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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Monster House - Page 2 Empty Re: Monster House

Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:54 am
Man Ryuko you saw a nice ghost, I wish one of them had warned me about the bad one. I entered a room to have an old man ghost come out of a picture and try to kick my ass. That's how the house got set on fire. Alive or dead no way an old guy is kicking my ass” Travin would tell the others after Ryuko had mentioned a female ghost whispering for him to leave. After which the demolition crew would arrive and give the party some praise before setting their fuinjutsu charges. Once everyone was back away from the old mansion they would activate their charges, and Travin would watch as the entire mansion erupted into a blaze of glory for a few seconds before burning down into a pile of ash.

Once the mansion was finished burning Travin noticed some people chanting some stuff walking up to them. Every person in the group had some strange mark on their forehead. Activating his Sharingan Travin could see the marks giving off a glow of chakra, and a thick line of chakra leading back up into the mountains out of the village. About the time Lucian asked if he could see anything with his Sharingan. “There is a line of chakra coming off of them up into the mountain, don’t knock them out at first or the chakra line will vanish, give me ten minutes, and then after which if you can’t break them out probably will be best to knock them out.” Travin would tell the others, as Ryuko grabbed Lucians arm and pulled him to the crowd. “Alright Lucid, keep up and watch my back. Let's go see where this chakra is coming from” Travin would add as he took off towards the mountains.

Assuming that Lucid followed Travin would lead them through the city jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Till they came to the village wall, but without a beat Travin jumped to the wall leaning back and landing feet first on the wall using the surface walking jutsu to continue to run up the wall. “Once we are out of the village keep your eyes peeled, I have not mastered my Sharingan yet, and will be mostly focused on not falling while following the line of the chakra. If anything comes out to try and attack us, I'm going to trust you to deal with it before it gets to me.” Travin would tell Lucid, before they got to the tip of the wall. Once they made it to the tip Travin would jump from the top of the wall and land on the side of the mountain. There was a clearing up a little ways further he knew, but was far too high for anyone to jump down into the village from and live, or not be seen at the least. It wouldn’t take the two to make it to the top, and Travin was hoping that Lucid was not all talk and could defend them as he followed the line of chakra. He was pushing their pace to his own limit, due to the time restraint on finding the chakra output. He didn’t know how things were going back in the village with Lucid and Ryuko, but if this was some kind of juinjutsu someone had placed on them powered by something or someone up here Travin would need to find out. Before they managed to get their hands on a properly trained shinobi of Kumo. If that happened they would be able to cause all kinds of problems.

Once they were at the clearing Travin saw that there was nothing really hanging around up here except for the line of chakra leading into a cave. It was about that time that the chakra line ended and there was nothing left to follow, but he had a lead and the line of chakra was going into the cave. “That cave is where the chakra was coming from. Let's check it out and see what is going on, be quiet, we don't know what we are walking into.” Travin would tell Lucid as he made his way towards the cave. However, the cave was not very big or at least they couldn’t get very far into the cave, as around 15 meters into the cave the duo would come across a large steel door. Checking it out Travin would find no way into the door, but would be able to figure out that whatever or whoever was behind this was most likely behind the door. “Check the door you see anyway to get in, we will have to report this back to the village, but the more info we can give the better” Travin tells Lucid. Once they were both done looking at the door Travin would head back telling Lucid "let's go let the others know what we have found and check and make sure Lucid and Ryuko didn’t lose a fight to civilians cause I would never let them live that down.” He would have a massive smile on his face as he thought about it.

WC-957 TWC-2,336
Stat Page : Unsworn Cut
Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12750

Monster House - Page 2 Empty Re: Monster House

Tue Apr 04, 2023 9:42 pm
Lucid was glad to see how things were progressing as he and the others gathered outside. He would keep an eye on the scene and see the demolition crew arriving and doing what they did. Seeing a blank face from Ryoko, he turned his head around to hear a chant about strange people with strange marks on their foreheads. The group was tasked with splitting up and taking on different responsibilities. He nodded at Lucian. He knew this was a strange experience for him, but he tagged along with Travin to see what was going on. It was left to him to investigate with Travin what was happening while the other two were tasked with detaining the crowds.

He kept up with Travin from roof-top to roof-top, as they both encountered a village wall. As Travin pulled up the surface walking jutsu, he followed him as he ran toward the wall. Despite not having flawless eyes, Lucid kept his eyes open at all costs, even if he never had flawless vision. In response to Travin, concerned about attacks coming through, he would say, "You got it." As he and Travin pursued the chakra line, he knew it was a difficult task to focus on. He never understood why he had to deal with whatever was appearing. If there weren't any, he didn't care, but accepted it either way.

The Iburi nodded back to his partner's words as they approached a cave led by a chakra line.  Despite the noise, Lucid acknowledged Travin's words as the best treatment was always in silence and not making any noises without any issues or so. Additionally, they are not making enough noise between them. It was then that both of them came across a large steel door that blocked the door as they were fifteen meters in. "It seems something is blocking its way from the inside." He would kneel on his knees and open his eyes for any clue. Inspecting whatever he finds. He patted the steel door, curious for clues. Despite his best efforts, he could not discover the reason behind the large steel door. As he stood up, he and Travin returned to Lucian and Ryoko. Lucid wasn't a detective but he hoped whatever they discovered would be significant. 

"That could not happen, but it sure would be funny if it did." He would smile responding to Travin, making his way with his hands in his pockets to where Ryoko and Lucian were along-side Travin.

TWC: 1618
Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12750

Monster House - Page 2 Empty Re: Monster House

Wed Apr 05, 2023 7:41 am
Within an instant the plan had been decided. Ryuko and Lucian would take on the challenge of establishing order amongst the disorderly protestors; which meant that Travin and Lucid would spearhead the investigation of the long distance chakra cast upon the protestors. And truthfully, Lucian was more than fine with how the teams were split. Usually him and Travin would perform all of their missions together, which allowed for the pair to have a deep understanding of how the other would act. However, this was not practical. It would always be the two of them against the world. And in the pragmatic sense, it would more often be the case where they'd be paired with others. And so Lucian figured that with this opportunity, he would get a chance to see the abilities of Ryuko in action and gain an understanding of the perspective that this genin had. With his arm was grabbed and pulled with Ryuko's momentum, he'd momentarily be caught off balance with the initial force but would stabilize himself and run alongside Ryuko.

Internally he laughed at Ryuko's displeasure with Lucid, as the two seemed to have been poking and jabbing at each other since all four genin met up. Externally, he bore a slight smile in reflection of how humorous the ordeal was. Regardless though this smile only lasted for a few seconds, as Lucian then began to focus on the task at hand once they stopped a meter in front of the angry mob. He'd take the few seconds to analyze their demeanor. In that time, Lucian had counted that there were about 20 in the mob. They all seemed to be moving in perfect unison, from their chanting down to the slight swaying in place they had. It was unnatural, really. But before Lucian could inquire on this observation, Ryuko spoke up and to a powerful degree. And truthfully everything he said, including the way he said it, was exactly how the Goka would have gone about it. He offered a nod alongside a charming smile, signifying his alignment with Ryuko's decree. However the crowd was unamused. 

Upon Ryuko issuing the last word of his speech, all of the pedestrians' attention shifted to Ryuko. Almost as if they had been broken from their trance which was focused on the house and now redirected to a united, irate gaze that was centered on the genin. "Uhh, Ryuko...Something tells me they have no intention of complying..." Lucian would let out with a rather ironic tone. And right as he said this, each pedestrian would cock back their dominant hands which held their pitch forks and torches, and hurl them directly at Lucian and Ryuko. Given the short distance between the two parties, there was little time to react. But Lucian would instinctively perform a series of hand seals followed by a clap. Within the millisecond that followed an electromagnetic wave of chakra would emit from Lucian, harmlessly phasing through Ryuko before colliding into the number of thrown projectiles in the air. The field would debuff the speed of all the projectiles, which would halt their momentum, extinguish their flames, and cause them all to harmlessly fall to the ground a half meter in front of Lucian and Ryuko. The chakra field would dematerialize right after and the battlefield would fall silent for only a second.

In that time, Lucian would call out to his teammate. "Ryuko! Get ready!"

And then Lucian would leap into action. He'd burst towards the crowd, running over top of the fallen projectiles and straight for the crowd. And once he was close enough, he'd ball up a fist and launch a point blank Taijutsu Puncture wave which bisected the crowd. 10 would dodge the attack and go to the left, while 10 would dodge the attack and go to the right. If Ryuko was observant and opportunistic, he would take this moment to handle the group on the left while Lucian dealt with the other half. The plan was simple, divide and conquer. And although Lucian didn't want to harm the group, he did need to destabilize them entirely. And the best way he figured to do that was to render them unconscious. As he now ventured into the group of ten on the right, the civilians within it would throw a series of kicks and punches towards Lucian. His sheer speed made it quite easy to react, dodging each attempt of striking him. And amongst these dodges, he'd perform six hand seals before materializing a sizeable scorch orb which formed directly overtop of his position. With a telepathic command, the orb would collide into the crowd of 10. He would not detonate the orb, as he didn't want the residual splash damage of it to interfere with Ryuko's plans or the surrounding environment. But when the orb came into contact with himself and the 10 civilians, he'd remain immune to its damage while simultaneously desiccating each of the 10 foes in front of them. With successful contact, Lucian dispelled the orb and looked upon the battlefield at each fallen citizen. They were physically unharmed and free of any burns, though internally they'd be extremely dehydrated and drained of most of the water within their bodies. Lucian manipulated the degree of the technique so that it wouldn't kill or harm them, but only incapacitate the members. And so what would remain would be ten immobile bodies lying on the ground, quelled of any hostilities and consciousness. 

Lucian then directed his attention over to Ryuko, who seemed to have his situation under control at the same time that he himself had. In the moment that ensued after, one of the demolition team's representatives would run over to Lucian. "Hey man, thanks for handling that. I'm going to run up to the hospital and have them send over a crew to deal with these civilians." The genin would just nod in response as the crew member ran off to complete his plan.

Following this, Lucian looked over to Ryuko and offered his fellow genin a fist bump. "Nice work, it was tricky but we managed." Around a few minutes later Lucid and Travin should arrive on the scene. And when they would, this would be the same time that the emergency response team from the hospital would start collecting the unconscious bodies and carrying them to the hospital. Lucian would sort of shrug, with a juvenile look of innocence upon his face. "Yeah you guys missed a lot. I got a little carried away...But what's important is that the missions are completed. I'm going to go to the mission board and office to inform them of our work here. Feel free to join me if you guys like."

And with that being said, unless anyone interrupted him, Lucian would depart from the mansion's premises and head to the mission office either with his comrades or by himself.

WC = 1154. TWC = 3686

Claiming Below Mission Rewards:
- 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
- 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
- 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP
- 7,500 Ryo / 38 AP
New Ryo Total = 16,500 + 21,500 = 38,000
New AP Total = 1020 + 108 = 1128

25% Max Stat Discount on Below
- 506 WC to Mastering Taijutsu Puncture for Power (1312.5/1312.5); previously trained here
- 750 WC to Leaf Rising Wind, C (750/750)
- 2062.5 WC to Supernova, A (2062.5/2062.5)
- 187.5 WC to Genjutsu Release (187.5/187.5)
- 180 WC to Mastering Genjutsu Release for Hand Seals (180/187.5)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Monster House - Page 2 Empty Re: Monster House

Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:20 am
Ryuko Akari
Ryuko Akari
Stat Page : The Blue Star
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Monster House - Page 2 Empty Re: Monster House

Wed Apr 05, 2023 11:53 am

Silence had fell upon the group as the Rising Star spoke but it was after Lucian had pointed out one key, important fact that their fates had been sealed. His white pupil would focus on the crowd as they focused on him for a moment and he could sense their intentions. Hell he could see it beaming off of them as he flexed his fingers slightly to crack each individual knuckle on the before smiling," So you have elected the way of pain then...well the disclaimer was given," but before the shinobi could react the group did first. Moving their bodies into combat position as they began to strike, Lucian would counter by utilizing some form of electromagnetic pulse, it caused them to drop their pitchforks and torches. Seeing this as a prime opportunity he watched as one of the torches began to fall not but a meter from him which caused him to instinctively reach for it. Tracing the trajectory with his eyes perfectly he would snatch it from the air and began to bash each and every cultist in his path. Lucian did not even have to mention to get ready as he jumped into the fray with a smile," You don't have to tell me twice!!!," another body went down as he continued to swing the torch as if it was a weapon. He aimed for non-vital areas to make sure he did not kill anyone but for those that would try to end him, they would find that he was far more adept with a weapon than they were.

Dodging to the left he would avoid two of the arms that were poised to go for his throat and arms to immobilize him, trying to make sure the bastard kid did not take anymore of their group out but did they forget that he was a shinobi? A grin came onto his face as he jumped into the air and spun slightly while grabbing another torch and smack two in the head dropping them as he landed on their bodies and continue to go to work. While he was working close range he was also making sure that Lucian did not get cornered but he knew that his rival would be able to take care of himself. The fighting lasted for a while as the two dealt with the group as best they could and when the last body dropped to the ground he would drop the torches and push his hair back just a bit before taking a small breathe of air," Are these people stupid to think they can hold a candle to us? They should have taken the warning and left instead of trying to attack us. None the less good thinking on your feet Lucian. You might make my best rival yet," looking at the fist for a moment he would post the most shit eating grin as he returned the fist bump before looking back over to the group. Whatever they had to gain from protecting this place would now only be seen from behind the bars of a cell at the prison. Maybe they would be able to get some information out of them in regards to whatever their motives truly were.

As the other two came back and reported their side, Ryuko would begin to slowly tie his hair up into its usual bun not really giving a two cents to their side of the situation since they had missed out on quite the brawl. Sucks to be them he supposed. Lucian had offered to go back to the mission board in order to inform them of their success and to finally take a break.

WC: 617
TWC: 2588


- 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
- 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
- 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP
- 7,500 Ryo / 38 AP

Claiming 25 Stats
1,000 words to learn Light Release
1,000 words to learn Adolla Link
588 words toward Lightness Skill
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Monster House - Page 2 Empty Re: Monster House

Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:14 pm
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Monster House - Page 2 Empty Re: Monster House

Thu Apr 06, 2023 3:44 pm
Travin would make his way back to the group with Lucid in tow behind him. Taking the same route back that they took to the metal door in the cave. He was happy that they didn’t have to fight anyone on the way there as it would have been a close call seeing how they just made it to the cave when the chakra line vanished. If that had happened before they had made it to the top of the clearing they would have never found the place. However, the door did not set right with Travin and something told him that they would need to investigate that door later as well. Whatever had caused the people to rise up against the tearing down of that old mansion had something to do with that door, but they didn’t have the tools or the go ahead to get into the door yet either.

Crossing over the rooftop Travin could see Lucian and Ryuko standing in the streets as the emergency medical staff was rushing in to treat the people. Landing beside the two “Looks like you two had to go a little hard on the people huh. I figured that a taijutsu specialist and weapon specialist would be able to handle themselves in close combat without having to burn people” Travin would tell the two. His face clearly showed that he was simply giving them a hard time. Looking around at the carnage the two had caused among the people, he figured that it was probably needed at the time to get the job done. “We tracked the line of chakra down to the mountain pass clearing up above the walls. Inside one of the caves up there is a metal door, we will need to let the others know and probably go back and investigate that door as well. Once they were done being debriefed” Travin would tell mostly Lucian as he was sorta acting like team captain at the moment.

Travin listened to Lucian tell them that if they wanted they could accompany him back for the debriefing and then after they could probably go and get some much needed rest after their long night that flowed into the day. “Sure why not, I’ll be able to point out where we found the metal door up there on the map, and then after we could all go and get some chicken from that new place that opened up” Travin would tell the others as he got in line to head out with Lucian.

WC-424 TWC-2,760
- 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
- 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
- 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP
- 7,500 Ryo / 38 AP

27 Stats 25 Chakra 2 Speed
2,500 WC to Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden
250 WC to Gen Release
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Monster House - Page 2 Empty Re: Monster House

Thu Apr 06, 2023 4:23 pm
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