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Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

Aristocrat Off Track Empty Aristocrat Off Track

Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:33 pm
Mission Details
Rewards: 4,000 Ryo, 20 AP

Kujaku left the mission hall. He had taken off a weekend for some self care. Dealing with the death  of his father was unsurmountable, but Kujaku was pressing on. After much needed relaxation time Kujaku was read for his next mission. This would be his most difficult challenge yet. He walked out into the broad day light with the mission voucher in his hand. It read, "Noblmane Han Song has ogne missing somehwere south of the Kami Bridge at the northern edge of Haven Country. His last known coordinates are sealed within this letter, check there first. Bring Han Song back alive."

Kujaku knew his mission, and he wondered if Han Song was alright. He hoped he wsa merely attacked by a fire bear, and was hiding up in a tree. Kujaku walked steadily down the streets of Hoshigakure. He was already sstrapped up for a long journey so all he had to do was buy some extra food pills. Fortunately an Akimichi lounge sold his favorite lamb flavored pills, and it was on the way. While he walked he flipped the voucher over and looked at the back. It read, "Mercenaries have been known to target the Han family due to their hand in pharmacueticals. Be alert shinobi." Kujaku looked down at his katana.

"I haven't killed anyone with it yet," Kujaku thought to himself as that all black sheathe shined in the midday sun.

It didn't take long for Kujaku to get to the lounge and be greeted by his favorite Akimichi. He was a plump, tall, orange haired woman with dark tanned skin. Kujaku always wondered what kind of lineage she had, but thought it'd be rude to ask. He ordered some food pills and candy pills. Kujaku loved candy. The Akimichi made everything fresh so Kujaku had to wait forty minutes to get everything ready. While he was waiting he wandered around the shopping outlet.

Stumbling into a sword shop Kujaku tripped on a hidden stairway. "Oope!" He grunted and quickly regained his balance. When he came in there were bell chimes ringing on the door, but no one was in the dusty old sword shop. Kujaku looked around to see who had witnessed his non gracefulness. Only one person, so Kujaku immediately asumed it was the owner. Usually in the morning small time business owners worked their shops. Kujaku bowed to the elderly man and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I uh, tripped." Kujaku stumbled again, this time on his words. He quickly realized as he spoke that he didn't have to explain himself. The shopkeep just stared at him curiously, one eyebrow raised high up on his forehead. The shopkeep stared for a second then scratched at his long beard. He said, "Well, it's fine sir. Many people have done it.Anyways, look around Rorik's Swordstead. I'm Rorik." The man said his piece and went back to work dusting off the various swords he had mounted on the wall.

There had to be a hundred long blades mounted high on the walls of the small shop, and small blades below them, carefully poised in a decorative fashion. Some of the blades looked ornamental, but some seemed pretty sharp so to speak. Kujaku gazed in marvel, hold the hilt of his own swords handle.

"If ya want yer blade sharpened.. I'll do it for free." Rorik said to Kujaku. He had noticed the young man had an eye for the best of his blades, and thought to honor his interest with a ceremonial sharpening. "I'll do it the way m pa taught me! Come on1=!" The older man goaded Kujaku.

"Alright then.." Kujaku said to rorik and pulled his blade out of the cloth tie he kept it sheathed in. With one hand he tossed it to Rorik. Rorik cuahgt it, exhibiting lithe in his old age. He pulled the blade out of it sheathe. "You take good care of it, it's sharpened." Rorik drew the blade all the wa out and twirled it around a bit. "Tell you what, I can rebend the spine of the blade for faster draws. More aerodynamic, but honestly you keep it so sharp I'm surprised."

Kujaku nodded to the man. "Very well. I'll be gone for some time, when I get back I will pay you for your kindness." Kujaku told Rorik. "My name is Kujaku Uchiha."

"Nice to meet ya Kujaku, but this is out of the kindness of my heart. You are most certainly someone I hope to draw to m shop one day, let me start our friendship out with a favor." Rorik put the sword back in it's sheathe.

"I suppose I can't say no, can I. Haha, okay Rorik." Kujaku searched the walls suddenly, he was looking for a clock. "I've got to go Rorik, I shall return." Kujaku bowed once more to the old man and dashed out the door, careful not to trip up on the step again.

Kujaku made his way back to the Akimichi lounge where his order was ready to be picked up. He left a generous tip and quickly hurried. Kujaku had just a small window of time when he could leave the village. He was being followed by NOVA black ops for part of the journey, so the rendevous was timed. Fortunately Kujaku had more than enough time to make it. He was waiting in a tree, sucking on a candy pill when the NOVA arrived. They didn't speak to him, but instead disappeared into the trees when he hopped out of his own tree. Kujaku assumed that meant they were going to follow him, and he took off. Walking past the village gates he was permitted exit with no problem and his adventure truly began.

The early adventure was normal, and safe. Kujaku used his sharingan to occasionally check and see if they were still following him. They were for quite a while but eventually they left his side one by one. As Kujaku passed the fifth village he was alone and he was hungry for some warm food. He had the time to eat some ramen so he stopped at the local ramen shop. After filling himself up, and relieving his bladder in a toilet, Kujaku continued on his path. He had quite a while to go before he reached the Hoshi base where Han Song had last been seen.

When he arrived to the Huwei military base near the border of Haven Country Kujaku was immediately met with military presence. They inspected his identification and then informed him that he had an appointment with the base administrator. Kujaku was happy to hear the base would be so helpful and was cohesive himself. As they traveled up a bunch of flights of stairs Kujaku made conversation with the military staff. They weren't shinobi's but Hoshigakure mercenaries from around Haven Country. Kujaku was interested to hear where they hailed from, but before he could ask the group arrived at the administrators office. "Here we are sir!" The officer told Kujaku and saluted him. "Feel free to step in."

Kujaku walked into the building and immediately noticed a different vibe than in the rest of the base. This room was painted red and there was a music box playing a thumping beat. Kujaku liked the tune, and tried not to dance as he stepped through the doorway. Kujaku looked around until he found someone, a young woman dancing with a life sized mannequin. Kujaku thought it most unusual but he didn't let that be known. Instead he greeted the administrator, "Hello Ms. I'm Kujaku Uchiha, investigating Han Songs disappearance."

The woman dropped the mannequin suddenly. "Oh lord, I' so sorry. I like this song." The officer was very strange, Kujaku could tell that. He looked at her and then the mannequin curiously.

Kujaku told the administrator, " It's nothing to worry about." He was already getting suspiscious of her. "I must hurry though, Han Songs life could depend on it. What did you summon me here for miss?" Kujaku stood tall with his hand gently draped down by his hip. His black leather pants shined in the sunlight that came in through the administrators window.

"Well you see. Han Song was acting very strange when he was here. Nervous, anxious, paranoid even. He wouldn't tell us why he was acting so strange, but he comes here twice a month. We know him well." Kujaku's suspiscion faded, a little bit.

"Han Song was scheduled to travel to Hoshigakure next with a list of prisoners of war. We believe that is why he might have been being followed. We noticed some fresh tracks around the base perimeters recently." The director looked very serious. Kujaku could sense  she was telling the truth. His trained eyes could detect hints of musculature as a person fibbed, and he saw nothing from the administrator. He suspicion was gone almost as fast as it came on.

"That's about all.. maybe ou can get a lead from that."

Kujaku nodded to the woman and assured him that he would do his best to find Mr. Han Song and exited the room. The officers of the base escorted Kujaku back out of the complex. There wsan't any small talk this time, Kujaku was busy going over the mission details he had just discovered.Kujaku wondered where Han Song had disappeared, and if it would be possible to pick up a trail. Nevertheless he left the complex and headed west. Kujaku was at a running speed now, eager to reach Han Song.

After traveling for two days Kujaku covered much ground and made it to the bridge where Han was suspected to have been kidnapped. Kujaku didn't find no signs of struggle, and using his sharingan eyes he checked for hidden chakra signature like traps or enemies waiting. There was nothing. All Kujaku could find were hanging willow tree branches and a few jugs of wine near the bottom of the bridge.

After quick deliberation Kujaku shined his sharingan eyes at the bridge and saw someone. They looked to be laying down and Kujaku could tell they were sleeping from the way their chakra was circulating. "A drunkard.." Kujaku thought to himself and walked forward. He thought it would be best to heck out who the person was, and if they maybe had any clue what happened to Han Song.

"Hello there!" Kujaku shouted, startling the bum from his sleep.

"Aiya!" The bum shouted and swung a knife hand chop in the air. "I'm dangerous I tell ya!" The bum exclaimed.

Kujaku wasn't impressed and in a flat tone he stated, "I'm Kujaku Uchiha. A ninja from Hoshigakure no Sato. I'm investigating the disappearance of a man named Han Song. Do you know anything?"

"Oh yeah, him. He just left a few days ago. We drank and drank for weeks, or was it months. Anyways he said he had important business to attend to. He went south of here." The bum laid back down.

Kujaku left the bridge and headed south like the bum said. He knew he was on the right track because there were camping grounds with fresh embers burning in them. Kujaku figured he was about two or three days behind Han Song, and fortunately he was definitely heading towards Hoshi. Kujaku was glad to see the travel was heading in the right direction.

Kujaku decided he wouldn't reveal himself to Han Son. It wasn't imperative to the mission, and it seemed like Han Son was back on the right track. Besides Kujaku wasn't exactly a snitch and he didn't want to reveal what Han Song had been doing. Kujaku eventually got real close to him and traveled at a close distance from him. Everything was safe and Han Song would arrive in the village of Hoshigakure soundly.

When Han Song got into the village Kujaku flashed his identification too, getting in just behind him. Han Song was easy to follow, he was about six feet four inches tall and built like an oak tree. A sturdy fella Kujaku was able to travel behind him at a distance as he made his way to his destination in Hoshigakure.

Once Han Song arrid where he was going Kujaku went back to the mission hall and turned his voucher in. He was questioned, but Kujaku simply said he was napping with a bum under a bridge for several months. Kujaku was no snitch. The official involved with the mission was satisfied, though she did suspect Kujaku was hiding a minor detail.

"Thanks for your honest.." she said as Kujaku left the mission hall.

WordCount: 2,103

Technique Training: 25% Max Stat Discount
Sharingan: Limitation Removal (Past Training) (1,875/1,875)
Chidori A Rank - Handseal Mastery(1,475/2,063)
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

Aristocrat Off Track Empty Re: Aristocrat Off Track

Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:57 pm

Just add the details for the mission next time
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