse my blade here with Damascus Steel, Meteoric Iron, and Refined Jade. I truly believe that their properties could bolster this blade to another level, complimenting the progress that I've had as I've grown."

While he spoke, he'd rummage through a larger bag he had slung across his back which housed the moderately sized samples. They weren't the largest, but it was the quality of them that had been their greatest characteristic. With the three in hand, he'd briefly flash them towards Ooetsu who undoubtedly should know what they were. And he'd keep these material in his hands while the two continued onward. They'd proceed past vegetation and finally they'd reach the massive steel doors. In a similar fashion, Ooetsu would easily open the doors that would carry with them a refreshing chilled wind. Unsurprisingly the inside of the castle had been even more fascinating that its exterior. It was something crafted truly for a king, yet clearly displayed its craft as well. In its center was none other than a beautifully constructed forge, which unbeknownst to Auron would be the most pristine he'd ever lay eyes on. But as they drew closer, Ooetsu would hesitate for a moment then nod in place while looking at Auron. Yet it was so subtle that the Yamaguchi didn't think to much of it.

"Ooetsu, did you build this place yourself? And do you work it as well?" His tone emanated curiosity which matched the eagerness shown by his tightly clinched fists bearing his materials.

WC = 741. TWC = 1031
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation] Empty Re: MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:59 am
Indeed, the materials displayed briefly to the Hoshimura was well known, not at all displeased by the choices either. Ooetsu, understood how precious each material was, despite each had a class that they sat within. Both Damascus steel and Meteoric iron were categorized as class S material, due to their properties. Damascus steel was an ancient type of steel, rigid and robust, more so than normal steel. There are no current methods to create such a material that was known to man, yet Ooetsu knew exactly how to do it. He may be the only man alive that does. The material was a great choice, Ooetsu had to think that Auron knew what it did to decide on it. Meteoric iron was unmistakable and an excellent option for any equipment. It was crazy to think that eons ago the world as they know now was struck by a meteorite that bestowed such raw materials. Ooetsu liked to think of this rock as a god-like material due to what it does for a weapon or armor. Depends on how you tweak it you can get one of three effects out of it. And finally the precious refined jade. That was a world of beauty and could be a game changer for any Bukijutsu practitioner.

A question was posed to him, one that couldn’t help but smile at.

I had help, Goto-Dono and Aokidanza-Dono constructed it for me. They wanted me to feel at ease within a village. I could only do that if I’m surrounded by steel and flames. Sounds crazy, huh? Hehehe. You don’t have to tell me, I know. And yeah, I definitely work the forge. But this is just one of the 3. I mainly use this one for tempering.

He admits, while glancing at the forge and the lava within it. He could still remember the first time he laid eyes on a forge. He was but 5 years of age. His…parent made it a necessary mark of age for him. Perhaps the only thing in life that they presented to him that felt like a present.

You know, the forge is the closest thing that a man can get to experiencing the work of a God. Women are naturally at the top, but for a man, to be engulfed in heat, flames, smoke and focus. That’s top tier without a doubt.

He then motion over to a statue of a knight, in its sculpted grasp was a broken sword and shield. The statue, once Ooetsu stood in its presence for some time would acknowledge him as Forge Master and from there the floors opened up and revealed a staircase that spirals down. Candles lights up one by one until simultaneously and seem endless.

The forge that I’m using for what you want done is down here.

He smiles hugely, and began to walk down the stairs. As they descend 100 meters the scent it fresh and pure water would reach their noses. Gradually the demeanor of Ooetsu would change as he got closer to the end. He was stepping into the mindset of a master. Once at the bottom they would find themselves on a walk path that stops short and massive depths of water that reached 2km deep with pillars for stepping leading towards a center point of the room with a medium size pool forge. It was ancient in appearance and held a blue flame. 300 meters wide and long was the room and 25 meters in height.

The glasses of the Hoshimura would come off, he would place them in his garb for safety. Black eyes as dark as coal would find the Yamaguchi.

I have to remove my frames. Can’t see the minerals as clear sand true with them on. And plus that flame will melt them the moment I begin. It’s best if you stand here for now, until I’m done. I don’t want anything to happen. Those flames are alive, you see. Konoha is more than just a village, the very flames here hold a will of their own, much like the forest. It was a gift to me from Aokidanza-Dono. Here, hand me your weapon and your materials. I believe I know just what to do for you, Auron.

Holding out his hand, he would await for the items requested were in his hand. The room itself looked like it was completely cut off from the world they knew. Seemingly, that is.

WC: 743
TWC: 1,310
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation] Empty Re: MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:40 am
Upon hearing that not only Ooetsu had a hand in the construction of the Forge, but also Goto and Aokidanza, Auron had a glimpse of what this new hierarchy of Konohagakure meant. They seemed to be a group of go getters that were ambitious and serious. Clearly they got things done and in a timely manner. And it seemed even more intimate considering that they didn't see themselves so highly that tasks like working the forge were beneath them. They had been humble men who honed their craft. These were qualities that Auron had no choice but to respect. Yet still it was interesting that Ooetsu had only used this forge for tempering. To Auron, it seemed like it could be used for just about anything. And so this was a testament of how much resources Konoha had, to be able to have multiple forges each of which were dedicated to a specific task. 

"It's marvelous." Auron let out with a glimmer of wonder in his eyes. There was a momentary pause in the dialogue as both of the pair seemed to stare off into the lava within the forge as it roared around in its containment. Auron had been studying it and the workings of it, wondering about all of the individual tasks that had gone into its erection (pause). But Ooetsu seemed to be reflecting on something deeper. And his words would mirror that, branding onto Auron some wisdom that he could resonate with. The young man didn't know much about women yet, but he did know about hard work.  And the properties of forges truly did seem mystical, and this one had been the epitome of that concept. Not only that, but it was a direct product of one's own hard work. And perhaps that's what Auron loved so much about them. 

With the swaying of Ooetsu's arm, Auron directed his attention to a bust of a knight which bore its arms proudly. Observing this, Auron could only deduce that this figure meant something to Konoha and maybe even more specifically to Ooetsu. But he could not recognize the man the sculpture was modeled after. He momentarily thought on asking Ooetsu, but figured that Ooetsu would describe him if was important enough. But those were not the words that followed. Instead, it seemed as if there was yet another forge that they'd be working with. It had been just below the long descent of stairs that was characterized by its appealing nature to the senses. The air was even cooler than before, and the smell of the water brought about a certain calmness to the atmosphere. When he had laid his eyes upon the room they now entered, the Yamaguchi sort of got a chill. Being so accustomed to following ancient spirits, the boy was able to pick up on the fact that this room gave off a similar vibe. It had seemed like it was either historic in nature, or crafted to uniquely present itself in that manner. But just how long had something like this been hidden within Konoha? That was something he would not learn, but nevertheless riled up the curiosity within him.

Ooetsu's announcement of getting himself ready to work the forge also came with a warning to Auron to stand back. Considering the uniqueness and magnitude of this forge, Auron didn't need to be told twice. He had only worked a flame that was a fraction of this size. There was no need him to throw himself in the way. And so once requested, Auron would hand over his materials to Ooetsu then subsequently remove the sheath from his hip which bore the Shimmering Blade. Handing that over as well, Auron realized that this had been the first time in a long time which he didn't bear his blade. He felt vulnerable, naked even. Yet he trusted Ooetsu. Thus he'd step back to where Ooetsu informed him to, and would watch from here.

"This place is something really. I can't help but feel honored to be here, and to have someone like you refine my blade. Thank you in advance...truly."

WC = 688. TWC = 1719
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation] Empty Re: MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 2:44 pm
Ooetsu nods in response for Auron’s comment. There was no need for him to thank him. He felt like he’d known Auron for some time now, he was definitely a genuine soul, that was for sure. Accepting the materials for the weapon, then taking the blade into his free hand he would briefly look the craftsmanship of the weapon, glancing over to Auron and gave a smile.

Not bad, does this weapon extend? I feel like it extends. The seams are subtle, but I can definitely recognize them by looking carefully.

He then turns his back and hops to each pillar as he made his way across to the center, near the forge. Once he was there the kiss of the blue flame forge would greet him. He stepped around the forge, to where he would face it and Auron on the other side of the room. Reaching for his blade smithing tongs he would clamp them around the blade, removing the hilt to expose its base. He would the sit the blade within the blue flames. Immediately after the entire room grew greatly in temperature from the heat. All around the room blue flames engulfed the walls and even the ceiling. After some time he would remove the blade from the pit and place it on the rigid anvil that was nearby. Grabbing another pair of blacksmith tongs to first clamp and then align the refined jade with the blade of the blade. While throwing the Damascus steel and meteor iron into two separate pails and hung them over the blue flames.

Turning his attention to the Jade he would then take his forming dapping to create an imprint of the Jade into the weapon. Then he would hammer it in masterfully. With each bang the flames roared along the walls and ceiling. With time passed he would have set the augment in. Granting the blade the ability to absorb certain Jutsu, although it would be a one time use for a few hours. His attention would then move to the pails, the materials would have melted by now and he would place the blade back into the flames. After which he would place in a molding case in which he would pour both pails over the blade. Enclosing the case to set the mold. He would raise his left hand and as he did a pillar of blue flames would descend from the ceiling just above his hand. He takes the case and placed it in the flames to heat and combine the materials to the weapon. After some time he would remove it from the flames and it disperse immediately.

Removing the weapon from the case he would see that metals took perfectly. There was no need to wet stone it, the sharpness was there. He could see it. Taking the weapon he stepped around the forge. He then dips the blade that hued sun white into the body of water. Instantly upon doing so steam filled the room nothing could be seen. As it eventually cleared up the Yamaguchi would notice that the 2km of water had all evaporated from the room, only the pillars remained. The flames around the room even dissipated. It was done. The Hoshimura would place the hilt back onto the blade and then make his way over to Auron.

Handing over the blade he would smirk, he was proud of the choices.

Now your blade is even more durable and your strikes should land a heavier impact, but that’s due to the Damascus steel combined. You’ll be a hell of a force now, Auron. Thanks for trusting me with your weapon man. Real shit!

He smiled. Immediately after a ping was sounded. Noting that something was ready for him. He would get to that later.

Oh, I have a job for you, if that’s okay with you, bro. I received word that in our borders is a former Konoha shinobi that defected. Their roaming about, but as of now their just idle. From what I’ve been told the name is Yama Akimichi. Perhaps you and your friends can take care of that for us. Send the corpse in when you’re done. Is that cool?

He mentioned this to test and see if Auron could come through. It would be nice to have someone deal with the smaller threats and punish the traitors.

WC: 731
TWC: 2,041

Fully Augmented Auron’s weapon
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Ryo : 293900

MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation] Empty Re: MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:11 pm
At first glance of the Shimmering Blade, Ooetsu's keen eyes could already deduce that it was a trick weapon. Auron smirked to himself, laughing at how clever he thought he was versus how a trained eye could easily see through it. "It does. Most people don't notice it until it's too late," he let out, alluding to the fact that it was one of its hidden features. But in any case Auron would proceed to watch the steps that Ooetsu took to actually augmenting the blade. And in every step along the way the made had made it seem more and more masterful. 

First the room grew hot as hell, like molten lava. Blue flames would encompass the entirety of the room yet in a surprisingly controlled manner. They didn't spread nor rampage. Instead it seemed like it was all a part of the intricate design of this forge. Next came an intense and iterative process of hammering, molding, and finally augmentation. It was splendid how quickly Ooetsu worked. If Auron had blinked too many times he would easily missed out on some crucial details of the process. But instead he observed, from afar, each and every step along the way. When the hard work was done, Ooetsu submerged the blade into the adjacent body of crystal clear water. The steam from this temperature differential immediately occupied the room, significantly hindering visibility in the process. And when it would clear after a few moments, the room seemed entirely back to normal. There were no intense flames nor crystalline water. In fact the room had virtually no signs of any work been done within it. There was no residual ash, no scent of flames, and no smog in the air. It seemed like the forge had some sort of intricately designed system that made the process of forging and clean up autonomous. In response, Auron's eyes would be wider than ever. He couldn't fathom the level of engineering that had gone into this place. 

With Ooetsu concluding his work, he'd turn in place and begin walking over to Auron. The Yamaguchi would meet him halfway and immediately feast his eyes upon the new and improved blade. Ooetsu then offered a brief disclaimer on the new abilities of the weapon, and even took the time to thank Auron for allowing him to work on it. Grabbing the blade with both hands, one on the hilt and the other on the blade, Auron couldn't stop smiling. In fact, it had been the most he had smiled since the pair met. 

"No, thank you. Really. I don't even know how I would have begun to do something like this on my own. This is incredible. Not just your work on the blade...but this Forge. This place is like something from another world..."

As Auron's thoughts began to run wild, Ooetsu would break the conversation and indicate that there was a target to handle. Interestingly enough the relationship between Auron and Konohagakure would already be put to the test. He'd smile and nod in response, sheathing his blade in the process. "Yeah that's cool. I guess I get to test this baby out sooner than I hoped. Thanks Ooetsu, you're the man. I'll be sure to reach out once I handle this Yama Akimichi. Forgive my abruptness, but I'll head out now!"

Assuming that Ooetsu didn't need anything else from Auron and didn't care to stop him, Auron would depart from the room and the Forge in the exact same way that he had come from. It didn't even cross his mind to stop anywhere else in the village. Instead his intentions were to meet up with Cid and Grey to inform them of his new weapon and for the pair to begin scouting out their target. The first thing the group should do would be to scout out the area. Since they had previously been working in Fire Country this wouldn't be difficult to do. The trio had already gathered a rather reliable intel network within the small towns that existed outside of Konohagakure. All that would be required would be reaching out to them and subseuqently tracking the traitor down. He smirked to himself. It was funny how life panned out.

WC = 708. TWC = 2407

Claiming Augmented Shimmering Blade (to be app'd separately). 
15k Ryo was previously spent in Loose Ends towards Augmenting. Spending additional 5k to finalize S Rank Augmentation (New Ryo Total = 30,500)
Materials Used = Damascus Steel, Refined Jade, Meteoric Iron 

- 1000/1000 Towards Shimi Daikon, Summer Bloom
- 1000/1000 Towards Shimi Daikon, Fading Stern
- 407/1000 Towards Lightness Skill
- Spending 2400 WC to retrain stats (-12 Vigor, + 12 Chakra)

Vigor: 38
Chakra: 112 (+25)
Speed: 125 (+25)
Strength: 25
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation] Empty Re: MothaForger [Ooetsu's Forge - Augmentation]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:53 pm
Approved for Auron

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