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Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

A Bone To Pick Empty A Bone To Pick

Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:02 pm
Silently, a gentle wind would whisper through the small and winding roads of Konoha. Wooshing through and between the people which flood and intermingle in the intermittent lanes, ever so patiently just going about their daily hustle, whatever said hustle may be. A distant shout, ”Extra! Extra! Read all about it…” With an insert of some generic newpaper title could be heard from a newsboy. Smells of freshly cooked pork, noodles, and all kinds of fried rice got wafted away from neighboring restaurants, their scents enticing to any around in need of a freshly cooked meal. Two people making some kind of deal off in the corner of an alleyway could be seen. All in all, these were just the many iterations of the experiences in which people were living through currently.

For Mikina, she too would be grinding away at becoming a better kunoichi. Countless smaller tasks and training sessions, albeit short and not very extreme or extraneous as of late, but regular busy work which can still be viewed as training in some sense of the word, had been went through by the snake charmer. While it wasn’t something to be going around bragging about, it was good enough to put her in a position to at least advance forward: her hustle today was getting a transplant.

It had already been planned in advance, so slithering through the back alleys like a garden snake darting through the green grass, young Miki would eventually find herself happening upon the hospital situated here in the Leaf. She were to meet with a man named Goto Senju there, apparently he possessed the organ in which she was currently seeking out, but someone else would be doing the transplant though. There was no mention as to who this was, but twas only a matter of time for the tale to be told. Walking in, the vixen draped in a black and green hoodie would check in at the desk; waiting to be directed to wherever she’d need to go.

WC: 337
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

A Bone To Pick Empty Re: A Bone To Pick

Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:27 pm
Another day, another surgery. Goto and Takara were waiting in the same room they spent most of their time these last couple of days, preparing themselves for yet another transplant procedure. "Looks like we're making quite the name for ourselves" the silver haired smiled at his little assistant. During Aokidanza's absence, the Senju made sure to keep her company, taking her under his wings even. A young girl her age needed a father figure and the Deputy didn't mind fulfilling that role. But for now they would wait for their next guest to arrive, one that was looking for a certain type of bloodline. 

(WC: 104)
Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

A Bone To Pick Empty Re: A Bone To Pick

Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:17 pm
After a few minutes in the waiting room, Miki would snap out of her light haze from starting to doze off a bit and be on her way up to the Doctor's office.

Hands clasped behind her back while she walked, with each subtle movement of her legs reverberating throughout the rest of her body. In through the door, the Copperhead of Konoha would inevitably come slithering in. And upon rounding it, she'd flit the pupils of her serpentine eyes to and fro between the two who were already present in the room. Her voice would actually enter the room before her though, being directed at the man with silvered hair. "So I take it you're the good Deputy, then? Don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. Mikina's the name." Then the attention would be redirected. "I also was unaware that it was bring your kid to work day, but such is the way of things. Unless she is your assistant, and in that case, good afternoon to you as well."

Once there would be a response back, she'd further draw inwards, being beckoned by whoever would speak up first. And once any pleasantries were out of the way and situated with, the Viperis would then go on to speak "So, straight to business then, shall we? I'm here hoping to gain a Kaguya organ. Their specific bloodline is all rather...interesting in my mind to say the least."

WC: 239
TWC: 576
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

A Bone To Pick Empty Re: A Bone To Pick

Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:09 pm
It appeared this one had quite the attitude, somewhat amusing to say the least. "Correct, if I had been the Hokage your tongue would have been removed by now". It seemed there were still people who didn't know Aokidanza's true nature and how he treated those rubbing him the wrong way, especially when it came to his family. Nevertheless, Goto would pay no mind, aware that the day of culling the herd would eventually come, by his hand if necessary. "Fifty thousand, surgery comes free". Should the Viperis accept, the young girl who always assisted him would prepare for the procedure.

First, she began by channeling medical chakra to her fingertips, gaining the ability to numb the pain that came with the procedure. Moving on, she then formed a small and sharp blue blade around her hand which would allow her to create a cut inside Mikina's body without actually piercing the skin. Doing so, the girl removed her kidney before replacing it with one belonging to the Kaguya clan. Once the swap was complete, her hands would glow a beautiful green, ready to speed up the healing process. "You'll feel groggy for a couple of minutes but it'll pass soon". With the surgery complete Takara moved back and disinfected the tools used for the procedure, allowing the Viperis some time to recover until the effects had worn off.

(WC: 229, TWC: 333)

--Chakra Anesthesia
--Chakra Scalpel
--Mystical Palm
Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

A Bone To Pick Empty Re: A Bone To Pick

Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:46 pm
"What can I say, I keep true to my clan's name by keeping my tongue and wits venomous. No serious harm meant of course." It was clear from demeanor; this wasn't a backpedal by any means. It was instead a disguised apology, covered by her own pride. For her response was well and true. Mikina took a great pride in the sarcastically biting comments. Sure, there was a time and place for them. Doesn't mean she wouldn't live and learn still though. Letting the moment pass though, the bukijutsu specialist would hear Goto's matter of payment. "Oh. That. Aoki didn't already tell you? The organ has previously been paid for. As for the surgery though, here's 15,000 in advance for each of you anyways." And she would then place 30,000 Ryo into two separate bags for both the Deputy and the Kage's daughter. What need would a girl that young have for money? Who knew. But unpaid work that took a refined amount of skill such as this was just bleugh. Not even something Miki could ever grow to tolerate to say the least.

With that out of the way, the surgery itself would go by relatively quickly. And with ease too thanks to the anesthetic. It was only a matter of moments after initially lying down, was she getting back up again. Seated upright, and taking a moment as the aforementioned grogginess would start to wash through. "Tsk. It's always that first wave that hits you like a train." But once the tide would finally settle, the lass would then be on her feet. "My thanks go out to the both of you. Anything else then that needs to be squared away here or that I should know?"

WC: 289
TWC: 867
Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

A Bone To Pick Empty Re: A Bone To Pick

Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:29 pm
Mid Thread Claim:

+1 Transplanted Kaguya Kidney
-30,000 Ryo (New Ryo Total: 38,000)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

A Bone To Pick Empty Re: A Bone To Pick

Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:48 pm
Mikina Viperis wrote:Mid Thread Claim:

+1 Transplanted Kaguya Kidney
-30,000 Ryo (New Ryo Total: 38,000)

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